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Contrasts between implicit and explicit knowledge in the serial reaction time (SJRT) paradigm have been challenged because they have depended on a single dissociation; intact implicit knowledge in the absence of corresponding explicit knowledge. In the SRT task, subjects respond with a corresponding keypress to a cue that appears in one of four locations. The cue follows a repeating sequence of locations, and subjects can exhibit knowledge of the repeating sequence through increasingly rapid performance (an implicit test) or by being able to recognize the sequence (an explicit test). In our study, amnesic patients were given extensive SRT training. Their implicit and explicit test performance was compared to the performance of control subjects who memorized the training sequence. Compared with control subjects, amnesic patients exhibited superior performance on the implicit task and impaired performance on the explicit task. This crossover interaction suggests that implicit and explicit knowledge of the embedded sequence are separate and encapsulated and that they presumably depend on different brain systems.  相似文献   

In human serum, at least two molecular species of the neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) with molecular weights of 110,000-130,000 and 150,000-180,000, respectively, can be identified by Western blotting. Both are characterized by the absence of epitopes for monoclonal antibodies KD11 and MG5, which specifically recognize intracellular domains of the human NCAM transmembrane isoforms, NCAM-140 and NCAM-180. In contrast to the M(r) 110,000-130,000 molecule also detectable in serum samples from healthy blood donors, the M(r) 150,000-180,000 molecule appears to be tumor associated. The only difference between these two species is shown to be the presence of long chains of alpha-(2,8)-linked N-acetylneuraminic acids, which are characteristic for the so-called embryonic NCAM form. After treatment with endoneuraminidase N, the M(r) 150,000-180,000 molecule can no longer be discriminated from the M(r) 110,000-130,000 molecule in Western blotting as well as gel and anion exchange chromatography experiments. The experimental data clearly show that only the embryonic NCAM molecule carrying the poly-alpha-(2,8)-linked N-acetylneuraminic acid moiety can be regarded as a specific serum marker for small cell lung cancer.  相似文献   

