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Given positive integers n and d, let A/sub 2/(n,d) denote the maximum size of a binary code of length n and minimum distance d. The well-known Gilbert-Varshamov bound asserts that A/sub 2/(n,d)/spl ges/2/sup n//V(n,d-l), where V(n,d) = /spl sigma//sub i=0//sup d/(/sub i//sup n/) is the volume of a Hamming sphere of radius d. We show that, in fact, there exists a positive constant c such that A/sub 2/(n, d)/spl ges/c2/sup n//V(n,d-1)log/sub 2/V(n, d-1) whenever d/n/spl les/0.499. The result follows by recasting the Gilbert-Varshamov bound into a graph-theoretic framework and using the fact that the corresponding graph is locally sparse. Generalizations and extensions of this result are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

A code C detects error e with probability 1-Q(e),ifQ(e) is a fraction of codewords y such that y, y+e/spl isin/C. We present a class of optimal nonlinear q-ary systematic (n, q/sup k/)-codes (robust codes) minimizing over all (n, q/sup k/)-codes the maximum of Q(e) for nonzero e. We also show that any linear (n, q/sup k/)-code V with n /spl les/2k can be modified into a nonlinear (n, q/sup k/)-code C/sub v/ with simple encoding and decoding procedures, such that the set E={e|Q(e)=1} of undetected errors for C/sub v/ is a (k-r)-dimensional subspace of V (|E|=q/sup k-r/ instead of q/sup k/ for V). For the remaining q/sup n/-q/sup k-r/ nonzero errors, Q(e)/spl les/q/sup -r/for q/spl ges/3 and Q(e)/spl les/ 2/sup -r+1/ for q=2.  相似文献   

List decoding of q-ary Reed-Muller codes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The q-ary Reed-Muller (RM) codes RM/sub q/(u,m) of length n=q/sup m/ are a generalization of Reed-Solomon (RS) codes, which use polynomials in m variables to encode messages through functional encoding. Using an idea of reducing the multivariate case to the univariate case, randomized list-decoding algorithms for RM codes were given in and . The algorithm in Sudan et al. (1999) is an improvement of the algorithm in , it is applicable to codes RM/sub q/(u,m) with u相似文献   

A class of 1-generator quasi-cyclic codes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
If R = F/sub q/[x/spl rceil/]/(x/sup m/ - 1), S = F/sub qn/[x]/(x/sup m/ - 1), we define the mapping a_(x) /spl rarr/ A(x) =/spl sigma//sub 0//sup n-1/a/sub i/(x)/spl alpha//sub i/ from R/sup n/ onto S, where (/spl alpha//sub 0/, /spl alpha//sub i/,..., /spl alpha//sub n-1/) is a basis for F/sub qn/ over F/sub q/. This carries the q-ray 1-generator quasicyclic (QC) code R a_(x) onto the code RA(x) in S whose parity-check polynomial (p.c.p.) is defined as the monic polynomial h(x) over F/sub q/ of least degree such that h(x)A(x) = 0. In the special case, where gcd(q, m) = 1 and where the prime factorizations of x/sub m/ 1 over F/sub q/ and F/sub qn/ are the same we show that there exists a one-to-one correspondence between the q-ary 1-generator quasis-cyclic codes with p.c.p. h(x) and the elements of the factor group J* /I* where J is the ideal in S with p.c.p. h(x) and I the corresponding quantity in R. We then describe an algorithm for generating the elements of J*/I*. Next, we show that if we choose a normal basis for F/sub qn/ over F/sub q/, then we can modify the aforementioned algorithm to eliminate a certain number of equivalent codes, thereby rending the algorithm more attractive from a computational point of view. Finally in Section IV, we show how to modify the above algorithm in order to generate all the binary self-dual 1-generator QC codes.  相似文献   

