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目前我国小城镇建设已进入迅速发展时期,小城镇基础设施也随之快速发展。在小城镇排水工程规划设计中,排水管材的合理选用尤为重要。然而在小城镇市政管网建设中存在盲目套用大中城市管材类型的现象,造成排水工程设计、施工的不合理。本文分析了各种排水管材的特点,以及在小城镇中的适用性,推荐优质、符合小城镇管网特性的排水管材。  相似文献   

我国农村生活排水现状及处理对策建议   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在开展农村饮水安全工程建设的同时,不能忽视农村生活排水给农村带来的新问题。未经处理的农村生活污水不仅对饮用水水源地构成潜在威胁,同时也是江河湖泊富营养化的重要原因。通过分析农村生活污水的特点及排放特征,在借鉴国内外农村生活排水处理技术研究进展的基础上,提出了我国农村生活排水处理的对策建议。  相似文献   

在简要阐述我国农村生活排水发展总体现状的基础上,从国家和地方两个层面分析了当前农村生活排水管理体制的状况,并系统分析了当前农村生活排水管理体制存在的主要问题。在此基础上,从明确中央与地方事权划分、加强农村供排水一体化、健全乡镇基层水利管理体系等几个方面论述了农村生活排水管理体制构建的整体思路,并提出了相关政策建议。  相似文献   

广大小城镇的水污染形势正日益突出,为了保护流域生态环境和持续发展小城镇经济,对小城镇的污水治理势在必行.简述了小城镇水污染现状,根据小城镇污水的特征及处理要求,提出了几种易于在小城镇推广的经济、高效、节能和简便易行的污水处理工艺.  相似文献   

In a significant number of European countries, the need for providing appropriate treatment for the effluents of small rural communities is still especially relevant. In fact, in countries like Portugal, Spain, and many others, significant amounts of investment will be addressed in the next few years to the construction of small Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTP). The problems faced when constructing and operating WWTP serving small communities may be relevant when energy and labour costs are relatively high, or when the visual impact on the surrounding areas is especially negative. Sustainable treatment solutions require the selection of appropriate technologies using fewer resources. In this paper, information is presented about sustainability indicators of twenty-one small secondary wastewater treatment plants, including conventional (trickling filters and extended aeration plants) and non-conventional treatment systems (constructed wetlands). The data refer to allocated areas per inhabitant, amounts of concrete per inhabitant, power per inhabitant, and construction and installation costs per inhabitant. The data seem to show that for different reasons, constructed wetlands are promising treatment solutions for application to rural areas in particular because of the relatively low power requirements and relatively low construction costs for served populations below 500 inhabitants.  相似文献   

小城镇污水处理工程设计的反思与建议   总被引:19,自引:4,他引:15  
杭世珺 《给水排水》2004,30(10):17-21
通过对小城镇战略定位和环境治理重要性论述,指出我国小城镇污水处理的特点与存在的问题,提出对小城镇污水处理工程设计的若干建议,特别强调要加快制定适合我国国情的技术政策、法规及相关标准等,以适应我国小城镇发展趋势,指导小城镇污水处理工程的设计、建设和运营。  相似文献   

小城镇污泥处理方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着城镇化进程的加快.城镇污水排放量也不断增加,污水处理迫在眉睫.污水处理过程中必然产生大量成分复杂的污泥如处理不当会对环境造成严重污染.污泥的处理、处置在污水处理中是不可或缺的,如何将产量巨大、成分复杂的污泥进行妥善安全地处理,已成为深受关注的重大课题.针对小城镇污泥的特征,提出了几种宜在小城镇实施的污泥处理与处置方法.  相似文献   

小城镇供水安全调研综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在我国快速城镇化的今天,小城镇作为联结城市与农村的关键节点,其供水具有明显的地域性和区位性特点,按东部、中部及西部将内地划分为3个区域,将小城镇界定为3种类型,进行了全国20多个小城镇的供水调研,在综述调研结果的基础上,结合小城镇供水安全保障研究,提出了我国小城镇供水安全发展方向的建议。  相似文献   

The major steps of sewerage rehabilitation include inspection of sewerage, assessment of structural conditions, computation of structural condition grades, and determination of rehabilitation methods and materials. Conventionally, sewerage rehabilitation planning relies on experts with professional background that is tedious and time-consuming. This paper proposes an automation model of planning optimal sewerage rehabilitation strategies for the sewer system by integrating image process, clustering technology, optimization, and visualization display. Firstly, image processing techniques, such as wavelet transformation and co-occurrence features extraction, were employed to extract various characteristics of structural failures from CCTV inspection images. Secondly, a classification neural network was established to automatically interpret the structural conditions by comparing the extracted features with the typical failures in a databank. Then, to achieve optimal rehabilitation efficiency, a genetic algorithm was used to determine appropriate rehabilitation methods and substitution materials for the pipe sections with a risk of mal-function and even collapse. Finally, the result from the automation model can be visualized in a geographic information system in which essential information of the sewer system and sewerage rehabilitation plans are graphically displayed. For demonstration, the automation model of optimal sewerage rehabilitation planning was applied to a sewer system in east Taichung, Chinese Taiwan.  相似文献   

