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From a linear block code B over the Galois ring GR(4, m) with a k times n generator matrix and minimum Hamming distance d, a rate-k/n convolutional code over the ring Z4 with squared Euclidean free distance at least 2d and a nonrecursive encoder with memory at most m - 1 is constructed. When the generator matrix of B is systematic, the convolutional encoder is systematic, basic, noncatastrophic and minimal. Long codes constructed in this manner are shown to satisfy a Gilbert-Varshnmov bound.  相似文献   

A coset of a convolutional code may be used to generate a zero-run length limited trellis code for a 1-D partial-response channel. The free squared Euclidean distance, dfree2, at the channel output is lower bounded by the free Hamming distance of the convolutional code. The lower bound suggests the use of a convolutional code with maximal free Hamming distance, dmax(R,N), for given rate R and number of decoder states N. In this paper we present cosets of convolutional codes that generate trellis codes with dfree 2>dmax(R,N) for rates 1/5⩽R⩽7/9 and (d free2=dmax(R,N) for R=13/16,29/32,61/64, The tabulated convolutional codes with R⩽7/9 were not optimized for Hamming distance. Instead, a computer search was used to determine cosets of convolutional codes that exploit the memory of the 1-D channel to increase dfree2 at the channel output. The search was limited by only considering cosets with certain structural properties. The R⩾13/16 codes were obtained using a new construction technique for convolutional codes with free Hamming distance 4. Newly developed bounds on the maximum zero-run lengths of cosets were used to ensure a short maximum run length at the 1-D channel output  相似文献   

For rate R=1/2 convolutional codes with 16 states there exists a gap between Heller's (1968) upper bound on the free distance and its optimal value. This article reports on the construction of 16-state, binary, rate R=2/4 nonlinear trellis and convolutional codes having d free=8; a free distance that meets the Heller upper bound. The nonlinear trellis code is constructed from a 16-state, rate R=1/2 convolutional code over Z4 using the Gray map to obtain a binary code. Both convolutional codes are obtained by computer search. Systematic feedback encoders for both codes are potential candidates for use in combination with iterative decoding. Regarded as modulation codes for 4-PSK, these codes have free squared Euclidean distance dE, free2=16  相似文献   

The slope of the active distances is an important parameter when investigating the error-correcting capability of convolutional codes and the distance behavior of concatenated convolutional codes. The slope of the active distances is equal to the minimum average weight cycle in the state-transition diagram of the encoder. A general upper bound on the slope depending on the free distance of the convolutional code and new upper bounds on the slope of special classes of binary convolutional codes are derived. Moreover, a search technique, resulting in new tables of rate R=1/2 and rate R=1/3 convolutional encoders with high memories and large active distance-slopes is presented. Furthermore, we show that convolutional codes with large slopes can be used to obtain new tailbiting block codes with large minimum distances. Tables of rate R=1/2 and rate R=1/3 tailbiting codes with larger minimum distances than the best previously known quasi-cyclic codes are given. Two new tailbiting codes also have larger minimum distances than the best previously known binary linear block codes with same size and length. One of them is also superior in terms of minimum distance to any previously known binary nonlinear block code with the same set of parameters.  相似文献   

Constructions of woven graph codes based on constituent block and convolutional codes are studied. It is shown that within the random ensembles of such codes based on s-partite, s-uniform hypergraphs, where s depends only on the code rate, there exist codes satisfying the Gilbert-Varshamov (GV) and the Costello lower bound on the minimum distance and the free distance, respectively. A connection between regular bipartite graphs and tailbiting (TB) codes is shown. Some examples of woven graph codes are presented. Among them, an example of a rate Rwg=1/3 woven graph code with dfree=32 based on Heawood's bipartite graph, containing n=7 constituent rate Rc=2/3 convolutional codes with overall constraint lengths ?c =5, is given.  相似文献   

