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The mineralogical phase transformation of a low-grade nickel laterite ore during pre-roasting process and the extraction of silicon during alkaline leaching process were investigated. The results indicate that the reaction activity of nickel ores is effectively improved by pre-roasting at 650 °C for 2 h, because of the transformation of lizardite into magnesium olivine and protoenstatite. When finely ground ore samples (44–61 μm) pre-roasted firstly react with sodium hydroxide solution (60 g/L) with a solid/liquid ratio of 1:5 at 140 °C for 120 min, the extraction of silicon can reach 89.89%, and the other valuable elements of magnesium, iron and nickel are accumulated in the solid residues. The leaching kinetics of nickel laterite ore can be described successfully by the diffusion through the product layer control model. The activation energy is calculated to be 11.63 kJ/mol and the kinetics equation can be expressed as 1–3(1–x)2/3+2(1–x)=13.53×10?2exp[–11.63/(RT)]t.  相似文献   

镍红土矿高压酸浸过程的金属元素浸出行为   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以镍、钴的提取为目的,研究褐铁矿型镍红土矿高压酸浸过程中各金属元素的浸出行为,探讨硫酸加入量、浸出温度、浸出时间及液固比对各金属元素浸出率的影响.实验结果表明,在优化条件下Ni、Co、Mn和Mg的浸出率分别达到97%、96%、93%和95%以上,则Fe的浸出率小于1%.对高压浸出渣的分析表明,渣中的铁和硫主要分别以赤铁...  相似文献   

提出采用"深度还原-磁选"工艺从红土镍矿中富集镍和铁。结果表明,在还原温度1275℃、还原时间50 min、渣相碱度1.0、配碳系数2.5和磁场强度72 kA/m的条件下,可得到镍品位为6.96%、回收率为94.06%和铁品位为34.74%、回收率为80.44%的镍铁精矿产品。分析表明,还原温度和时间影响深度还原发生的可能性及反应进度,渣相碱度影响炉料中渣的组成及镍铁元素从基体中溢出富集形成镍铁颗粒的速度,深度还原反应过程中镍铁颗粒生成、聚集并逐渐长大,经磁选后可有效促进镍铁矿物与脉石矿物分离。  相似文献   

某印尼低品位红土镍矿的微观结构及晶体化学(英文)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为深入研究红土镍矿的镍富集原理,利用电子显微镜、扫描电镜、X射线衍射分析以及电子探针微区分析对含镍0.97%的某印尼低品位红土镍矿的工艺矿物学进行研究,以了解镍钴有价金属的分布及赋存状态。实验表明:该矿样主要矿物为针铁矿(含量约为80%),镍含量约为0.87%;含镍、铁、镁的结晶水硅酸盐矿物((Mg,Fe,Ni)2SiO4)的含量约为15%,如利蛇纹石((Fe,Ni,Al)O(OH))和橄榄石((Mg,Fe,Ni)3Si2O5(OH))等,镍含量约在1.19%左右;其它含量较低的物相为赤铁矿、磁赤铁矿、铬铁矿和石英等,这些矿物的镍含量极低。钴土矿是含钴矿物,分析发现该矿物往往有较高的镍和钴含量。微观检测发现:红土镍矿微观结构复杂,不同矿物之间共生普遍,主要矿物的微观结构松散,因而传统选矿方式很难实现镍的富集。  相似文献   

低品位红土镍矿深度还原机理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用扫描电子显微镜和EDS能谱研究低品位红土镍矿深度还原过程中金属颗粒的生长行为,并在此基础上分析其还原机理。结果表明,金属铁和镍逐渐聚集生长为Fe—Ni颗粒,并且颗粒粒度随着还原温度的升高和还原时间的延长而明显增大。还原后,红土镍矿明显变为Fe—Ni金属颗粒和渣相基体两部分。铁镁橄榄石的还原与其晶体化学特性密切相关。铁和镍的氧化物被还原剂还原为金属铁和镍,同时,橄榄石的晶格结构被破坏。红土镍矿深度还原包含金属氧化物还原和金属相生长两个过程。  相似文献   

