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Several issues involved in creep feed grinding of alumina with diamond wheels were studied. Influences of variables on responses were investigated. Off-line optimization was performed by formulating the grinding process as a multi-objective nonlinear mixed integer problem. The dominant mechanism of material removal was determined. The grinding process was simulated to obtain the number of active cutting edges and the grinding parameters such as cutting length, maximum undeformed chip thickness, etc. Unit load distribution was characterized and then used to estimate the percentage of cutting edges that fracture or plastically cut the material and to derive the probability distribution function for substance cracks. Fractal concept was applied to characterize wheel profiles. Findings from these studies are reported in this paper. These studies are definitely not complete, but surely shed some light on the creep feed grinding process of ceramic materials.  相似文献   

The grinding of certain materials such as ductile material which are hard to grind implies particular conditions of work. Maintaining the cutting ability of the wheel is necessary and wheel cleaning is one of these conditions. In this paper, the parameters which are influential in maintaining a clean wheel are identified. A cleaning criterion is proposed to estimate the efficiency of the cleaning process. Using an experimental setup, the significant of the influence of the nozzle position, the flow rate and pressure, the boundary layer of air around the rotating wheel and the particle rate contained in the fluid are assessed. It is observed too that the fluid temperature has no significant effect. Lastly, the best method to clean a wheel when high speed grinding is discussed.  相似文献   

The application of minimum quantity lubrication (MQL) in grinding has emerged as an alternative for reducing the abundant flow of cutting fluids, thus achieving cleaner production. Although considered an innovative technique in grinding operations, its widespread application is hindered due primarily to the high heat generation and wheel pore clogging caused by machined chips, harming the final product quality and increasing tool wear on the machine. This study sought to improve MQL use in grinding. In addition to the conventional MQL injected at the wheel/workpiece interface, a compressed air jet was used to clean the mixture of MQL oil and machined chips from clogged wheel pores. Experiments were conducted using external cylindrical plunge grinding on AISI 4340 quenched and tempered steel, and a vitrified cubic boron nitrite (CBN) wheel. The cooling-lubrication methods employed were the conventional flood coolant application, MQL (without cleaning), and MQL with a cleaning jet directed at the wheel surface at different angles of incidence. The main goal of these experiments was to verify the viability of replacing the traditional abundant flow of cutting fluid with MQL and wheel cleaning. The analyses were conducted by measuring the following output variables of the process: workpiece surface roughness and roundness errors, diametrical wheel wear, acoustic emission generated by the process, and metallographic images of the ground surface and subsurface. Results show the positive effects of implementing the cleaning jet technique as a technological improvement of minimum quantity lubrication in grinding in order to reduce the usage of cutting fluids. The MQL technique with cleaning compressed air jet, for a specific angle of incidence (30°), proved to be extremely efficient in the improvement of the surface quality and accurate workpiece shape; it also reduced wheel wear when compared to the other cooling-lubrication methods that were tested (without a cleaning jet).  相似文献   

During the grinding of steels, diamond abrasive grains are thought to be worn away as a result of abrasive and chemical action between the grain and the workpiece materials. As the working grains in a wheel become blunter, the cutting forces acting on those grains increase in magnitude. The following work describes the results of plunge-type surface grinding tests performed with a metal-clad diamond abrasive, resinoid bonded grinding wheel on a series of tool steels. During the tests the grinding force components and the radial wear of the wheel are measured periodically.An analysis of the results obtained indicate that the steady-state wear rate of the wheel, for a given set of grinding conditions is related to the abrasive number (hardness) of the workpiece material and the rate of change of the normal component of force when grinding that material. Additionally an empirical formula is presented which relates the grinding ratio to the properties of the workpiece material expressed in terms of the abrasive number of that material and a term indicative of the excess or deficiency of carbon in the steel relative to the amount required to form recognized carbides with the major alloying elements.  相似文献   

钢轨修磨是修复钢轨损伤的主要方式。相比于普通磨削,钢轨修磨对砂轮的磨削加工性能提出了特殊的要求。依据钢轨铣磨车作业工况,设定磨削参数,对不同砂轮进行试验研究,优选符合作业要求的砂轮。试验结果表明:树脂结合剂混合刚玉磨料砂轮耐磨性较好,砂轮的表面有轻微黏附型堵塞;陶瓷结合剂白刚玉大气孔砂轮的磨削效率和耐磨性综合性能较好,砂轮的表面有轻微黏附型堵塞;陶瓷结合剂微晶刚玉砂轮的自锐性好,干磨削效率高,但耐用度极低。   相似文献   

