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An investigation of the non-adiabatic tubular reactor, in which a single chemical reaction occurs, is presented. The steady state mass and heat balance equations are shown to be a pair of coupled, nonlinear differential equations, and are shown to uncouple into a single functional-differential equation for the case Le = 1. A-priori bounds on the steady state concentration and temperature are developed, and some remarks about the shape of the steady state profiles made. Sufficient conditions ensuring uniqueness of steady states and their asymptotic stability are derived.  相似文献   

An experimental study of instability in a non-adiabatic packed bed reactor using NO reduction with CO over a fiber glass supported Ru catalyst is presented. A 2-reaction kinetic model is used. The results are compared to the predictions of two different TRAM ignition criteria which are expanded to cover the non-adiabatic, single reactant but multireaction case. Although there were difficulties in experimentally evaluating some of the transport parameters, the results show that one of the expanded ignition criteria in particular does satisfactorily model the data. Data are also presented which show how the temperature profile in an ignited bed moves as the inlet temperature is lowered to the quench point. Additional quench data are provided which show that the quench point is strongly affected by the feed concentration of the reactant and only a mild function of gas velocity.  相似文献   

The development of a mathematical model to account for channel interactions in a multichannel monolith with square shaped channels is described. As an example of the application of the code, channel interactions are modelled that result from a maldistribution in fuel supply into a catalytic monolith combustor. The response of a metal and a ceramic monolith are compared, demonstrating the advantages of conduction as a method of dissipating heat in the radial direction.  相似文献   

A study was conducted on the emulsion copolymerization of vinyl acetate and butyl acrylate in a tubular reactor. It was performed at a constant temperature of 60°C and at different fluid velocities and feed compositions. Conversion, particle size distribution, and copolymer composition were measured, respectively, with gravimetric method, laser light scattering, and nuclear magnetic resonance. Maximum conversions were found for each of the monomer compositions; this maximum conversion varied, however, with the recipe used. The amount of butyl acrylate has a direct effect on the number of particles and on the final conversion. In lower levels of butyl acrylate particle size distribution is wide and bimodal. High levels of butyl acrylate leads to narrow and monomodal particle size distribution. Therefore the level of butyl acrylate and the velocity of fluid flowing inside the tube have strong effects on the shape (monomodal‐bimodal) and the width of particle size distributions. This effect may vary at different levels of butyl acrylate and flow rate. The results obtained from copolymer composition show that an alternating block copolymer is made during the reaction. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 75: 833–842, 2000  相似文献   

A stochastic model representing annular flow in a tubular reactor is proposed. Numerical simulation was utilized to generate sample paths fitting the residence time distributions (RTD) of the system. The model was constructed from basic diffusion equations with the additional consideration of random effects disturbing the system, thus yielding a stochastic partial differential equation. The stochastic model is simulated using the Euler–Maruyama procedure. Experimental data from three tubular polymerization reactors were well fitted by the model. The model encompassed the two deterministic parameters, mean residence time and Peclet number, as well as three stochastic parameters: stochastic relevance (b), updated time (ΔT) and the seed that begins the Wiener process. The satisfactory results indicate that the model constitutes an important step toward comprehending the complex fluid dynamics of tubular flow systems.  相似文献   

A sufficient condition under which a tubular reactor with axial diffusion is globally stable is derived by use of the maximum principle for parabolic equations. It is shown that by use of some topological concepts the asymptotic stability of a steady state can be determined without the necessity of performing any computations. If a unique steady state exists it is asymptotically stable. If three steady states exist, the high and low temperature steady states are asymptotically stable, while the intermediate one is unstable.  相似文献   

Experimental data are reported for the unsteady state behaviour of a laminar flow reactor with first order homogeneous liquid phase reaction. The data are in agreement with the predictions of the dispersion model, using previously reported reaction-dependent dispersion coefficients which directly gives the bulk mean concentration. The use of proper boundary conditions, ignored in a recent paper on this topic(19), is found to significantly influence the predictions. Unlike the conclusion drawn in(19) it is shown that the Taylor model is unable to correctly predict the reactor length for fast reactions even for high conversions.  相似文献   