An upper bound is derived on the probability that at least one of a sequence of B consecutive bits at the output of a Viterbi (1979) decoder is in error. Such a bound is useful for the analysis of concatenated coding schemes employing an outer block code over GF(2B) (typically a Reed-Solomon (RS) code), an inner convolutional code, and a symbol (GF(2B)) interleaver separating the two codes. The bound demonstrates that in such coding schemes a symbol interleaver is preferable to a bit interleaver. It also suggests a new criterion for good inner convolutional codes  相似文献   

A double serially concatenated code with two interleavers consists of the cascade of an outer encoder, an interleaver permuting the outer codeword bits, a middle encoder, another interleaver permuting the middle codeword bits, and an inner encoder whose input words are the permuted middle codewords. The construction can be generalized to h cascaded encoders separated by h-1 interleavers, where h>3. We obtain upper bounds to the average maximum likelihood bit-error probability of double serially concatenated block and convolutional coding schemes. Then, we derive design guidelines for the outer, middle, and inner codes that maximize the interleaver gain and the asymptotic slope of the error probability curves. Finally, we propose a low-complexity iterative decoding algorithm. Comparisons with parallel concatenated convolutional codes, known as “turbo codes”, and with the proposed serially concatenated convolutional codes are also presented, showing that in some cases, the new schemes offer better performance  相似文献   

Worst-case upper bounds are derived on the minimum distance of parallel concatenated turbo codes, serially concatenated convolutional codes, repeat-accumulate codes, repeat-convolute codes, and generalizations of these codes obtained by allowing nonlinear and large-memory constituent codes. It is shown that parallel-concatenated turbo codes and repeat-convolute codes with sub-linear memory are asymptotically bad. It is also shown that depth-two serially concatenated codes with constant-memory outer codes and sublinear-memory inner codes are asymptotically bad. Most of these upper bounds hold even when the convolutional encoders are replaced by general finite-state automata encoders. In contrast, it is proven that depth-three serially concatenated codes obtained by concatenating a repetition code with two accumulator codes through random permutations can be asymptotically good.   相似文献   

Informally, an error-correcting code has "nice" list-decodability properties if every Hamming ball of "large" radius has a "small" number of codewords in it. We report linear codes with nontrivial list-decodability: i.e., codes of large rate that are nicely list-decodable, and codes of large distance that are not nicely list-decodable. Specifically, on the positive side, we show that there exist codes of rate R and block length n that have at most c codewords in every Hamming ball of radius H-1(1-R-1/c)·n. This answers the main open question from the work of Elias (1957). This result also has consequences for the construction of concatenated codes of good rate that are list decodable from a large fraction of errors, improving previous results of Guruswami and Sudan (see IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol.45, p.1757-67, Sept. 1999, and Proc. 32nd ACM Symp. Theory of Computing (STOC), Portland, OR, p. 181-190, May 2000) in this vein. Specifically, for every ε > 0, we present a polynomial time constructible asymptotically good family of binary codes of rate Ω(ε4) that can be list-decoded in polynomial time from up to a fraction (1/2-ε) of errors, using lists of size O(ε-2). On the negative side, we show that for every δ and c, there exists τ < δ, c1 > 0, and an infinite family of linear codes {Ci}i such that if ni denotes the block length of Ci, then C i has minimum distance at least δ · ni and contains more than c1 · nic codewords in some Hamming ball of radius τ · ni. While this result is still far from known bounds on the list-decodability of linear codes, it is the first to bound the "radius for list-decodability by a polynomial-sized list" away from the minimum distance of the code  相似文献   

We consider convolutional and block encoding schemes which are variations of woven codes with outer warp. We propose methods to evaluate the distance characteristics of the considered codes on the basis of the active distances of the component codes. With this analytical bounding technique, we derived lower bounds on the minimum (or free) distance of woven convolutional codes, woven block codes, serially concatenated codes, and woven turbo codes. Next, we show that the lower bound on the minimum distance can be improved if we use designed interleaving with unique permutation functions in each row of the warp of the woven encoder. Finally, with the help of simulations, we get upper bounds on the minimum distance for some particular codes and then investigate their performance in the Gaussian channel. Throughout this paper, we compare all considered encoding schemes by means of examples, which illustrate their distance properties  相似文献   