Let GR(4/sup m/) be the Galois ring of characteristic 4 and cardinality 4/sup m/, and /spl alpha/_={/spl alpha//sub 0/,/spl alpha//sub 1/,...,/spl alpha//sub m-1/} be a basis of GR(4/sup m/) over /spl Zopf//sub 4/ when we regard GR(4/sup m/) as a free /spl Zopf//sub 4/-module of rank m. Define the map d/sub /spl alpha/_/ from GR(4/sup m/)[z]/(z/sup n/-1) into /spl Zopf//sub 4/[z]/(z/sup mn/-1) by d/spl alpha/_(a(z))=/spl Sigma//sub i=0//sup m-1//spl Sigma//sub j=0//sup n-1/a/sub ij/z/sup mj+i/ where a(z)=/spl Sigma//sub j=0//sup n-1/a/sub j/z/sup j/ and a/sub j/=/spl Sigma//sub i=0//sup m-1/a/sub ij//spl alpha//sub i/, a/sub ij//spl isin//spl Zopf//sub 4/. Then, for any linear code C of length n over GR(4/sup m/), its image d/sub /spl alpha/_/(C) is a /spl Zopf//sub 4/-linear code of length mn. In this article, for n and m being odd integers, it is determined all pairs (/spl alpha/_,C) such that d/sub /spl alpha/_/(C) is /spl Zopf//sub 4/-cyclic, where /spl alpha/_ is a basis of GR(4/sup m/) over /spl Zopf//sub 4/, and C is a cyclic code of length n over GR(4/sup m/).  相似文献   

We consider the product code C/sub p/ of q-ary linear codes with minimum distances d/sub c/ and d/sub r/. The words in C/sub p/ of weight less than d/sub r/d/sub c/+max(d/sub r//spl lceil/(d/sub c//g)/spl rceil/,d/sub c//spl lceil/(d/sub r//q)/spl rceil/) are characterized, and their number is expressed in the number of low-weight words of the constituent codes. For binary product codes, we give an upper bound on the number of words in C/sub p/ of weightless than min(d/sub r/(d/sub c/+/spl lceil/(d/sub c//2)/spl rceil/+1)), d/sub c/(d/sub r/+/spl lceil/(d/sub r//2)/spl rceil/+1) that is met with equality if C/sub c/ and C/sub r/ are (extended) perfect codes.  相似文献   

This correspondence is concerned with asymptotic properties on the codeword length of a fixed-to-variable length code (FV code) for a general source {X/sup n/}/sub n=1//sup /spl infin// with a finite or countably infinite alphabet. Suppose that for each n /spl ges/ 1 X/sup n/ is encoded to a binary codeword /spl phi//sub n/(X/sup n/) of length l(/spl phi//sub n/(X/sup n/)). Letting /spl epsiv//sub n/ denote the decoding error probability, we consider the following two criteria on FV codes: i) /spl epsiv//sub n/ = 0 for all n /spl ges/ 1 and ii) lim sup/sub n/spl rarr//spl infin///spl epsiv//sub n/ /spl les/ /spl epsiv/ for an arbitrarily given /spl epsiv/ /spl isin/ [0,1). Under criterion i), we show that, if X/sup n/ is encoded by an arbitrary prefix-free FV code asymptotically achieving the entropy, 1/nl(/spl phi//sub n/(X/sup n/)) - 1/nlog/sub 2/ 1/PX/sup n/(X/sup n/) /spl rarr/ 0 in probability as n /spl rarr/ /spl infin/ under a certain condition, where P/sub X//sup n/ denotes the probability distribution of X/sup n/. Under criterion ii), we first determine the minimum rate achieved by FV codes. Next, we show that 1/nl(/spl phi//sub n/(X/sup n/)) of an arbitrary FV code achieving the minimum rate in a certain sense has a property similar to the lossless case.  相似文献   

