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In a previous study, exopolysaccharide (EPS)-producing cultures improved textural and functional properties of reduced fat Cheddar cheese. Because base cheese has an impact on the characteristics of process cheese, we hypothesized that the use of EPS-producing cultures in making base reduced fat Cheddar cheese (BRFCC) would allow utilization of more young cheeses in making reduced fat process cheese. The objective of this study was to evaluate characteristics of reduced fat process cheese made from young BRFCC containing EPS as compared with those in cheese made from a 50/50 blend of young and aged EPS-negative cheeses. Reduced fat process cheeses were manufactured using young (2 d) or 1-mo-old EPS-positive or negative BRFCC. Moisture and fat of reduced fat process cheese were standardized to 49 and 21%, respectively. Enzyme modified cheese was incorporated to provide flavor of aged cheese. Exopolysaccharide-positive reduced fat process cheese was softer, less chewy and gummy, and exhibited lower viscoelastic moduli than the EPS-negative cheeses. The hardness, chewiness, and viscoelastic moduli were lower in reduced fat process cheeses made from 1-mo-old BRFCC than in the corresponding cheeses made from 2-d-old BRFCC. This could be because of more extensive proteolysis and lower pH in the former cheeses. Sensory scores for texture of EPS-positive reduced fat process cheeses were higher than those of the EPS-negative cheeses. Panelists did not detect differences in flavor between cheeses made with enzyme modified cheese and aged cheese. No correlations were found between the physical and melting properties of base cheese and process cheese.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  Cheddar cheese ripened at 8 °C was sampled at 7, 14, 28, 56, 112, and 168 d and subsequently used for the manufacture of processed cheese. The cheddar cheese samples were analyzed throughout ripening for proteolysis while the textural and rheological properties of the processed cheeses (PCs) were studied. The rate of proteolysis was the greatest in the first 28 d of cheddar cheese ripening but began to slow down as ripening progressed from 28 to 168 d. A similar trend was observed in changes to the texture of the PC samples, with the greatest decrease in hardness and increase in flowability being in the first 28 d of ripening. Confocal scanning laser microscopy showed that the degree of emulsification in the PC samples increased as the maturity of the cheddar cheese ingredient increased from 7 to 168 d. This increased emulsification resulted in a reduction in the rate of softening in the PC in samples manufactured from cheddar cheese bases at later ripening times. Multivariate data analysis was performed to summarize the relationships between proteolysis in the cheddar cheese bases and textural properties of the PC made therefrom. The proportion of α s 1-casein (CN) in the cheddar cheese base was strongly correlated with hardness, adhesiveness, fracturability, springiness, and storage modulus values for the corresponding PC. Degradation of α s 1-CN was the proteolytic event with the strongest correlation to the softening of PC samples, particularly those manufactured from cheddar cheese in the first 28 d of ripening.  相似文献   

Characterization of nutty flavor in cheddar cheese   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

Influence of different levels (0, 0.15, 0.35 or 0.50%) of microparticulated whey protein (MWP) on yield and quality of low‐fat (~7.3 g/100 g) Cheddar cheese was investigated. MWP improved cheese yield due to the water‐binding ability of denatured whey protein. MWP addition decreased meltability but improved the textural properties beneficial for shredding and slicing, by decreasing sensory firmness. The results emphasise the role of MWP as an inert filler within cheese matrix, in improving cheese yield and creating a softer texture without compromising the sensory or overall quality of cheese, even with moisture increases in 0.35 or 0.50% MWP cheeses.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to compare the effects of vacuum-condensed (CM) and ultrafiltered (UF) milk on some compositional and functional properties of Cheddar cheese. Five treatments were designed to have 2 levels of concentration (4.5 and 6.0% protein) from vacuum-condensed milk (CM1 and CM2) and ultrafiltered milk (UF1 and UF2) along with a 3.2% protein control. The samples were analyzed for fat, protein, ash, calcium, and salt contents at 1 wk. Moisture content, soluble protein, meltability, sodium dodecyl sulfate-PAGE, and counts of lactic acid bacteria and nonstarter lactic acid bacteria were performed on samples at 1, 18, and 30 wk. At 1 wk, the moisture content ranged from 39.2 (control) to 36.5% (UF2). Fat content ranged from 31.5 to 32.4% with no significant differences among treatments, and salt content ranged from 1.38 to 1.83% with significant differences. Calcium content was higher in UF cheeses than in CM cheeses followed by control, and it increased with protein content in cheese milk. Ultrafiltered milk produced cheese with higher protein content than CM milk. The soluble protein content of all cheeses increased during 30 wk of ripening. Condensed milk cheeses exhibited a higher level of proteolysis than UF cheeses. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-PAGE showed retarded proteolysis with increase in level of concentration. The breakdown of alphas1- casein and alphas1-I-casein fractions was highest in the control and decreased with increase in protein content of cheese milk, with UF2 being the lowest. There was no significant degradation of beta-casein. Overall increase in proteolytic products was the highest in control, and it decreased with increase in protein content of cheese milk. No significant differences in the counts of lactic starters or nonstarter lactic acid bacteria were observed. Extent as well as method of concentration influenced the melting characteristics of the cheeses. Melting was greatest in the control cheeses and least in cheese made from condensed milk and decreased with increasing level of milk protein concentration. Vacuum condensing and ultrafiltration resulted in Cheddar cheeses of distinctly different quality. Although both methods have their advantages and disadvantages, the selection of the right method would depend upon the objective of the manufacturer and intended use of the cheese.  相似文献   