Serum soluble cytokeratin 19 fragment (CYFRA) levels were measured in 251 patients with lung cancer and 139 patients with benign lung diseases to determine the clinical usefulness of CYFRA level determination in the diagnosis and monitoring of lung cancer. Serum levels of CYFRA were measured by a 2-step sandwich ELISA method. When the cut-off value was defined as 3.5 ng/ml, which was associated with a specificity of 95% for benign lung diseases, CYFRA had a high sensitivity (53%) in all patients with lung cancer. Both the serum level of CYFRA and its sensitivity increased significantly with the increase in clinical stage. A comparison of areas under receiver operating characteristic curves showed that CYFRA had the most power of discrimination in the diagnosis of lung cancer among markers including carcinoembryonic antigen, squamous cell carcinoma antigen, carbohydrate antigen 19-9, and neuron-specific enolase. A good correlation was found between serial changes in serum CYFRA levels during therapy and clinical responses for 18 patients who underwent chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy. Our findings suggest that CYFRA may be a marker of choice for screening and monitoring of lung cancer, particularly squamous cell carcinoma.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The CYFRA 21-1, a newly developed sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), was used to measure soluble cytokeratin 19 fragment in serum that is expressed in simple epithelium and its malignant counterpart. The present study was designed to investigate whether CYFRA 21-1 is a sensitive and specific tumor marker for non-small cell lung cancer. METHODS: CYFRA 21-1 assay, using two specific monoclonal antibodies (KS 19.1 and BM 19.21) for cytokeratin 19, was measured in 312 serum samples, including 164 lung cancer, 118 benign pulmonary disease, and 30 healthy individuals. The sensitivity of CYFRA 21-1 was also compared with two other markers, carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) and squamous cell carcinoma antigen (SCC), in 164 patients with lung cancer. RESULTS: The median value of healthy individuals was 1.3 ng/mL (95th percentile 1.8). In patients with benign pulmonary diseases, the median was 1.5 ng/mL (95th percentile 2.9). There is no significant difference between sexes, smoking habit, and the subgroups of benign pulmonary disease, such as tuberculosis, pneumonia, or COPD. Using the cutoff value of 3.3 ng/mL, defined at 95% specificity for benign lung disease, the sensitivities of CYFRA 21-1 for squamous cell carcinoma (n=74), adenocarcinoma (n=54), undifferentiated large cell carcinoma (n=11), and small cell lung cancer (n=25) were 62%, 39%, 36%, and 20%, respectively. Despite the cell types, the sensitivities of CYFRA 21-1 in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC, n=169) were 51% (CEA 42%, SCC 20%). The sensitivity of CEA was significantly higher in patients with adenocarcinoma (58%) than other markers; while in patients with squamous cell carcinoma, CYFRA 21-1 assay has the highest sensitivity. The median level of CYFRA 21-1 in squamous cell carcinoma is significantly higher than that of other cell types (Mann-Whitney test, p<0.001). The serum level and sensitivity of CYFRA 21-1 were well correlated with staging and tumor size in squamous cell carcinoma. The CYFRA 21-1 values were measured for monitoring progression of disease in 20 patients with squamous cell carcinoma. There is significant difference in paired observation of CYFRA 21-1 level in patients with progressive disease (Wilcoxon signed-rank test, p<0.05), but no difference was observed in patients with stabilized disease (p>0.1). CONCLUSION: For patients with NSCLC, especially in squamous cell carcinoma, CYFRA 21-1 is not only a sensitive and specific tumor marker, but also may be a useful adjunctive marker for disease monitoring.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Some patients with lung cancer have been found to have elevated levels of serum immunoreactive human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)/hCG beta (IR-beta), but it is uncertain whether it would be valuable as a tumor marker. Recently, IR-beta has been demonstrated to consist of at least three different molecules, intact hCG, free hCG beta, and hCG beta-core fragment (beta-CF), in body fluids. In this study, the authors qualitatively analyzed IR-beta in the serum and urine of patients with lung cancer and assessed its clinical usefulness as a tumor marker. METHODS: Highly sensitive and specific enzyme immunoassays were established to measure intact hCG, free hCG beta, and beta-CF in the serum and urine of patients with lung cancer. RESULTS: Of 99 patients with lung cancer, almost half of the patients achieved positive values of IR-beta in the urine, although only 12 had elevated values of IR-beta in the serum. The greater part of the elevated urinary IR-beta was identified to be beta-CF by gel chromatography on Sephadex G-100 (Pharmacia LKB Biotechnology, Tokyo, Japan), leading the authors to assess its usefulness as a tumor marker for lung cancer. Based on the cutoff value (0.2 ng/mg of creatinine) from healthy subjects, the overall positive rate of urinary beta-CF for lung cancer was 48.5% (48 of 99 patients). The incidence of the marker increased with stage of disease, from 35.7% (15 of 42) in Stage I and 35.7% (5 of 14) in Stage II to 62.5% (20 of 32) in Stage III and 72.7% (8 of 11) in Stage IV. These positive rates exceeded or equaled those of the serum tumor markers, carcinoembryonic antigen, and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC)-related antigen, measured simultaneously in the same patients. The author were encouraged that there was no significant difference in the positive rates of urinary beta-CF between two major types of lung cancer: adenocarcinoma (49.2%) and SCC (45.2%). Immunohistochemical study revealed positive staining of IR-beta in the cancer tissues from 5 of 12 patients with elevated levels of IR-beta, in which most of the positive cases had the elevated levels of serum free hCG beta (> 0.5 ng/ml) and/or urinary beta-CF (> 1.0 ng/mg of creatinine). CONCLUSIONS: Ectopic production of IR-beta by lung cancer is not rare, and urinary beta-CF might be a potential tumor marker of lung cancer.  相似文献   

