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In view of a possible clinical application of an isolated microvascular peritoneal flap, an anatomic study was performed in order to determine the peritoneal vascular territory of the deep inferior epigastric artery. For this, the deep inferior epigastric artery was injected unilaterally with Araldite in 30 embalmed cadavers and bilaterally with india ink in 15 fresh cadavers. In 70 percent of the embalmed cadavers, a constant pattern of three branches from the deep inferior epigastric artery could be identified. The peritoneal vascular supply is not derived solely from these three branches but also from multiple small branches sprouting directly from the main stem of the deep inferior epigastric artery and from segmental and muscular branches. Therefore, classification of peritoneal branches arising from the deep inferior epigastric artery seems to be of little clinical importance. In all cases, the india ink injected in the deep inferior epigastric artery colored a similar territory of the parietal peritoneum. Considering the magnitude of the peritoneal vascularization by the deep inferior epigastric artery, implementation of an isolated free or pedicled peritoneal flap seems to be possible. Such a microvascular peritoneal flap vascularized by the deep inferior epigastric artery may be used, for example, for reconstruction of mucosal defects in the head and neck region.  相似文献   

E Salas  IM Ziyal  LN Sekhar  DC Wright 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,43(3):557-61; discussion 561-2
INTRODUCTION: The most frequent embryonic communication between the vertebrobasilar and carotid systems is a persistent trigeminal artery (PTA). It has been observed in 0.1 to 0.2% of cerebral angiograms. We found this variation in an anatomic specimen, and after microscopic dissection, we performed an analysis of the course of the PTA and its relationship with the abducens nerve and the meningohypophyseal trunk. METHOD: A PTA was incidentally encountered in an injected cadaver specimen during a transpetrosal approach. This embryonic variation and its anatomic relationship are discussed. RESULTS: The PTA can take either a lateral or medial course regarding its relationship with the abducens nerve. When the PTA originates from the posterolateral aspect of the posterior bend of the cavernous carotid artery (C4 segment), it crosses underneath and distorts the abducens nerve, continuing between the abducens and trigeminal nerves. When taking a medial course, the PTA arises from the posteromedial aspect of the posterior bend of the cavernous carotid at the same segment and pierces the clival dura at the dorsum sellae. Cranial nerve displacement or distortion is less likely in this variation. In an analysis of carefully described anatomic studies, the PTA and meningohypophyseal trunk were found arising from either common or separated origins. CONCLUSION: The most frequent embryological anastomosis between the carotid and vertebrobasilar system is the PTA. Its course and relationship with the cranial nerves may determine its clinical presentation.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare case register data on the frequency and distribution of known dementia cases in a metropolitan area population with expected total numbers computed from a national disability survey. METHOD: Known cases were enumerated by a cross-sectional census of the Camberwell Dementia Register. Expected total numbers were calculated using the Cognitive Disability (CD) Planning Model, based on the OPCS national survey of disability, 1985-86. RESULTS: Cases ascertained by the Dementia Register census comprised one-fifth of expected total prevalence. The proportion of such cases was higher for persons in long-stay care (1 in 3) than for those in private households (1 in 7). According to the CD Planning Model, cases known to specialist agencies were on average no more severely disabled and dependent than those who were unknown. In terms of absolute numbers, the district nursing and home help services appeared to be the most important untapped sources of case detection, but other research indicates that general practice contacts (not included in the planning model) may be at least equally important. CONCLUSIONS: At any given time, a high proportion of dementia cases, whether in long-stay care or in the community, will be outside the purview of specialist services. Primary care agencies are a major potential source, and a systematic health screening of persons aged over 75 years could be used to realize this potential.  相似文献   

