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A new instrumental approach for collection of retention index data in the first (1D) and second (2D) dimensions of a comprehensive two-dimensional (2D) gas chromatography (GCxGC) experiment has been developed. First-dimension indexes were determined under conventional linear programmed temperature conditions (Van den Dool indexes). To remove the effect that the short secondary column imposes on derived 1D indexes, as well as to avoid handling of pulsed GCxGC peaks, the proposed approach uses a flow splitter to divert part of the primary column flow to a supplementary detector to simultaneously generate a conventional 1D chromatogram, along with the GCxGC chromatogram. The critical 2D indexes (KovAts indexes) are based upon isovolatility curves of normal alkanes in 2D space, providing a reference scale against which to correlate each individual target peak throughout the entire GCxGC run. This requires the alkanes to bracket the analytes in order to allow retention interpolation. Exponential curves produced in the 2D separation space require a novel approach for delivery of alkane standards into the 2D column by using careful solvent-free solid-phase microextraction (SPME) sampling. Sequential introduction of alkane mixtures during GCxGC runs was performed by thermal desorption in a second injector which was directly coupled through a short transfer line to the entrance of the secondary column, just prior to the modulator so that they do not have to travel through the 1D column. Thus, each alkane mixture injection was quantitatively focused by the cryogenic trap, then launched at predetermined times onto the 2D column. The system permitted construction of an alkane retention map upon which bidimensional indexes of a 25-perfume ingredient mixture could be derived. Comparison of results with indexes determined in temperature-variable one-dimensional (1D) GC showed good correlation. Plotting of the separation power in the second dimension was possible by mapping Trennzahl values throughout the 2D space. The methodology was applied to the separation of a standard mixture composed of 25 analytes (very diverse in polarity and structure) suspected to be allergens in perfume samples. The method will allow straightforward determination of temperature-variable retention indexes of target analytes.  相似文献   

Comprehensive two-dimensional chromatography employs a serially coupled two-column arrangement where effluent from the first column is collected or sampled and then introduced to the second column according to a chosen modulation period. This is effected by use of a modulator at or near the column junction. One of the considerations in applying the technique is the period of the modulator, which determines the sampling duration of the first column effluent. Here, we propose that the sampling rate can be most effectively described by a new term, called the modulation ratio (MR). This is defined as the ratio of 4 times the first column peak standard deviation (4sigma) divided by the modulation period (PM) or 1.6985 times the half-height width of the peak (wh): MR = 4sigma/PM = wb/PM = (wh x 1.6985)/PM. The 4sigma value is more commonly recognized as the peak base width (wb). The use of 4sigma as the numerator is preferred to simply sigma because when the PM value used for an experiment is equal to sigma, then the MR value is calculated to be 4, implying that the primary peak will be modulated approximately 4 times as is normally recommended for a comprehensive multidimensional separation. The less well-defined term of modulation number (NM) has been previously used and proposed as the number of modulations per peak and, therefore, is intended to convey the manner in which the primary column peak is sampled; this is a subjective and not well-characterized value. The use of MR should provide users with a meaningful and strictly defined value when reporting experimental conditions. The utility of MR is demonstrated through a mathematical model of the modulation process for both Gaussian and tailing peaks, supported by an experimental study of the modulation ratio. It is shown that for the analysis of trace compounds where precise quantitative measurements are being made, the experiment should be conducted with an MR of at least 3. Conversely, for semiquantitative methods or the analysis of major components, an MR of approximately 1.5 should suffice.  相似文献   

