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基于Pareto蚁群算法的拆卸线平衡多目标优化 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
为提高产晶拆卸效率,针对拆卸线平衡问题建立了数学模型.该模型以最小拆卸线闲置率、负荷均衡和最小拆卸成本为优化目标.结合拆卸线平衡问题的具体特点,提出了一种改进的基于Pareto解集的多目标蚁群优化算法.算法采用小生境技术,引导蚂蚁搜索到分布良好的Pareto最优解集,并以被支配度和分散度为个体评价规则.实验测试结果表明了该算法的可行性.最后,结合企业生产实际,给出了所提模型与算法的具体应用. 相似文献
混合品种装配线平衡问题的一种混合搜索机制的蚁群算法 总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10
为有效求解混合品种装配线平衡问题,通过组合不同品种的优先顺序图,将混合品种装配线转化为单一品种的装配线形式.提出了一种带信息素总合规则的混合搜索机制的蚁群算法,通过在任务和任务分配序列的位置之间释放信息素、采用信息素总合规则以进行更有效的信息素累积,构造了综合考虑利用、探索和随机搜索的混合搜索机制,考虑了局部信息素更新和全局信息素更新.为提高搜索效率,以协同考虑装配任务作业时间和后续任务数的分级位置权重作为蚁群算法的启发式信息.最后通过实例验证,说明了算法的有效性. 相似文献
求解装配线平衡问题的一种改进蚁群算法 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
为求解给定节拍最小化工作站数的第Ⅰ类装配线平衡问题,提出了一种改进的蚁群算法.在该算法中,针对装配线平衡问题的具体特点,给出了蚂蚁分配方案的生成策略.通过在任务和任务分配序列的位置之间释放信息素,并采用信息素总合规则进行更有效的信息素累积.为提高搜索效率,以综合考虑装配任务作业时间和后续任务数的分级位置权重为蚁群算法的启发式信息.最后,通过对大量测试问题集的验证,说明了算法的有效性. 相似文献
Based on the analysis of the basic ant colony optimization and optimum problem in a continuous space, an ant colony optimization
(ACO) for continuous problem is constructed and discussed. The algorithm is efficient and beneficial to the study of the ant
colony optimization in a continuous space.
Translated from Mechine Design and Research, 2006, 22(2): 6–8, 12 [译自: 机械设计与研究] 相似文献
Bud Fox Wei Xiang Heow Pueh Lee 《The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology》2007,31(7-8):805-814
The ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithm is a fast suboptimal meta-heuristic based on the behavior of a set of ants that
communicate through the deposit of pheromone. It involves a node choice probability which is a function of pheromone strength
and inter-node distance to construct a path through a node-arc graph. The algorithm allows fast near optimal solutions to
be found and is useful in industrial environments where computational resources and time are limited. A hybridization using
iterated local search (ILS) is made in this work to the existing heuristic to refine the optimality of the solution. Applications
of the ACO algorithm also involve numerous traveling salesperson problem (TSP) instances and benchmark job shop scheduling
problems (JSSPs), where the latter employs a simplified ant graph-construction model to minimize the number of edges for which
pheromone update should occur, so as to reduce the spatial complexity in problem computation. 相似文献
为更好地求解卫星任务调度问题,提出一种时间片蚁群算法.在算法中引入任务时间片,使算法可分辨任务在不同时间窗内的执行情况;在任务分配中设计了带偏好的卫星片切割策略,改变了以往的任务分配搜索模式,极大地提高了算法的执行速度.相对于传统的蚁群算法和遗传算法,所提方法在求解卫星任务调度时具有较大优势. 相似文献
Rami Musa F. Frank Chen 《The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology》2008,37(7-8):837-850
In many industries, inspection data is determined to merely serve for verification and validation purposes. It is rarely used to directly enhance the product quality because of the lack of approaches and difficulties of doing so. Given that a batch of subassembly items have been inspected, it is sometimes more profitable to exploit the data of the measured features of the subassemblies in order to further reduce the variation in the final assemblies so the rolled yield throughput is maximized. This can be achieved by selectively and dynamically assembling the subassemblies so we can maximize the throughput of the final assemblies. In this paper, we introduce and solve the dynamic throughput maximization (DTM) problem. The problem is found to have grown substantially by increasing the size of the assembly (number of subassembly groups and number of items in each group). Therefore, we resort to five algorithms: simple greedy sorting algorithm, two simulated annealing (SA) algorithms and two ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithms. Numerical examples have been solved to compare the performances of the proposed algorithms. We found that our ACO algorithms generally outperform the other algorithms. 相似文献
K. Spiliopoulos S. Sofianopoulou 《The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology》2008,36(5-6):589-597
An ant colony optimization (ACO) scheme for the manufacturing cells design problem is proposed, which uses a tight eigenvalue-based
bound to guide and accelerate the search. This feature is combined with a good initialization procedure and with ideas from
successful ACO implementations in other areas, to achieve efficiency and reliability with the minimum structure and set of
parameters. The resulting algorithm produces most promising results for medium to large size problems, with negligible computational
effort. 相似文献
介绍了蚁群算法的基本原理及算法的实现,并用蚁群算法来解决车间配送系统中的路径优化问题.通过VC6.0进行实例仿真,取得了很好的搜索效果,表明该方法能有效的发现最优解. 相似文献
Adil Baykasoglu Türkay Dereli 《The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology》2008,36(5-6):582-588
Two-sided assembly line balancing (ALB) problems usually occur in plants which are producing large-sized high-volume products,
such as buses, trucks, and domestic products. Many algorithms and heuristics have been proposed to balance the well known
classical one-sided assembly lines. However, little attention has been paid to solve two-sided ALB problems. Moreover, according
to our best knowledge, there is no published work in the literature on two-sided ALB problems with zoning constraints (2sALBz).