The dissolution of nickel and cobalt from Caldag lateritic nickel ore using the combination of sulphuric and ascorbic acids was investigated. The use of other organic acids, namely citric, maleic and stearic acids, as synergistic reagents was studied for comparison. The results revealed that the use of ascorbic and citric acids markedly improved the dissolution of cobalt compared to the other two organic acids that only showed slight synergistic effect on the leaching rate. In terms of nickel dissolution, ascorbic acid is the most effective synergist, followed by citric, maleic and stearic acids in descending order. Under the most optimized conditions found in this study, i.e., using 1 mol/L of sulphuric acid with the presence of 4 g/L of ascorbic acid at 80 °C and solid-to-liquid ratio of 1/10, more than 99% and 98% leaching rates of cobalt and nickel, respectively, can be achieved within 4 h of leaching. In addition, the leaching performance is relatively insensitive to the change of ascorbic acid concentration from 2 to 4 g/L which is highly desirable from operational perspective.  相似文献   

研究一项针对镍钼矿用高压酸浸的方法回收镍和钼的全湿法工艺。采用该工艺避免了传统上艺焙烧镍钼矿(15%~25%s)带来的人量S02和As2O3排放,减小了对环境的污染;与现有的湿法碱浸回收钼工艺相比,本工艺存酸浸过程中回收了儿乎全部的镍和人部分的钼。在氧压环境下,几乎全部的镍和大部分的钼都进入溶液,少部分的钼留在酸浸渣中,睃浸渣进一步用碱(NaOH)浸出。在最佳的实验条件下,97%的镍和96%的钼分别被浸出。  相似文献   

过渡层红土镍矿中的镁质矿中和沉矾浸出   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用沉矾浸出法将铁质矿浸出液对镁质矿进行沉矾浸出。结果表明:镁质矿酸浸过程中,在镁质矿粒度为106~150μm、搅拌强度为150 r/min、终点pHe值为1.3、温度为95℃的条件下,浸出镁质矿3 h,镍、镁、铁的浸出率分别为93.34%、78.28%、26.4%;在沉矾浸出过程中,在反应温度为95℃、搅拌强度为150 r/min、硫酸钠中的钠与形成黄钠铁矾中的钠的摩尔比x为1.3、镁质矿粒度为106~150μm、反应终点pHe为1.3±0.2的条件下,沉矾浸出5 h,镍浸出率能达到92%,镁浸出率在74%以上,铁质矿浸出液除铁率达到87%以上,铁质矿浸出液中铁的浓度在15.87~42.16 g/L的范围内,对镁质矿的镍、镁浸出及铁质矿浸出液中Fe的浓度没有显著的不利影响,溶液中铁基本上控制在4 g/L以下。  相似文献   

研究微波加热对攀枝花钛铁矿磨矿性能的影响。微波辐射时间、微波功率密度和样品质量是磨矿过程的重要参数。将40g样品在微波功率1kW下辐射30s,然后进行水淬处理。SEM分析结果表明:经过微波辐射处理的钛铁矿在有用矿物和脉石间产生了裂纹,能够有效地促进矿物与脉石的解离。在随后的磁选实验中,经过微波辐射处理的钛铁矿的回收率从44%提高到72%。  相似文献   

Selective reduction of laterite ores followed by acid leaching is a promising method to recover nickel and cobalt metal, leaving leaching residue as a suitable iron resource. The phase transformation in reduction process with microwave heating was investigated by XRD and the reduction degree of iron was analyzed by chemical method. The results show that the laterite samples mixed with active carbon couple well with microwave and the temperature can reach approximate 1000 ℃ in 6.5 min. The reduction degree of iron is controlled by both the reductive agent content and the microwave heating time, and the reduction follows Fe2O3→Fe3O4→FeO→Fe sequence. Sulphuric acid leaching test reveals that the recoveries of nickel and iron increase with the iron reduction degree. By properly controlling the reduction degree of iron at 60% around, the nickel recovery can reach about 90% and iron recovery is less than 30%.  相似文献   

红土镍矿钠盐还原焙烧-磁选的机理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
配加钠盐焙烧可改善红土镍矿的还原-磁选效果,显著提高磁性产品的镍、铁品位及回收率。通过热力学计算,并结合X射线衍射、光学显微镜以及环境扫描电镜分析,对硫酸钠和碳酸钠作用下红土镍矿的还原行为进行研究。结果表明:钠盐在红土镍矿还原焙烧过程中,可以破坏硅酸盐矿物的结构,有利于镍的还原富集。碳酸钠强化镍还原的能力强于硫酸钠的,硫酸钠则因还原过程中形成的硫具有降低镍铁金属颗粒表面张力的作用,因而其促进镍铁颗粒聚集长大的能力明显高于碳酸钠的,且硫酸钠作用下FeS的形成也有利于提高镍的品位。所以,硫酸钠和碳酸钠的共同作用下可获得高镍品位的磁性产品及较高的镍回收率。  相似文献   