Theoretical expressions were developed for the design of a tubular reactor for the calcination of limestone, pneumatically conveyed by flue gas. The total residence time and the length of the reactor are affected in particular by the particle size, the excess thermal capacity of the gas and the heat transfer coefficient. High throughput can be achieved in relatively small reactors. An experimental investigation verified a theoretical prediction, that a considerable part of the decomposition takes place in the first few centimeters of the reactor length. The rate of heat transfer in this section was high, with Nusselt numbers of 9.9 to 31.7.  相似文献   

A mathematical model for a tubular emulsion polymerization reactor is developed. The partial differential equations describing the mass balances on initiator, monomer, and number of polymer particles are numerically solved using an implicit–explicit scheme based on the Crank–Nicholson method. The model adequately simulates experimental results reported by Rollin and co-workers and sufficiently explains the unusual behavior of the reactor when operating at relatively low emulsifier concentrations.  相似文献   

The dynamic behaviour of an adiabatic tubular plant reactor during the startup is demonstrated, together with the impact of a feed-pump failure of one of the reactants. A dynamic model of the reactor system is presented, and the system response is calculated as a function of experimentally-determined, time-dependent, manipulated variables. The values of model parameters are estimated by using the SimuSolv (1991) computer program. The data set collected during the reactor start-up is used for the parameter estimation procedure. An excellent agreement is obtained between the experimental and the calculated system response. Many continuously-operated commercial reactors require a complete conversion of one of the main reactants at the reactor exit. It is shown that for an industrial tubular reactor a much higher initial reactor temperature is required during the startup, compared to the reactor inlet temperature during normal steady-state operation, to ensure a complete reactant conversion. Much more research is necessary to determine whether this is a generally valid rule.  相似文献   

The unsteady-state solution is obtained by an operator theory in functional analysis setting for a general finite catalytic packed-bed tubular reactor model with axial dispersion in the bed, mass transfer between the catalyst particles and the flowing phase, and intraparticle diffusion and surface reaction in the catalyst particles.  相似文献   

A commonly used energy-efficient nylon 6 reactor is simulated under steady-state conditions. The effects of various operating conditions and parameters, e.g., feed composition, temperature and flow rate, heat transfer coefficients, and reactor dimensions, on the temperature and molecular weight profiles are studied. A temperature maximum is observed in the reactor under usual conditions of operation. The maximum value of the temperature is sensitive to the feed conditions, and one has to ensure that degradation reactions speeded up at high temperatures do not affect product characteristics. The model and the numerical technique used are fairly simple and account for most of the important features of industrial reactors. Hence, these can be used in the development of digital-control algorithms in the future.  相似文献   

An analytical solution for diffusion with a homogeneous first-order reaction in the bulk and a heterogeneous reaction at the reactor wall in a non-Newtonian laminar flow tubular reactor is presented by using the Galerkin technique. The effect of reaction rate constants on dispersion is studied under isothermal conditions. It is found that, for the same mean velocity of the flow, the effective dispersion coefficient decreases with increase in the chemical reaction rate constants.  相似文献   

The tubular reactor in the steady state is considered for a single chemical reaction. It is shown that almost all of the qualitative features of the temperature and concentration profiles may be deduced from the equations themselves without solving them. Extensive numerical calculations are also presented both for the finite and semi-infinite reactor. Comparisons are made with the lumped constant system. It is shown that the solution for the semi-infinite reactor is always unique and serves as a bounding solution for all finite reactors with the same parameters.  相似文献   

Exact multiplicity and uniqueness criteria for steady state in a non-adiabatic continuous stirred tank reactor are studied through simple tangent analysis for binary, exothermic reaction of the type A + bB → Products with rate expression rA = kCAm CBn, where A is the limiting reactant. Important parameters for multiplicity criteria are reaction orders m and n, stoichiometric coefficient b, the ratio p of feed concentration of A to that of B, dimensionless activation energy α, dimensionless heat of reaction β, dimensionless heat transfer coefficient γ and dimensionless coolant temperature. Necessary conditions for the system to have multiple exit conversions (temperatures) are defined in the (m, n, b, p, α, β, γ) space. Multiplicity is guaranteed by limiting the dimensionless space time ? in a proper range in addition to the necessary conditions. Effects of various parameters on multiplicity and uniqueness are numerically calculated and graphically represented. Theoretical prediction for multiplicity are further compared with multiplicity data reported in literatures.  相似文献   

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