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We study the effect of interband transitions on the normal-state optical conductivity, dc resistivity, and thermal conductivity along the c-axis, for a plane-chain bilayer cuprate coupled by a perpendicular hopping matrix element (t⊥). When t⊥ is small, the c-axis dc resistivity shows a characteristic upturn as the temperature is lowered, and the c-axis optical conductivity develops a pseudogap at low frequencies. As t⊥ is increased, intraband transitions start to dominate and a more conventional response is obtained. Similar pseudogap behavior is predicted in the thermal conductivity for which strong depression at low temperature is found. Analytical results for a simple plane-plane bilayer are also given, including the frequency sum rule of the optical conductivity.  相似文献   

We have expanded our studies on illuminated YBa2Cu3O x grain boundary Josephson junctions (GBJJ) which show both dc Josephson properties (Fraunhofer pattern) and ac Josephson properties (Fiske resonance). Illuminating GBJJs with visible light changes the Josephson coupling. This change is characterized by an increase of the critical current and a large shift in the voltage position of the Fiske resonances. This effect is due to persistent photoinduced superconductivity (PPS) of the oxygen-depleted YBa2Cu3O x barrier, similar to the PPS found in illuminated oxygen-deficient YBa2Cu3O x thin films. From Fiske resonance experiments in GBJJs of different lengths, it is possible to study the velocity of the electromagnetic wave in the barrier and its change after illumination. Information on the parameters of the barrier, before and after illumination, is obtained from this study.  相似文献   

A phase diagram of new high-T c superconductors as highly pinning superconductors of the second type is presented. The diagram includes both vortex glass and vortex liquid phases.  相似文献   

Subsequent to our observation that the Tl- and Bi-based cuprate high-T c superconductors are built of superconductor-semiconductor arrays (P. C. W. Fung and W. Y. Kwok,J. Superconduct., this issue), we investigate in this paper the possibility ofT c enhancement arising from the effect of change of phonon spectrum and the effect of size quantization when one or more semiconductor blocks is attached to the basic superconductor in the unit cell.  相似文献   

The onset of superconductivity is 49 K in Cu-doped (but cuprate-plane-free) Sr2YRuO6, almost the same as the 45 K onsets in GdSr2Cu2RuO8 and in R2 – z Ce z Sr2Cu2RuO10 (for R = Gd or Eu), implying that the superconductivity in all four compounds originates in the SrO layers, not in the cuprate-planes. Muon studies show that the superconducting condensate in YBa2Cu3O7 is either s-wave or extended s-wave, not d-wave, confirming earlier work.  相似文献   

We report measurements of the r.f. surface resistance of a wide variety of high-T c superconductors in bulk form and as films on silver substrates. Several apparatuses have been constructed and used for measurements at frequencies from 0.15 to 40 GHz and r.f. surface magnetic fields as high as 640 G. In every case in which the field dependence of the surface resistance was measured, the surface resistance increased monotonically with field amplitude through a transition region characterized by a strong field dependence. It then saturated at high field at a value of a few percent of the normal-state surface resistance just aboveT c . In the presence of this field dependence, the frequency dependence of the surface resistance changed from quadratic to less than linear.  相似文献   

The magnetic susceptibility, NMR spectra, nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate (T 1 –1) and the echo-decay rate (T 2 –1) of 63Cu were measured for the electron-doped infinite-layer superconductor Sr0.93La0.07CuO2/T c onset = 42.4 K). The results obtained revealed a clear tendency toward frustrated phase separation in this nominally underdoped high-T c material. Above T c the 63Cu Knight shift is found to decrease upon cooling giving an evidence for a pseudogap-like decrease of the spin susceptibility. It is shown that unusual anisotropy of the 63Cu Knight shift in the electron-doped CuO2 layer can be understood as a compensation effect between the isotropic hyperfine coupling, mediated by the 4s Fermi-contact and 3d core-polarization exchange interactions, and the anisotropic on-site spin-dipolar hyperfine interaction of the Cu nuclei with the itinerant carriers, whose states near the Fermi energy have a sizeable admixture of Cu(4pz) and/or Cu(3dz 2) orbitals.  相似文献   

High-T c superconductors have critical currents that decay sharply with increasing magnetic field. We solve Bean's model forJ c decaying exponentially withH and obtain qualitative agreement with existing magnetization data. We show thatH c1 cannot be obtained from the linear part of the magnetization curve; it can only be inferred from a low-field anomaly in the hysteresis curve. Presently quoted values ofH c1 ,based on the linear part of the magnetization curve, are gross overestimates.  相似文献   

The in-plane optical conductivity of La2–xSrxCuO4 with 0.07 x 0.19 exhibits strong peaks in the far infrared. These features, which depend both on doping and temperature, can be associated with excitations of charge stripes, basing on results of different techniques on the same system and on recent theoretical calculations.  相似文献   

An analysis of YBa2Cu3O7 – bicrystal dc-SQUIDs is reported. The devices have been fabricated by dc cylindrical magnetron sputtering from a single target. SQUIDs operating at the liquid nitrogen temperature have been obtained employing high-quality films fabricatedinsitu exhibiting a critical temperature as high as 89–90 K. Two different geometrical configurations for the loop inductance have been investigated. A good control of the transport parameters of the junctions, together with a reasonable correlation between the calculated inductance and the voltage response to an applied magnetic field, have been achieved. A study of the voltage response vs. the applied magnetic field as a function of both temperature and bias current has been carried out. SQUIDs working at temperatures as high as 87 K have been characterized.  相似文献   

