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Physical Refining of Palm Oil In contrast to the conventional neutralization which consists of several steps, physical refining is composed of two main processing steps, namely continous desliming-prebleathing and deodorization integrated with distillation of the free fatty acids. The use of minimum amounts of chemicals under vacuum ensures no pollution of waste water. Moreover, the direct recovery of fatty acids by distillation eliminates the cumber some process of splitting the soapstock. Other advantages of this process are the reduction of refining loss and a higher purity of the recovered fatty acids. The results obtained in a new physical refining plant having a capacity of 200 t per day are given.  相似文献   

Palm Oil and Palm Kernel Oil Adulteration of palm oil with palm stearin can be recognized by examining the ration of the triglycerides PPP to MOP, which lies in pure palm oil between 3.5 and 4.5 and is elevated in the case of adulteration. The content of palmitic acid and the solid fat content are additional indications. Adulteration of coconut and palm kernal oils with palm kernel olein is best recognized by measuring the iodine number (which is max. 11 for coconut oil and 19 for palm kernel oil) and also by the content of stearic, oleic and linoleic acids, the sum of which should not exceed 11.5% for coconut oil and 22% for palm kernel oil respectively. The content of triglycerides with carbon number 46 to 54 may additionally be used.  相似文献   

A New Process for the Recovery of Palm Oil The process described illustrates the continuous processing of the undiluted press liquor in the extraction of palm oil. Oil, water and solids are separated very fast by means of centrifugal separation and clarification technology. Long dwell times in large intermediate tanks are avoided, thereby improving the yield and quality of valuable constituents. The big advantage of savings in water is accompanied by the important reduction of the effluent load.  相似文献   

Processing and End Uses of Palm Oil In a short introduction, the economic importance of palm oil in the supply of fat for the West European countries, especially, for the Federal Republic of Germany, is emphasized. Furthermore, the properties and composition of oils from various plantations are given. Special conditions of transportation and storage are discussed. Industrial processing of palm oil consists of the following steps:
  • Complete refining including degumming, deacidification, thermal bleaching, treatment with bleaching earth, and deodorization
  • Hydrogenation
  • Interesterification
  • Fractionation
Complete refining is essential for the manufacture of all edible products, whereas the last three processes are generally used for the manufacture of special products from palm oil. Thermal bleaching is a characteristic step in the processing of palm oil, by which the carotenoids are destroyed and the oil is decoloured. This operation can be performed at one of the various stages of refining, and by choice, even in conjunction with deodorization or distillative deacidification. The various possibilities are indicated using a block flow diagram and these are critically evaluated with reference to specific processing conditions. The technical equipment required for these processes are described using schematic illustrations. Next to hydrogenation, occasionally carried out as hydrobleaching, the processes, such as interesterification and fractionation, are very significant for the manufacture of finished products and intermediate products from palm oil. Under this aspect the corresponding technologies and their practical applications are discussed. These processes permit wide applications of palm oil and finished as well as intermediate products prepared therefrom in the production of edible oils and fat dressings. A major part of these products are used in shortenings and margarine. Further products are solid fractions from palm oil as substitutes for cocoa butter, liquid fractions as frying oils etc. Typical examples of these applications are given.  相似文献   

Analysis of Carotenes in Crude Palm Oil Structure and properties of natural carotenes as well as their behaviour especially towards adsorbents are discussed. Literature on the occurrence of carotenes in palm oil is reviewed and a short history of the development of analytical methods for the separation of carotenes is presented. A tentative method of the DGF for the analysis of minor components is reported, which enables quantitative determination of the total carotenes as well as α and β-carotenes, separately in fats and oils. Usefulness of this method is shown in the analysis of 10 samples of crude palm oil from various sources. Determination of free fatty acids and peroxides round up the analytical picture of palm oil samples.  相似文献   

Fractionation of Palm Oil by Selective Crystallization on a Chilled Surface A new process for the fractionation of palm oil was studied, which enables the crystallization and separation of the components in a single processing step. The higher melting fraction is selectively crystallized on a chilled surface, while the lower melting fraction is enriched in the liquid. The influence of processing parameters on the separation was studied experimentally. It was found that the extent of separation is determined by the rate of growth of the phase interface, thickness of the boundary layer between the phase boundary and liquid, and time of fractionation. Optimum conditions are given for all parameters.  相似文献   