Twenty-five fresh-frozen cadaveric hands without obvious deformity were dissected using 3.5x loupe magnification. Median and ulnar nerves were identified in the proximal forearm and dissected distally to the midpalm. Cutaneous branches of median and ulnar nerves were described relative to an incision for carpal tunnel release. The palmar cutaneous branch of the median nerve was present in all 25 specimens. In a single specimen, the palmar cutaneous branch of the median nerve was isolated as it crossed the incision, and in another two specimens, the terminal branches of the nerve were identified at the margin of the incision. In 4 hands, a classic palmar cutaneous branch of the ulnar nerve was found an average of 4.9 cm proximal to the pisiform. In 10 specimens, a nerve of Henle arose an average of 14.0 cm proximal to the pisiform and traveled with the ulnar neurovascular bundle to the wrist flexion crease. In 24 specimens, at least one-usually multiple-transverse palmar cutaneous branch was identified originating an average of 3 mm distal to the pisiform within Guyon's canal. The origin and destination of these nerves was highly variable. In 16 specimens, an incision in the axis of the ring finger would likely have encountered at least one branch of the ulnar-based cutaneous innervation to the palm. Cutaneous branches of the ulnar nerve would be expected to cross the line of dissection frequently during open carpal tunnel release. Decreased levels of discomfort in patients undergoing endoscopic and subcutaneous types of carpal tunnel release may be in part due to the preservation of the crossing cutaneous nerves with these procedures.  相似文献   

Meningeal worm (Parelaphostrongylus tenuis) is a neurotropic nematode of ungulates in eastern North America. Lack of an effective diagnostic test increases the concern of translocating potentially infected ungulates into western North America, where P. tenuis does not occur naturally. In an attempt to identify serodiagnostic molecules, we determined (1) whether elk (Cervus elaphus) experimentally infected with P. tenuis produce antibodies against infective larvae or adult worms, and (2) if sera consistently recognize antigens that distinguish P. tenuis from a common nematode parasite of elk, the lungworm Dictyocaulus viviparus. Each of 10 elk were exposed to 15 or 300 infective P. tenuis larvae. Serum was collected (0, 41, and 83 days post-exposure and at necropsy) and monitored for antibodies using the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and immunoblot. When reactivity of sera with larval P. tenuis protein was compared (day 0 versus 83), ELISA values were significantly higher on day 83 for elk exposed to 15 or 300 parasites. Likewise, ELISA values using protein of adult P. tenuis were higher for elk exposed to 300 larvae. Immunoblots showed that sera from elk, with adult worms in the central nervous system, consistently recognized the 25-27, 28-30, and 34-36 kDa antigens of infective larvae after 83 days. However, many D. viviparus molecules were found to cross-react with antibodies formed against meningeal worm antigens. Use of adult worm proteins for serodiagnosis appears limited, because no protein was consistently recognized by sera collected from elk exposed to 15 larvae. We believe that development of a reliable diagnostic test for meningeal worm requires more research addressing cross-reactivity and detection of P. tenuis during the incubation stage.  相似文献   

The oral efficacy of chicken egg yolk immunoglobulins (yIg) specific for bovine rotavirus (BRV) serotypes G6 and G10 in protecting neonatal calves was examined in a herd of cattle under field conditions. In one of the three trials, yIg-treated calves tested under high relative humidity (RH) showed a significantly increased mean body weight (P < 0.05) and a decrease in number of calves shedding high titer of BRV (G6) in stool compared to control calves (P < 0.01), suggesting that our yIg product was effective in a field condition with an epidemic outbreak of BRV diarrhea.  相似文献   

The angiosome concept was introduced in 1987 by Taylor and Palmer. Their anatomic study correlated the blood supply to the skin from the named segmental or distributing "source" arteries with their supply to the underlying muscles, tendons, nerves, and bones. Although this investigation encompassed the body, there were areas where the supply to individual tissues was not examined in detail. The present study, therefore, examines one of these regions where certain voids in our knowledge still exist--the forearm. Ten upper limbs from fresh cadavers were studied over an 18-month period after perfusing each with a radiopaque lead oxide mixture. The arterial supply to the skin and the bones of the forearm, together with that of a total of 200 muscles, was examined. The contribution to each was defined by dissection, by metal clip tagging of vessels, by radiography, and by mapping the branches with colored pins coded to match the respective source arteries. In the case of the muscles, a subtraction technique was used whereby the bones of the extremity were replaced with radiolucent balloons to obtain an unobscured picture of the forearm vasculature. Then the muscles were removed one by one from the muscle mass and x-rayed again. In this way, the angiosomes in the forearm, provided by the brachial, radial, ulnar, and interosseous arteries, were defined. Similarly, the contribution from each angiosome to the skin, to each muscle, and to the radius and the ulna was identified and the territories were color-coded to match these source arteries. Results showed that in most cases the connections between adjacent angiosomes occurred within tissues, not between them. The skin, the bones, and most muscles received branches from the source arteries of at least two angiosomes, thus revealing one of the important anastomotic pathways by which the circulation is reconstituted in those cases where a source artery is interrupted by disease or trauma. Several muscles, however, were supplied within one angiosome. This helps explain the variable clinical pictures seen in cases where the circulation is interrupted, such as that which occurs in a Volkmann's ischemic contracture. Finally, this anatomic study provides further information to help design various flaps from the forearm for local or free transfer. In the case of muscles, the supply to most from multiple angiosomes allows for refinements whereby a portion only of a muscle can be used. Similarly, this anatomic information reveals the pathway by which the supply to remaining muscle groups is reconstituted when one of the source arteries is harvested with a skin flap, a muscle, or part thereof.  相似文献   

