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The fatty acid composition of three seed oils of Apocynaceae has been studied in this investigation. The seed oils of Apocynaceae were examined for their component acids and were found to contain the following acids: Rauwolfia serpentina, Benth, (wt.%) lauric 0.2 %, myristic 0.8 %, palmitic 17.7%, stearic 4.9 %, arachidic 0.9 %, behenic 0.6 %, oleic 34.4 %, and linoleic 40.5 %. Rauwolfia tetraphylla, Linn. syn. Rauwolfia canescens, Linn., Rauwolfia heterophylla, Roem and Schult, (wt.%) lauric 0.9 %, myristic 3.4 %, palmitic 25.7 %, stearic 10.3%, arachidic 1.6%, behenic 1.4%, oleic 36.5 %, and linoleic 20.2 %. Vinca rosea Linn syn. Lochnera rosea, Linn. (wt.%) lauric 0.2%, myristic 1.0%, palmitic 1.4 %, stearic 6.8 %, arachidic 1.3 %, behenic 0.6 %, oleic 73.6 %, and linoleic 15.1 %.  相似文献   

Seeds from five species fo various plant families have been analyzed for their oil contents and physico-chemical characteristics with the help of spectroscopic (UV, IR) and chromatographic (TLC-GLC) techniques. Out of the five seed oils examined here, only two oils, Ipomea cardiophylla and Echinochloa colona, were found to have good combined oleic-linoleic contents (> 60%). Lepidagathis trinervis was interestingly noted for high content of oleic acid (72%).  相似文献   

Physico-chemical analysis of seven seeds of indigenous species of plants belonging to six different botanical families have been carried out with the help of UV, IR, TLC-GLC techniques. All the seed oils were found in agreement with the simple fatty acid composition i.e. linoleic-oleic-palmitic type. The chief components among unsaturated acids in the six seed oils are oleic and linoleic acids together forming 40.0-86.0 %. Polygonum sp. surprisingly is found to have combined content of oleic and linoleic acid 13.3 % only but having unexpected high amount of linolenic acid (37.8 %). Among saturated acids, palmitic acid was predominant acid found in the range of 10.0-483 %. This chemical screening of seed oils reveals that the species producing highly unsaturated oils merit attention for utilization as minor seed oils.  相似文献   

Seeds of seven species, representing different plant families, have been analyzed for oil and the fatty acid composition of the oils was determined by gas-liquid chromatography. In all the species, the oil content exceeded 10% except Mecaranga peltata and Cubeba officinalis seeds. Fully matured Garcinia cambogia seeds had very high (~50%) oil content.  相似文献   

Seeds from eight species were analysed by standard procedures for oil and protein contents. The fatty acid composition of the oils was determined by GLC. Five species were found to contain oils above 20% and none of them is rich in protein. Some of the oils have a composition fairly similar to the oils at present in common use. Five seed oils are interesting in having more than 50% of saturated acids of the total fatty acids. T. involucrata seed seems to be a promising species because of its high oil and linoleic acid (61.7%) contents.  相似文献   

Seed oils from seven species comprising the unusual families, Apocynaceae, Tiliaceae, Capparidaceae and Cyperaceae have been analysed using spectroscopic and chromatographic techniques. The compositional data suggest that oils from species of less familiar botanical families possess peculiar composition as compared to common seed oils.  相似文献   

Seed oils from seven species belonging to four botanical families have been analysed for their fatty acid composition by using chromatographic and spectroscopic techniques. Oils from six species are very interesting in containing high percentage (63.7–84.0%) of C18 unsaturated acids. Chemical screening of seed oils reveals that the species producing highly unsaturated oils merit attention for evaluation as perspective crops.  相似文献   

Fatty acid composition of six species belonging to different less familiar botanical families was determined by making use of chromatographic and spectroscopic techniques. All species were found to have high iodine values, out of which one species (item 2) showed iodine value above 180. The total of “linolenic” and “linoleic” acids varied from 61.1 to 74.8%. Four species (Passiflora foetida, Chrozophora plicata, Salvia plebeia and Fimbristylis quinqueangularis) deserve agronomic evaluation as the first species resembles Safflower (especially grown in tropics) and the latter three species yield linoleicrich seed oils.  相似文献   

Seeds from seven species of plants belonging to less familiar botanical families were analysed for oil and protein, and the fatty acid composition of the oils was determined by gas liquid chromatography. Oils from five species are interesting in containing high percentage (71.9–83.7%) of C18 unsaturated acids. Seeds from Tropaeolum majus contain oil which, on the basis of chromatographic analysis, appears to be a suitable industrial source of cis-11-eicosenoic and cis-13-docosenoic (erucic) acids.  相似文献   

Three varieties of Safflower cultivated in Pakistan have been studied. These contain 29.7–32.0% oils on the basis of dried and undecorticated seeds. Their fatty acid composition as determined by GLC is myristic (0.9–3.1%), palmitic (9.4–12.0%), stearic (2.3–5.5%), oleic (14.0–15.7%) and linoleic (65.9–73.4%).  相似文献   

Twelve seed oils from ten plant families have been examined. Except three the seed oils are reported to be medicinal. Oleic acid is the major component in the seed oils from Celosia pyramidalis, Cryptostegia grandiflora, Gomphrena globosa, Isotoma longiflora, Jasminum officinale Var. grandiflorum and Sida humilis. The remaining six seed oils contain linoleic acid as the major component. All the samples contain arachidic and behenic acids. The oil sample from Sida humilis contains lauric acid. Linolenic acid is found in five samples and myristic in seven samples.  相似文献   