Analytical Characterisation of Palm Oil Fractions by HPLC of Triglycerides The increasing importance of palm oils and palm oil fractions in international trade makes it necessary to develop analytical criteria for the characterisation of these products. One problem is the correct identification of palm oleins, which are often difficult to distinguish from palm oils. These products frequently exhibit similar fatty acid by GLC and similar iodine values. The correct identification of palm stearins by GLC is comparatively more easy. Palm oleins and palm oils can be characterized by HPLC using conditions that permit not only the separation of triolein from less unsaturated triglycerides of the same carbon number, but also, at the same time, a separation of tripalmitin from triglycerides containing oleic acid. By establishing the peak area ratios for a number of selected triglycerides a clear differentiation between palm oils and palm oleins, as well as various other palm oil fractions and their mixtures is obtained.  相似文献   

Content Changes of Tocochromanoles during Refining and Hardening of Soya, Rape Seed and Palm Oil Content changes of tocochromanoles, found in oils, take place during the refining process. In the submitted work rape seed, soya and palm oil are examined respecting the change of the tocopherole and tocochromanole content during refining and hardening. It was found out that the separate steps of refining and especially of deodorization decrease the tocochromanole content of the examined oils.  相似文献   

On the Quality and Contamination of Fish Oil Capsules All medicinal fish oil capsules available in German market, viz. 27 products, were examined w.r.t. their cholesterol- and lipophilic vitamine contents as well as oxidised and polymer fractions. Moreover, the possible contamination of the fish oils with organochloric pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyles (PCB), heavy metals and polycylic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH's) was also examined. Our objective was to answer the enquires made to us by many physicians regarding the content of fish oil capsules w.r.t. cholesterol, vitamin A, vitamin D and vitamin E. At the same time we also ascertained, the extent to which these therapeutic products, conformed to the existing food legislation, the guidelines of Codex-Alimentarius and those of the fat processing industry. We found that, most of these products had a degree of oxidation amounting to abt. 20%, a 2 – 3.5% polymeric triglyceride content and a cholesterol content between 0.3 – 0.6%. The capsules contained, with very small exceptions, no vitamin A. Contrary to this, the vitamin E concentration of most products were between abt. 600 to abt. 7000 μg/g and 15 to abt. 100 IU/g vitamin D respectively. The contamination of the capsules with organochlorine pesticides, PCB and heavy metals was in line with normal level of such pollutants in fish oil, i.e. most products conformed to legal guidelines and only a few exceeded the limits. However, the PAH-contamination of most capsules, particularly with benzo(a)pyrene, did not conform with the guidelines.  相似文献   

Certification of Quality Assurance Systems. Assurance of quality, working in a systematic and documented manner with the aim of contributing to constant improvement of the quality levels of a company, is now standard practice. A visible sign of quality competence is a quality assurance system certificate that is issued by a neutral certification body after assessment of the effectiveness of existing quality assurance systems. The German Society for the Certification of Quality Assurance Systems (DQS), a neutral, not-for-profit institution, performs such assessment in Germany on the basis of DIN ISO standards 9001, 9002, or 9003, and issues certification of quality assurance systems.  相似文献   

Palm Oils and Palm Oil Fractions and their Analytical Differentiation Due to the increasing production of palm oils and the correlating production of palm oil fractions there is a need to differentiate analytically between palm oils and palm oil fractions. The analytical differentiation of these products on the one hand and the detection of unwanted additions and mixtures on the other hand is intended to be achieved. Palm oils of different origin and palm oil fractions, fractionated by different procedures, were examined in this context. The composition of total fatty acids, fatty acids in 2-position of the triglycerides, slip point, iodine value, composition of triglycerides by gaschromatography as well as saturated triglycerides were determined. The slip point, which can easily be determined, and the palmitic acid content in 2-position of t he triglycerides proved to be most suitable for the analytical practice.  相似文献   

Distillative Fractionation of Fatty Acids of Coconut, Palm Kernel and Palm Oil under Mild Conditions with Consideration of Economy and Environmental Safety . Present study deals with the question as to how pure and marketable products can be produced from coconut, palm kernel and palm oil fatty acids at a minimum expenditure on plant and operation. Factors concerning environmental safety are considered besides the influence of the number of columns and plates as well as that of the reflux ratio. The most suitable combination for processing such crude acids, from economic view-point, is a two-column system, preceded by a film degassifying unit for simultaneous degassing, dehydration and deodorization, and followed by a falling film evaporator with forced circulation for the separation of tar.  相似文献   

The Fatty Acid Composition of Almond Oil - A Critical Discussion The range of fatty acid compositions found in various almond oils traded internationally sometimes does not correspond to the published permissible range in pharmacopeias (e.g., DAB 9). In the literature, there have been various reports of adulteration, but also of greater variability of almond fatty acid composition depending on strain and geographical provenience. The problem is discussed and a series of recent analytical data is presented.  相似文献   