Variations in the anatomic course of the cutaneous nerves about the lateral aspect of the elbow are important when surgical exposures and the establishment of arthroscopic portals are considered. The specific anatomic course taken by the lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve and its relationship to the lateral epicondyle were determined by studying 33 upper extremities in 22 preserved adult cadavers. Considerable anatomic variation was found regarding the location of the lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve as it crossed the elbow. The nerve pierced the brachial fascia an average of 3.2 cm proximal to the lateral epicondyle and was located an average of 4.5 cm medial to the lateral epicondyle as it crossed the interepicondylar line. In two instances, the nerve passed through the biceps muscle directly, prior to piercing the brachial fascia.  相似文献   

Meningiomas are rare tumours in children and lumbar lesions are exceptional. We report a clear-cell meningioma (CCM) of the cauda equina in a 10-year-old girl. The tumour was diagnosed by MRI, showing an enhancing intradural mass extending from L1 to L4. Pathology and immunohistochemical study demonstrated a CCM. The patient had a recurrence 6 months after the operation requiring further surgery. CCM are rare lesions, characterised by abundant cytoplasmic glycogen particles. Complete surgical removal is necessary because, despite their benign histological appearance, CCM are potentially aggressive and may recur, spread locally and even metastasize.  相似文献   

M Ammirati  A Bernardo 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,43(6):1398-407; discussion 1407-8
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the anatomic areas of the cranial base exposed by different complex anterior approaches. METHODS: Using 20 embalmed cadaveric heads, we executed five different anterior approaches, i.e., Le Fort 1 approach with splitting or down-fracturing of the hard palate, extended maxillectomy, median mandibulotomy with glossotomy, and mandibular swing transcervical approach. Each approach was performed a minimum of three times. The areas of the intra- and extracranial cranial base exposed by each approach were analytically examined by using a numerical grading system to assess the exposure of major anatomic and neurovascular structures. RESULTS: Good exposure of the midline compartment of the cranial base was provided by the median mandibulotomy with glossotomy and by the Le Fort 1 approach with splitting of the hard palate, whereas the mandibular swing transcervical and extended maxillectomy approaches provided good exposure of the lateral compartment of the cranial base. CONCLUSION: Use of the numerical grading system allowed quantification of the exposure afforded by each approach, with respect to the different compartments (midline and lateral) of the intra- and extracranial cranial base, highlighting the differences among the approaches examined.  相似文献   

The CHAP accreditation process provides an external, objective marker for the clients served by an agency. This marker indicates that the agency has met national standards of organizational strength and quality. The process results in a detailed analysis of the organization's overall strengths and weaknesses and provides expert consultation regarding findings. This ongoing consultative relationship between CHAP staff members and/or site visitors and agency leadership provides a continued framework for organizational expansion and change to meet ever-changing health-care needs.  相似文献   

The American Dental Association (ADA) has developed many resources to address growing concerns regarding HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) issues in dental practice, including continuing education courses, workshops, journal articles, and monographs. In addition, the ADA Council on Dental Practice has established a network for dentists with HIV/AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome). The network has been named PEERS, which stands for Prevention, Education, Ethics, Resources, and Support. This paper provides guidelines for developing programs in each state to address the needs of dentists with HIV/AIDS.  相似文献   

