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The survey of aircrew exposure required the characterisation and/or the development of a diverse array of both passive and active instruments, which were not available at any one laboratory. To ensure the availability of the most advanced dosimetric systems and the relevant calibration facilities needed for the survey, an international collaboration was formed, which was facilitated by multinational research contracts promoted by the Commission of the European Communities. Close cooperation among scientists with long-term experience in different disciplines, such as cosmic ray measurement in space and radiation protection dosimetry, made it possible to exploit successfully damage track detectors for the accurate evaluation of very low fluences of particles with high energy and high charges. For a long time, the major concern for the assessment of aircrew exposure has been the accurate evaluation of the cosmic ray neutron dose. In this paper, four different dosimetric systems are considered, the response of which is sensitive to both low and high energy neutrons. All these dosimetric systems have provided consistent results when exposed together to the high energy beam facility at CERN, which is considered to approximate the cosmic ray field.  相似文献   

A methodology is presented for collecting and analysing exposure measurements from galactic cosmic radiation using a portable equipment suite and encapsulating these data into a semi-empirical model/Predictive Code for Aircrew Radiation Exposure (PCAIRE) for the assessment of aircrew radiation exposure on any flight over the solar cycle. The PCAIRE code has been validated against integral route dose measurements at commercial aircraft altitudes during experimental flights made by various research groups over the past 5 y with code predictions typically within +/-20% of the measured data. An empirical correlation, based on ground-level neutron monitoring data, is detailed further for estimation of aircrew exposure from solar particle events. The semi-empirical models have been applied to predict the annual and career exposure of a flight crew member using actual flight roster data, accounting for contributions from galactic radiation and several solar energetic-particle events over the period 1973-2002.  相似文献   

Multimedia data from two probability-based exposure studies were investigated in terms of how missing data and measurement-error imprecision affected estimation of population parameters and associations. Missing data resulted mainly from individuals'refusing to participate in certain measurement activities, rather than from field or laboratory problems; it suggests that future studies should focus on methods for maximizing participation rates. Measurement error variances computed from duplicate-sample data were small relative to the inherent variation in the populations; consequently, adjustments in nonparametric percentile estimates to account for measurement imprecision were small. Methods of adjustment based on lognormality assumptions, however, appeared to perform poorly.  相似文献   

The Earth's atmosphere acts as a natural radiation shield which protects terrestrial dwellers from the radiation environment encountered in space. In general, the intensity of this radiation field increases with distance from the ground owing to a decrease in the amount of atmospheric shielding. Neutrons form an important component of the radiation field to which the aircrew and spacecrew are exposed. In light of this, the neutron-sensitive bubble detector may be ideal as a portable personal dosemeter at jet altitudes and in space. This paper describes the ground-based characterisation of the bubble detector and the application of the bubble detector for the measurement of aircrew and spacecrew radiation exposure.  相似文献   

Investigations of the impact of cosmic and solar radiation on aircrew involve many challenges. The great variety of primary and secondary ionising and non-ionising radiation, the wide range of energies involved and the role played by the Earth's atmosphere and magnetic field and the Sun combine to produce a very complicated scenario. These factors are reflected in conditions on aviation routes where exposure to radiation varies with altitude, latitude and stage of solar cycle. The great increase in air travel and consequent rise in numbers of aircrew whose occupation requires them to work in this environment has prompted new concern about exposure risks at aviation altitudes. The situation has also been highlighted by the tendency for aircraft to fly at higher altitudes in recent years and by the 1990 recommendations of the ICRP that exposure of civil aircrew be considered as being occupational. These have recently been translated into a legal requirement in the European Union. Several studies have been completed using a very wide range of detectors on subsonic and supersonic routes and new investigations are underway. With the completion of the DOSMAX project in another three years or so. world data for a whole solar cycle will be more complete than ever before. Results indicate that for most routes investigated during solar minimum, aircrew are unlikely to receive doses in excess of 6 mSv.y(-1).  相似文献   

