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CORBA是OMG组织为了解决分布式系统的复杂性和高费用而提出来的,它使用面向对象的方法,创建一些可以提供某项服务的软件构件,这些构件可以在分布式系统的多个应用之间重复使用和共享,协同工作。每个软件构件,又称为对象,掩盖了所提供服务的具体实现细节,只是描述了提供服务的接口,从而大大降低了应用软件的复杂性。用CORBA实现电信网管电信网管的功能要求包括:故障管理、性能管理、配置管理、安全管理、计费管理,其信息的流动主要分两种形式:下层的主动上报,上层向下层查询性能或配置数据。用CORBA实现电信网管策略参见…  相似文献   

CORBA 技术在传输网网络管理系统中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章介绍了公用对象请求代理体系结构(CORBA)及其技术特色,分析了传输网网络管理系统(NMS)的功能要求,讨论了CORBA技术在传输网统一NMS中的应用.  相似文献   

To support the North Carolina Information Highway network and its services, GTE has developed new capabilities for the integrated management of broadband networks. These include: functionally integrated network management, enabling GTE to monitor and control ATM, SONET, and other related networks in real time, these capabilities are provided by the TelOps Network Integrated Control System (TONICS); and automated service management, enabling GTE to provide service-level configuration and fault management for new broadband services, these capabilities are provided by the broadband service management system (BSMS). Together, TONICS and BSMS provide a complete and integrated solution for managing broadband networks such as the NCIH  相似文献   

This is the seventh issue of the series on Network and Service Management that is published twice a year, typically in April and October, although the previous issue had to be published in May (i.e., it was delayed by a month). The series provides articles on the latest developments in this wel established discipline, highlighting recent research achievements and providing insight into both theoretical and practical issues related to the evolution of the discipline from different perspectives. The series provides a forum for the publication of both academic and industrial research, addressing the state of the art, theory, and practice in network and service management.  相似文献   

介绍CORBA技术及如何使CORBA和TMN结合建设本地电话网网管系统。  相似文献   

A network management solution for today's computer networks must address several factors, including performance, stability, and needs characterized by new applications and requirements for greater access. The author discusses network management standards, profiles, architectures and frameworks  相似文献   

Owing to the increase in both heterogeneity and complexity in today's networking systems, the need arises for new network‐based services architectures. They must provide flexibility and efficiency in the definition, deployment and execution of the services and, at the same time, handle the adaptability and evolution of such services. In this paper we present an approach that applies a Web‐service‐based resource management framework. It enables the provision of parallel applications as QoS‐aware applications, whose performance characteristics may be dynamically negotiated between a client application and service providers. Our component model allows context dependencies to be explicitly expressed and dynamically managed with respect to the hosting environment, computational resources and dependencies on other components. In such a model the resource management, in terms of representation, allocation and management of the resources, plays a vital role regarding the efficiency of the entire dynamic service deployment architecture. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

本文给出了一种基于CORBA和TMN结构的ATM网络管理模型。首先介绍模型的OS结构,并将ATM与其传输网SDH进行集成管理;其次定义了该模型在不同域之间交换信息的接口,即所谓的Xcoop。结果表明该模型能够实现分布式网络管理、保证宽带连接业务的端到端QoS,并且有故障管理和配置管理功能。  相似文献   

Recently, network researchers have taken a great interest in quality of experience (QoE) and in the new aspects it brings in the study of the link between network conditions and user satisfaction. Also, the realization that the information of users’ satisfaction can be directly applied in the network management in a real-time manner has resulted in a fair amount of publications. Although the systems and frameworks presented in these publications tackle the subject of QoE-driven management quite successfully, they often concentrate on certain applications or technologies. We present a generic QoE management framework, which is applicable to a broad range of systems. We also demonstrate an instantiation of this framework as a network access point management system for RTP-based video. This system is not only able to positively affect the perceived quality of the multimedia application considered, but also to reduce over-prioritization and optimize resource usage.  相似文献   

解亮  傅海阳 《信息技术》2008,32(4):78-80
首先介绍了CORBA技术,然后论述了北向接口的概念和在综合网络管理中存在的意义,最后针对数据网管在分布式网络管理北向接口设计问题,参考了TMF规范和划分"域"的网络管理组织结构,同时结合实际需求,利用CORBA技术给出了一种数据网管北向接口的结构模型,并对模型中的模块进行了详细说明.  相似文献   

The long-term vision of beyond 3G wireless communications describes a mobile service provision environment dramatically different from that of today. Users are expected to raise their demands to a significantly higher level, towards the situation-aware provision of ubiquitous personalized multimedia services. From this perspective, the need is emerging to apply, in a systematic way, adaptability and reconfigurability concepts for service delivery in largely diverse contexts. Generic dynamically extensible adaptation mechanisms that can be employed in a wide variety of situations and are independent of the subject and criteria of adaptation is a significant step in this direction. Moreover, effective profile representation and management becomes an increasingly important issue. In the present article we introduce an advanced adaptability and profile management framework aiming to fulfill these requirements. The proposed system has been designed, implemented, and incorporated in a distributed middleware platform for next-generation mobile service provision.  相似文献   