This paper presents a method for evaluating the bit-error probability of a concatenated coding system for BPSK transmission over the AWGN channel. In the concatenated system, a linear binary block code is used as the inner code and is decoded with the soft-decision maximum likelihood decoding, and a maximum distance separable code (or its interleaved code) is used as the outer code and is decoded with a bounded distance decoding. The method is illustrated through a specific example in which the inner code is a binary (64.40.8) Reed-Muller subcode and the outer code is the NASA standard (255, 223, 33) Reed-Solomon code over GF(28) interleaved to a depth of 5. This specific concatenated system is being considered for NASA's high-speed satellite communications. The bit-error performance is evaluated by a combination of simulation and analysis. The split weight enumerators for the maximum distance separable codes are derived and used for the analysis  相似文献   

We derive a new upper bound on the minimum distance d of doubly-even self-dual codes of length n. Asymptotically, for n growing, it gives limn→∞ sup d/n⩽(5-53/4)/10<0.165630, thus improving on the Mallows-Odlyzko-Sloane bound of 1/6 and our recent bound of 0.166315  相似文献   

The overall number of nearest neighbors in bounded distance decoding (BDD) algorithms is given by N0,eff=N0+N BDD. Where NBDD denotes the number of additional, non-codeword, neighbors that are generated during the (suboptimal) decoding process. We identify and enumerate the nearest neighbors associated with the original generalized minimum distance (GMD) and Chase (1972) decoding algorithms. After careful examination of the decision regions of these algorithms, we derive an approximated probability ratio between the error contribution of a noncodeword neighbor (one of NBDD points) and a codeword nearest neighbor. For Chase algorithm 1 it is shown that the contribution to the error probability of a noncodeword nearest neighbor is a factor of 2d-1 less than the contribution of a codeword, while for Chase algorithm 2 the factor is 2[d/2]-1, d being the minimum Hamming distance of the code. For Chase algorithm 3 and GMD, a recursive procedure for calculating this ratio, which turns out to be nonexponential in d, is presented. This procedure can also be used for specifically identifying the error patterns associated with Chase algorithm 3 and GMD. Utilizing the probability ratio, we propose an improved approximated upper bound on the probability of error based on the union bound approach. Simulation results are given to demonstrate and support the analytical derivations  相似文献   

Certain nonlinear binary codes contain more codewords than any comparable linear code presently known. These include the Kerdock (1972) and Preparata (1968) codes that can be very simply constructed as binary images, under the Gray map, of linear codes over Z4 that are defined by means of parity checks involving Galois rings. This paper describes how Fourier transforms on Galois rings and elementary symmetric functions can be used to derive lower bounds on the minimum distance of such codes. These methods and techniques from algebraic geometry are applied to find the exact minimum distance of a family of Z 4. Linear codes with length 2m (m, odd) and size 2(2m+1-5m-2). The Gray image of the code of length 32 is the best (64, 237) code that is presently known. This paper also determines the exact minimum Lee distance of the linear codes over Z4 that are obtained from the extended binary two- and three-error-correcting BCH codes by Hensel lifting. The Gray image of the Hensel lift of the three-error-correcting BCH code of length 32 is the best (64, 232) code that is presently known. This code also determines an extremal 32-dimensional even unimodular lattice  相似文献   

The incremental frequency amplitude and phase tracker (IFAPT) is a recursive algorithm that estimates the parameters of piecewise-linear approximation to assumed continuous narrow-band signals. The parameters are amplitude, phase, and their respective slopes. The simple, recursive nature of IFAPT enables its direct interaction with recursive algorithms, such as the Viterbi and the BCJR in the APP SISO module, used for iteratively decoding concatenated codes. An augmented APP (A 2P2)-module, containing IFAPT and BCJR algorithms, is here applied to iterative decoding serial concatenated convolutional codes under Rayleigh fading conditions with diversity reception. The bit-error rate under Rayleigh fading with dual diversity reception at E bT/N0=6 dB and fdTs=10-2 is 10-4, where E bT is the total mean energy per bit in both diversity branches, fd is the Doppler frequency, and Ts the symbol time  相似文献   