Correlations have been developed for implementation into the semi-empirical Predictive Code for Aircrew Radiation Exposure (PCAIRE) to account for effects of extremum conditions of solar modulation and low altitude based on transport code calculations. An improved solar modulation model, as proposed by NASA, has been further adopted to interpolate between the bounding correlations for solar modulation. The conversion ratio of effective dose to ambient dose equivalent, as applied to the PCAIRE calculation (based on measurements) for the legal regulation of aircrew exposure, was re-evaluated in this work to take into consideration new ICRP-92 radiation-weighting factors and different possible irradiation geometries of the source cosmic-radiation field. A computational analysis with Monte Carlo N-Particle eXtended Code was further used to estimate additional aircrew exposure that may result from sporadic solar energetic particle events considering real-time monitoring by the Geosynchronous Operational Environmental Satellite. These predictions were compared with the ambient dose equivalent rates measured on-board an aircraft and to count rate data observed at various ground-level neutron monitors.  相似文献   

This paper is based on the findings of a survey on technological innovation in the Italian industry.All Italian manufacturing firms were screened in the analysis and, at the end of a screening process, 8,220 of them, which had introduced relevant technological innovations over the period 1981–1985, filled out either a mail questionnaire or were covered through a personal interview.Data and preliminary comments on the following problem-areas are set in the paper: type of innovation introduced in the firm (product, process), impact of innovations on the firm's products and sales, cost of innovation, technological relevance of innovations introduced, impact of innovations on the utilization of input factors, factors linked to the introduction of innovation, performance of R & D.Data show that technological innovation is a complex aspect of company life; it relates to both products and production processes: in more than half of the cases firms introduced both product and process innovations, whereas only products or processes were introduced in about 20 per cent of cases, respectively. It is also apparent that the majority of innovations are new only for the firm, and that only a limited share are new for the sector or for the country. Looking at the techno-scientific quality of the innovations introduced, quite often innovations were classified as technical improvements or enhancements, and in a very limited number of cases they were considered as applications of a scientific breakthrough.The breakdown of the innovation costs shows that, on average, more than half of the cost is attributed to investment (machinery, equipment, etc) one fourth to engineering and design activity, one fifth to R & D and the remaining 5 per cent to marketing activities.The most important factor linked to the introduction of innovation appears to be the acquisition of plant and machinery. This confirms the result of previous analyses which show that the introduction of new technologies hinges upon new machinery and equipment, often the sole means for the acquisition of technology produced by other economic agents — a diffusion and adaptation process is occurring. R & D was mentioned in a limited number of cases.In the paper a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the R & D performed by the firm is reported. In particular, it is shown that the number of R & D performing manufacturing firms is more than double that which emerges from the annual survey on research and development activities carried out by the Italian Central Statistical Office.  相似文献   

Smart antennas (SAs) are viewed as a candidate enabling technology for modern wireless communication systems to increase network capacity and facilitate location-based services. By conducting measurements on an SA test-bed, the signal distortion introduced by the implementation of a practical system can be analysed. This distortion can have significant impact on the estimation of signal wavefronts. Measurements have been conducted at the system, sub-system and component levels, using an SA developed for this purpose and employing a uniform circular array. This has enabled the error introduced by an implemented system to be examined. Calibration procedures are developed to overcome these implementation limitations. The cause and effects of these errors are examined, and system manufacturing tolerances and temporal thermal effects on the analogue sub-systems are shown to be the major contributor to this error; these results are presented and analysed  相似文献   

Approximately 1,701,500 people were employed as heavy and tractor-trailer truck drivers in the United States in 2012. The majority of them were long-haul truck drivers (LHTDs). There are limited data on occupational injury and safety in LHTDs, which prompted a targeted national survey. The National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health conducted a nationally representative survey of 1265 LHTDs at 32 truck stops across the contiguous United States in 2010. Data were collected on truck crashes, near misses, moving violations, work-related injuries, work environment, safety climate, driver training, job satisfaction, and driving behaviors. Results suggested that an estimated 2.6% of LHTDs reported a truck crash in 2010, 35% reported at least one crash while working as an LHTD, 24% reported at least one near miss in the previous 7 days, 17% reported at least one moving violation ticket and 4.7% reported a non-crash injury involving days away from work in the previous 12 months. The majority (68%) of non-crash injuries among company drivers were not reported to employers. An estimate of 73% of LHTDs (16% often and 58% sometimes) perceived their delivery schedules unrealistically tight; 24% often continued driving despite fatigue, bad weather, or heavy traffic because they needed to deliver or pick up a load at a given time; 4.5% often drove 10 miles per hours or more over the speed limit; 6.0% never wore a seatbelt; 36% were often frustrated by other drivers on the road; 35% often had to wait for access to a loading dock; 37% reported being noncompliant with hours-of-service rules (10% often and 27% sometimes); 38% of LHTDs perceived their entry-level training inadequate; and 15% did not feel that safety of workers was a high priority with their management. This survey brings to light a number of important safety issues for further research and interventions, e.g., high prevalence of truck crashes, injury underreporting, unrealistically tight delivery schedules, noncompliance with hours-of-service rules, and inadequate entry-level training.  相似文献   