Techniques for enhancing real-time CORBA quality of service   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
End-to-end predictability of remote operations is essential for many fixed-priority distributed real-time and embedded (DRE) applications, such as command and control systems, manufacturing process control systems, large-scale distributed interactive simulations, and testbeam data acquisition systems. To enhance predictability, the Real-time CORBA specification defines standard middleware features that allow applications to allocate, schedule, and control key CPU, memory, and networking resources necessary to ensure end-to-end quality of service support. This paper provides two contributions to the study of Real-time CORBA middleware for DRE applications. First, we identify potential problems with ensuring predictable behavior in conventional middleware by examining the end-to-end critical code path of a remote invocation and identifying sources of unbounded priority inversions. Experimental results then illustrate how the problems we identify can yield unpredictable behavior in conventional middleware platforms. Second, we present design techniques for ensuring real-time quality of service in middleware. We show how middleware can be redesigned to use nonmultiplexed resources to eliminate sources of unbounded priority inversion. The empirical results in this paper are conducted using TAO, which is widely used and open-source DRE middleware compliant with the Real-time CORBA specification.  相似文献   

Enterprise-level QoS issues are discussed, from which QoS evolution paths are derived. Service-level QoS issues are identified, and they have been studied as a part of service quality issues in TINA service architecture. TINA stream binding and its role in the TINA QoS framework are presented. Soft guarantee of stream quality is proposed, which does not require strict resource reservation. The soft guarantee concept combined with TINA stream binding architecture supports progressive evolution of service quality  相似文献   

基于CORBA的网管接口一致性测试方法学的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘亮  亓峰  孟洛明 《通信学报》2001,22(3):96-101
本文提出了一种基于CORBA的网络管理接口的一致性测试方法。本方法在现有协议实体和管理信息库(MIB)的一致性测试方法的基础上作出相应的扩充,包括测试方法论、IDL测试器的功能结构,并指出当前存在的问题以及未来的理论研究方向。  相似文献   


Growth in multimedia traffic over the Internet increases congestion in the network architecture. Software-Defined Networking (SDN) is a novel paradigm that solves the congestion problem and allows the network to be dynamic, intelligent, and it centrally controls the network devices. SDN has many advantages in comparison to traditional networks, such as separation of forwarding and control plane from devices, global centralized control, management of network traffic. We design a policy-based framework to enhance the Quality of Service (QoS) of multimedia traffic flows in a potential SDN environment. We phrase a max-flow-min-cost routing problem to determine the routing paths and presented a heuristic method to route the traffic flows in the network in polynomial time. The framework monitors the QoS parameters of traffic flows and identifies policy violations due to link congestion in the network. The introduced approach dynamically implements policy rules to SDN switches upon detection of policy violations and reroutes the traffic flows. The results illustrate that the framework achieves a reduction in end-to-end delay, average jitter, and QoS violated flows by 24%, 37%, and 25%, respectively, as compared to the Delay Minimization method. Furthermore, the proposed approach has achieved better results when compared to SDN without policy-based framework and reduced end-to-end delay, average jitter, and QoS violated flows by 51%, 62%, and 28%, respectively.


Directory systems have become a field of interest within the context of open systems. This is due to the various requirements raised by the scale of currently interconnected networks. The paper addresses several issues related to applying the X.500 directory service to network management. These include a comparison between the management information base (MIB) for management systems and the directory information base (DIB) for the directory services, a specification of how certain management information is incorporated into the underlying data model of the directory and an information exchange model for ensuring information accessibility to management activities. Some interesting benefits can be realized through integrating the X.500 directory into management systems. A concrete example of using a distributed directory service (DDS) in management illustrates the proposal  相似文献   

The ever‐increasing size, complexity and heterogeneity of telecommunications networks necessitate the introduction of autonomic elements that assist providers in managing and configuring the network's resources. To tackle this increased complexity, it is expected that many specialized autonomic elements will take part in the management process. It becomes necessary for them to collaborate and communicate in order to achieve high‐level, human‐specified, management goals. Therefore, the need for a scalable mechanism to facilitate the interactions between autonomic elements has arisen. This article presents a communications bus, augmented with semantics through the use of ontologies and semantic reasoning, which governs the communication and collaboration between autonomic elements. It supports filtering of context based on meaning. Additionally, it facilitates matchmaking of autonomic element goals with management services using semantic definitions of their inputs, outputs, preconditions and effects. Furthermore, the delay introduced by semantic reasoning was evaluated through an implemented prototype and was shown to be limited to only a few milliseconds. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The current status of Japanese business communications and private network management is discussed, covering requirements, functions, and standardization of network management. The gap between user needs and technology as well as the issue of introduction and operating costs of management systems are examined. Technological elements that are essential to customer control of management functions are discussed, they are: an open interface, an object-oriented operation principle, and the synchronization of online database information  相似文献   

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