Transmembrane isoforms of the neural cell adhesion molecule, N-CAM (N-CAM-140 and N-CAM-180), are vectorially targeted from the trans-Golgi network to the basolateral domain upon expression in transfected Madin-Darby canine kidney cells (Powell, S. K., Cunningham, B. A., Edelman, G. M., and Rodriguez-Boulan, E. (1991) Nature 353, 76-77). To localize basolateral targeting information, mutant forms of N-CAM-140 were constructed and their surface distribution analyzed in Madin-Darby canine kidney cells. N-CAM-140 deleted of its cytoplasmic domain shows a non-polar steady state distribution, resulting from delivery from the trans-Golgi network to both the apical and basolateral surfaces. This result suggests that entrance into the basolateral pathway may occur without cytoplasmic signals, implying that apical targeting from the trans-Golgi network is not a default mechanism but, rather, requires positive sorting information. Subsequent construction and analysis of a nested set of C-terminal deletion mutants identified a region of 40 amino acids (amino acids 749-788) lacking tyrosine residues required for basolateral targeting. Addition of these 40 amino acids is sufficient to restore basolateral targeting to both the non-polar cytoplasmic deletion mutant of N-CAM as well as to the apically expressed cytoplasmic deletion mutant of the p75 low affinity neurotrophin receptor (p75(NTR)), indicating that this tyrosine-free sequence is capable of functioning independently as a basolateral sorting signal. Deletion of both cytoplasmic and transmembrane domains resulted in apical secretion of N-CAM, demonstrating that the ectodomain of this molecule carries recessive apical sorting information.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined the acute anticonvulsant spectrum of (1) dizocilpine (0.03-3 mg/kg), CGS 19755 (1-10 mg/kg), and 7-chlorokynurenic acid (1-100 nmol) (NMDA receptor/ionophore complex antagonists); (2) muscimol (0.1-10 nmol; direct GABA(A) agonist); (3) YM90K (3-10 mg/kg; AMPA receptor antagonist); and (4) diazepam (2 and 5 mg/kg) and carbamazepine (5 and 20 mg/kg), two standard anticonvulsants, using the partially-kindled hippocampal model for epileptic seizures in freely moving rats. The anticonvulsant effect of these compounds were assessed by determining (1) the afterdischarge (AD), which is indicative of the severity of the seizure and related to seizure maintenance, and (2) the pulse number threshold (PNT), which is indicative of the seizure threshold or initiation. In addition, ataxia, a measure of CNS dysfunction, was assessed for each compound. Overall, our results indicated that the anticonvulsant compounds examined could be classified into three categories based on effects on the AD and PNT: (1) elevation of PNT (carbamazepine, dizocilpine, CGS 19755 and 7-chlorokynurenic acid); (2) reduction of AD (diazepam and muscimol); and (3) mixed action, i.e., increased PNT and decreased AD (YM90K). Behavioral data indicated that all compounds, except carbamazepine, produced a dose- or concentration-dependent ataxia. Overall, our results suggest that NMDA receptors play a role in seizure initiation, whereas the GABA(A) receptors appear to be involved in seizure maintenance and AMPA receptors may be involved in both phenomena.  相似文献   

Telomerase activity is found in more than 80% of human malignant neoplasms, including lung cancer. Markers with high incidence in malignant samples and very low incidence in benign samples are useful in clinical diagnosis of cancer. Thus, telomerase activity in clinical materials may become a novel tumor marker of existing lung cancer cells. Moreover, since activation of telomerase is associated with cellular immortality and its activity level is quite different between lung cancer tissues, the activity level may become an indicator of some biological features in lung cancer.  相似文献   

From a differential mRNA display comparing a non- and a highly metastasizing human melanoma cell line, we isolated and characterized memD. memD is preferentially expressed in the highly metastasizing melanoma cell lines of a larger panel. The encoded protein, MEMD, is identical to activated leukocyte cell adhesion molecule (ALCAM), a recently identified ligand of CD6. ALCAM is involved in homophylic (ALCAM-ALCAM) and heterophylic (ALCAM-CD6) cell adhesion interactions. We have studied MEMD/ALCAM cell-cell interactions between human melanoma cells. The expression of this cell adhesion molecule not only correlates with enhanced metastatic properties and with aggregational behavior of human melanoma cells as tested by FACS analysis, but transfection experiments also make clear that MEMD/ALCAM expression is essential for cell-cell interaction of the investigated human melanoma cells. As the melanoma cell lines analyzed are all CD6 negative, these results strongly suggest that MEMD/ALCAM is an adhesion molecule mediating homophylic clustering of melanoma cells. MEMD/ALCAM expression is not restricted to subsets of leukocytes and melanoma cells, it can also be found in healthy organs and in several other malignant tumor cell lines. Besides, MEMD/ALCAM is also expressed in cultured endothelial cells, pericytes and melanocytes, in xenografts derived from the radial and vertical growth phase and in 4 of 13 melanoma metastasis lesions. The potential role is discussed of MEMD/ALCAM mediated cell-cell interactions in migration of mobile cells (ie, activated leukocytes, metastasizing tumor cells) through tissues.  相似文献   