Let Z/(p/sup e/) be the integer residue ring with odd prime p/spl ges/5 and integer e/spl ges/2. For a sequence a_ over Z/(p/sup e/), there is a unique p-adic expansion a_=a_/sub 0/+a_/spl middot/p+...+a_/sub e-1//spl middot/p/sup e-1/, where each a_/sub i/ is a sequence over {0,1,...,p-1}, and can be regarded as a sequence over the finite field GF(p) naturally. Let f(x) be a primitive polynomial over Z/(p/sup e/), and G'(f(x),p/sup e/) the set of all primitive sequences generated by f(x) over Z/(p/sup e/). Set /spl phi//sub e-1/ (x/sub 0/,...,x/sub e-1/) = x/sub e-1//sup k/ + /spl eta//sub e-2,1/(x/sub 0/, x/sub 1/,...,x/sub e-2/) /spl psi//sub e-1/(x/sub 0/,...,x/sub e-1/) = x/sub e-1//sup k/ + /spl eta//sub e-2,2/(x/sub 0/,x/sub 1/,...,x/sub e-2/) where /spl eta//sub e-2,1/ and /spl eta//sub e-2,2/ are arbitrary functions of e-1 variables over GF(p) and 2/spl les/k/spl les/p-1. Then the compression mapping /spl phi//sub e-1/:{G'(f(x),p/sup e/) /spl rarr/ GF(p)/sup /spl infin// a_ /spl rarr/ /spl phi//sub e-1/(a_/sub 0/,...,a_/sub e-1/) is injective, that is, a_ = b_ if and only if /spl phi//sub e-1/(a_/sub 0/,...,a_/sub e-1/) = /spl phi//sub e-1/(b_/sub 0/,...,b_/sub e-1/) for a_,b_ /spl isin/ G'(f(x),p/sup e/). Furthermore, if f(x) is a strongly primitive polynomial over Z/(p/sup e/), then /spl phi//sub e-1/(a_/sub 0/,...,a_/sub e-1/) = /spl psi//sub e-1/(b_/sub 0/,...,b_/sub e-1/) if and only if a_ = b_ and /spl phi//sub e-1/(x/sub 0/,...,x/sub e-1/) = /spl psi//sub e-1/(x/sub 0/,...,x/sub e-1/) for a_,b_ /spl isin/ G'(f(x),p/sup e/).  相似文献   

This article contains a construction for independent sets in the powers of the complements of odd cycles. In particular, we show that /spl alpha/(C~/sub 2n+3/(2/sup n/))/spl ges/2(2/sup n/)+1. It follows that for n/spl ges/0 we have /spl Theta/(C~/sub 2n+3/)>2, where /spl Theta/(G) denotes the Shannon (1956) capacity of graph G.  相似文献   

Using the estimates of the exponential sums over Galois rings, we discuss the random properties of the highest level sequences /spl alpha//sub e-1/ of primitive sequences generated by a primitive polynomial of degree n over Z(2/sup e/). First we obtain an estimate of 0, 1 distribution in one period of /spl alpha//sub e-1/. On the other hand, we give an estimate of the absolute value of the autocorrelation function |C/sub N/(h)| of /spl alpha//sub e-1/, which is less than 2/sup e-1/(2/sup e-1/-1)/spl radic/3(2/sup 2e/-1)2/sup n/2/+2/sup e-1/ for h/spl ne/0. Both results show that the larger n is, the more random /spl alpha//sub e-1/ will be.  相似文献   

Joint moments involving arbitrary powers of order statistics are the main concern. Consider order statistics u/sub 1/ /spl les/ u/sub 2/ /spl les/ /spl middot//spl middot//spl middot/ /spl les/ u/sub k/ coming from a simple random sample of size n from a real continuous population where u/sub 1/ = x/sub r(1):n/ is order-statistic #r/sub 1/, u/sub 2/ = x/sub r(1)+r(2):n/ is order statistic #(r/sub 1/ + r/sub 2/), et al., and u/sub k/ = x/sub r(1)+/spl middot//spl middot//spl middot/+r(k):n/ is order statistic #(r/sub 1/ +/spl middot//spl middot//spl middot/+ r/sub k/). Product moments are examined of the type E[u/sub 1//sup /spl alpha/(1)/ /spl middot/ u/sub 2//sup /spl alpha/(2)//sub /spl middot/ /spl middot//spl middot//spl middot//spl middot//u/sub k//sup /spl alpha/(k)/] where /spl alpha//sub 1/, ..., /spl alpha//sub k/ are arbitrary quantities that might be complex numbers, and E[/spl middot/] denotes the s-expected value. Some explicit evaluations are considered for a logistic population. Detailed evaluations of all integer moments of u/sub 1/ and recurrence relations, recurring only on the order of the moments, are given. Connections to survival functions in survival analysis, hazard functions in reliability situations, real type-1, type-2 /spl beta/ and Dirichlet distributions are also examined. Arbitrary product moments for the survival functions are evaluated. Very general results are obtained which can be used in many problems in various areas.  相似文献   