A serially concatenated code with interleaver consists of the cascade of an outer encoder, an interleaver permuting the outer codewords bits, and an inner encoder whose input words are the permuted outer codewords. The construction can be generalized to h cascaded encoders separated by h-1 interleavers. We obtain upper bounds to the average maximum-likelihood bit error probability of serially concatenated block and convolutional coding schemes. Then, we derive design guidelines for the outer and inner encoders that maximize the interleaver gain and the asymptotic slope of the error probability curves. Finally, we propose a new, low-complexity iterative decoding algorithm. Throughout the paper, extensive comparisons with parallel concatenated convolutional codes known as “turbo codes” are performed, showing that the new scheme can offer superior performance  相似文献   

The paper extends a general decoding technique developed by Metzner and Kapturowski (1990) for concatenated code outer codes and for file disagreement location. That work showed the ability to correct most cases of d-2 or fewer erroneous block symbols, where d is the outer code minimum distance. Any parity check code can be used as the basis for the outer codes, and yet decoding complexity increases at most as the third power of the code length. In this correspondence, it is shown that, with a slight modification and no significant increase in complexity, the general decoding technique can be applied to the correction of many other cases beyond the code minimum distance. By considering average performance over all binary randomly chosen codes, it is seen that most error patterns of tM or fewer block errors can be corrected, where: 1) tM in most cases is much greater than the code minimum distance, and 2) asymptotically, the ratio of tM to the theoretical maximum (the number of parity symbol blocks) approaches 1. Moreover, most cases of noncorrectable error block patterns are detected  相似文献   

Thanks to the probabilistic message passing performed between its component decoders, a turbo decoder is able to provide strong error correction close to the theoretical limit. However, the minimum Hamming distance (dmin) of a turbo code may not be sufficiently large to ensure large asymptotic gains at very low error rates (the so-called flattening effect). Increasing the dmin of a turbo code may involve using component encoders with a large number of states, devising more sophisticated internal permutations, or increasing the number of component encoders. This paper addresses the latter option and proposes a modified turbo code in which a fraction of the parity bits are encoded by a rate-1, third encoder. The result is a noticeably increased dmin, which improves turbo decoder performance at low error rates. Performance comparisons with turbo codes and serially concatenated convolutional codes are given.  相似文献   

A bound on the minimum distance of a binary error-correcting code is established given constraints on the computational time-space complexity of its encoder where the encoder is modeled as a branching program. The bound obtained asserts that if the encoder uses linear time and sublinear memory in the most general sense, then the minimum distance of the code cannot grow linearly with the block length when the rate is nonvanishing, that is, the minimum relative distance of the code tends to zero in such a setting. The setting is general enough to include nonserially concatenated turbo-like codes and various generalizations. Our argument is based on branching program techniques introduced by Ajtai. The case of constant-depth AND-OR circuit encoders with unbounded fanins are also considered.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate and compare the asymptotic performance of concatenated convolutional coding schemes over GF(4) over additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channels. Both parallel concatenated codes (PCC) and serial concatenated codes (SCC) are considered. We construct such codes using optimal non‐binary convolutional codes where optimality is in the sense of achieving the largest minimum distance for a fixed number of encoder states. Code rates of the form k0/(k0 + 1) for k0=1, 8, and 64 are considered, which suite a wide spectrum of communications applications. For all of these code rates, we find the minimum distance and the corresponding multiplicity for both concatenated code systems. This is accomplished by feeding the encoder with all possible weight‐two and weight‐three input information patterns and monitoring, at the output of the encoder, the weight of the corresponding codewords and their multiplicity. Our analytical results indicate that the SCC codes considerably outperform their counterpart PCC codes at a much lower complexity. Inspired by the superiority of SCC codes, we also discuss a mathematical approach for analysing such codes, leading to a more comprehensive analysis and allowing for further improvement in performance by giving insights on designing a proper interleaver that is capable of eliminating the dominant error patterns. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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