The object of this study is to model and forecast the grinding force for the creep feed grinding process, using back propagation (BP) neural network. The BP neural network is improved by integrating an error distribution function (EDF), a process that proves to be useful in overcoming local minimum problems effectively, so as to find the global minimum solution, and greatly accelerate the convergence speed. Compared with the theoretical force model, the force model implemented by the improved BP neural network is found to be accurate and to predict the grinding force satisfactorily.  相似文献   

cBN砂轮在高速设备上使用非常广泛,但在老式低速磨床上采用cBN砂轮的非常少。我们在这方面做了大胆的尝试,就是在老式磨床上不做任何改进,直接更换相同直径的陶瓷cBN砂轮,通过更换皮带轮改变传动比,把砂轮速度从51.4 m/s提升到64.8 m/s,增大冷却液流量、压力,确定冷却液冲刷位置,改变切削的进给量,使cBN砂轮的一个修整频次内寿命大幅提升。最后证明陶瓷cBN砂轮在低速磨床中一样可以替代刚玉砂轮,并且不需要大的改造投资,可以获得非常好的综合经济效益。  相似文献   

Precision molding is recognized as the most appropriate technology for the mass production of glass freeform optics. However, difficulty arises when fabricating freeform molds with sub-micron form accuracy and nanometre-scale surface finish. A novel wheel normal grinding approach with fillet-end grinding wheel based on slow tool servo is proposed to ensure that the wheel errors are not transferred to mold surface and, thus, that the required machining accuracy is achieved. The wheel path generation strategy and the corresponding wheel truing method are presented. A toric tungsten carbide mold is ground to experimentally verify the validity of the proposed method.  相似文献   

A targeted adjustment of the dressing results and the methodological influence of the dressing process on the non-stationary wear of a grinding wheel after dressing increases the productivity and the reproducibility of grinding processes. Despite the great economic importance of grinding processes with vitrified corundum grinding wheels and the great relevance of the dressing process for the application behavior of these grinding wheels, quantitative models are missing for the purposeful design of the dressing process. In previous studies, a dressing model was successfully developed which predicts the dressing force in the dressing process as well as the workpiece roughness and the grinding wheel wear behavior in a grinding process for a specific grinding wheel and form roller specification. However, a transferability of this model to other grinding wheel and form roller specifications is not possible because the influence of the grain size and the hardness of the grinding wheel as well as the dressing tool topography on the grinding wheel wear and thus on parameters of the dressing model are not known. The objective of this work was to extend the model to additional grinding wheel and form roller specifications to ensure a broad applicability of the model.  相似文献   

钢轨打磨车砂轮技术标准   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在介绍中国铁路总公司企业标准Q/CR 1-2014《钢轨打磨车砂轮订货技术条件》制定背景的基础上,叙述了标准的主要内容及制定原则,着重对标准中参数的来源及依据进行了说明,解析了标准中钢轨打磨砂轮磨削性能、回转性能、静平衡性能参数的选择,对标准的合理性进行了评价。   相似文献   

Mechanisms in the generation of grinding wheel topography by dressing   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
For the process of dressing vitrified bonded grinding wheels with diamond tools it has been unknown how the wheel topography is generated. Moreover, the influence of the kinematical dressing parameters on the wheel wear behavior has not been quantified. In the course of this article the grinding wheel was dealt with as a porous ceramic composite. In FEM simulations common dressing forces and usual dressing tool geometries were applied. The results were verified by dressing tests and grinding wheel scratch tests which show the wheel wear mechanisms. The common practice of decreasing the grinding wheel surface roughness by a finishing dressing stroke has to be reconsidered, because previous dressing strokes with higher depths of cut can weaken the grinding wheel structure and lead to an unsteady phase with high grinding wheel wear after dressing.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to determine the heat flux distribution and to estimate the workpiece temperature in creep feed grinding. The sequential algorithm of the inverse heat transfer was used for determining the heat flux distribution. The amount of heat flux to the workpiece, the energy partition and the convective heat transfer coefficients both at the front and at the back of the heat flux were determined. Three heat source models using the determined amount of heat flux were applied to estimate the workpiece temperature. The workpiece temperatures estimated by the heat source models were compared with that measured by the embedded thermocouple. The scalene triangle model correlated best with measured and theoretical temperature profiles obtained for creep feed grinding.  相似文献   

