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益生菌在酸乳中的应用已非常普遍,将Lactobacillus casei Zhang单独(样品A)以及与Bifidobacterium lactis V9复合(样品B),同酸乳发酵剂(G027)共同发酵益生菌酸乳,于4℃贮藏21 d。结果表明,整个贮藏期间2组样品间的黏度和持水性差异不显著;贮藏期间2组样品间L.casei Zhang的活菌数没有差异,且L.casei Zhang和B.lactis V9的活菌数不随贮藏时间而降低;L.casei Zhang和B.lactis V9复合益生菌酸奶感官评价优于单独添加L.casei Zhang酸乳。L.casei Zhang和B.lactis V9复合添加,更适合于益生菌酸乳的生产。 相似文献
以L.casei Zhang和B.lactis V9为发酵菌株制备活性乳酸菌饮料,评价2株益生菌对活性乳酸菌饮料感官品质的影响及在货架期内的存活稳定性,为L.casei Zhang和B.lactis V9在产品中的应用提供基础数据。研究结果显示,利用L.casei Zhang单独发酵制备活性乳酸菌饮料的最适添加量为1.0×107CFU/g,4℃28 d贮藏期内保持高于3.0×108CFU/g水平;最佳复配发酵组合为L.casei Zhang+B.animalis V9(1∶1,2.0×107CFU/g),4℃28 d贮藏期内样品中总的益生菌活菌数保持5.0×108CFU/g以上,且在口感和滋气味方面感官评价分值最高;B.animalis V9与L.casei Zhang共同发酵发生协同效应,B.animalis V9的添加可促进L.casei Zhang的增殖,且有利于改善L.casei Zhang单株发酵样品的感官品质。 相似文献
将Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp.bulgaricus ND02(LB-ND02)和Streptococcus thermophilus ND03(ST-ND03)按1∶1、1∶10、1∶100、1∶1000接种于脱脂乳中,同时接入益生菌Bifidobacterium lactis V9(B.lactis V9,接种量为2.0×107g-1),于42℃进行发酵。通过对发酵及贮藏过程中发酵乳指标的测定,评价LB-ND02和ST-ND03的接种比例对发酵乳品质的影响。结果表明,随着LB-ND02接种比例减小,凝乳时间显著延长,B.lactis V9活菌数显著提高。4℃贮藏28 d后,随LB-ND02接种比例减小,B.lactis V9存活率差异显著,后酸化也显著减弱。研究发现,LB-ND02和ST-ND03的接种比例,显著影响发酵乳的发酵时间、B.lactis V9活菌数、后酸化及黏度。 相似文献
以L.casei Zhang和B.lactis V9为研究对象,评价其发酵特性及对发酵乳品质的影响。研究结果显示,4℃下贮藏21 d,L.casei Zhang和B.lactis V9的添加对发酵乳的p H值、滴定酸度(TA)、黏度和持水性基本无影响;L.casei Zhang和B.lactis V9在发酵乳中存活稳定;B.lactis V9的添加可促进L.casei Zhang的增殖,同时可进一步改善L.casei Zhang发酵乳的气味和风味。 相似文献
研究Bifidobacterium lactis V9(B.lactis V9)与双歧杆菌B在脱脂乳粉中不同温度条件下存活稳定性,并以Arrhenius方程反映温度与菌体损失率之间关系,预测B.lactis V9与双歧杆菌B相关乳粉产品货架期内菌体损失情况。结果表明,B.lactis V9与双歧杆菌B随温度升高,菌体损失率增大。两菌株在37℃贮藏28 d后,活菌数下降最明显,约两个数量级,且在不同贮藏温度下活菌数随时间变化情况无显著性差异。通过Arrhenius方程和菌体递减模型,建立了B.lactis V9和双歧杆菌B在不同温度下货架期预测模型,该模型可以较好的预测含B.lactis V9和双歧杆菌B乳粉产品在某一温度下菌体损失率和货架期寿命。 相似文献
益生菌活菌数是益生菌产品最重要的指标,而检测益生菌方法的准确性和科学性则至关重要.本文采用荧光定量PCR法同时定量检测益生菌饮料中Lactobacillus casei Zhang(L.casei Zhang)和Bifidobacterium lactis V9(B.lactis V9)的活菌数,并与平板菌落计数法进行比较.结果表明,荧光定量PCR法测得L.casei Zhang活菌数与平板菌落计数法测得活菌数差异不显著;而采用荧光定量PCR法测得B.lactis V9活菌数显著高于平板菌落计数法.荧光定量PCR法灵敏、特异、简便快速,可定量检测并真实反应L.casei Zhang和B.lactis V9的活菌数. 相似文献
益生菌Lactobacillus casei Zhang对酸奶风味、质地及感官特性的影响 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
将益生菌Lactobacillus casei Zhang(Lb. casei Zhang)以1.0×107g-1的添加量与商业酸奶发酵荆YC-X11共同接种进行发酵乳制备.发酵结束(pH=4.5)于4℃冷藏24 h后,分别测定发酵乳样品的酸度、黏度、脱水收缩性、挥发性风味物质、L.delbrueckii subsp.Bulgaricus、S.thermophilus和Lb.casei Zhang活菌数及对其进行感官鉴评.结果表明.Lb.casei Zhang对发酵乳样品的酸度、黏度、脱水收缩性、S.ther-mophilus活菌数无影响(P>0.05),可促进L.delbrueckii subsp.Bulgaricus生长(P<0.05),并使酸奶样品中挥发性风味物质总的质量分数提高17.1%.从而总体上提高发酵乳的感官品质.同时Lb.casei Zhang在发酵乳中具有良好的稳定性.因而益生菌Lb.casei Zhang与商业酸奶发酵剂YC-X11复配进行发酵乳生产具有极大的可行性. 相似文献
实验分析了综合产品配方和工艺条件对冷冻酸奶冰淇淋产品活菌数以及感官的影响情况,实验从发酵剂的筛选、配方中固形物的添加、凝冻工艺等几方面分别进行讨论,通过测定产品中的活菌数,同时对产品感官进行综合评分,最终确定当嗜热链球菌、保加利亚乳杆菌、嗜酸乳杆菌、副干酪乳杆菌以250∶25∶55∶33的添加比例作为复配发酵剂进行发酵后,发酵效果最好。该发酵条件下,产品配方最佳干物质含量为35%,为了保证终产品的活菌数,凝冻过程采用连续凝冻工艺。经过上述配方和工艺调整后,使得终产品最终活菌数可达到107cfu/g以上,同时,30名感官品评人员对产品的组织细腻程度,香味纯正程度的打分可达到8.4分。该结论可为益生菌酸奶冰淇淋的开发提供较好的理论依据。 相似文献
The effect of four inoculation levels of Lactobacillus casei Zhang (0.001, 0.01, 0.1 and 1.0 g/100 g) on the fermentation characteristics of set-style yogurt, and the changes in viable counts of lactic acid bacteria, pH value, syneresis, apparent viscosity, sugar and organic acid contents were determined during fermentation and storage over 21 days. The presence of 0.001 to 0.01 g/100 g L. casei Zhang did not affect the growth of the yogurt strains, and the yogurt inoculated with 0.00 1 g/100 g of L. casei Zhang had the highest apparent viscosity among the samples. However, a high inoculated level of L. casei Zhang (1.0 g/100 g) resulted in yogurts with inferior quality. 相似文献
