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Discusses steps the United States needs to take to strengthen current global initiatives. If U.S. policymakers want the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) and the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BWC) to be effective threat-reduction mechanisms, they must replace rhetoric with action. In this age, the United States government can ill afford to neglect any mechanism that has a constructive role to play in lowering the threat that nations or terrorists might obtain and unleash chemical and biological weapons. This article outlines several steps that the United States can take in the near term to put the BWC and the CWC on stronger footing. Otherwise, the United States will have to shoulder the lion's share of the blame for the weakened status of these treaties  相似文献   

The COVID-19 pandemic has nonlinear impacts. These impacts have collaterally affected systems such as economic and energy. The fragility of these systems has also been shown, including the electric system. In Mexico, the weakness of dependence on US fuels, of the transmission system, and the management reduction of one of the most crucial state companies in Mexico, the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE), was evidenced. The changes during the COVID-19 pandemic were the decrease in electric demand and consumption. This prevented the transmission nodes from saturating, although about 15% of the energy generated was still lost. Private companies, which own most of the intermittent renewable generation, and natural gas have been favored by the changes during the COVID-19 pandemic, generation sources such as wind aand solar have had a noticeable increase, because of the 2013 energy reform that created an electricity market in which private companies and the state company started to compete. On the other hand, during the 2020 winter, natural gas imported mostly from the United States had volatile prices, considerably increasing its cost, and putting the combined cycle generation at risk. This technology represents around 60% of the generation, and its primary owners are private companies. This situation led to great discussions in the current administration, thus originating an electricity reform in which the state company wants to have control again. This paper opens the debate on whether the Mexican electricity system should continue with the same generation pattern or make substantial changes that benefit the country's energy security, distributed generation, and the relationship between the state company and the Mexican electricity system.  相似文献   

The safety of U.S. citizens and the global consumers of U.S. food products is at significant risk. Approximately 76 million people in the United States contract an illness from consuming contaminated food products each year, 325,000 of these victims require hospitalization, and approximately 5,000 die from their illness [1]. Contaminated food product incidents from 2006 to the present highlight the severity of this risk. The spinach Escherichia coli (E. coli) outbreak in 2006, the iceberg lettuce E. coli outbreak at Taco Bell restaurants in 2006, the peanut butter salmonella outbreak in 2007, the contaminated pet food outbreak in 2007, and the nationwide salmonella outbreak initially thought to have been caused by contaminated tomatoes in 2008 caused widespread national concern and demanded that the U.S. Government should adopt a national approach for ensuring U.S. food product safety. With approximately one in four U.S. consumers contracting illnesses from contaminated food products annually, the United States must develop and use a national food product safety management enterprise architecture (EA) to protect this critical national infrastructure industry.  相似文献   

The article presents the case filed before the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (CAFC) in the recent case of Union Carbide v. Shell regarding US patent infringement by activities in a foreign country. The case involved a patented method for making the industrial chemical ethylene oxide using silver-based catalysts. The seven-year patent infringement suit that ensued saw the victory of Union Carbide after two jury trials. However, the trial judge had said that Union Carbide was not entitled to any damages for Shell's sales of catalysts to its foreign customers. Union Carbide felt that such damages were proper because the only use for Shell's catalysts was to practice Union Carbide's patented method. Both at trial and on appeal, Union Carbide based its claim on a section of the Patent Laws [Section 271(f)], which Congress had enacted in 1984 in response to another court fight about offshore infringement. This section, in relevant part, i.e., 271(f)(2), provides that it is an act of infringement to supply "any component of a patented invention" from the United States with the intent that the component will be employed (combined) outside the United States in a manner that would infringe if done in the United States, if the component is 1) especially adapted for use in the invention and 2) not a staple article or commodity of commerce suitable for a substantial noninfringing use. Before the Union Carbide case, Section 271(f)(2) had been limited to apparatus and composition patents. Union Carbide wanted to extend its scope to method patents. The Union Carbide case is another example of the shrinking size of the world. Courts respond to changing realities, and with the global marketplace and outsourcing, one can expect that offshore infringement will become an increasingly common issue faced by patent owners and the infringers they sue.  相似文献   

What will be the impact of WEC2000 (Engineering Criteria 2000) on the humanities and social sciences (HSS) component in engineering and computer science curricula in the United States? The criteria relevant to HSS in EC20001 require that graduates of engineering programs have: 1) an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility; 2) an ability to communicate effectively; 3) the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context; 4) and a knowledge of contemporary issues. This article poses the same basic question that Gianniny (1982) did: why are the humanities and social sciences regarded with such ambivalence today by engineering educators?.  相似文献   