J. Badger 《CIRP Annals》2009,58(1):307-34
An investigation was made into the phenomenon of wheel collapse, where power increases steadily with attritious wear until a critical value is reached, upon which power drops rapidly to a steady-state value and the wheel loses its roundness. Causes and mechanisms were investigated, along with the relationships between amount of material removed at collapse, power at collapse, post-collapse steady-state power, cooling, wheel self-sharpening, and G-ratio. Examples from laboratory tests and production tests are used. Practical recommendations are given for delaying or eliminating collapse.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the experimental study of micro wheel wear in surface grinding. Both attritious and fracture types of wear were identified. The transition from attrition to fracture varied with the wheel hardness and maximum wheel life was observed at the transition form. Possible explanations for the wear trends have been put forward. Shelling of grains have been observed to be negligible.  相似文献   

本试验使用石墨白刚玉砂轮精密磨削铁氧体,可实现简化工艺的目的。实验结果表明:在磨削速度24 m/s、工件速度1~10 m/min、切深2.5~7.5 μm的普通磨削工艺条件下,铁氧体零件的表面粗糙度值均达到Ra 0.18 μm以下。最小的表面粗糙度值可以达到Ra 0.09 μm,磨削表面呈镜面。因此,该磨削工艺可以完全满足铁氧体零件的表面加工质量要求。   相似文献   

砂轮表面形貌对磨削加工过程和已加工表面质量有着极大影响,但由于砂轮表面磨粒分布的随机性,描述砂轮表面形貌非常困难。通过对砂轮表面进行采样和数据处理,运用统计学理论和Johnson变换方法获得了非正态分布砂轮表面形貌的数学描述方程,在此基础上对砂轮表面形貌进行仿真。选用伯明翰14参数集的部分参数作为评价标准,对测量的砂轮表面形貌和仿真形貌进行比较,结果显示:二者具有很好的一致性,6个参数的平均相对误差仅为2.97%。结果充分证明了该仿真方法的正确性。   相似文献   

本文是通过实验的方法研究花岗石磨抛工艺,分析磨轮磨损的原因和影响光泽度的因素,探讨磨轮在花岗石磨削过程中的半径补偿,以指导实际生产,提高生产效率和加工精度。通过实验可以得到以下结论:磨轮的磨损主要取决于石材的硬度和石材去除量,石材硬度愈高,磨轮寿命愈短;去除量愈大,磨轮磨损愈大。树脂型磨轮磨抛花岗石,磨轮半径每米要补偿0.01-0.02mm。光泽度与磨粒的粒度和主轴转速有关,磨粒的粒度越小,转速愈高,光泽度愈高。  相似文献   

电火花修形砂轮对ELID磨削效果影响的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对经电火花精修形、粗修形后形成硬质层和去除修形形成硬化层的金属结合剂超硬磨料砂轮进行对比实验,研究了三种砂轮的ELID电解曲线和电解后的砂轮表面形貌,分析了不同砂轮被电解后对加工工件的表面粗糙度的影响。实验结果表明:电火花修形后砂轮,表面硬质层阻值较大,不宜直接用于ELID精密镜面磨削加工;电火花修形能够提高砂轮表面的强度和硬度,能够提高砂轮的耐磨性;为保证砂轮基体受电火花淬火影响最小,形成硬质层最薄,电火花精修形时需选用较小的占空比。  相似文献   

本研究采用CBN砂轮代替传统的棕刚玉砂轮,进行了细纱机锭杆表面成形磨削实验研究.锭杆材料选用热轧轴承钢GCr15.磨削在无锡产M11100专用磨床上进行,CBN砂轮为CBN-850磨料、粒度160#、浓度100%、硬度为J-K.砂轮主轴转速提高到2000 r/min,采用英国产泰勒索夫5对加工表面进行测量,结果表明锭杆表面粗糙度由Ra 0.8降低到Ra0.4 μm.精度由IT8提高到IT6.用酸蚀法检测锭杆表面,结果显示完全克服了磨削烧伤现象;采用金相显微镜测定表面变质层达到0.035 mm以下.由于CBN砂轮磨粒耐磨、锋利,使得砂轮修整次数大大减少,生产效率提高20倍以上.文中还阐述了采用计算机数控系统修整砂轮成形面的原理.  相似文献   

张效忠 《机床电器》2009,36(1):17-18
提出了实施磨削过程中磨头架砂轮回退控制的新方法,详细地阐述了该方法的工作原理,并根据该原理设计了磨头架砂轮回退控制系统的硬件组成及软件。  相似文献   

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