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Many studies have investigated the ecological changes that occur below dams that release cold, hypolimnetic water, but very few studies have looked at the effects of the release of warm, surface waters. The effect of small, surface release dams on downstream thermal regimes is a major habitat concern for many cold‐water systems, however. The objective of this study was to examine the effects of summer temperature increases due to impoundment on downstream fish and macroinvertebrate communities in cold‐water streams. We sampled fish, macroinvertebrates and habitat upstream and downstream of dams on ten rivers during the summers of 1998 and 1999. Changes in mean summer temperature downstream varied from a cooling of 1 °C to an increase of more than 5 °C. Increasing temperatures downstream coincided with lower densities of several cold‐water fish species, specifically brown trout (Salmo trutta), brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) and slimy sculpin (Cottus cognatus) while overall fish species richness increased downstream. Density of mottled sculpin (Cottus bairdi), another cold‐water species, was not related to temperature changes below the dams. Macroinvertebrates showed shifts in community composition below dams that increased temperature. This study provides information useful for determining the extent of impact of these small, surface release dams, which are abundant across the country. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The effects of transferring glacier-fed water to a clear-water river on production and food organisms of brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) were investigated in a mountain river, in southern Norway. Production in unregulated fluvial habitat was 271.5 g 100 m?2 yr?1 compared with 103.1 g 100 m?2 yr?1 in a glacier-fed reach of the river. This difference was due to low fish density and recruitment rate. The growth rate, at least for younger fish (2+ to 4+ age groups), was significantly higher in the regulated reach of the river. The main difference in food composition was the low abundance of crustaceans Eurycercus lamellatus and Gammarus lacustris in the regulated reach. Trichopterans were the main diet component in both sites.  相似文献   

Native fish faunas throughout the American Southwest have declined dramatically in the past century, mainly a consequence of habitat alteration and alien species introductions. We initiated this 6‐year study to evaluate the efficacy of mechanical removal of nonnative predaceous rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss, brown trout Salmo trutta, yellow bullhead Ameiurus natalis and smallmouth bass Micropterus dolomieu from an open 4.6‐km reach of West Fork Gila River in southwest New Mexico, USA. Removal efforts involved intensive sampling with a 10‐ to 12‐person crew using backpack electrofishers and seines to capture fish over a 4‐ to 5‐day period each year. Additionally, two reference sites were sampled with similar methods to compare temporal changes in species mass in the absence of a removal effort. Results were mixed. Mass of yellow bullhead, rainbow trout and brown trout declined in the removal reach from 2007 through 2012, but there was no change in smallmouth bass. Concurrently, mass of Rainbow trout, yellow bullhead and smallmouth bass did not change at reference sites, but brown trout mass declined, indicating factors other than removal were driving abundance of brown trout. Occurrence of several large flathead catfish Pylodictis olivaris in the removal reach in 2012 changed what would have been a decline in overall nonnative mass to no change over the course of the study. Spikedace Meda fulgida was the only native species positively responding to predator removal. Results of this study suggest that with moderate effort and resources applied systematically, mechanical removal can benefit some native fish species, but movement of problem species from surrounding areas into removal reaches necessitates continued control efforts. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Reach‐scale physical habitat assessment scores are increasingly used to make decisions about management. We characterized the spatial distribution of hydraulic habitat characteristics at the reach and sub‐reach scales for four fish species using detailed two‐dimensional hydraulic models and spatial analysis techniques (semi‐variogram analyses). We next explored whether these hydraulic characteristics were correlated with commonly used reach‐scale geomorphic assessment (RGA) scores, rapid habitat assessment (RHA) scores, or indices of fish biodiversity and abundance. River2D was used to calculate weighted usable areas (WUAs) at median flows, Q50, for six Vermont streams using modelled velocity, depth estimates, channel bed data and habitat suitability curves for blacknose dace (Rhinichthys atratulus), brown trout (Salmo trutta), common shiner (Notropis cornutus) and white sucker (Catostomus