Managing sewerage systems is a highly complex task due to the dynamic nature of the facilities. Their performance strongly depends on the know-how applied by the operators. In order to define optimal operational settings, two decision support tools based on mathematical models have been developed. Moreover, easy-to-use interfaces have been created as well, aiding operators who presumably do not have the necessary skills to use modelling software. The two developed programs simulate the behaviour of both wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) and sewer network systems, respectively. They have essentially the same structure, including raw data management and statistical analysis, a simulation layer using the application programming interface of the applied software and a layer responsible for the representation of the obtained results. Four user modes are provided in the two software including the simulation of historical data using the applied and novel operational settings, as well as modes concerning prediction of possible operation periods and updates. Concerning the WWTP software, it was successfully installed in Nantes (France) in June 2004. Moreover, the one managing sewer networks has been deployed in Saint-Malo (France) in January 2005. This paper presents the structure of the developed software and the first results obtained during the commissioning phase.  相似文献   

This paper describes the development of a strategy to identify the priorities for investment in sewage treatment in the rural areas in Latvia. The strategy is developed from the baseline conditions ascertained for the present quality of the many receiving waters (rivers, lakes, ground water and the Baltic Sea) and from the condition of the 800 Plus sewerage systems which serve all of the small and medium sized towns in the country. Technical solutions are developed consistent with Latvian policy goals and the priorities established for improvement to the environment and public health. An investment strategy has been prepared to optimise the use of the available funds, to achieve the best value for money. It has been agreed in consultation with interested parties at national, regional and local levels, to produce a plan with wide acceptance. The strategy is known in Latvia as ‘800 Plus’.  相似文献   

三峡库区千将坪滑坡成因与机制分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
秭归县千将坪滑坡是三峡水库蓄水至135 m不久发生的中上部顺层、下部微切层巨型基岩滑坡,总方量约2 040万m3.根据实地调查资料,阐述了滑坡区基本地质条件及滑坡基本地质特征,分析了滑坡成因与力学机制.指出:千将坪滑坡的发生是其独特内外因共同作用的结果,坡体三面临空、顺向坡地质结构、岩性软硬相间、岩层产状上陡下缓、棋盘格式的裂隙网络、不良的地表排水条件等为内因,三峡水库水位缓慢抬升、持续的强降雨、坡体后缘泉水的长期入渗则是其外部诱因,其中三峡水库水位的抬升与持续的强降雨则是其触发因素;坡体早期变形反映、"靠背椅状"顺向坡地质结构及高速滑动均说明滑坡滑动的源动力来自"高位能",千将坪滑坡具有"推落式滑坡"的力学特征.  相似文献   

In temperate climates facultative ponds and rock filters (either unaerated or, if ammonia removal is required, aerated) are a low-cost but high-performance treatment system for small rural communities. Effluent quality is suitable for surface water discharge or, in summer, for restricted crop irrigation. In tropical climates anaerobic and facultative ponds and either unaerated rock filters or, if ammonia reduction is required, subsurface horizontal-flow or vertical-flow constructed wetland, can be used if the effluents are discharged to surface waters. However, if the treated wastewater is to be used for crop irrigation, then a 3-log unit pathogen reduction by treatment in anaerobic, facultative and single maturation ponds is required for both restricted and unrestricted irrigation, provided that, in the case of unrestricted irrigation, there are in place post-treatment health-protection control measures that together provide a further 4-log unit pathogen reduction.  相似文献   

基于中小城镇供水项目的环境影响评价实践,研究了该类项目的工程特点及环境特征,分析了项目建设对自然环境和社会环境各方面的影响,阐述了主要的影响方面,并探讨了影响分析中应注意的问题。中小城镇供水项目规模较小,水源一般选取县城上游的河流、水库或地下水,净水厂选址于城市规划区边缘,周边为农村地带,其影响主要体现在水资源、生态环境、居民生活、城市交通及人群健康等方面。同时,供水项目受外部环境的影响,如水量水质的保障等制约因素也是重要的环境问题。文中通过评价实例重点探讨了中小城镇供水项目评价重点之一的水源地方案分析及水源水质的污染分析与保护。  相似文献   

小城镇在我国可持续发展中的作用越来越大,同时小城镇的水环境恶化越来越严重,文中在针对小城镇污水特点的基础上,考虑小城镇经济水平不高的实际,提出了适宜小城镇的经济、高效、节能和简便易行的水污染控制技术。建议对小城镇污水无害化处理后进行农业灌溉,实现了小城镇尺度下水体的良性循环和水资源的可持续发展。  相似文献   

小城镇人工快渗工艺污水处理厂投资及运行成本探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人工快渗(CRI)污水处理工艺近年来在我国中小城镇及农村小型污水处理厂逐渐得到广泛应用。结合重庆市龙溪河流域水污染综合整治工程中9座采用该工艺的污水处理厂实际情况,分析了CRI工艺在不同规模条件下应用投资与运行成本的主要影响因素。  相似文献   

近年,我国乡镇水利站已成为水利事业最薄弱的环节,亟待加快发展与改革步伐。在简要分析乡镇水利站历史背景和发展现状的基础上,深入研究现阶段乡镇水利站在机构性质、机构设置、职能界定、经费保障、人员队伍等方面存在的困难与问题,并从分类定性、理顺管理体制、创新发展机制、加大公共财政支持力度、优化人才队伍等方面提出相应的建议。  相似文献   

北京市郊区小城镇集中供水工程设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蒋瑞 《北京水务》2004,(5):35-36,48
介绍了北京市郊区小城镇集中供水工程的设计概况,确定了小城镇集中供水工程的设计原则,从用水量的预测、供水水源的选择、水质的净化处理、供水工艺的确定等几方面介绍了小城镇水厂在设计当中的要点.总结经验,解决问题,为今后小城镇水厂的规范化设计提供了一些合理化建议.  相似文献   

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