The objective of this study was to evaluate the survival of two probiotic micro-organisms, Lactobacillus casei Shirota and Bifidobacterium animalis subspp . lactis , in a milk-based dessert (2.7% fat) with cranberry sauce added. B. lactis had a final concentration of 1.99 × 106 cfu/g after 21 days of study, with a logarithmic decrease of 8.87%. On other hand, L. casei Shirota had a final concentration of 2.05 × 107 cfu/g at the end of the same period, a logarithmic decrease of 8.41%. Statistical analysis showed that significant differences existed between both micro-organisms and over various storage times, the more viable micro-organism being L. casei Shirota , which decreased less than one logarithmic cycle after 21 days. 相似文献
NASRIN MOAYEDNIA MOHAMAD R EHSANI ZAHRA EMAMDJOMEH AMIR F MAZAHERI 《International Journal of Dairy Technology》2009,62(2):204-208
The viability of Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium lactis in fermented milks A, B and AB, containing respectively these strains separately and mixed, was studied over 21 days of storage at 5°C. Samples were analysed for titratable acidity and viable cell counts of probiotics. Milks A and AB showed post-acidification mainly due to the β-galactosidase activity of L. acidophilus . Generally, the viability of the probiotics decreased during storage, whereas, in some cases, the proteoletic activity of L. acidophilus resulted in a higher survival rate of the probiotics even with the adverse effects of low temperature and organic acids. 相似文献
QI ZHOU JICHENG WANG ZHUANG GUO LIYA YAN QING ZHANG WEI CHEN XIAO-MING LIU HE-PING ZHANG 《International Journal of Dairy Technology》2009,62(2):249-254
The fermentation characteristics of Lactobacillus casei Zhang in mare milk and transit tolerance during refrigerated storage for 28 days were evaluated. There were no dramatic changes in the viable counts of L. casei Zhang in the fermented mare milk samples during storage at various inoculation levels. L. casei Zhang showed good tolerance to the simulated transit juice and maintained high viability in mare milk (above 108 cfu/g) during storage. Our results showed that L. casei Zhang had good probiotic properties, and suggest that mare milk could serve as the vehicle for the delivery of L. casei Zhang. 相似文献
HAROLDO MAGARIÑOS SADE SELAIVE MARCIA COSTA MIRTZA FLORES OLIVIA PIZARRO 《International Journal of Dairy Technology》2007,60(2):128-134
The purpose of this research was to determine the survival of two probiotic micro-organisms in ice creams (4% fat). The micro-organisms were Lactobacillus acidophilus La-5 and Bifidobacterium animalis subsp . lactis Bb-12 . To meet this objective, an ice cream mixture was formulated and subjected to three treatments. Treatment 1 was inoculated with L. acidophilus , treatment 2 with B. lactis and the third treatment was inoculated with a mixture of both bacteria inoculated in 1 : 1 proportions. The inoculation was with 4% culture for each treatment. The final products were stored at −25°C for 60 days. The ice cream inoculated with L. acidophilus had a final concentration of 2 × 10 6 cfu/g and the survival rate was 87%. The treatment inoculated with B. lactis had a final concentration of 9 × 10 6 cfu/g, with a logarithmic decrease of 10%. When both micro-organisms were inoculated together, the survival rate was 86%. 相似文献