A survey of the natural background dose equivalent received by Canadian Forces aircrew was conducted using neutron-sensitive bubble detectors (BDs) as the primary detection tool. Since this study was a new application for these detectors, the BD response to neutron dose equivalent (RD) was extended from thermal to 500 MeV in neutron energy. Based upon the extended RD, it was shown that the manufacturer's calibration can be scaled by 1.5 +/- 0.5 to give a BD sensitivity that takes into account recently recommended fluence-to-neutron dose equivalent conversion functions and the cosmogenic neutron spectrum encountered at jet altitudes. An investigation of the effects of systematic bias caused by the cabin environment (i.e., temperature, pressure and relative humidity) on the in-flight measurements was also conducted. Both simulated and actual aircraft climate tests indicated that the detectors are insensitive to the pressure and relative humidity variations encountered during routine jet aircraft operations. Long term conditioning tests also confirmed that the BD-PND model of detector is sensitive to variations in temperature to within +/- 20%. As part of the testing process, the in-flight measurements also demonstrated that the neutron dose equivalent is distributed uniformly throughout a Boeing 707 jet aircraft, indicating that both pilots and flight attendants are exposed to the same neutron field intensity to within experimental uncertainty.  相似文献   

For pt.I see ibid., vol.44, no.6, pp.1304-19 (1997). Initial experimental results from a 50 MHz elasticity microscope are shown. Using methods discussed previously, we present measured displacement and normal axial strain fields from a tissue mimicking phantom. Results from this homogenous gel are compared to a finite element simulation of the deformation experiment. The spatial resolution is estimated to be approximately 52 μm for axial displacements, and 71 μm for normal axial strains. These estimates were further tested by imaging a phantom containing a hard cylindrical inclusion with cross-sectional diameter of 265 μm. By examining the strain transition between regions in this image, the spatial resolution of the normal axial strain was verified to be at most 88 μm. A typical experiment produces peak normal axial strain around 3%. These experiments demonstrate the potential of high frequency ultrasound as a means for elasticity microscopy. Preliminary deformation experiments are presented on porcine epidermis  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to test the performance of a heuristic algorithm that computes a quality control plan. The objective of the tests reported in this paper is twofold: (1) to compare the proposed heuristic algorithm (HA) to an optimal allocation (OA) method; and (2) to analyse the behaviour and limitations of the proposed HA on a scale-1 test with a before/after test. The method employed to evaluate this algorithm is based on comparisons: 1. The first test illustrates the method and its sensitivity to internal parameters. It is based on a simplified case study of a product from the semiconductor industry. The product is made up of 1000, 800 and 1200 wafers incorporating three different technologies. The production duration is 1 week, and three tools were involved in this test. The behaviour of the proposed algorithm is checked throughout the evolution of the model parameters: risk exposure limit (RL ) and measurement capacity (P). The quality control plan for each tool and product are analysed and compared to those from a one stage allocation process (named C 0) that does not take into account risk exposure considerations. A comparison is also performed with OA.

2. The second scale-1 test is based on three scenarios of several months of regular semiconductor production. Data were obtained from 23 etching and 12 photolithographical tools. The outputs provided by the HA are used in the sampling scheduler implemented at this plant. The resulting samples are compared against three indicators.