commersoni) at both the adult and spawn stages. All stream reaches exhibited different spatial distributions of WUA ranging from uniform distribution of patches of high WUA to irregular distribution of more isolated patches. Streams with discontinuous, distinct patches of high score WUA had lower fish biotic integrity measured with the State of Vermont's Mixed Water Index of Biotic Integrity (MWIBI) than streams with a more uniform distribution of high WUA. In fact, the distribution of usable habitats may be a determining factor for fish communities. A relationship between predicted WUAs averaged at the reach scale and RGA or RHA scores was not found. Future research is needed to identify the appropriate spatial scales to capture the connections between usable patches of stream channel habitat. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The migration pattern of spawners of brown trout (Salmo trutta) in relation to water flow was analysed by radio-tracking in the regulated River Gudbrandsdalslågen, Norway. During the upstream spawning migration in the high flow period, trout (2–12 kg) were caught, tagged and released 15 km downstream of a fish ladder at the Hunderfossen waterfall. The released fish displayed a systematic and directional upstream movement to the outlet of the tunnel from the hydroelectricity plant. In autumn and winter there is a minimum water discharge of 20–2 m3/s on p.s. in the river between the dam and the outlet of the tunnel, which has a discharge of 200–300 m3/s. When the water flowing over the Hunderfossen dam decreased to 20 m3/s, the ascent of brown trout up the river stopped and fish periodically entered the power plant tunnel. To determine the flow necessary to attract fish into the spawning reach above the tunnel outlet, two experiments were undertaken using 12 and 17 radio-tagged trout. In the first experiment, 60 m3/s of water released for 24 h resulted in the migration of 50% of the trout up the river. The second experiment, releasing 60 m3/s for 24 h, followed by 30 m3/s for 24 h two days later, resulted in the migration of 60% of the trout. Only one fish ascended the river at a flow of 30 m3/s. It is recommended that a repeated release of water at 60 m3/s is made in periods of minimum water discharge to save the spawning migration. The results demonstrate the advantage of using radio-tracking in experiments dealing with fish migration in relation to water-flow management.  相似文献   

Large woody debris was explored as a method of restructuring channelized streams to improve salmonid habitat. Whole trees were inserted in sections along a 2 km reach of a channelized stream to determine if large woody debris: (1) increased the abundance and biomass of brown (Salmo trutta) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss); (2) had an effect on physical habitat features; and (3) provided trouts with additional habitat. Trout populations and stream morphology were monitored before and after the introduction of woody debris and compared to control sections lacking woody debris. Abundance and biomass of both brown and rainbow trout increased in the treatment section compared to the control. Maximum and standard deviation of fish total length increased in all sections during summer months. The number of individuals and the standard deviations of total lengths decreased in the control section in winter, but increased in the treatment section. Mean water velocities decreased and number and volume of pools increased in treatment sections. Brown and rainbow trouts sought woody debris structures for cover. We conclude that large woody debris can serve as a method of reconstructing channelized streams to improve salmonid habitat. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Hydroelectric dam operation can alter discharge and temperature patterns, impacting fish populations downstream. Previous investigations into the effects of river regulation on fish have focused on a single species within a river, yet different results among studies suggest the potential for species‐specific impacts. Here, we compare the impacts of two different hydropeaking regimes relative to a naturally flowing river on three ecologically important members of the forage fish community: longnose dace (Rhinichthys cataractae), slimy sculpin (Cottus cognatus) and trout‐perch (Percopsis omiscomaycus). Annual growth, estimated from otolith back‐calculations, was higher for each of the species in the regulated river relative to the naturally flowing river but did not differ between hydropeaking regimes. Condition was assessed using weight–length relationships and differed between rivers for each species, and between hydropeaking regimes for longnose dace and slimy sculpin. Survival of longnose dace and slimy sculpin was lower in the regulated river relative to the naturally flowing river, but comparable between rivers for trout‐perch. Annual growth was significantly related to mean summer discharge in the regulated river and to mean summer water temperature in the naturally flowing river for each species, and significantly different slopes among species indicate species‐specific responses to discharge and temperature alterations. This study demonstrates different biological responses among fish species within rivers to regulation in general, as well as to specific hydropeaking regimes. Future studies should focus on multiple species and multiple indicators of fish health to more fully characterize the impacts of river regulation on downstream fish communities. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We observed 2863 trout in the wild to determine habitat utilization in small streams of the Kings River basin in California's Sierra Nevada mountains. The habitat utilization data were used to develop habitat suitability functions that provide input variables to the instream flow incremental methodology (IFIM) habitat assessment model of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Observations of habitat utilization of rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri), brown trout (Salmo trutta), and brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) were obtained during the summer months of 1983 and 1984. The observations were made in small streams with discharges ranging from 0.7 m3 s?1 to 0.03 m3 s?1. The streams are at elevations of 1250 to 2530 m. Equal effort was applied to observing undisturbed trout in all habitat types. Snorkeling proved to be the most effective method of observation. Individual trout of all species and life stages were most often observed in the lower half of the water column, utilizing low-velocity currents of less than 3.0 cm s?1. From the depth and velocity utilization data, several forms of habitat suitability functions were developed and evaluated:
  • 1 Univariate depth and velocity functions derived from frequency histogram analysis.
  • 2 Univariate depth and univariate velocity exponential polynomial models.
  • 3 Bivariate depth and velocity exponential polynomial models.
Univariate exponential polynomial models provided the best fit to the data for each species, based on visual comparisons of response surfaces and contour plots, and comparisons of computed sums of squared errors. Bivariate models fitted to the data resulted in greater sums of squared errors than multiplicative aggragation of univariate models, and frequently predicted utilization at zero depth. The habitat suitability functions derived from the univariate exponential polynomial models provided the best input to the IFIM habitat assessment models.  相似文献   

Downstream migration of immature salmonids (smolts) may be associated with severe mortalities in anthropogenically altered channels. In Pacific salmon, several investigations have suggested the use of the dominating surface orientation of smolts to improve fish by‐pass structures in large and deep hydroelectric reservoirs. The present study tested the use of a surface orientated travelling screen to guide Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) and brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) smolts past a water abstraction site in a shallow lowland stream. The percentage of total discharge abstracted from the stream was included in the analyses. Indigenous migrating smolts were trapped, PIT tagged and subsequently released upstream of the water abstraction site. Releases shifted between a present or absent travelling screen. The migration success of the released smolts was evaluated using a trap situated downstream of the water abstraction site. There was no evidence that the surface oriented travelling screen had any influence on the probability of fish passing the water abstraction site. However, for both species, the probability of successful migration past the water abstraction site correlated negatively with the abstracted percentage of the total daily stream discharge. These findings may have important management implications because they suggest that short term changes in the percentage of total stream discharge abstracted may have consequences for the downstream migration success of smolts. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

River rehabilitation initiatives have become commonplace in European water courses as a result of European Union Water Framework Directive requirements. However, the short‐term responses of fishes to such work have thus far been varied, with some river rehabilitation efforts resulting in demonstrable improvements in diversity and size structure, whereas others have resulted in little or no change. Electrofishing and channel character surveys were conducted annually between 2009 and 2014 on a reach of the River Glaven (North Norfolk, UK) before and after rehabilitation work (embankment removal in 2009 and re‐meandering in 2010) as well as on a control reach immediately upstream. To assess the effects of rehabilitation work, before‐after‐control‐impact analysis tested for changes in channel character (geomorphology, substratum