In a comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatograph, a thermal modulator serially couples two columns containing dissimilar stationary phases. The secondary column generates a series of high-speed secondary chromatograms from the sample stream formed by the chromatogram eluting from the primary column. This series of secondary chromatograms forms a two-dimensional gas chromatogram with peaks dispersed over a retention plane rather than along a line. The method is comprehensive because the entire primary column chromatogram is transmitted through the secondary column with fidelity. One might expect that a two-dimensional separation in which both dimensions are basically the same technique, gas chromatography, would be inefficient because the two dimensions would behave similarly, generating peaks whose retentions correlate across dimensions. Applying a temperature program to the two columns, however, can tune the separation to eliminate this inefficiency. The temperature program reduces the retentive power of the secondary column as a function of progress of the primary chromatogram such that the retention mechanism of the primary column is eliminated from the second dimension. Retention of a substance in the second dimension is then determined by the difference in its interaction with the two stationary phases. Retention times in the second dimension then fall within a fixed range, and the whole retention plane is accessible. In a properly tuned comprehensive two-dimensional chromatogram, retention times in the two dimensions are independent of each other, and the two-dimensional chromatogram is orthogonal. Orthogonality is important for two reasons. First, an orthogonal separation efficiently uses the separation space and so has either greater speed or peak capacity than nonorthogonal separations. Second, retention in the two dimensions of an orthogonal chromatogram is determined by two different and independent mechanisms and so provides two independent measures of molecular properties.  相似文献   

With comprehensive two-dimensional supercritical fluid and fast, independent temperature-programmed gas chromatography (SFCxGC), a polar column was used in the first dimension to achieve group-type analysis. The eluent of this separation was repetitively sampled and transferred to a fast, resistively heated gas chromatograph to obtain the boiling point distribution over the entire polarity separation. The SFC was operated isothermally with stopped flow to provide a sufficient time span for the GC analysis. The GC analysis had a typical cycle time of 1 min for the system demonstrated here. During this time, the GC column was independently heated at a rate of 450 degrees C/min to 250 degrees C and actively cooled again to -50 degrees C before the next GC injection took place. The analysis of petrochemical samples is presented to illustrate the technique.  相似文献   

A rapid approach for comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatographic data analysis is introduced, providing important environmental metrics including total petroleum hydrocarbon concentration as well as chemical-class distribution. The approach, comprising transformation of exported data files to two-dimensional retention time arrays, blank subtraction, alignment and projection onto new axes, subdivision of the aligned two-dimensional data matrix, and compilation of summary data is able to be performed without user intervention. The approach satisfies critical goals of rapid batch analysis with repeatability and traceability. Application to assessment of petroleum hydrocarbon contaminated soil samples from Macquarie Island, a remote Southern Ocean island, is shown to illustrate the utility of this new data analysis strategy.  相似文献   

The fast separation of a mixture of 29 compounds by using comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography is reported. Capillary column sets with shorter lengths and smaller inner diameter in both the first and second dimensions have been tested, for both fast chiral and achiral separations. Fast chiral separations, which included enantiomer separations of limonene, linalool, citronellol, and alpha-isomethylionone, were achieved within 23 min, which corresponds to approximately 2-fold faster than analyses under conditions previously considered as normal. Fast achiral separations, which do not have the restriction of requiring a minimum quality of chiral resolution, were obtained within 5 min, which is markedly faster than separations on the normal column set under conditions more commonly employed. The achiral fast GC x GC method used a 5 m x 0.1 mm i.d. first dimension column, interfaced to a 0.3 m x 0.05 mm i.d. second column, with temperature program rate of 35 degrees C.min-1; a modulation period of 1 s was employed. Peak widths at baseline on the first column were a little over 1 s, while modulated peak widths at half-height recorded with a flame ionization detector operating at 200 Hz were approximately 30 ms. The benefits and limitations of GC x GC for fast chiral and achiral separations are reported and discussed.  相似文献   

The term "orthogonal" in comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography (GC × GC) has a double sided meaning as it stands for a separation resulting from the combination of two independent retention mechanisms (Giddings, J. C. J. High Resolut. Chromatogr. 1987, 10, 319) but also for a 2D separation where the components are evenly distributed over the entire 2D space. It is shown in the present study that a nonorthogonal GC × GC system associating a polar stationary phase in the first dimension (poly(ethylene glycol)) to a nonpolar one in the second dimension (poly(dimethyl siloxane)) leads to a structured chromatogram, a high peak capacity, and a great 2D space occupation. This idea is demonstrated through the characterization of oxygenated compounds in a coal-derived middle distillate. Results show a clear separation between oxygenated species and hydrocarbons which are classified into linear alkanes, cyclic alkanes, and aromatics. A breakthrough configuration combining a polar poly(ethylene glycol) first dimension and a trifluoropropyl methyl stationary phase in the second dimension enabled a unique identification and quantification of linear, cyclic, and aromatic alcohols. This configuration which could be considered as nonorthogonal still involves two different retention mechanisms: polarity and boiling point in the first dimension and electronic interactions in the second dimension. It is selective toward electronegative poles of alcohols and phenols. The contributions of these two configurations compared to a conventional orthogonal system as well as their roles for oxygenated compounds speciation are highlighted. This contribution is measured through three 2D space occupation factors. It appears through these two examples that orthogonality is intimately linked to analyte properties, and a general concept of dimensionality must be considered.  相似文献   