The results of these comparisons show that, for small instances, OA is more relevant than the HA method. The HA provides realistic limits that are suitable for daily operations. Even though the HA may provide far from optimal results, it demonstrates major MAR improvement. In terms of the maximum inhibit limit, the HA achieves better performances than C 0, and they are strongly correlated to RL and to the control capacity. The article concludes that the proposed algorithm can be used to plan controls and to guide their scheduling. It can also improve the insurance design for several levels of acceptance of risk.  相似文献   

The study of the aspect graph of a three-dimensional object has recently become an active area of research in computer vision. The aspect graph provides a complete enumeration of all possible distinct views of an object, given a model for viewpoint space and a definition for “distinct.” This article presents a tutorial introduction to the aspect graph, surveys the current state of the art in algorithms for automatically constructing aspect graphs, and describes some possible applications of aspect graphs in computer vision and computer graphics.  相似文献   

Multimedia data from two probability-based exposure studies were investigated in terms of how censoring of nondetects affected estimation of population parameters and associations. Appropriate methods for handling censored below-detection-limit(BDL)values in this context were unclear since sampling weights were involved and since bivariate associations/measures were of interest. Both simple substitution(e.g., using 1/2 or 2/3 of the detection limit(DL)for BDL values)and truncation-based strategies were investigated by creating some artificial DLs and comparing resultant estimates with the original studies'uncensored results. The substitution methods generally outperformed the truncation methods, with the(2/3)DL substitution generally performing best.  相似文献   

The results of a programme to evaluate the measurement of the critical current of relatively small (<600 A) practical superconductors are presented. Experimental data showing the effect of various parameters on the measurement are given. Specific areas covered are: experimental design and sample mounting; electric field and resistivity criteria; temporal and spatial variations in the field and current; and temperature and strain effects. The goal of the presentation is to describe the critical current measurement process and its pitfalls in sufficient detail to serve as a guide for those relatively new to the field of practical superconductors.  相似文献   

Scientometrics - The aim of this paper is to study the role of citation network measures in the assessment of scientific maturity. Referring to the case of the Italian national scientific...  相似文献   

Measurements with a vibrating wire viscometer in superfluid3He-B at temperatures down to 0.6 mK are described. The need to consider compressibility of the superfluid component in any analysis of vibrating wire measurements is clearly demonstrated and a theoretical calculation of the force acting on a vibrating wire in a finite compressible superfluid is given. The experimental data are consistent with this calculation if theoretical values of the second viscosity ξ3 are used in the analysis. The failure of the hydrodynamic theory when the quasiparticle mean free path1 is comparable to the wire radius a was observed, and an expression has been deduced for the force acting on the wire when1 is finite. Experimental and theoretical evidence is presented to show that this expression is valid for arbitrary1/a. Values of the viscosity obtained using this expression agree with those obtained in other experimental work and confirm the large discrepancy with theoretical calculations at low reduced temperatures.  相似文献   

The paper is a survey of theoretical achievements on electro-dynamic suspension of high speed ground vehicles with superconducting magnets. The most essential problems connected with the subject in question are discussed, namely: calculation of lift and drag forces acting on a superconducting magnet, the latter moving above a guideway structure which may be of two different types (either conducting sheet or a series of discrete loops); influence of irregularities of the guideway structure; vertical and longitudinal stability of suspension.  相似文献   

Participation is a major issue in environmental research and policy. Public Risk Perception and European Environmental Policy (PRISP), a cross-national inquiry on people's orientations about chemical risks, offered the opportunity to investigate some aspects. In two Italian case studies, interest was focused on the relation between experts and lay people and the function of participation. A key objective was to explore people's opinions about deliberative democracy. This is a currently much-debated alternative to the prevailing 'strategic' forms of democracy, based on the aggregation of preferences or bargaining among conflicting interests. Is there a role for an open confrontation aimed at reaching the common good? Results show that public interest is highly rated, participation is mainly connected to citizenship and understood as a form of co-operation. In a third case study, interest was focused on the analysis of a specific form of collective action according to the 'Critical Mass' rational choice model. In this case, it is argued that a small group of citizens may reduce the costs of starting-up a collective action aimed at pursuing the preferred social goals, i.e. at governing public goods.  相似文献   

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