We experimentally studied the dependence of the threshold energy density E/sub th//S in Nd/sub 0.5/La/sub 0.5/Al/sub 3/(BO/sub 3/)/sub 4/ random laser on the diameter of the pumped spot d and found that at d/spl ges/130/spl mu/m, E/sub th//S is proportional to 1/d+const. This functional dependence is different from the one commonly expected in the case of diffusion, /spl prop/1/d/sup 2/+const. However, the obtained experimental dependence does not mean the failure of the diffusion model. Calculating the mean photon's residence time /spl tau//sub res//sup p/ (which photons, making their diffusion-like random walks, spend inside the gain volume) as the function of d and further assuming that E/sub th//S/spl prop/(/spl tau//sup p//sub res/)/sup -1/, we predicted the experimentally obtained functional dependence, /spl prop/1/d+const. The major difference between our model and that of and was in the boundary conditions.  相似文献   

Let (F/sub k/)/sub k/spl ges/1/ be a nested family of parametric classes of densities with finite Vapnik-Chervonenkis dimension. Let f be a probability density belonging to F/sub k//sup */, where k/sup */ is the unknown smallest integer such that f/spl isin/F/sub k/. Given a random sample X/sub 1/,...,X/sub n/ drawn from f, an integer k/sub 0//spl ges/1 and a real number /spl alpha//spl isin/(0,1), we introduce a new, simple, explicit /spl alpha/-level consistent testing procedure of the hypothesis {H/sub 0/:k/sup */=k/sub 0/} versus the alternative {H/sub 1/:k/sup *//spl ne/k/sub 0/}. Our method is inspired by the combinatorial tools developed in Devroye and Lugosi and it includes a wide range of density models, such as mixture models, neural networks, or exponential families.  相似文献   

A checkerboard constraint is a bounded measurable set S/spl sub/R/sup 2/, containing the origin. A binary labeling of the Z/sup 2/ lattice satisfies the checkerboard constraint S if whenever t/spl isin/Z/sup 2/ is labeled 1, all of the other Z/sup 2/-lattice points in the translate t+S are labeled 0. Two-dimensional channels that only allow labelings of Z/sup 2/ satisfying checkerboard constraints are studied. Let A(S) be the area of S, and let A(S)/spl rarr//spl infin/ mean that S retains its shape but is inflated in size in the form /spl alpha/S, as /spl alpha//spl rarr//spl infin/. It is shown that for any open checkerboard constraint S, there exist positive reals K/sub 1/ and K/sub 2/ such that as A(S)/spl rarr//spl infin/, the channel capacity C/sub S/ decays to zero at least as fast as (K/sub 1/log/sub 2/A(S))/A(S) and at most as fast as (K/sub 2/log/sub 2/A(S))/A(S). It is also shown that if S is an open convex and symmetric checkerboard constraint, then as A(S)/spl rarr//spl infin/, the capacity decays exactly at the rate 4/spl delta/(S)(log/sub 2/A(S))/A(S), where /spl delta/(S) is the packing density of the set S. An implication is that the capacity of such checkerboard constrained channels is asymptotically determined only by the areas of the constraint and the smallest (possibly degenerate) hexagon that can be circumscribed about the constraint. In particular, this establishes that channels with square, diamond, or hexagonal checkerboard constraints all asymptotically have the same capacity, since /spl delta/(S)=1 for such constraints.  相似文献   

A new binary sequence family with low correlation and large size   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
For odd n=2l+1 and an integer /spl rho/ with 1/spl les//spl rho//spl les/l, a new family S/sub o/(/spl rho/) of binary sequences of period 2/sup n/-1 is constructed. For a given /spl rho/, S/sub o/(/spl rho/) has maximum correlation 1+2/sup n+2/spl rho/-1/2/, family size 2/sup n/spl rho//, and maximum linear span n(n+1)/2. Similarly, a new family of S/sub e/(/spl rho/) of binary sequences of period 2/sup n/-1 is also presented for even n=2l and an integer /spl rho/ with 1/spl les//spl rho/相似文献   