Three experimental batches of Cheddar cheese were manufactured in duplicate, with standardization of the initial cheese-milk lactose content to high (5.24%), normal (4.72%, control), and low lactose (3.81%). After 35 d of aging at 4.4°C, the cheeses were subjected to temperature abuse (24 h at 21°C, unopened) and contamination (24 h at 21°C, packages opened and cheeses contaminated with crystal-containing cheese). After aging for 167 d, residual cheese lactose (0.08 to 0.43%) and l(+)-lactate concentrations (1.37 to 1.60%) were high and d(−)-lactate concentrations were low (<0.03%) for all cheeses. No significant differences in lactose concentrations were attributable to temperature abuse or contamination. No significant differences in l(+)- or d(−)-lactate concentrations were attributable to temperature abuse. However, concentrations of l(+)-lactate were significantly lower and d(−)-lactate were significantly higher in contaminated cheeses than in control cheeses, indicating inoculation (at d 35) with heterofermentative nonstarter lactic acid bacteria able to racemize l(+)-lactate to d(−)-lactate. The fact that none of the cheeses exhibited crystals after 167 d demonstrates that high cheese milk or residual lactose concentrations do not guarantee crystal formation. Contamination with nonstarter lactic acid bacteria can significantly contribute to d(−)-lactate accumulation in cheese.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of cheese-making technologies, including homogenization of cream, ultrafiltration, and vacuum condensing of milk, on the retention of salt in Cheddar cheese. One part of pasteurized, separated milk (0.58% fat) was ultrafiltered (55 degrees C, 16.0% protein), another vacuum condensed (12.5% protein), and the third was not concentrated. Cheddar cheese was manufactured using 6 treatments by standardizing unconcentrated milk to a casein-to-fat ratio of 0.74 with unhomogenized 35% fat cream (C), homogenized (6.9 MPa/3.5 MPa) 35% fat cream (CH), ultrafiltered milk and unhomogenized cream (UF), ultrafiltered milk and homogenized cream (UFH), condensed milk and unhomogenized cream (CM), and condensed milk and homogenized cream (CMH). Treatments C and CH had 3.7% fat and 3.5% protein, and the respective values for the remaining treatments were 4.9 and 4.6. The milled curd was dry salted at 2.7% by weight. The salt content of the cheeses receiving homogenization treatment was higher at 1.83 and 1.70% for CH and UFH, respectively, compared with their corresponding controls at 1.33%. The salt content in cheeses from CMH was 1.64% and was not affected by homogenization. Salt retention in C increased from 41.7 to 59.2% in CH, and in UF it increased from 42.5 to 54.5% in UFH. There was a corresponding decrease in the salt content of whey from these cheeses.  相似文献   

The evolution of free fatty acids (FFA) was monitored over 168 d of ripening in Cheddar cheeses manufactured from good quality raw milk (RM), thermized milk (TM; 65°C × 15 s), and pasteurized milk (PM; 72°C × 15 s). Heat treatment of the milk reduced the level and diversity of raw milk microflora and extensively or wholly inactivated lipoprotein lipase (LPL) activity. Indigenous milk enzymes or proteases from RM microflora influenced secondary proteolysis in TM and RM cheeses. Differences in FFA in the RM, TM, and PM influenced the levels of FFA in the subsequent cheeses at 1 d, despite significant losses of FFA to the whey during manufacture. Starter esterases appear to be the main contributors of lipolysis in all cheeses, with LPL contributing during production and ripening in RM and, to a lesser extent, in TM cheeses. Indigenous milk microflora and nonstarter lactic acid bacteria appear to have a minor contribution to lipolysis particularly in PM cheeses. Lipolytic activity of starter esterases, LPL, and indigenous raw milk microflora appeared to be limited by substrate accessibility or environmental conditions over ripening.  相似文献   