We have investigated heat conduction of single crystal Ba1–xKxBiO3 in the temperature range of 2–300 K and in a magnetic field of up to 6 Tesla. Temperature dependence of thermal conductivity(T) reveals the participation of both electrons and phonons with their relative contributions that depend critically on the potassium doping concentration. Crystals underdoped with potassium (samples with higherT c) exhibit a strong suppression of and a glass-like temperature dependence. In contrast, those with a higher potassium content (lowerT c) show an increase as temperature decreases with a peak near 23 K. Field dependence of(H) is also very sensitive to the level of potassium doping. Crystals exhibiting a large phonon contribution show an initial drop in(H) at low fields followed by a minimum and then a slow rise to saturation as the field increases. The initial drop is due to the additional phonon scattering by magnetic vortices as the sample enters a mixed state. The high field behavior of(H), arising from a continuous break-up of Cooper pairs, exhibits scaling which suggests the presence of an unconventional superconducting gap structure in this material.  相似文献   

Superconducting transport properties of YBa2Cu3O7 grain boundaries have been investigated. The results of these experiments are summarized.  相似文献   

We compare and contrast the polarizability of a d-wave superconductor in the pseudogap regime, within the precursor pairing scenario (dPG), and of a d-density-wave (dDW) state, characterized by a d-wave hidden order parameter, but no pairing. Our study is motivated by STM imaging experiments around an isolated impurity, which may in principle distinguish between precursor pairing and dDW order in the pseudogap regime of the high- superconductors. In both cases, the -dependence of the polarizability is characterized by an azimuthal modulation, consistent with the d-wave symmetry of the underlying state. However, only the dDW result shows the fingerprints of nesting, with nesting wave vector , albeit imperfect, due to a nonzero value of the hopping ratio in the band dispersion relation. As a consequence of nesting, the presence of hole pockets is also reflected by the dependence of the retarded polarizability.  相似文献   

Composite materials have been synthesized by mixing 90% (or 95%) YBa2Cu3O7 and 10% (or 5%) Bi2Sr2Ca1Cu2O8 by weight, and firing at 900°C to promote grain growth by inducing a liquid phase (Bi2Sr2Ca1Cu2O8) in the system. The influence of the amount of liquid phase on the X-ray diffraction data and electrical properties is reported. Energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) analyses are also reported. The YBiBa2O6 phase is formed during the heat treatment and introduces additional chemical heterogeneities at the grain boundaries. A previously reported 2212-related superconducting phase, Bi2(Sr,Ba)2(Ca,Y)Cu2O8+y, could also be formed during the synthesis process, and its effect on the electrical resistance versus temperature measurements is discussed. Attempts to substitute RE ions (Dy3+, Er3+, Ho3+) for Y3+ in YBiBa2O6 have been successful and are reported in an appendix section. X-ray diffraction data are also reported. EDX analyses have been performed specifically for a typical ErBiBa2O6 compound and reveal the presence of a new Er2Ba4O7 phase.  相似文献   

P. Ková?  T. Melíšek  I. Hušek 《低温学》1996,36(12):1053-1054
A transport current measurement technique suitable for the technological development of hightemperature superconducting tapes has been designed. The main advantage of the technique presented is in the application of non-soldered current and voltage contacts which allows measurement of the same element of superconducting tape at different technological states (roll-sinter or press-sinter step). Voltage-current characteristics can be measured in self field as well as in external magnetic field at 77 K or 4.2 K and at different field orientations. The technique capabilities are demonstrated by presenting Ic data obtained from Bi(2223)/Ag tape.  相似文献   

From structural analysis we have shown in a previous investigation that the series TlBa2Ca n Cu n+1O2n+5 and Tl2Ba2Ca n Cu n+1O2n+6 are composed of superconductor-semiconductor arrays. In this paper, we demonstrate that the unit cell of the Tl2Ba2Ca n Cu n+1O2n+6 series can further be viewed as composed of a composite block of superconductor-metal-semiconductor, where TlBa2CuO5 is the fundamental superconductor, TlO the metallic unit, and CaCuO2 the semiconductor block. It is indicated that theT c of Tl(2201) can be deduced from that of Tl(1201) based on Kresin's model of composite systems.  相似文献   

In order to predict the superconducting transition temperatureT c of YBa2Cu3Oz doped with Ca, we have constructed a neural network NN which is composed of three layers; we considered 28 constituent elements and their concentration in the input layer to provideT c in the output layer. The NN was trained by the error-back-propagation method using data from the database “SUPERCON” for high-Tc superconducting materials. The effect of Ca doping onT c of (Y1-x-Cax)Ba2Cu3Oz and Y(Ba2-xCax)Cu3Oz was investigated using this method. It turned out that a higherT c is expected for the sample withx = 0.3 andz = 6.5 in the former system and that the oxygen concentrationz can be varied for different Ca contents in the latter system.  相似文献   

The dc conductivity and the high-frequency capacitance of a La2CuO4+ single crystal are determined by impedance spectroscopy in the frequency range 20 Hz to 1 MHz at liquid helium temperature. Using isochronal annealing, the effect of the phase separation on these quantitites is studied for E parallel and perpendicular to the CuO2 planes as well as for different oxygen doping levels,, of the sample. The results are consistent with the model of a diffusion-controlled formation of a metallic—and belowT c superconducting—percolation network in an insulating background.  相似文献   

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