Evaluation of the Quality of Protein Concentrates and Protein Isolates from the Oil Cake of Lupinus mutabilis The seeds of Lupinus mutabilis contain rather high concentrations of protein amounting to 40%. Their relative high fat content of about 18% made their use as oil seeds possible. The lupine oil was extracted using a process of extraction and manufacturing of the soya oil. The oil cake was debittered with aqueous ethanol (80% ethanol) to a protein concentrate (> 60% protein) from which a protein isolate (> 90% protein) was prepared using an acidic sedimentation. The preparation of both products led to an increase of the protein concentrations (? N × 6.25). In both preparations the S-containing amino acids remained the limiting factor of the protein quality. The alkaloid content decreased from 3.3% in the seeds to 0.06% in concentrates and to 0.02% in the isolate. The protein isolate was free from HCN, trypsin inhibiting factors and haemagglutinins. The evaluation of the protein quality with feeding experiments with rats (PER test) showed that the quality of protein concentrate was about 39% of that of casein (0.9/2.5). While acidifying the debitterning medium to pH 5 did not affect the protein quality, changing the medium to pH 9 led to a concentrate, the protein of which was not available to the rats. Adding 0.2 g DL-Methionine to 100 g diet improved its protein quality to about 84%. The preparation of the protein isolate affected the bioavailability of the S-amino acids, which could not be recognized with the chemical analysis. The quality of the protein isolate amounted to only 19% of that of casein. The supplementation with 0.2% DL-Methionine in the diet improved it to 89%. The digestibility of lupine protein amounted to 83%. In mixtures of wheat protein with lupine protein concentrates (90/10) the limiting amino acids of both proteins could mostly be compensated; the calculated PER-value was 2.3 (78% of that of casein). This result shows that protein concentrates from lupine oil cake could be successfully added to bread and bakery products.  相似文献   

Fatty Acid Composition of Rapeseed, Soybean, Sunflower and Peanut Oils Alterations in the mode of cultivation of oilseeds have brought forth considerable fluctuations in the composition of vegetable oils in the past decade. It is therefore desirable to report occasionally the new analytical figures on vegetable oils, whose source and past history are exactly known.  相似文献   

Necessity for the Introduction of New Quality Requirements for Crude Soybean Oil Crude degummed soybean oils of good and inferior quality were refined in semi continuous scale and the refined oils were investigated with respect to colour and flavour stability. The results showed that the colour and flavour stability of the end product are dependent on oxidation characteristics, i. e. p-anisidine value, peroxide value and UV absorbence, and from iron and phosphorus content of the crude oil. Therefore, it is necessary, in addition to current quality requirements, that the maximum values of oxidation characteristics and iron content should be specified.  相似文献   

Changes of rapeseed and linseed oil during processing During processing of crude oil in a large oil mill, three samples each of rapeseed and linseed were investigated at each processing stage, i.e. press oil, solvent-extracted oil, mixed oil, and degummed/caustic refined oil. In the case of rapeseed also bleached and desodorized oils (230°C; 3.0 mbar for 2 h) were investigated. Rapeseed and linseed oil showing the typical major fatty acids contained less than 1% trans-isomeric fatty acids (trans fatty acids = TFA). Linseed oil had a similar TFA-concentration as rapeseed oil, and the concentrations did not change during the processing stages up to degummed/caustic refined oil, and were also unchanged in the bleached rapeseed oil. Desodorization of rapeseed oil, however, trebled the TFA concentration to 0.58%. The detected tocopherol patterns were typical of rapeseed and linseed oils. There was no difference between mixed oil and degummed/caustic refined oil in the total concentration of tocopherols. Neither had bleaching any effect. Rapeseed oil desodorization diminished total tocopherol concentration by 12% from 740 mg/kg to 650 mg/kg. Due to degumming/caustic refining the phosphorus concentration of both oils decreased to less than a tenth compared to mixed oil. Other elements determined in degummed/caustic refined rapeseed oil were not detectable (manganese < 0.02 mg/kg, iron < 0.4 mg/kg, copper < 0.02 mg/kg, lead < 10 μg/kg) or only as traces zink 0.1 mg/kg, cadmium 2 μg/kg). In linseed oil, which initially showed a higher trace compounds concentration, a significant decrease was found by degumming/caustic refining. Iron could not be detected. There were traces of zinc, manganese, copper, lead, and cadmium. There was no difference between the acid values of rapeseed and linseed crude oil. Acid value decreased drastically already during the degumming/caustic refining stage. The crude linseed oils had a higher peroxide value, anisidine value and diene value than the corresponding crude rapeseed oils. With peroxide values of ≤ 0.1 mEq O2/kg found in almost all investigated rapeseed oils, no effect of refining could be detected. The anisidine value showed an increase after bleaching. Desodorization trebled the diene value.  相似文献   

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