The inequalities of quantum information theory   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Let /spl rho/ denote the density matrix of a quantum state having n parts 1, ..., n. For I/spl sube/N={1, ..., n}, let /spl rho//sub I/=Tr/sub N/spl bsol/I/(/spl rho/) denote the density matrix of the state comprising those parts i such that i/spl isin/I, and let S(/spl rho//sub I/) denote the von Neumann (1927) entropy of the state /spl rho//sub I/. The collection of /spl nu/=2/sup n/ numbers {S(/spl rho//sub I/)}/sub I/spl sube/N/ may be regarded as a point, called the allocation of entropy for /spl rho/, in the vector space R/sup /spl nu//. Let A/sub n/ denote the set of points in R/sup /spl nu// that are allocations of entropy for n-part quantum states. We show that A~/sub n/~ (the topological closure of A/sub n/) is a closed convex cone in R/sup /spl nu//. This implies that the approximate achievability of a point as an allocation of entropy is determined by the linear inequalities that it satisfies. Lieb and Ruskai (1973) have established a number of inequalities for multipartite quantum states (strong subadditivity and weak monotonicity). We give a finite set of instances of these inequalities that is complete (in the sense that any valid linear inequality for allocations of entropy can be deduced from them by taking positive linear combinations) and independent (in the sense that none of them can be deduced from the others by taking positive linear combinations). Let B/sub n/ denote the polyhedral cone in R/sup /spl nu// determined by these inequalities. We show that A~/sub n/~=B/sub n/ for n/spl les/3. The status of this equality is open for n/spl ges/4. We also consider a symmetric version of this situation, in which S(/spl rho//sub I/) depends on I only through the number i=/spl ne/I of indexes in I and can thus be denoted S(/spl rho//sub i/). In this case, we give for each n a finite complete and independent set of inequalities governing the symmetric allocations of entropy {S(/spl rho//sub i/)}/sub 0/spl les/i/spl les/n/ in R/sup n+1/.  相似文献   

Cyclic linear codes of block length n over a finite field F/sub q/ are linear subspaces of F/sub q//sup n/ that are invariant under a cyclic shift of their coordinates. A family of codes is good if all the codes in the family have constant rate and constant normalized distance (distance divided by block length). It is a long-standing open problem whether there exists a good family of cyclic linear codes. A code C is r-testable if there exists a randomized algorithm which, given a word x/spl isin//sub q//sup n/, adaptively selects r positions, checks the entries of x in the selected positions, and makes a decision (accept or reject x) based on the positions selected and the numbers found, such that 1) if x/spl isin/C then x is surely accepted; ii) if dist(x,C) /spl ges/ /spl epsi/n then x is probably rejected. ("dist" refers to Hamming distance.) A family of codes is locally testable if all members of the family are r-testable for some constant r. This concept arose from holographic proofs/PCP's. Recently it was asked whether there exist good, locally testable families of codes. In this paper the intersection of the two questions stated is addressed. Theorem. There are no good, locally testable families of cyclic codes over any (fixed) finite field. In fact the result is stronger in that it replaces condition ii) of local testability by the condition ii') if dist (x,C) /spl ges/ /spl epsi/n then x has a positive chance of being rejected. The proof involves methods from Galois theory, cyclotomy, and diophantine approximation.  相似文献   

We show how to compute the support weight distribution A/sub i//sup r/ for r/spl ges/k-d/sub 2//sup /spl perp//+3, where d/sub 2//sup /spl perp// is the second minimum support weight of a code, provided the weight enumerator of the dual code is known.  相似文献   

A multiple access source code (MASC) is a source code designed for the following network configuration: a pair of correlated information sequences {X/sub i/}/sub i=1//sup /spl infin// and {Y/sub i/}/sub i=1//sup /spl infin// is drawn independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) according to joint probability mass function (p.m.f.) p(x,y); the encoder for each source operates without knowledge of the other source; the decoder jointly decodes the encoded bit streams from both sources. The work of Slepian and Wolf describes all rates achievable by MASCs of infinite coding dimension (n/spl rarr//spl infin/) and asymptotically negligible error probabilities (P/sub e//sup (n)//spl rarr/0). In this paper, we consider the properties of optimal instantaneous MASCs with finite coding dimension (n相似文献   

Quantum cyclic and constacyclic codes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Based on classical quaternary constacyclic linear codes, we construct a set of quantum codes with parameters [[(4/sup m/ -1)/3, (4/sup m/ -1)/3 -2(3l + b)m, 4l + b + 2]] where m/spl ges/4, 1/spl les/b/spl les/3, and 12l + 3b < 2 /spl times/ 4/sup /spl lfloor/(m+2)/3/spl rfloor//-1, which are better than the codes in Bierbrauer and Edel (2000).  相似文献   

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