A routine neurological examination, electromyography studies and conductance in sensory and motoric fibres of upper and lower extremity peripheral nerves, was carried out in 65 subjects with small cell lung cancer prior instituting chemotherapy. None of the patients demonstrated metabolic changes nor toxic injury to the neurological system. The results of the neurological examination led to suspicion of neuropathy in 22 (34%) which was later confirmed by the electromyographic studies. In 12 subjects only EMG abnormalities were found allowing to diagnose a subclinical phase of neuropathy. Altogether 52% of the subjects demonstrated injury of the peripheral nervous system. Sensory neuropathy was observed in 6 patients, motor-sensory in 7, motoric neuropathy in 12. In one of the subjects from the latter group a myasthenic syndrome of the Eaton-Lambert type was found. In 7 patients the EMG results suggested injury of the anterior horn cells, in two further patients the clinical and EMG data suggested injury of the peripheral and spinal column.  相似文献   

In the recent quick development of cancer diagnostic methods, attention of researchers is focused onto tumor-derived compounds as possible markers of neoplasia. In this article we have reviewed researchers' opinions about sialic acid as a tumor marker. According to majority of researchers, blood sialic acid may be regarded as a useful marker for a variety of cancers although its specificity is not high.  相似文献   

The low-affinity p75 receptor for nerve growth factor (p75NGFR) has been implicated in mediating neuronal cell death in vitro. A recent in vitro study from our laboratory showed that the death of sensory neurons can be prevented by reducing the levels of p75NGFR with antisense oligonucleotides. To determine if p75NGFR also functions as a death signal in vivo, we have attempted to reduce its expression in peripheral sensory neurons by applying antisense oligonucleotides to the proximal end of the transected sciatic or median and ulnar nerves. We report here that antisense oligonucleotides, when applied to the proximal stump of a transected peripheral nerve, are retrogradely transported and effectively reduce p75NGFR protein levels in sensory neurons located in the dorsal root ganglia. Furthermore, treatment of the proximal nerve stump with antisense p75NGFR oligonucleotides significantly reduced the loss of these axotomized sensory neurons. These findings further support the view that p75NGFR is a death signaling molecule and that it signals death in axotomized neurons in the neonatal sensory nervous system.  相似文献   

We performed BAEP study to evaluate acoustic nerve involvement in 102 patients affected by peripheral neuropathies of different etiology, predominantly hereditary and inflammatory acquired neuropathies. Prolonged latency of early waves, indicative of slowing in VIII nerve conduction, was found in a high percentage of cases. Abnormalities were far more frequent (44% vs 14%) and severe in patients with demyelinating rather than axonal neuropathy. Among demyelinating neuropathy, the most severe latency delay was found in Hereditary Motor and Sensory Neuropathy type III. The pattern of acoustic nerve involvement differed slightly between Hereditary Motor and Sensory Neuropathy type I and acquired inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy, perhaps reflecting different pathogenetic mechanisms and different sites of VIII nerve demyelination.  相似文献   

Neural cell adhesion molecule (N-CAM) is involved in cell-cell interactions during synaptogenesis, morphogenesis, and plasticity of the nervous system. Disturbances in synaptic restructuring and neural plasticity may be related to the pathogenesis of several neuropsychiatric diseases, including mood disorders and schizophrenia. Disturbances in brain cellular function may alter concentrations of N-CAM in the CSF. Soluble human N-CAM proteins are detectable in the CSF but are minor constituents of serum. We have recently found an increase in N-CAM content in the CSF of patients with schizophrenia. Although the pathogenesis of both schizophrenia and mood disorders is unknown, ventriculomegaly, decreased temporal lobe volume, and subcortical structural abnormalities have been reported for both disorders. We have therefore measured N-CAM concentrations in the CSF of patients with mood disorder. There were significant increases in amounts of N-CAM immunoreactive proteins, primarily the 120-kDa band, in the CSF of psychiatric inpatients with bipolar mood disorder type I and recurrent unipolar major depression. There were no differences in bipolar mood disorder type II patients as compared with normals. There were no significant effects of medication treatment on N-CAM concentrations. It is possible that the 120-kDa N-CAM band present in the CSF is derived from CNS cells as a secreted soluble N-CAM isoform. Our results suggest the possibility of latent state-related disturbances in N-CAM cellular function, i.e., residue from a previous episode, or abnormal N-CAM turnover in the CNS of patients with mood disorder.  相似文献   