In this study, an ant-colony-based heuristic algorithm is proposed for solving 2sALBz problems. This paper also makes one
of the first attempts to show how an ant colony heuristic (ACH) can be applied to solve 2sALBz problems. In the paper, example
applications are presented and computational experiments are performed to present the suitability of the ACH to solve 2sALBz
problems. Promising results are obtained from the solution of several test problems. 相似文献
The aim of conceptual design is to generate the best design candidate. Concept solving in conceptual design can be viewed
as a problem of combinatorial optimization, in which there exists a “combinational explosion” phenomenon when using the traditional
morphological matrix method to tackle it. In this research, a concept optimization problem is studied based on an Ant Colony
System (ACS). By analyzing the similarity between concept solving and Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP), concept solving is
transformed into a problem of optimal path in combinatorial optimization, where the dynamic programming based solution space
model and the longest path based optimization model are developed. Then, the ant algorithm to resolve TSP is adopted to implement
concept optimization according to the positive feedback searching mechanism of ACS, and some improvements are made incorporating
crossover and mutation operators of a genetic algorithm (GA), to obtain the optimal scheme rapidly and effectively. Finally,
a conceptual design case of press is given to demonstrate the feasibility and rationality of this proposed approach. The employment
of ACS enables concept solving to be implemented with an algorithm and thus possesses better operability, which offers a promising
way to solve the “combinatorial explosion” problem in conceptual design. 相似文献
Kemal Alaykýran Orhan Engin Alper Döyen 《The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology》2007,35(5-6):541-550
In recent years, most researchers have focused on methods which mimic natural processes in problem solving. These methods are most commonly termed “nature-inspired” methods. Ant colony optimization (ACO) is a new and encouraging group of these algorithms. The ant system (AS) is the first algorithm of ACO. In this study, an improved ACO method is used to solve hybrid flow shop (HFS) problems. The n-job and k-stage HFS problem is one of the general production scheduling problems. HFS problems are NP-hard when the objective is to minimize the makespan [1]. This research deals with the criterion of makespan minimization for HFS scheduling problems. The operating parameters of AS have an important role on the quality of the solution. In order to achieve better results, a parameter optimization study is conducted in this paper. The improved ACO method is tested with benchmark problems. The test problems are the same as those used by Carlier and Neron (RAIRO-RO 34(1):1–25, 2000), Neron et al. (Omega 29(6):501–511, 2001), and Engin and Döyen (Future Gener Comput Syst 20(6):1083–1095, 2004). At the end of this study, there will be a comparison of the performance of the proposed method presented in this paper and the branch and bound (B&;B) method presented by Neron et al. (Omega 29(6):501–511, 2001). The results show that the improved ACO method is an effective and efficient method for solving HFS problems. 相似文献
Kuo-Ching Ying Shih-Wei Lin 《The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology》2007,33(7-8):793-802
Ant colony optimization (ACO) is a novel intelligent meta-heuristic originating from the foraging behavior of ants. An efficient
heuristic of ACO is the ant colony system (ACS). This study presents a multi-heuristic desirability ACS heuristic for the
non-permutation flowshop scheduling problem, and verifies the effectiveness of the proposed heuristic by performing computational
experiments on a well-known non-permutation flowshop benchmark problem set. Over three-quarters of the solutions to these
experiments are superior to the current best solutions in relevant literature. Since the proposed heuristic is comprehensible
and effective, this study successfully explores the excellent potential of ACO for solving non-permutation flowshop scheduling
problems. 相似文献
为解决离散的混流装配线作业排序问题,提出一种基于人工蜂群优化算法的改进算法。采用NEH启发式方法优化初始种群质量;在雇佣蜂算法中建立了变邻域区域搜索机制并嵌入模拟退火算法,提高了算法的搜索精度与广度;提出一种最优控制策略,通过限制最优解群体的成长速度,有效降低了种群相似度,提高了算法的全局搜索性能。实验方面,算法参数通过标准算例仿真对比设定,并采用Benchmark标准算例对所提算法与标准人工蜂群优化算法、遗传算法、混合遗传算法、改进粒子群优化等算法进行了对比。通过一个混流排序实例的仿真,对比证明了算法在求解混流装配线排序问题上的有效性。 相似文献
In support vector machine (SVM), it is quite necessary to optimize the parameters which are the key factors impacting the classification performance. Improved ant colony optimization (IACO) algorithm is proposed to determine the parameters, and then the IACO-SVM algorithm is applied on the rolling element bearing fault detection. Both the optimal and the worst solutions found by the ants are allowed to update the pheromone trail density, and the mesh is applied in the ACO to adjust the range of optimized parameters. The experimental data of rolling bearing vibration signal is used to illustrate the performance of IACO-SVM algorithm by comparing with the parameters in SVM optimized by genetic algorithm (GA), cross-validation and standard ACO methods. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm of IACO-SVM can give higher recognition accuracy. 相似文献
带软时间窗的联盟运输调度问题研究 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
为解决允许使用不同类型车辆和多层次交通网络的带软时间窗的联盟运输调度问题,在建立数学模型的基础上,利用改进的蚁群算法求解。首先,为了克服蚁群算法最优解不稳定和易陷入局部最优等缺点,按经验将选择策略分为3个阶段,每个阶段选用相应的转移概率,并根据信息素浓度与挥发速度的关系自适应调整信息素挥发因子;其次,为了解决蚁群算法不易发现可行解的问题,从构造3类分支回路和处理遗漏客户点人手,构造了联盟运输调度问题的可行解。仿真计算表明,该算法简明有效。 相似文献