A novel process was proposed for the activation pretreatment of limonitic laterite ores by Na2CO3 roasting. Dechromization and dealumination kinetics of the laterite ores and the effect of particle size, Na2CO3-ore mass ratio, and roasting temperature on Cr and Al extraction were studied. Experimental results indicate that the extraction rates of Cr and Al are up to 99% and 82%, respectively, under the optimal particle size of 44–74 μm, Na2CO3-to-ore mass ratio of 0.6:1, and temperature of 1000 °C. Dechromization within the range of 600–800 °C is controlled by the diffusion through the product layer with an apparent activation energy of 3.9 kJ/mol, and that it is controlled by the chemical reaction at the surface within the range of 900–1100 °C with an apparent activation energy of 54.3 kJ/mol. Besides, the Avrami diffusion controlled model with on apparent activation energy of 16.4 kJ/mol is most applicable for dealumination. Furthermore, 96.8% Ni and 95.6% Co could be extracted from the alkali-roasting residues in the subsequent pressure acid leaching process.  相似文献   

红土镍矿还原焙烧-磁选制取镍铁合金原料的新工艺   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用钠盐添加剂强化红土镍矿的还原焙烧-磁选,确定了添加剂存在下适宜的焙烧和磁选技术参数,开发出红土镍矿还原焙烧-磁选制取镍铁合金原料的新工艺.结果表明:钠盐添加剂具有显著降低焙烧温度、大幅提高产品镍、铁品位和回收率的作用;对一种含镍1.58%、铁22.06%的红土镍矿配加添加剂后,在还原温度1 100℃、还原时间60 min、磁场强度0.1T的条件下,磁性产品的镍、铁品位可分别从无添加剂时的2.0%、57.2%提高到7.5%、80.5%,镍、铁回收率也相应从19.1%、33.6%增加到82.7%、62.8%.XRD结果表明:红土镍矿在无添加剂作用下经还原焙烧-磁选所得的磁性产物中仍有部分镁橄榄石及顽火辉石存在;而有添加剂存在时,还原生成的镍铁合金通过磁选可与非磁性脉石成分得到更为有效的分离,产品可作为不锈钢的生产原料.  相似文献   

焙烧氟碳铈矿硫酸浸出稀土的动力学(英文)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了硫酸浸出德昌稀土与天青石共伴生矿的焙烧矿过程。考查粒度、搅拌速度、硫酸浓度和温度对稀土浸出率的影响,并对稀土的浸出动力学进行分析。在选定的浸出条件下:粒径0.074~0.100mm、硫酸浓度1.5mol/L、液固比8:1、搅拌速度500r/min,稀土浸出反应受内扩散控制,表观活化能为9.977kJ/mol。  相似文献   

Comprehensive utilization of low grade manganese–zinc compound ore containing lead and silver with a method of reductive acid leaching was studied. According to the ?–pH diagram of Mn–Zn–H2O system, Mn and Zn can be leached simultaneously in the pH range of –2 to 5.61. The results showed that both hydrogen peroxide and sucrose were effective reductants which could intensify the simultaneous leaching of Mn and Zn into leachate as well as enrich Pb and Ag in the residue. 95.88% of Mn and 99.23% of Zn were extracted when the compound ore was leached with hydrogen peroxide in sulfuric acid media, meanwhile the contents of Pb and Ag in the residue were enriched to 13.21% and 489.36 g/t, respectively. When sucrose was used as the reductant, the leaching efficiencies of Mn and Zn separately achieved 98.26% and 99.62%, and contents of Pb and Ag in the residue were as high as 13.92% and 517.87 g/t, respectively.  相似文献   

相转变过程对红土镍矿氯化离析的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在氯化剂CaCl2·2H2O的加入量为原矿质量的8%(以氯计)、还原剂焦炭加入量为原矿质量的6%及升温速率为5℃/min的条件下,对菲律宾红土镍矿进行氯化离析;采用TG-DTA和XRD研究菲律宾红土镍矿氯化离析升温至1 000℃及冷却过程中的物相转变.结果表明:红土镍矿中的氧化亚铁在700℃开始进入蛇纹石中,形成富铁橄榄石相,破坏蛇纹石的晶格结构,提高镍的活性,有利于镍的氯化和离析;而氯化剂所释放的氯成为铁迁移的媒介;冷却过程中物相没有发生明显变化.当生料中Fe3O4的加入量为原矿的10%(质量分数)时,精矿中镍的品位达到13.14%,回收率达到80.12%,比未加Fe3O4时的回收率提高了约10%.  相似文献   

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