Sixteen phases in the microenvironments were defined for the structural development and innervation of the cochleo-vestibular ganglion and its targets. In each phase the cell adhesion molecules, neural cell adhesion molecule, neural cell adhesion molecule-polysialic acid, and L1-cell adhesion molecule, were expressed differentially by cochleo-vestibular ganglion cells, their precursors, and the target cells on which they synapse. Detected by immunocytochemistry in staged chicken embryos, in the otocyst, neural cell adhesion molecule, but not L1-cell adhesion molecule, was localized to the ganglion and hair cell precursors. Ganglionic precursors, migrating from the otocyst, only weakly expressed neural cell adhesion molecule. Epithelial hair cell precursors, remaining in the otocyst, expressed neural cell adhesion molecule, but not L1-cell adhesion molecule. Post-migratory ganglion cell processes expressed both molecules in all stages. The cell adhesion molecules were most heavily expressed by axons penetrating the otic epithelium and accumulated in large amounts in the basal lamina. In the basilar papilla (cochlea), cell adhesion molecule expression followed the innervation gradient. Neural cell adhesion molecule and L1 were heavily concentrated on axonal endings peripherally and centrally. In the rhombencephalon, primitive epithelial cells expressed neural cell adhesion molecule, but not L1-cell adhesion molecule, except in the floorplate. The neuroblasts and their axons expressed L1-cell adhesion molecule, but not neural cell adhesion molecule, when they began to migrate and form the dorsal commissure. There was a stage-dependent, differential distribution of the cell adhesion molecules in the floorplate. Commissural axons expressed both cell adhesion molecules, but their polysialic acid disappeared within the floorplate at later stages. In conclusion, the cell adhesion molecules are expressed by the same cells at different times and places during their development. They are positioned to play different roles in migration, target penetration, and synapse formation by sensory neurons. A multiphasic model provides a morphological basis for experimental analyses of the molecules critical for the changing roles of the microenvironment in neuronal specification.  相似文献   

The are few outstanding serous markers in the treatment of bronchial cancer. ACE lacks sensitivity and specificity and cannot be used as a diagnostic marker. It has been described as a marker of tumoral mass, although not in our study. Prognostic significance was observed, but only in a univariate analysis. Sensitivity of SCC TA4 varied between studies. In our population, the ROC curve for SCC TA4 showed poor discrimination potential. NSE was shown to be a useful marker in the treatment of patients with small cell cancers. Cytokeratins are expressed by all bronchial cancers. Cytokeratin 19 is a sub-unit detected in simple epithelia and their neoplastic counterparts. During tumoral cell lysis, certain fragments of this cytokeratin may be liberated. The immunoradiometric assay described here is able to detect fragments of cytokeratin 19 (called Cyfra 21-1) in serum. Our study established a correlation between Cyfra 21-1 levels and the cancer stage for NCPC, but not for CPC. In addition, Cyfra 21-1 concentration may be used as a tumoral mass marker. Patients with high Cyfra 21 levels must undergo special treatment to find remote tumors.  相似文献   

To explore the role of cell adhesion molecules in the innervation of the inner ear, antibody perturbation was used on histotypic co-cultures of the ganglionic and epithelial anlagen derived from the otocyst. When unperturbed, these tissues survived and differentiated in this culture system with outgrowth of fasciculated neuronal fibers which expressed neural cell adhesion molecule and L1. The fibers exhibited target choice and penetration, then branching and spreading within the otic epithelium as individual axons. Treatment of the co-cultures, or of the ganglionic anlagen alone, with anti-neural cell adhesion molecule or anti-L1 Fab fragments produced a defasciculation of fibers but did not affect neurite outgrowth. In the co-cultures this defasciculation was accompanied by a small increase in the number of fibers found in inappropriate tissues. However, the antibodies did not prevent fiber entry to the otic epithelium. In contrast, removal of polysialic acid from neural cell adhesion molecule with endoneuraminadase-N, while producing a similar fiber defasciculation, also increased the incidence of fibers entering the epithelium. Nevertheless, once within the target tissue, the individual fibers responded to either Fab or to desialylation by spreading out more rapidly, branching, and growing farther into the epithelium. The findings suggest that fasciculation is not essential for specific sensory fibers to seek out and penetrate the appropriate target, although it may improve their tracking efficiency. Polysialic acid on neural cell adhesion molecule appears to limit initial penetration of the target epithelium. Polysialic acid as well as neural cell adhesion molecule and L1 function are involved in fiber-target interactions that influence the arborization of sensory axons within the otic epithelium.  相似文献   

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