The realization of the solar power satellite (SPS) concept holds great promise for solving energy crises and improving the lot of mankind. However, it is increasingly clear that the development of SPS systems with microwave power transmission (MPT), along with the resolution of environmental issues, will be a global endeavor. It is also clear that the increasingly global economy means that sources of key components for advanced technology, with low-cost manufacturing, are outside the United States and, indeed, often in the underdeveloped parts of the world. The activities of ICES and the IEEE become very relevant in achieving the goal of rational, international safe exposure standards, as well as international consensus on regulation of RFI, such as through the (CISPR/IEC).  相似文献   

张宁  薛美美  吴潇雨  代红才  张运洲  刘林  张栋 《中国电力》2021,54(2):113-119,155
当前全球能源转型正处于加速推进时期,各国转型进程呈现出一定的差异化特征.基于对能源转型发展方向的剖析,提出涵盖能源结构、能源效率、能源安全、能源价格4个维度的能源转型评价指标体系.在此基础上,对中国、美国、德国、法国、日本、韩国等主要国家能源转型情况进行对比分析,进而提出对中国能源转型的结论与启示.  相似文献   

In November 2001, Cape Wind Associates, a Boston-based energy development firm, began the permitting application process with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to build the first offshore wind farm in the United States. The historical context and significance of the application, and of its continuing review process, is profound. On a global level looms ever-increasing evidence and recognition of the impacts of fossil fuel use and of resulting climate change. There is, correspondingly, increased urgency to develop renewable energy sources. And the world's demand for energy, especially in developing countries, continues to soar. Unlike the United States, Europe's response to the threat of global climate change has been to ratify the international Kyoto treaty on reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. To achieve its targets under Kyoto, Europe has turned primarily to wind energy.  相似文献   

随着经济发展,中国能源安全尤其是油气安全为我们提出了一系列值得思考的问题.深刻分析中国的能源现状、战略措施以及存在问题,在与欧美、日本、巴西、印度等国的能源发展战略和能源替代成效进行比较分析的基础上,结合我国实际情况,提出了中国“自主与安全”的能源发展战略,建议中国能源替代的重点应该是油气,呼吁培育、使用生物天然气和建设本土的绿色油田和绿色气田,并给出了中国能源替代的措施和方法.  相似文献   

胡源  薛松  张寒  张桦  冯昕欣  唐程辉  林毅  郑鹏 《中国电力》2021,54(10):204-210
2019年以来,委内瑞拉、阿根廷、美国、印尼、英国等多国相继发生多起大停电事故,电网安全成为各方关注的焦点与舆论热点。通过梳理近30年138件主要大停电事件,发现2008年后大停电进入高发期,主要经济体是大停电事故的“重灾区”。自然灾害原因占比56%,影响范围相对明确可控;电力管理体制原因占31%,易与其他诱发因素伴发,具有全局性、系统性影响,可能危害到整个国家和地区的能源安全;意外或人为事故原因占10%;网络攻击成为新兴原因占3%,具有隐蔽性、复杂性强、防御难度大、物理伤害大等特点。深入剖析4类大停电事故发生的原因,根据中国国情和网情,提出防范中国大停电事故发生的措施和建议。  相似文献   

This paper reviews the current status of distribution system reliability evaluation in Canadian utilities as determined by a study conducted for the Canadian Electrical Association [1]. The information was obtained by surveying the Canadian utility industry. Some of the results relating to the indices utilized and the use made of data collected by the responding utilities are conpared with current practice in the United States.  相似文献   

The author argues that the expansion of the global sex industry, especially on the Internet, has intensified the harm to the victims, and normalized and globalized the victimization and exploitation. Two components of globalization, rapid development and deployment of information technology and the industrialized commodification of women and children have become linked to expand and truly internationalize sexual exploitation. The lack of regulation of the Internet and prevailing uncritical views on the sex industry are contributing to the escalation of the global sexual exploitation of women and children through global advertising of prostitution tours and online marketing. The United States is the founder and leader of both of these industries, but their impact is felt profoundly all over the world, especially by women and children  相似文献   

A growing number of U.S. universities offer classes, initiatives, programs, or degrees in engineering and sustainable development, community service, service learning, and/or humanitarian engineering. (To name just a few, in the United States [19], [20], [32], [33], [44], [53], [54].) Similar programs are also burgeoning in Australia, Canada, Europe, and elite universities in Latin America. Although these programs are conducted under a number of auspices and with varying objectives, they share one thing in common: an expressed desire to "help" communities "in need." Such programs generally hold as objectives the performance of some needed service and learning via reflection by those performing the service. To be inclusive, we refer to this diversity of programs under the umbrella term "engineering to help" (ETH).  相似文献   

Concentrations of atmospheric carbon dioxide and of other greenhouse gases are steadily increasing and may raise global average surface temperatures at least 3.6° F (2°C) by 2050. This temperature increase may result in the need for additional peak electrical generating capacity for many electrical utilities in the United States, due primarily to increased demand for summer cooling. Calculations for the state of Minnesota suggest about an 11 percent increase in required peak generating capacity may be needed as a result of regional temperature changes that might occur within 25 to 65 years. Improving the efficiency of the national air-conditioning stock could substantially mitigate the impact of higher ambient temperature on peak demand.  相似文献   