composition, and mesohabitat structure) and in fish species richness, relative abundance, population density, and size structure (calculated after fish data entry into the UK Environment Agency's National Fisheries Population Database). Following re‐meandering work (i.e., treatment), habitat heterogeneity and depth variation increased in the treatment reach, but fish responses were not significant except for biomass and density increases of brown trout Salmo trutta and abundance decreases of European eel Anguilla anguilla, in the treatment but not the control reach. These results are consistent with comparable river rehabilitation initiatives elsewhere, and they suggest that larger‐scale rehabilitations are probably needed to produce greater increases in fish density and diversity. It is recommended that future rehabilitation initiatives address catchment‐scale factors that can enhance ecosystem recovery, for example, removal of barriers to colonization, and increases in connectivity and water quality issues linked to eutrophication, elevated fine sediment inputs, and various pollutants.  相似文献   

Generalized habitat criteria for spawning sites of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and brown trout (Salmo trutta) using depth, water velocity and substrate size were created based on published information. In addition, information on critical intragravel conditions for egg development was summarized. Salmon spawned mostly in relatively deep, swift‐velocity habitats (20–50 cm, 35–65 cm s?1), whereas trout selected slightly shallower and slower flowing spawning sites (15–45 cm, 20–55 cm s?1). Salmon and trout preferred pebbles (16–64 mm) for spawning. The minimum oxygen concentration for successful incubation of eggs varies with the developmental stage of eggs, and supply of it may be reduced by deposited fine sediment. Habitat criteria for spawning sites are narrower than those for small juveniles; therefore the use of separate criteria is recommended. In addition to the traditional habitat criteria variables (depth, water velocity, substrate), the critical intragravel factors affecting egg survival should be incorporated in biologically meaningful criteria for spawning habitat modelling. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

During October 2000 to August 2002, the River Skjern Nature Project was implemented by removing dykes and re‐meandering 20.5 km of the lower canalized river. As a consequence the length of the river stretch increased to 23 km. A lake of 250 ha developed in the river valley 5 km upstream from the river mouth because of subsiding soils caused by reclamation and drainage since the 1960s. Using radiotelemetry, the mortality of wild Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and brown trout (Salmo trutta) smolts in the River Skjern and its estuary was investigated prior to and after the implementation of the project. Altogether, 77 Atlantic salmon and 66 brown trout smolts were caught, tagged and released in the river upstream of the restoration project during the spring of 2000 and 2002. The in‐river smolt mortality was more than double in 2002 for both Atlantic salmon and brown trout compared with 2000. This was primarily due to bird predation in 2002 which was not observed in 2000. The in‐river bird predation in 2002 was mediated by the new lake, which quickly became an important bird rest area. Estuarine mortality mainly caused by cormorants (Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis) differed significantly between species, but was high for both Atlantic salmon (39%) and brown trout (12%) in both years of investigation. The aggregated smolt mortality in the river and in the estuary (48%) may threaten an indigenous self‐sustaining Atlantic salmon population in the River Skjern. When planning river restoration projects, caution should be used, especially where permanently flooded floodplains (lakes) develop due to subsiding soil. In situations where rivers pass directly through newly developed lakes, migratory species such as Atlantic salmon and brown trout may be severely affected due to increased exposure to predation from predatory fish and birds. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The spawning migration and local homing of adult brown trout was analysed using radio telemetry in a regulated river in central Norway. Twenty‐eight large (37–64 cm) brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) were tracked before, during and after spawning in the River Nea, a watercourse with several obstructions, including an outlet tunnel from a power station and a regulated stretch (26 km) with 45 weirs. Two major patterns of spawning migration were found: (1) about half (n = 16; 57%) of the trout moved very little and remained in the deeper pools of the river from June until November; (2) about half (n = 12; 43%) of the trout migrated relatively long distances (12.5–28 km) up the river prior to the spawning period where they stayed in the outlets of small