A microfluidic Deans switch was used as a comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography (GCxGC) modulator. The simplicity and wide temperature range of the Deans switch make it a promising alternative to existing modulation techniques. However, the Deans switch is a low duty cycle modulator; that is, it samples only a small portion of the primary column effluent. Like all low duty cycle modulators, the Deans switch produces inconsistent transfer of components from the primary to the secondary column if the primary peaks are undersampled. Theoretical simulations and experimental studies show that the relative standard deviation (RSD) of the fraction of material transferred from the primary column to the secondary column is less than 1% if the modulation ratio is greater than 2.5. But the RSDs increase rapidly as the modulation ratio is decreased below 2.5. Deans switch GCxGC was validated by analyzing the aromatic content of gasoline. A fast analysis (<10 min) produced narrow primary peaks and a modulation ratio of 1.7. The quantitative results were in good agreement with results obtained with differential flow modulation GCxGC and GC/MS, but the RSDs of single-component levels were approximately three times greater. The Deans switch modulator was also used for a slower gasoline analysis (33 min run time) that produced modulation ratios near 5. In this case, the quantitative results and RSDs were in excellent agreement with the differential flow GCxGC and GC/MS results. These studies demonstrate that a Deans switch can be an effective modulator provided that modulation ratios greater than approximately 2.5 are employed.  相似文献   

A comprehensive two-dimensional (2D) retention time alignment algorithm was developed using a novel indexing scheme. The algorithm is termed comprehensive because it functions to correct the entire chromatogram in both dimensions and it preserves the separation information in both dimensions. Although the algorithm is demonstrated by correcting comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography (GC x GC) data, the algorithm is designed to correct shifting in all forms of 2D separations, such as LC x LC, LC x CE, CE x CE, and LC x GC. This 2D alignment algorithm was applied to three different data sets composed of replicate GC x GC separations of (1) three 22-component control mixtures, (2) three gasoline samples, and (3) three diesel samples. The three data sets were collected using slightly different temperature or pressure programs to engender significant retention time shifting in the raw data and then demonstrate subsequent corrections of that shifting upon comprehensive 2D alignment of the data sets. Thirty 12-min GC x GC separations from three 22-component control mixtures were used to evaluate the 2D alignment performance (10 runs/mixture). The average standard deviation of first column retention time improved 5-fold from 0.020 min (before alignment) to 0.004 min (after alignment). Concurrently, the average standard deviation of second column retention time improved 4-fold from 3.5 ms (before alignment) to 0.8 ms (after alignment). Alignment of the 30 control mixture chromatograms took 20 min. The quantitative integrity of the GC x GC data following 2D alignment was also investigated. The mean integrated signal was determined for all components in the three 22-component mixtures for all 30 replicates. The average percent difference in the integrated signal for each component before and after alignment was 2.6%. Singular value decomposition (SVD) was applied to the 22-component control mixture data before and after alignment to show the restoration of trilinearity to the data, since trilinearity benefits chemometric analysis. By applying comprehensive 2D retention time alignment to all three data sets (control mixtures, gasoline samples, and diesel samples), classification by principal component analysis (PCA) substantially improved, resulting in 100% accurate scores clustering.  相似文献   

A comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography (GC x GC) system (for convenience defined as "split flow" GC x GC), which may be operated at improved gas linear velocities in both dimensions, has been developed. The setup is formed of an apolar 30 m x 0.25 mm i.d. column connected, by means of a Y press fit, to a detector-linked 1 m x 0.1 mm i.d. polar analytical column, which passes through the (cryogenic) modulator, and to a 0.3 m x 0.1 mm i.d. retention gap, which is connected to a manually operated split valve. The latter enables the regulation of gas flows through the second analytical column [e.g., 60:40 (FID) ratio, 50:50 ratio, 40:60 (FID) ratio, etc.], in order to generate the most appropriate gas linear velocity, which is related to each specific analysis. In the pre-sent investigation, two sets of traditional and split flow GC x GC analyses were carried out on a cod liver oil fatty acid methyl ester sample by using the same temperature programs [180-250 degrees C at (a) 3 degrees C/min and at (b) 1.3 degrees C/min] and at an average first-dimension linear velocity of approximately 35.0 cm/s; thus, primary column retention times (and therefore elution temperatures) were essentially maintained. The second-dimension linear velocity was calculated to be approximately 333 cm/s in the traditional applications, while it was split valve-regulated until the most appropriate values [(a) approximately 213 cm/s; (b) approximately 264 cm/s] were attained in the alternative applications. Substantial improvements were observed and measured in the chromatography along the y-axis, while the contour plot chemical class structure was maintained.  相似文献   

Detailed compositional analyses of sedimentary organic matter can provide information on its biotic input, environment of deposition, and level of thermal maturation. Pyrolysis-gas chromatography (py-GC), often coupled with a mass spectrometer (py-GC/MS), is one technique used to provide this information. New developments in comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography (GC x GC or 2D-GC), coupled with pyrolysis (py-GC x GC), offer the prospect of providing more complete and quantitative compositional information of complex organic solids, such as kerogen and coals. This study will describe applications of pyrolysis-GC x GC to the characterization of petroleum source rocks using flame ionization detector (FID) and sulfur chemiluminescence detector (SCD). In the hydrocarbon analysis by FID, paraffins, naphthenes, and aromatics form distinct two-dimensional separated groups. In the analysis with SCD, sulfur-containing compounds can be distinguished as different classes, such as mercaptans, sulfides, thiophenes, benzothiophenes, and dibenzothiophenes. Single components or summed bands of homologous components can be analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. With these detailed molecular fingerprints, the relations between kerogen composition and its biotic input, environment of deposition, and thermal maturation may be better understood.  相似文献   

Although the use of comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatography (LCxLC) as a powerful separation technique is continuously increasing, its employment in quantification experiments is rather limited. The present research is focused on the quantification of a series of standards, as well as real-world sample compounds, by using dedicated laboratory-constructed LCxLC software, developed through a novel approach. Moreover, the difficulties encountered during software operation, in various elution conditions, are described and discussed. The results attained were compared with those observed in conventional LC, and no statistically significant differences were observed in the determination of aurapten in grapefruit oil. However, a loss in sensitivity was observed when using LCxLC (limit of detection = 0.10 ppm) compared to conventional LC (limit of detection = 0.05 ppm) as a consequence of the sample dilution in comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatography.  相似文献   

Arey JS  Nelson RK  Xu L  Reddy CM 《Analytical chemistry》2005,77(22):7172-7182
Comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography (GCxGC) provides nearly complete composition data for some complex mixtures such as petroleum hydrocarbons. However, the potential wealth of physical property information contained in the corresponding two-dimensional chromatograms is largely untapped. We developed a simple but robust method to estimate GCxGC retention indices for diesel-range hydrocarbons. By exploiting n-alkanes as reference solutes in both dimensions, calculated retention indices were insensitive to uncertainty in the enthalpy of gas-stationary-phase transfer for a suite of representative diesel components. We used the resulting two-dimensional retention indices to estimate the liquid vapor pressures, aqueous solubilities, air-water partition coefficients, octanol-water partition coefficients, and vaporization enthalpies of a nearly complete set of diesel fuel hydrocarbons. Partitioning properties were typically estimated within a factor of 2; this is not as accurate as some previous estimation or measurement methods. However, these relationships may allow powerful and incisive analysis of phase-transfer processes affecting petroleum hydrocarbon mixtures in the environment. For example, GCxGC retention data might be used to quantitatively deconvolve the effects of water washing and evaporation on environmentally released diesel fuels.  相似文献   