The Tomahawk missile is the United States Navy's premier land attack cruise missile and has enjoyed significant positive press during both Gulf Wars and in the recent strikes in Afghanistan. Considering the large and versatile weapon inventory of the U.S. military, it is no small achievement for a single weapon to be considered the "weapon of choice". In fact, the United States Air Force has its own land attack cruise missile called the Conventional Air-Launched Cruise Missile (CALCM). Both the Tomahawk and the CALCM were conceived and initially developed under the same Department of Defense (DoD) program, the Joint Military Cruise Program Office. These two missiles with nearly identical early development and missions experienced quite different fates. The success of the Navy's Tomahawk, a program with relatively low secrecy when compared to the Air Force's CALCM, should be a lesson to military managers of future weapons procurement programs.  相似文献   

基于断电期权的供电公司购电价格风险管理方法   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
供电公司从实时电力市场购电时会面临很大的购电价格风险。为了规避这种风险,基于期权理论,提出了断电期权的概念,并建立了相应的数学模型。给出了供电公司购买断电期权最优数量的解析解,并证明了相比不购买断电期权,供电公司可以通过购买该期权获得更高的利润期望。最后通过数例说明了结论的应用。  相似文献   

The current swine influenza pandemic has provided a graphic illustration of how quickly and widely a virus can spread around the world these days. From the first reports of cases in Mexico in mid-March, it has taken less than two months to spread throughout North America, much of Europe and as far south as New Zealand. Although the swine flu scare seems for now to have been contained, such events always bring to mind the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918-19, which is estimated to have killed upwards of 40 million people worldwide. Inevitably, such comparisons create widespread panic and cause untold damage to the global economy, at a time when it is already seriously weakened by the worldwide recession. Air travel, tourism, and meat imports and exports for example are all badly affected across the globe, as people cancel or delay their leisure plans and countries tread a cautious path through their food sourcing. All this is despite the fact that the travel restrictions initially recommended by the World Health Organization have now been relaxed, and that the virus is not spread through meat. It seems that, at this point, fear of the virus is causing more harm than the virus itself. So, clearly, if we could predict the spread of a disease or virus then we could take action appropriate to the level of its threat to our health - and the health of the overall economy. A mathematical model would be the obvious way forward here, but what should be equally clear is that building such a model is no simple matter. Different diseases spread in different ways, and viruses mutate, so a model of how one pandemic progressed cannot be applied to subsequent pandemics. The difficulty is that diseases and viruses don't spread in the same way as the kind of physical systems that engineers are familiar with, so there's no physical law that can be applied to them. So there are many different methods of modelling.  相似文献   

This article provides an overview of senior design in the United States and its impact around the world. Within the United States, the National Science Foundation (NSF) Senior Design Projects to Aid Persons with Disabilities program has provided funding since 1988 to thousands of senior design projects that have been completed by students for persons with disabilities. This program combines the academic requirement of a design experience with enhanced educational opportunities for students, and it improves the quality of life for disabled individuals. Also described are two national design competitions hosted by the Rehabilitation Research's Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center (RERC) on Accessible Medical Instrumentation (AMI) and the National Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Alliance (NCIIA). In addition, there are a number of biomedical engineering (BMH) programs in the United States that provide an opportunity for students to design and construct projects for individuals in developing countries.  相似文献   

Deliberate releases of biological agents to cause harm are now a reality. The bioterrorism attacks in the United States have affected Europe through the fear and false alarms they have generated. The member states of the European Union, working with the European Commission, are improving their planning and coordination to cope with deliberate releases of biological, chemical, and radiological agents designed to damage health. In this endeavour they are drawing from the lessons learned in the United States and cooperate closely not only with the United States but also with Canada, Japan, Mexico, and other countries, as well as the WHO. Health authorities and health services are in the forefront of this effort  相似文献   

It is argued that a fault-tolerant ballistic missile defense (BMD) system must not increase the probability of accidental nuclear exchanges. This requirement is used to define three constraints for BMD systems: the deployment of any BMD system must be accompanied by deliberate steps to reduce the responsiveness of offensive nuclear weapons by all sides; a deliberate and assured lag time should be built into offensive nuclear systems to allow for real-time assessments of any BMD actions prior to the release of any offensive nuclear weapons; and BMD systems should not have the capacity to cause rapid losses to opposing BME system components or be vulnerable to rapid losses from opposing BMD systems. BMD efforts in both the United States and the Soviet Union are not likely to meet these constraints and therefore should not be considered fault-tolerant. A more limited BMD system is posited as a solution  相似文献   

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