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2011年2月7日,阿尔卡特朗讯集团宣布推出lightRadio产品系列,lightRadio源自贝尔实验室的原创技术,可有效解决运营商网络流量激增的难题,同时可显著降低网络的技术复杂性、能源消耗及其它运营成本,该系统将能替代现有基站与大规模蜂窝站塔,缩减占地需求并简化基站建设。这次技术的正式公布表明了阿尔卡特朗讯在无线通信领域已经取得重大突破,并处于业界领先地位。 相似文献
随着互联网、物联网等技术的发展和3G/4G技术的成熟,移动数据流量会持续翻倍式增长,因此需按照集团公司的"GSM+TD+LTE+WLAN"四网协调发展总体策略,才能构筑中国移动持续领先的优势。本文首先对基于无线基站数据流量的WLAN热点网络规划进行了可行性分析,然后对WLAN规划体系步骤进行说明,最后验证规划结果的有效性,从而提升客户无线带宽感知,弥补宽带接入短板。 相似文献
SCDMA作为无线接入技术的典型代表,与欧洲的DECT和日本的PHS相比,具有无法比拟的优势,成为解决“最后一公里”瓶颈问题的最佳方案。其独特的优势,引起了国内外电信运营商尤其是新兴运营商的广泛关注,我国的电信运营界,同样也注视着这项技术所蕴藏的巨大商机。目前SCDMA已逐渐从静悄悄的幕后试验走向前台,向商业化阶段阔步迈进。在 相似文献
传统单节点频谱检测由于受到阴影效应、多径效应和隐藏终端问题的影响,使得检测性能受到影响。基于无线传感器网络的分布式频谱检测技术能有效克服这一缺陷。在简要分析频谱检测技术的特点和要求的基础上,讨论了基于无线传感器网络的分布式频谱检测系统的结构,从本地检测和融合算法两个角度,对现有的几种基于无线传感器网络的分布式频谱检测方法进行了综述,并对其发展方向给出了建议。 相似文献
UTStarcom日前推出了它的MovingMedia 6000无线宽带方案,主要支持3G网络中的TD—SCDMA和TD—CDMA标准体系。该MovingMedia6000方案具有系统容量大、频谱利用率高、抗干扰能力强等特点。同时这款新平台使用低价许可频率波段范围1900—1920MHz,2010—2025MHz,2500—2700MHz,and3400—3600MHz,因此能够使运营商在MovingMedia 6000的投资上获得快速的收益。 相似文献
随着改革开放,社会不断发展进步,移动通信技术也在快速地发展。移动通信网络规模和容量不断扩大,手机用户数量发展惊人。但是受限于通信基站选址困难和无线通信环境的复杂性,经常有用户抱怨手机信号覆盖差。如何解决无线基站信号覆盖问题,提升用户感知度,成为通信运营商的首要任务。文章主要是分析无线基站信号覆盖差的原因,并提供相应的解决方案,为今后无线网络优化提供一些参考。 相似文献
在2011~2012年的TD深度覆盖和网络扩容工程中,宽频RRU的应用是一个大趋势。从中国移动近日发布的财报中,可以看到其前三季度无线数据业务的迅猛增长态势——无线上网流量已达2173亿MB,较去年同期的1371亿MB上涨了58%,其中移动数据流量1123亿MB、WLAN数据流量1050亿MB。 相似文献
介绍了地理定位,智能天线,塔顶低噪声放大器和多用户检测,无线因特网等四种无线新技术在提高频谱利用,增加无线系统容量,提高无线增益和拓展用户应用类型等方面的应用。 相似文献
介绍了上海贝尔的LTE端到端解决方案,该方案包含eUTARN、ePC、移动网络演进传送构架(META)和业务分发环境(SDE);阐述了上海贝尔采用统一通用平台、融合演进的eNodeB对2G/3G网络的向下兼容;提供了完美的QoS保障和业务流量管理的分组演进核心,并为适应无线网络演进提出了全新的传送网络构架来支持2G/3G和LTE网络传输和未来演进。 相似文献
针对目前存在的实际站址与规划站址相差较大的问题,给出了一些建议。首先要建立多方负责的管理制度,避免由于工程建设周期压力而忽视网络规划成果;其次要采用多种手段方式,从站址获得、设备选型、美化天线等几个方面,灵活建站,提高实际站点与规划站点的吻合率。 相似文献
介绍了中国联通珠海分公司采用创新方案——一体化室外街道基站,解决了长期存在的各种覆盖难点区域的网络质量问题。分别从基站建设难点分析、方案设计思路、方案成功实施案例、方案实际达到的效果等角度入手进行了论述。 相似文献
Base station placement has significant impact on sensor network performance. Despite its significance, results on this problem
remain limited, particularly theoretical results that can provide performance guarantee. This paper proposes a set of procedure
to design (1− ε) approximation algorithms for base station placement problems under any desired small error bound ε > 0. It
offers a general framework to transform infinite search space to a finite-element search space with performance guarantee.