GI Taylor  WR Pan 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,102(3):599-616; discussion 617-8
In 1987, Taylor and Palmer introduced the angiosome concept. This anatomical study defined the three-dimensional vascular territories supplied by source arteries and veins to each tissue layer between the skin and the bone. This report, however, was an overview investigation and did not study each region of the body in fine detail. In 1996, Inoue and Taylor studied the angiosomes of the forearm in much greater detail. They showed, among other findings, that the zone between the angiosomes, formed by reduced caliber (choke) vessels or similar caliber (true) anastomotic arteries, occurred usually within tissues, especially the muscles, not between them. This study focuses on the same region in the lower limb to draw a comparison and to fill certain voids in our knowledge--the leg. Twelve lower limbs from fresh cadavers were investigated over a 2-year period after perfusing each with a mixture containing radio-opaque lead oxide. The anatomy of the arterial supply to the skin, the muscles, and the periosteum of the bones of the leg was examined. The contribution to each tissue was defined by dissection, by metal clip tagging of vessels, by radiography, and by mapping the branches with colored pins, coded to match the respective source arteries. A subtraction technique was used to study the muscles whereby the bones of the limb were replaced with radiolucent balloons to obtain an unobscured picture of the vasculature of the leg. The muscles were then segregated one by one from the muscle mass and x-rayed again. Next, cross-section studies were made in two legs to complete the three-dimensional picture, tracing the branches from the source arteries to each layer. Finally, the contribution to each tissue from the popliteal, sural, anterior tibial, posterior tibial, and peroneal vessels were color coded to match these source arteries, thus defining the angiosomes of the leg. Results, as in the forearm, showed that in most cases the connections between adjacent angiosomes occurred within tissues, not between them. The skin, the bones, and most muscles received branches from two or more angiosomes, thus revealing one of the important anastomotic pathways through which the circulation is reconstituted when a source artery is interrupted by disease or trauma. Notably, however, the muscles of the anterior compartment of the leg were supplied from one angiosome. This finding, coupled with the anatomy of the rigid fascial compartments of the leg, helps explain the variable clinical pictures and syndromes seen in cases in which the circulation is compromised or interrupted. Finally, this anatomical study adds further information to help design or redesign flaps in the leg for local or free transfer. Similarly, the information reveals the pathways through which the supply to the remaining tissues is reconstituted when one of the source arteries is harvested with a free flap, especially when multiple tissues are included in the transplant.  相似文献   

HT Wen  AL Rhoton  E de Oliveira 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,42(6):1205-17; discussion 1217-9
OBJECTIVE: We review the anatomic features of the lateral ventricle, the foramen of Monro, the third ventricle, and the choroidal fissure, and we describe the transchoroidal approach to the third ventricle. This approach consists of opening the taenia fornicis of the choroidal fissure in the body of the lateral ventricle and approaching the third ventricle between the two internal cerebral veins. This route allows further posterior enlargement of the foramen of Monro without sacrificing any neural structures. When necessary, the anterior septal vein can be sacrificed. METHODS: Twenty adult cadaveric brains and four adult cadaveric heads were studied, using a magnification ranging from 3 times to 40 times, after perfusion of the arteries and veins with colored latex. RESULTS: The choroidal fissure is a natural cleft between the thalamus and the fornix, and it is identified by following the choroid plexus in the lateral ventricle. The choroid plexus in the body of the lateral ventricle originates from the tela choroidea of the roof of the third ventricle and is apparently attached to the fornix by the taenia fornicis and to the thalamus by the taenia choroidea. The taenia is actually the ependyma that covers the internal wall of the ventricular cavity and the choroid plexus. CONCLUSION: An understanding of the choroidal fissure is fundamental for use of the transchoroidal approach. Unlike transforaminal, subchoroidal, subforniceal, and interforniceal approaches to the third ventricle, which sacrifice some neural or vascular structures, the transchoroidal approach follows a natural route, and certainly it is one of the options to be considered when entry into the third ventricle is required.  相似文献   

