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This paper discusses the systematization effort undertaken to generate an equipment specification of an extremely detailed and new nature for DCMEs in accordance with the INTELSAT specification IESS-501. The main areas of importance addressed are additional to what has already been defined within the IESS-501. A discussion of important aspects when introducing DCME into actual network conditions is also contained and results based on simulations of performance under simulated network environments are included.  相似文献   

The focus of this paper is on ways to improve the quality of Group III facsimile on intermediate data rate (IDR) satellite links. First, we present the results of an evaluation of the quality of Group III (G3) facsimile images transmitted on satellite links through circuit multiplication equipment (CME). Based on the results of this study, we propose a model to relate the facsimile image quality requirements to the bit error ratio (BER) on the link. A procedure is introduced to associate the long-term percentage of error-free pages in G3 facsimile transmission with various bit error probability (BEP) masks used for satellite link design. The intent of this procedure is to provide comparable end-to-end transmission quality for international telephone circuits, irrespective of whether the transmission medium is a satellite link or a fibre-optic cable. It is concluded that, unless the performance objectives of satellite systems significantly exceed those derived from CCITT/ITU-T Recommendation G.826, fibre-optic cables will become the preferred choice for international transmission.  相似文献   

This paper extends previous research efforts related to the simulation performance modelling and analysis of satellite communication networks. Specifically, the use of low earth orbit (LEO) satellite networks for personal communications is examined. Six different satellite constellation configurations are investigated in a packet‐switched operating environment. Performance metrics examined are the end‐to‐end packet delay and the utilization of satellite channels in the dynamic environment. Realistic and accurate models of the physical satellite network and its terrestrial transmitters require that numerous operating characteristics and assumptions be specified. These are based on proposed design requirements of commercial systems, such as Iridium. Via the use of simulation, we show the relative delay and utilization performance of differing satellite network architectures. From these simulation models, mathematical metamodels are derived for the system delays. These innovative models are used to predict the delay performance of different network architectures not previously simulated. Comparison of these metamodels with simulation results show that metamodels provide an accurate means for performance prediction. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

移动卫星通信信道多普勒频移特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在分析移动卫星通信信道特性的基础上,研究增加直射分量的多普勒实时频移和多径信号入射角范围及其变化对移动卫星通信信道多普勒频移特性的影响,推导了其不对称多普勒功率谱形式,对其进行了理论分析并给出了仿真结果。  相似文献   

为发展星地一体化网络、真正实现全球无缝覆盖,研究地面移动通信空中接口在卫星通信的适用性是一种有效的解决思路。本文系统性的介绍了地面3G/4G移动通信空中接口和卫星通信系统架构,总结了现有文献关于地面空中接口在星上的适用性初步评估,对比分析了各种地面空中接口在卫星信道环境下的链路性能,为地面空中接口在星上应用的改进方向提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

An on-board processor makes efficient use of the channel capacities in a satellite communications system employing multibeam technology, and an on-board processor has been developed for the Engineering Test Satellite VIII (ETS-VIII), which is the experimental satellite for a multibeam mobile satellite communications system. The multicarrier time division multiple access (MC-TDMA) system used in this communications system, however, sometimes causes internal congestion in the on-board processor. This paper describes the results of computer simulation studies of the traffic capacity obtained using three baseband switching methods and also describes the results of studies of the on-board processor design for each of the methods. The computer simulation results indicate that the probability of internal congestion due to the TDMA system is very small when the simultaneous-slot switching method is used, and the design study results reveal that an on-board processor using the simultaneous-slot switching method will be compact and lightweight and will consume little power. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

新一代数字电路倍增设备(DCME)中将采用更低速率的语音编码技术.文中介绍了几种ITU-T公布的低速率语音编码技术,对其时延、编码质量以及算法复杂度等进行了比较,最后就DCME的不同应用场合选择了适合的语音编码方案.  相似文献   

“动中通”稳定与跟踪技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析并比较了“动中通”伺服系统中的三种常用跟踪体制,并对由于载体运动而引入系统的干扰进行了分析,提出了对不同干扰的解决方案,为“动中通”伺服系统中跟踪方法的选择和稳定系统的设计提供了参考。  相似文献   

Since the 1970s, satellite communications have been continuously evolving and improving to provide services characterized by increasing complexity and quality. This evolution has been supported by the constant increase in the operating frequency for achieving the necessary high data rates. This contribution focuses on the long‐term key role of the Italian Space Agency in supporting research activities on (and the developments of) high‐frequency satellite communication systems. The Alphasat experiment is the most recent effort of the Italian Space Agency, in collaboration with the European Space Agency, to thoroughly investigate the severe detrimental atmospheric effects impairing radio waves at high frequency (specifically, Ka and Q bands) and the associated fade mitigation techniques (eg, uplink power control, site diversity, and adaptive coding and modulation) required to achieve the typical target quality and availability of modern satellite communication systems.  相似文献   

介绍了在DCME (数字电路倍增设备 )传真解调 /再调制模块中所采用的符号间隔判决反馈自适应均衡器的设计方法。在均衡器的设计中采用了最小均方准则的随机梯度算法 (LMS SG)。文中说明了系统模型的建立、算法仿真的过程 ,并给出了仿真结果。  相似文献   

基于直升机卫星通信系统的特点,分析了卫星通信系统中姿态角提取、坐标变化及抗遮挡等关键技术,采用链路分析估算方法,提出了针对关键技术点的测试方案设计,通过工程案例验证,实现了对系统的测试与评估。  相似文献   

由于社会的不断进步以及科学的发展,光纤技术已成为当下最主要的通信方式,在现代电信网中发挥至关重要的作用,在音频、视频、等数据传输方面已经是最佳选择,在航空设备的监控方面发挥着越来越多的作用,选择智能监控方案,可以全面监控机房导航设备的工作情况,使民航安全更加有保障.  相似文献   

杜韵乔  姜伟 《电子设计工程》2011,19(22):111-114
微小卫星通信以数据存储转发为基础、以微小卫星组网为核心、以软件无线电技术为桥梁得以发展和应用。文中首先简要介绍了微小卫星通信中的数据存储转发、微小卫星组网、星上处理、星际链路以及软件无线电等几项关键技术,然后对微小卫星通信发展思路进行了初步探索,并提出了具体发展模式。  相似文献   

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