Cai H  Stearns SD 《Analytical chemistry》2004,76(20):6064-6076
A partial modulation method by using a pulsed-flow modulator for comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography is proposed. The method is based on the fact that when a pulsed flow of inert gas is introduced into the conjunction between a primary and a secondary column, the concentration of analyte is disturbed, and a plug of higher or lower concentration is created. The plug, which forms a spike signal coupled to the primary GC signal, is then separated in a secondary column, creating a new dimension of GC information. The modulation is partial because only a fraction of the primary signal is modulated and converted into the secondary signal; the remaining primary signal stays unchanged. Therefore, this method yields a comprehensive two-dimensional chromatogram and a primary one-dimensional chromatogram in a single GC run. In this study, the modulation mode, modulation index, and modulation percentage are discussed and the reproducibility of peak areas and retention time are investigated. With a 5.8% modulation percentage and a primary peak half-width 1.7 times wider than the modulation time, the standard deviation for the peak areas are 0.15% for the primary and 0.78% for the secondary chromatograms. Chromatograms of laboratory-mixed hydrocarbons and of high-temperature fuel oil no. 6 standard are demonstrated.  相似文献   

Data processing and identification of unknown compounds in comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography combined with time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GC×GC/TOFMS) analysis is a major challenge, particularly when large sample sets are analyzed. Herein, we present a method for efficient treatment of large data sets produced by GC×GC/TOFMS implemented as a freely available open source software package, Guineu. To handle large data sets and to efficiently utilize all the features available in the vendor software (baseline correction, mass spectral deconvolution, peak picking, integration, library search, and signal-to-noise filtering), data preprocessed by instrument software are used as a starting point for further processing. Our software affords alignment of the data, normalization, data filtering, and utilization of retention indexes in the verification of identification as well as a novel tool for automated group-type identification of the compounds. Herein, different features of the software are studied in detail and the performance of the system is verified by the analysis of a large set of standard samples as well as of a large set of authentic biological samples, including the control samples. The quantitative features of our GC×GC/TOFMS methodology are also studied to further demonstrate the method performance and the experimental results confirm the reliability of the developed procedure. The methodology has already been successfully used for the analysis of several thousand samples in the field of metabolomics.  相似文献   

For complex sample analysis, there is a need for multidimensional chromatographic instrumentation to be able to separate more compounds, often in shorter time frames. This has led to the development of comprehensive two-dimensional chromatographic instrumentation, such as comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography (GC × GC). Lately, much of the focus in this field has been on decreasing peak widths and, therefore, increasing peak capacity and peak capacity production. All of these advancements make it possible to analyze more compounds in a shorter amount of time, but the data still need to remain quantitative to address the needs of most applications. In this report, the relationship among the modulation ratio (M(R)), peak sampling phase (φ), retention time variation (Δt(R)), and how these parameters relate to quantitative analysis precision via the relative standard deviation (RSD) was studied experimentally using a valve-based GC × GC instrument. A wide range of the number of modulations across the first dimension peak width, that is, a M(R) range from ~1 to 10, was examined through maintaining an average first dimension peak width at the base, (1)w(b) of ~3 s and varying the second dimension separation run time from 300 to 2900 ms. An average RSD of 2.1% was experimentally observed at an average M(R) of 2, with a corresponding peak capacity production of ~1200 peaks/min possible. Below this M(R) the RSD quickly increased. In a long-term study of the quantitative precision at a M(R) of 2.5, using 126 replicate injections of a test mixture spanning ~35 h, the RSD averaged 3.0%. The findings have significant implications for optimizing peak capacity production by allowing the use of the longest second dimension run time, while maintaining quantitative precision.  相似文献   