1. The spatial patterns of activation in the rat cerebellar cortex evoked by peripheral stimulation were studied in vivo using optical imaging techniques. 2. Crus I and Crus II were stained with the pH sensitive dye, neutral red. Electrical stimulation of the vibrissae area of the ipsilateral face evoked optical responses consisting of parasagittal bands. The bands were 100-300 microns in width, elongated in the anterior-posterior direction, commonly extended across at least two folia, and varied in number from 1 to 7. 3. The optical responses were dependent on activation of postsynaptic elements since they were decreased substantially by the non-N-methyl-D-aspartate antagonist, 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione. The optical bands were shown to correspond anatomically with the parasagittal compartments revealed by immunostaining with anti-zebrin II. 4. The present study demonstrates that functional parasagittal compartments exist in the rat cerebellar cortex and suggests that zebrin-positive Purkinje cell subgroups are anatomically related to this functional organization.  相似文献   

The size of the human corpus callosum may be related to individual variability in cerebral lateralization. Nonright-handers and women have been reported to show a thicker corpus callosum, reduced functional asymmetry, and reduced anatomic asymmetries, but such reports are inconsistent. The effects of age, volumetric anatomic asymmetries, gender, and handedness on callosal morphology were examined among 38 men (aged 68–89 yrs) and 59 women (aged 56–90 yrs). Women had proportionately larger anterior callosal areas than men, but there was greater age-related decline in callosal area in men. Factors predicting callosal size differed in men and women. In men, increasing posterior callosal size was predicted by greater right-handedness and the presence of a larger posterior left hemisphere volume. In women, increasing callosal size was predicted by increasing nonright-handedness; midcallosal thickness was predicted by the presence of a larger posterior left hemisphere volume. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Keratoacanthoma is a common skin lesion of the head and neck, and is well described in the literature. It seldom presents to the Orthopedic surgeon as a hand tumor. The lesion does not require radical approach, but mimics squamous cell carcinoma which usually does. The clinical behavior and pathology, as well as the biological behavior of the tumor, are discussed. Fifteen cases treated by the authors are reported and their clinical and pathological course and treatment are discussed. Serious errors in treatment may arise from reliance on the histologic characteristics alone. Conservative treatment of keratoacanthoma should be avoided but radical excision of the part is unnecessary. Prompt and total excision is the treatment of choice, with closure either primarily or with split skin graft.  相似文献   

RJ Rohrich  JJ Minoli  WP Adams  LH Hollier 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1997,99(5):1309-12; discussion 1313
A precise and reproducible lateral osteotomy is a requirement for successful rhinoplasty. Two basic techniques have evolved: the external perforated method and the internal continuous method. The literature supporting the external perforated technique maintains that it contributes to a controlled, stable fracture and produces less nasal airway narrowing, hemorrhage, edema, and ecchymosis; however, the continuous internal method is used by many rhinoplasty surgeons. Our study was designed to compare the two techniques in the fresh cadaver nose using a blinded endoscopic evaluation of the nasal mucosa after the osteotomies were performed by one of these two techniques. Nineteen fresh cadaver heads had an external perforated lateral osteotomy performed on one side and an internal continuous lateral osteotomy performed on the alternate side by an investigator with experience in the use of both osteotomies. In a blinded fashion, four different investigators used nasal endoscopy to detect mucosal perforations and bony irregularities. Eleven percent of the perforated osteotomies resulted in mucosal tearing as opposed to 74 percent of the continuous osteotomies (p < 0.001). This anatomic study confirms our clinical experience that the external perforated osteotomy results in a more controlled fracture with less intranasal trauma and can minimize the associated morbidity (hemorrhage, edema, and ecchymosis) in the rhinoplasty patient.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Neurocognitive impairment is common in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected subjects. The relationship of sexually transmitted diseases to neurocognitive changes is unknown. GOAL: To establish whether HIV-infected patients with a history of syphilis or gonorrhea have a higher rate of neurocognitive dysfunction. STUDY DESIGN: Neurocognitive function was measured by a battery of quantitative tests in a 453-person HIV-infected cohort and a 219-person HIV-seronegative control group. Neurocognitive function was then correlated with histories of either syphilis or gonorrhea to assess for possible relationships between these sexually transmitted diseases and neurologic impairment. RESULTS: Human immunodeficiency virus-infected subjects with a history of either syphilis or gonorrhea tended to perform worse on neurocognitive testing than their counterparts. This difference could not be explained by educational attainment, age, race or CD4 cell count, and was not noted in the HIV-uninfected control subjects. CONCLUSIONS: Sexually transmitted diseases in HIV-infected subjects are correlated with neurocognitive impairment through an unidentified mechanism.  相似文献   

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