tributaries, or in rapids on the main river during the spawning period. We assume that these trout belong to a population of lake‐run migratory trout using the River Nea for spawning. There was no significant difference in body length of migratory and stationary brown trout and no significant difference in total distance moved by migratory males (30.5 km, n = 6) and females (20.5 km, n = 6, p > 0.05). Among migratory trout, we found no correlation between body length and migrated distance. Of the 12 migratory trout, nine undertook fast upward migration in periods of high water flow (> 100 m3/s). They passed the outlet tunnel from the power station and negotiated two to 35 weirs before reaching their main reproduction areas. Three trout crossed several weirs when the discharge was low (10–40 m3/s). When there was low discharge, fish remained at the outlet tunnel for up to four weeks and showed a high level of activity. Postspawning downstream migration started between 25 September and 25 October. Most migratory trout (n = 9) wintered in pools on the lower part of the river or in weir basins; only two trout descended to the lake (Selbusjøen) in late autumn. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Radiotelemetry was used to investigate detailed movement and summer habitat of brown trout Salmo trutta (size range 157–488 mm TL, n=18) in the Kananaskis River, Alberta. Flows in the Kananaskis River respond to pulsed daily discharge from an upstream hydroelectric generating facility (range 0.15–25 m3 s−1). Wetted area available for brown trout doubled during periods of high flow. Fluctuating river levels did not appear to influence the degree to which brown trout moved within the study site. However, there was evidence that brown trout used cover and pools more as discharge increased. During high flow conditions, brown trout used similar depths (63 cm), and significantly lower surface water velocities than during low flow conditions. Brown trout also moved closer to shore into interstitial spaces among woody debris and root complexes during high flow. Pool habitats were used most often compared with all other habitat types combined. Pools with large woody debris accounted for 75% of all habitat observations. Woody debris was used more often than all other cover types. Results of the study indicate that the effects of river regulation on brown trout appear to have been moderated by woody debris in pools and along river banks, which provided refuge from high water velocities during periods of high flow. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Radiotelemetry was used to investigate seasonal movement and home range of brown trout Salmo trutta (size range 188–420 mm fork length, N = 30) in two reaches of the Noguera Pallaresa River (Ebro Basin, north‐east Spain) subjected to different flow regulation schemes. NP‐1 reach is a bypassed section with near natural flow conditions, whereas the downstream reach NP‐2 is subjected to daily pulsed flow discharge (i.e., hydropeaking) from an upstream hydropower station. Significant differences in home range size (95% kernel estimates) and seasonal movement pattern between study reaches were found. Mean home range size was (μ ± SE) 112.1 ± 11.5 m in the bypassed reach NP‐1 and increased significantly in the hydropeaking reach NP‐2 up to 237.9 ± 37.2 m. There was a large individual variability in fish home range size within reaches. Most of the seasonal differences in fish movement among reaches were associated with the spawning season. Pulsed discharge events in NP‐2 during daytime in summer (lasting about 3 hr and increasing water flow from 1 to 20 m3/s) did not cause significant displacements in either upstream or downstream direction during the duration of the event. Our results highlight the importance of habitat connectivity in hydropeaking streams due to the need of brown trout to move large distances among complementary habitats, necessary to complete their life cycle, compared with unregulated or more stable streams.  相似文献   

We developed an individual-based model (IBM) to understand the effects of hydropeaking on growth, survival and distribution of age 0+ to 1+ juveniles for high-conservation value populations of native brown trout (Salmo trutta) and Atlantic salmon (S. salar) in river Gullspång, Sweden. We parameterized and applied inSTREAM (7.2-SD) and calibrated the model by comparing predicted versus observed growth under the current hydropeaking regime (n=>1,200 model fish for 365 days). Our objective was to model growth, survival and distribution under flow scenarios with and without hydropeaking. We observed that hydropeaking generally resulted in modest (~10%) negative effects on growth and survival of both species. Survival was more affected than was growth, smaller fish more affected than larger fish. On-peak (high) hydropeaking flows resulted in less profitable feeding conditions (less growth) and higher predation (lower survival). Thus, inSTREAM 7.2-SD appears to capture ecologically-relevant behavioral patterns under hydropeaking, for example, habitat selection, in response to rapid flow changes. Understanding such patterns for large rivers via manipulative field studies, even if possible, would be time-consuming and costly. Our study demonstrates the potential of IBMs as powerful tools for testing research questions and assessing and prioritizing alternative management strategies in regulated rivers.  相似文献   

