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Therapeutical efficacy of laferon (J2-interferon) was in children of preschool and school ages with acute respiratory viral infections. Endonasal employment of the drug during 3 days of acute period of the illness significantly decreases the duration of the period of catarrh and intoxication, being accompanied by positive immunological reactions on the part of T-cellular immunity and immunoglobulin synthesis.  相似文献   

Regardless of the primary care model used in the long-term care facility, each of the three approaches offers quality care improvement and greater consistency for residents at reduced costs. Of the three, an all licensed nursing staff model could best meet the higher acuity levels of residents and the disintegrating availability of qualified nursing assistants. If nurses are unable to "sell" this model to administration, it may be helpful to pilot the concept one one unit for a period of time and compare resident, family, and staff satisfaction with that of a similar unit. Also, it is critical to compare the financial implications, including cost per resident per day and rate of staff turnover, to weigh the model's effectiveness. This small sampling of five facilities indicates the average cost per resident per day is $10 less when using either the primary team or all licensed staff models than in facilities of comparable size. Hospitals have already passed the time when they have had to work smarter, leaner, and more efficiently. Can long-term care facilities afford not to do the same?  相似文献   

Isovaleryl-CoA dehydrogenase (IVD) catalyzes the conversion of isovaleryl-CoA to 3-methylcrotonyl-CoA in the leucine catabolism pathway. The cDNA encoding the mature human IVD polypeptide was cloned in a prokaryotic expression vector, but the level of expression in Escherichia coli was extremely low and attempts to purify the enzyme to homogeneity were unsuccessful. To enhance expression, the nucleotide sequence of 22 codons within the 111-bp region at the 5'-end of the cDNA was altered to accommodate E. coli codon usage without altering the amino-acid coding sequence. The altered IVD cDNA was synthesized by PCR, using a primer containing the desired modifications. Following overnight induction of the E. coli transformed with this cDNA, the enzyme was purified to homogeneity using diethylaminoethyl agarose and high-pressure ceramic hydroxyapatite resins. IVD activity was increased 165-fold in the crude extract of cells containing the modified cDNA, as compared to that containing the wild-type cDNA.  相似文献   

目的 探讨注射用胸腺肽治疗小儿反复呼吸道感染患儿临床疗效.方法 采用随机开放对照法,治疗组应用注射用胸腺肽,当感染时加用少量激素.对照组单用注射用羟氨苄青毒素.结果 注射用胸腺肽组较对照组呼吸道感染的次数减少,使用抗生素时间缩短,与对照组比较明显缩短(P<0.05).注射用胸腺肽组有效率为96.8%,对照组有效率为78.1%.且无明显副作用.结论 胸腺肽治疗反复呼吸道感染患儿是有效和安全的.  相似文献   

The authors report a clinico-morphological traits in Ray's syndrome which occurred in 10 children with acute respiratory disorders. The prevalent symptoms were encephalopathy with fatty dystrophy of the internal organs and mainly of the liver. Literature data concerning the clinical picture, diagnosis and treatment of this disorder are discussed.  相似文献   

A beneficial effect of periodic vitamin A supplementation on childhood mortality has been demonstrated, but the effect on morbidity is less clear. We investigated the effect of vitamin A supplementation on diarrhoea and acute lower-respiratory-tract infections (ALRI) in children from northeastern Brazil in a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled community trial. 1240 children aged 6-48 months were assigned vitamin A or placebo every 4 months for 1 year. They were followed up at home three times a week, and data about the occurrence and severity of diarrhoea and ALRI were collected. Any child with cough and respiratory rate above 40 breaths per min was visited by a paediatrician. The overall incidence of diarrhoea episodes was significantly lower in the vitamin-A-supplemented group than in the placebo group (18.42 vs 19.58 x 10(-3) child-days; rate ratio 0.94 [95% Cl 0.90-0.98]). The benefit of supplementation was greater as regards severe episodes of diarrhoea; the incidence was 20% lower in the vitamin A group than in the placebo group (rate ratio 0.80 [0.65-0.98]). With the standard definition of diarrhoea (> or = 3 liquid or semi-liquid stools in 24 h) the effect of vitamin A on mean daily prevalence did not reach significance, but as the definition of diarrhoea was made more stringent (increasing number of stools per day), a significant benefit became apparent, reaching for diarrhoea with 6 or more liquid or semi-liquid stools in 24 h a 23% lower prevalence. We found no effect of vitamin A supplementation on the incidence of ALRI. The reduction in severity of diarrhoea may be the most important factor in the lowering of mortality by vitamin A supplementation.  相似文献   

In periods from October 1990 to June 1991 and from September 1991 to June 1992, 551 hospitalized infants and small children were examined by immunofluorescence method for respiratory viruses. In 264 (47.9%) cases viral etiology was established. Like in previous seasons the infections of RS and parainfluenza type 3 viruses dominated. Infections of RS virus were not frequent, and of parainfluenza type 3 virus less than in previous seasons. The increase of percent of infections due to parainfluenza type 2 and 4 viruses were observed.  相似文献   

High school males (N = 109) and junior high school males (N = 112) administered the Physical Estimation and Attraction Scales (PEAS), the Tennessee Self-Concept Scale (TSCS), and a physical fitness battery. Previous research results were replicated in the h.s. group in that fitness and self-esteem were not significantly related but Estimation (of physical ability) correlated significantly with both fitness and self-esteem (p less than .01). Similar results were obtained in the jr. h.s. sample. Additionally, the validity of the Estimation (EST) scale was extended to include significant relationships with indices of emotional adjustment other than self-esteem. EST scores were shown to be influenced to significant but not inordinate degree by certain response bias tendencies. Negatively phrased EST items were denied significantly more often than positive EST items were affirmed and were more highly related to both response bias and emotional adjustment scores. Controlling for response bias influence by partial correlation failed to extinguish the significance of EST validating relationships. It was concluded that these relationships exist independently of response style or response set.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Lymphocyte subsets in healthy children are currently characterized by age-related standards. Because antigenic stimuli play a role in maturation of the immune system after birth, there is a question of whether cellular immune development differs in infants whose living conditions entail extensive antigenic exposure and infants growing up in a more protected environment. METHODS: Peripheral blood lymphocyte subsets were studied in two populations of children of similar age and nutritional status; children belonging to a rural population residing in proximity with farm animals and children from an economically privileged urban population. In each population, children studied included a group with an acute diarrheal episode and a healthy control group. RESULTS: Among rural population children, 65% had experienced at least one episode of gastroenteritis within the previous 3-month-period, compared with less than 10% of urban population children. In the rural population group 15% had experienced two or more episodes of gastroenteritis. The proportion of helper T cells was similar in rural population and urban population children. Among helper T cells, the proportion of CD29+ "memory" cells of the total CD4+ helper T cells was more than two times higher than those in rural population children. The proportion of CD8 cells was higher in rural population children than in urban population children, and the proportion of natural killer cells, CD56+ and CD57+, was two to three times higher in rural population children. Within each population, peripheral blood lymphocyte subsets did not differ between the healthy control group and those with acute diarrhea. CONCLUSIONS: In young children exposure to environmental pathogens and specifically to gastrointestinal antigenic stimuli is a major factor affecting development of the cellular immune response. Young children who have experienced enhanced infectious exposure have a peripheral blood lymphocyte profile similar to that of adults.  相似文献   

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