《Journal of dairy science》2021,104(10):10528-10539
The growth behaviors and metabolomic profiles in yogurts induced by multistrain probiotics of Lactobacillus casei Zhang (LCZ) and Bifidobacterium lactis V9 (V9) at the fermentation termination and 10 d of storage at 4°C under different fermentation temperatures (37°C and 42°C) were compared using metabolomics based on liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. The growths of LCZ and V9 were affected by fermentation temperatures; the viable cell density of LCZ was higher at 37°C than that at 42°C; however, V9 was higher at 42°C. Multistrain probiotics had higher contribution to the changes in volatile and nonvolatile metabolomic profiles at 42°C than those at 37°C. At fermentation termination, there were 2 common enriched pathways increased by multistrain probiotics at 37°C and 42°C, which were biosynthesis of peptides and amino- and nucleotide-sugar metabolism. At 10 d of storage, 4 common increased enriched pathways were alanine, aspartate and glutamate metabolism; tyrosine metabolism; valine, leucine, and isoleucine degradation; and valine, leucine, and isoleucine biosynthesis. This work provided a detailed insight into different effects of different multistrain probiotics of LCZ and V9 fermentation temperatures on the growth behaviors and volatile and nonvolatile metabolomic profiles of yogurts. 相似文献
Effect of milk base and starter culture on acidification,texture, and probiotic cell counts in fermented milk processing 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
In the present work, the compared effect of milk base and starter culture on acidification, texture, growth, and stability of probiotic bacteria in fermented milk processing, was studied. Two strains of probiotic bacteria were used, Lactobacillus acidophilus LA5 and L. rhamnosus LR35, with two starter cultures. One starter culture consisted only of Streptococcus thermophilus ST7 (single starter culture); the other was a yogurt mixed culture with S. thermophilus ST7 and L. bulgaricus LB12 (mixed starter culture). For the milk base preparation, four commercial dairy ingredients were tested (two milk protein concentrates and two casein hydrolysates). The resulting fermented milks were compared to those obtained with control milk (without enrichment) and milk added with skim milk powder. The performance of the two probiotic strains were opposite. L. acidophilus LA5 grew well on milk but showed a poor stability during storage. L. rhamnosus LR35 grew weakly on milk but was remarkably stable during storage. With the strains tested in this study, the use of the single starter culture and the addition of casein hydrolysate gave the best probiotic cell counts. The fermentation time was of about 11 h, and the probiotic level after five weeks of storage was greater than 106 cfu/ml for L. acidophilus LA5 and 10(7) cfu/ml for L. rhamnosus LR35. However, an optimization of the level of casein hydrolysate added to milk base has to be done, in order to improve texture and flavor when using this dairy ingredient. 相似文献