Stomachs of trout and salmon (n = 1,904) were collected from fish registered at fishing tournaments held in New York State waters of Lake Ontario between April and September 1983 and 1984. Numbers of adult-sized fish containing identifiable food items were 323 lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush), 289 brown trout (Salmo trutta), 24 rainbow trout (S. gairdneri), 164 coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch), and 63 chinook salmon (O. tschawytscha) Proportional similarity in diet between pairs of species was high and normally exceeded 0.70; diet composition of individual species was similar between years. Alewives (Alosa pseudoharengus) were the main prey of all species during all months and were normally 110–149 mm in standard length. Rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax) was the second most common prey eaten but was generally found in fewer than 20% of the stomachs examined during any month. Diet diversity was generally higher during April-May than during July-September for coho salmon, lake trout, and brown trout. Larger brown trout ate larger alewife in 1983 but not in 1984. Results suggest that the five trout and salmon species in Lake Ontario are potential competitors.  相似文献   

Dams create barriers to fish migration and dispersal in drainage basins, and the removal of dams is often viewed as a means of increasing habitat availability and restoring migratory routes of several fish species. However, these barriers can also isolate and protect native taxa from aggressive downstream invaders. We examined fish community composition two years prior to and two years after the removal of a pair of low‐head dams from Boulder Creek, Wisconsin, U.S.A. in 2003 to determine if removal of these potential barriers affected the resident population of native brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis). Despite the presence of other taxa in the downstream reaches, and in other similar streams adjacent to the Boulder Creek (including the brown trout, Salmo trutta), no new species had colonized the Boulder Creek in the two years following dam removal. The adults catch per unit effort (CPUE) was lower and the young‐of‐the‐year catch per unit effort (YOY CPUE) was higher in 2005 than in 2001 in all reaches, but the magnitude of these changes was substantially larger in the two dam‐affected sample reaches relative to an upstream reference reach, indicating a localized effect of the removal. Total length of the adults and the YOY and the adult body condition did not vary between years or among reaches. Thus, despite changes in numbers of adults and the YOYs in some sections of the stream, the lack of new fish species invading Boulder Creek and the limited extent of population change in brook trout indicate that dam removal had a minor effect on these native salmonids in the first two years of the post‐removal. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Most rivers and streams in the city of Oslo, Norway, rise in the surrounding forests, and all run through industrial and urban areas before they reach the sea. Most of these rivers have a long history of poor water quality in the middle and lower reaches until the early 1980s. This was reflected in low benthic diversity and the absence of fish. However, at the end of the 1970s, considerable efforts were made to limit industrial discharges, pollution episodes, and urban runoff, resulting in a substantial improvement in water quality. This improvement in water quality resulted in major changes in the benthos and fish populations of the rivers, especially the river Akerselva, which runs through the city centre. Here Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) became extinct in the mid‐1800s and did not return until 1983. Atlantic salmon and sea trout (Salmo trutta) now spawn in the lower reaches, and the river supports juvenile populations of these salmonids. In line with the improvement in water quality, benthic biodiversity has also increased. These improvements have been documented based on long‐term monitoring of benthos and fish. Increased benthic diversity and presence of fish also enabled the authorities to trace the source of several pollution episodes that led to fish kills. The European Union Water Framework Directive will bring further pressure to maintain a stable and good ecological status for the Oslo rivers, although it may be difficult to attain this goal in an urban environment. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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