We apply this procedure to solve two practical problems. In the first problem where the objective is to maximize network lifetime,
an approximation algorithm designed through this procedure offers 1/ε2 complexity reduction when compared to a state-of-the-art algorithm. This represents the best known result to this problem.
In the second problem, we apply the design procedure to address base station placement problem when the optimization objective
is to maximize network capacity. Our (1− ε) approximation algorithm is the first theoretical result on this problem.
Yi Shi received his B.S. degree from University of
Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China, in 1998, a M.S. degree from Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Science,
Beijing, China, in 2001, and a second M.S. degree from Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, in 2003, all in computer science. He
is currently working toward his Ph.D. degree in electrical and computer engineering at Virginia Tech. While in undergraduate,
he was a recipient of Meritorious Award in International Mathematical Contest in Modeling and 1997 and 1998, respectively.
His current research focuses on algorithms and optimizations for wireless sensor networks, wireless ad hoc networks, UWB-based
networks, and SDR-based networks. His work has appeared in journals and highly selective international conferences (ACM Mobicom, ACM Mobihoc, and IEEE Infocom).
Y. Thomas Hou received the B.E. degree from the City College of New York in 1991, the M.S. degree from Columbia University in 1993, and
the Ph.D. degree from Polytechnic University, Brooklyn, New York, in 1998, all in Electrical Engineering.
Since Fall 2002, he has been an Assistant Professor at Virginia Tech, the Bradley Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Blacksburg, VA. His current research interests are radio resource (spectrum) management and networking for software-defined
radio wireless networks, optimization and algorithm design for wireless ad hoc and sensor networks, and video communications
over dynamic ad hoc networks. From 1997 to 2002, Dr. Hou was a Researcher at Fujitsu Laboratories of America, Sunnyvale, CA,
where he worked on scalable architectures, protocols, and implementations for differentiated services Internet, service overlay
networking, video streaming, and network bandwidth allocation policies and distributed flow control algorithms.
Prof. Hou is a recipient of an Office of Naval Research (ONR) Young Investigator Award (2003) and a National Science Foundation
(NSF) CAREER Award (2004). He is a Co-Chair of Technical Program Committee of the Second International Conference on Cognitive
Radio Oriented Wireless Networks and Communications (CROWNCOM 2007), Orlando, FL, August 1–3, 2007. He also was the Chair
of the First IEEE Workshop on Networking Technologies for Software Defined Radio Networks, September 25, 2006, Reston, VA.
Prof. Hou holds two U.S. patents and has three more pending.
Alon Efrat earned his Bachelor in Applied Mathematics from the Technion (Israel’s Institute of Technology) in 1991, his Master in Computer
Science from the Technion in 1993, and his Ph.D in Computer Science from Tel-Aviv University in 1998. During 1998–2000 he
was a Post Doctorate Research Associate at the Computer Science Department of Stanford University, and at IBM Almaden Research
Center. Since 2000, he is an assistant professor at the Computer Science Department of the University of Arizona. His main
research areas are Computational Geometry, and its applications to sensor networks and medical imaging. 相似文献