A microfabricated thermal modulator (μTM) designed for ultimate use in a comprehensive two-dimensional microscale gas chromatography (μGC × μGC) system is evaluated. The 2-stage device measures 13 mm (l) × 6 mm (w) × 0.5 mm (h) and consists of two interconnected serpentine etched-Si microchannels suspended from a thin Pyrex cap and wall-coated with PDMS (polydimethylsiloxane). The chip is mounted within a few tens of micrometers of a thermoelectric cooler that maintains both stages at a baseline temperature between -35 and -20 °C in order to focus analytes eluting from an upstream separation column. Each stage is heated to 210 °C sequentially at a rate as high as 2400 °C/s by independent thin-film resistors to inject the analytes in consecutive fractions to a downstream column, and then cooled at a rate as high as -168 °C/s. The average power dissipation is only ~10 W for heating and 21 W for cooling without using consumable materials. In this study, the outlet of the μTM is connected directly to a flame ionization detector to assess its performance. Following a demonstration of basic operation, the modulated peak amplitude enhancement (PAE) and full-width-at-half-maximum (fwhm) are evaluated for members of a series of n-alkanes (C(6)-C(10)) as a function of the rim and stage temperatures; modulation period, phase, and offset; analyte concentration; and carrier-gas flow rate. A PAE as high as 50 and a fwhm as narrow as 90 ms are achieved for n-octane under optimized conditions.  相似文献   

A porous layer open tubular (PLOT) silica gel column was used together with subcritical CO2 as the mobile phase to effect the group separation of polar oxygenated compounds. Aliphatic and aromatic compounds were shown to elute together. This group was followed by ethers and aldehydes, which were separated from compounds containing an alcohol functional group. Compounds with a carboxylic acid moiety could also be eluted from the silica gel. The group separation obtained when a silica gel PLOT column is used together with subcritical CO2 was also demonstrated to be valuable as the first dimension of a comprehensive two-dimensional SFCxGC analysis where the GC analysis in the second dimension is performed with a fast and independently heated temperature programmed gas chromatograph. With this combination of SFC and GC, many of the oxygenated compounds, routinely found in petroleum samples, could successfully be separated and identified.  相似文献   

An instrument for comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography (GCxGC) is described using an electrically heated and air-cooled thermal modulator requiring no cryogenic materials or compressed gas for modulator operation. In addition, at-column heating is used to eliminate the need for a convection oven and to greatly reduce the power requirements for column heating. The single-stage modulator is heated by current pulses from a dc power supply and cooled by a conventional two-stage refrigeration unit. The refrigeration unit, together with a heat exchanger and a recirculating pump, cools the modulator to about -30 degrees C. The modulator tube is silica-lined stainless steel with an internal film of dimethylpolysiloxane. The modulator tube is 0.18 mm i.d. x 8 cm in length. The modulator produces an injection plug width as small as 15 ms.  相似文献   

We report the first demonstration of comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography combustion-isotope ratio mass spectrometry (GC×GCC-IRMS) for the analysis of urinary steroids to detect illicit synthetic testosterone use, of interest in sport doping. GC coupled to IRMS (GCC-IRMS) is currently used to measure the carbon isotope ratios (CIRs, δ(13)C) of urinary steroids in antidoping efforts; however, extensive cleanup of urine extracts is required prior to analysis to enable baseline separation of target steroids. With its greater separation capabilities, GC×GC has the potential to reduce sample preparation requirements and enable CIR analysis of minimally processed urine extracts. Challenges addressed include online reactors with minimized dimensions to retain narrow peak shapes, baseline separation of peaks in some cases, and reconstruction of isotopic information from sliced steroid chromatographic peaks. Difficulties remaining include long-term robustness of online reactors and urine matrix effects that preclude baseline separation and isotopic analysis of low-concentration and trace components. In this work, steroids were extracted, acetylated, and analyzed using a refined, home-built GC×GCC-IRMS system. 11-Hydroxyandrosterone and 11-ketoetiocolanolone were chosen as endogenous reference compounds because of their satisfactory signal intensity, and their CIR was compared to target compounds androsterone and etiocholanolone. Separately, a GC×GC-quadrupole MS system was used to measure testosterone (T)/epitestosterone (EpiT) concentration ratios. Urinary extracts of urine pooled from professional athletes and urine from one individual that received testosterone gel (T-gel) and one individual that received testosterone injections (T-shots) were analyzed. The average precisions of δ(13)C and Δδ(13)C measurements were SD(δ(13)C) approximately ±1‰ (n = 11). The T-shot sample resulted in a positive for T use with a T/EpiT ratio of >9 and CIR measurements of Δδ(13)C > 5‰, both fulfilling World Anti-Doping Agency criteria. These data show for the first time that synthetic steroid use is detectable by GC×GCC-IRMS without the need for extensive urine cleanup.  相似文献   

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