Six seed oils from convovulaceae family have been examined. Nounusual acids have been detected in the oils. The fatty acid pattern in all the seed oils is as follows: palmitic (6.6 to 10.0), stearic (12.0 to 19.6), oleic (21.6 to 30.0), linoleic (27.8 to 41.3), linolenic (6.0 to 9.2), arachidic (3.3 to 6.4), and behenic (2.8 to 4.3). Lower fatty acids have not been found in any of the seed oils.  相似文献   

Fifteen seed oils from nine plant families have been examined. Oleic acid is the major component in all the oil samples, maximum being in Amaranthus tricolor (91.0%), except in the seed oil of Physalis maxima. All the samples contain arachidic and behenic acids. The oil samples from Ipomoea species and from Physalis maxima contain the lower fatty acids (caprylic and capric). Linolenic acid is found in eleven samples and lauric acid in all the seed oils except the seed oil of Celosia cristata.  相似文献   

Three seed oils, Achyranthes aspera, Cucumis callosus and Aberia caffra were examined and were found to contain the following acids (wt%): lauric (0.4,-, 0.2), myristic (1.2, 0.6, 0.9), palmitic (18.6, 10.6, 25.9), stearic (4.4, 10.0, 3.9), arachidic (1.6, 1.6, 1.2), behenic (1.8, 0.6, 0.5), oleic (22.6, 17.5, 19.3), linoleic (49.4, 59.1, 48.1) respectively.  相似文献   

Seed oils from Androgaphis paniculata, Calliopsis elegans, Corochorus trilocularis, Crotalaria heyneana, Emblica officinalis, Mangifera indica, Pergularia daemia and Sopubia dulphinifolia have been examined. Of these, the seeds from Androgaphis paniculata, a shrub, Emblica officinalis, a tree, and Mangifera indica, a tree, contain 39.4, 22.4 and 12.0 percent of oil respectively. Pergularia daemia is rich in stearic acid (37.4%). Crotalaria heyneana, Androgaphis paniculata and Calliopsis elegans seed oils are rich in linoleic acid (60.5%, 58.9% and 48.3%) respectively, while seed oils from Corochorus trilocularis and Emblica officinalis contain linolenic acid (3.6% and 5.9%). Seed oils of Pergularia daemia, Corochorus trilocularis and Emblica officinalis having iodine value from 63 to 85 may be useful as nondrying oils.  相似文献   

Seed oils of Washingtonia filifera H. Wendl, Phoenix rupicola T. Anders and Licuala grandis belonging to palmae family were examined for their component fatty acids and were found to contain the following acids (wt %): Lauric (25.8,20.8,2.5), myristic (10.9,12.4,2.3), palmitic(38.2,10.9,27.4), stearic (6.6,3.3,15), arachidic (1.0,0.5,1.4), behenic (1.1,0.3,2.1), oleic (5.6,4.1,33.4), and linoleic (10.8,10.6,29.0) respectively.  相似文献   

In the course of our search for new sources of oil, fatty acid compositions of the seed oils of 18 species belonging to three families are reported. Five species from Sterculiaceae, one species from Cucurbitaceae and twelve species from Sapindaceae were analysed. Linoleic acid predominated (43.4–76.2%) in the component fatty acids of all the oils followed by oleic (9.7–23.3%) and palmitic (8.4–14.7%) acids.  相似文献   

Six varieties of soybean cultivated in Pakistan have been studied. These contain 15.9-20.1% oil and their fatty acid composition as determined by GLC is myristic (0.2-0.4%), palmitic (11.7-13.9%), stearic (1.2-5.4%), oleic (21.2-31.8%), linoleic (41.2-53.4%), arachidic (0.2-0.6%), behenic (0.2-0.6%) and lignoceric (0.3-0.5%).  相似文献   

Eight varieties of cottonseed cultivated in Pakistan have been studied. These contain 11.6-24.0% oil and their fatty acid composition as determined by G.L.C. is C14:0 (0.7-2.0%), C14:1 (0-0.3%), C16:0(28.3-43.1%), C16:1 (0.3-2.7%), C18:0 (0.3-8.5%), C18:1 (16.2-32.0%), C18:2 (31.3-41.2%) and C20:0 (0.2-0.3%).  相似文献   

The fatty acid profiles of six seed oils of the Fabaceae (Leguminosae) family are reported and discussed. These are the seed oils of Centrosema pubescens, Clitoria ternatea, Crotalaria mucronata, Macroptilium lathyroides, Pachyrhizus erosus, and Senna alata. The most common fatty acid in the fatty acid profiles of these oils is linoleic acid with palmitic, stearic, oleic and linolenic acids usually completing the most prominent fatty acids in these species. Long‐chain saturated fatty acids were observed in all oils. Centrosema pubescens and Macroptilium lathyroides exhibited the greatest amounts of long‐chain saturated fatty acids exceeding the amount of stearic acid in these oils. C. pubescens exhibited slightly more that 6 % C24:0 together with some fatty acids >C25 and M. lathyroides approximately 4 % C22:0 and 3 % C24:0. The results are comparatively discussed to previous data on the fatty acid profiles of Fabaceae species.  相似文献   

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