Previous research demonstrated that crystal coverage on the surface of Cheddar cheese can be quantitatively and nondestructively measured using image analysis of digital photographs of the cheese surface. The objective of the present study was to extend image analysis methodology to quantify and characterize additional features of visible crystals on cheese surfaces as they grow over time. A random weight (∼300 g) retail sample of naturally smoked Cheddar cheese exhibiting white surface crystals was obtained from a commercial source. The total area occupied by crystals and total number of discrete crystal regions on one of the surfaces (∼55 × 120 mm) was measured at 3-wk intervals for 30 wk using image analysis. In addition, 5 small (∼0.3 mm radius) individual crystals on that surface were chosen for observation over the 30-wk period. The crystals were evaluated for area, radius, and shape factor (circularity) every third week using image analysis. The total area occupied by crystals increased in a linear manner (R2 = 0.95) from about 0.44 to 7.42% of the total cheese surface area over the 30-wk period. The total number of discrete crystal regions also increased but in a nonlinear manner that was best described by a quadratic relationship. Measurement of discrete crystal regions underestimated the true number of crystals present at the cheese surface due to merging of adjacent crystals as they grew and merged into a single crystal region over time. Throughout this period, the shapes of the 5 individual crystals closely approximated perfect circles, except when adjacent crystals merged to form a single irregular crystal region, and the area occupied by each of the 5 crystals increased in a near-linear manner (R2 = 0.95). Image analysis approaches may be used to evaluate crystal formation and growth rates and morphology on cheese.  相似文献   

To determine the influence of milk preacidification with CO(2) on Cheddar cheese aging and proteolysis, cheese was manufactured from milk with and without added CO(2). The experiment was replicated 3 times. Carbon dioxide (approximately 1600 ppm) was added to the cold milk, resulting in a milk pH of 5.9 at 31 degrees C in the cheese vat. The starter and coagulant usage rates were equal for the control and CO(2) treatment cheeses. The calcium content of the CO(2) treatment cheese was lower, but no difference in moisture content was detected. The higher CO(2) content of the treatment cheeses (337 vs. 124 ppm) was maintained throughout 6 mo of aging. In spite of having almost one and a half times the salt-in-moisture, proteolysis as measured by pH 4.6 and 12% trichloroacetic acid soluble nitrogen expressed as percentages of total nitrogen, was higher in the CO(2) treatment cheeses throughout aging. The ratio of alpha(s)-casein (CN) to para-kappa-CN decreased faster in the CO(2) treatment cheeses than in the control cheeses, especially before refrigerated storage. No difference was detected in the ratio of beta-CN to para-kappa-CN between the control and CO(2) treatment cheeses. Intact alpha(s)- and beta-CN were found in the expressible serum (ES) from the CO(2) treatment cheese as well as alpha(s1)-I-CN, but they were not detected in the ES from the control cheese. No CN was detected in the ES from the curd before the salting of either the control or CO(2) treatment cheese. Higher proteolysis in the cheese made from milk preacidified with CO(2) may have been due to increased substrate availability in the water phase or increased chymosin activity or retention in the cheese.  相似文献   

Preacidification of milk for cheese making may have a beneficial impact on increasing proteolysis during cheese aging. Unlike other acids, CO(2) can easily be removed from whey. The objectives of this work were to determine the effect of milk preacidification on Cheddar cheese composition, the recovery of individual milk components, and yield. Carbon dioxide was injected inline after the cooling section of the pasteurizer. Cheeses with and without added CO(2) were made simultaneously from the same batch of milk. This procedure was replicated 3 times. Carbon dioxide in the cheese milk was about 1600 ppm, which resulted in a milk pH of about 5.9 at 31 degrees C. The starter culture and coagulant addition rates were the same for both the CO(2) treatment and the control. The whey pH at draining of the CO(2) treatment was lower than the control. Total make time was shorter for the CO(2) treatment compared with the control. Cheese manufactured from milk acidified with CO(2) retained less of the total calcium and fat than the control cheese. The higher fat loss was primarily in the whey at draining. Preacidification with CO(2) did not alter the crude protein recovery in the cheese. The CO(2) treatment resulted in a higher added salt recovery in the cheese and produced a cheese that contained too much salt. Considering the higher added salt retention, the salt application rate could be lowered to achieve a typical cheese salt content. Cheese yield efficiency of the CO(2) treated milk was 4.4% lower than the control due to fat loss. Future work will focus on modifying the make procedure to achieve a normal fat loss into the whey when CO(2) is added to milk.  相似文献   

Wang F  Zhang X  Luo J  Guo H  Zeng SS  Ren F 《Journal of food science》2011,76(3):E248-E253
The changes in proteolysis, calcium (Ca) equilibrium, and functional properties of natural Cheddar cheeses during ripening and the resultant processed cheeses were investigated. For natural Cheddar cheeses, the majority of the changes in pH 4.6 soluble nitrogen as a percentage of total nitrogen (pH 4.6 SN/TN) and the soluble Ca content occurred in the first 90 d of ripening, and subsequently, the changes were slight. During ripening, functional properties of natural Cheddar cheeses changed, that is, hardness decreased, meltability was improved, storage modulus at 70 °C (G'T=70) decreased, and the maximum tan delta (TDmax) increased. Both pH 4.6 SN/TN and the soluble Ca were correlated with changes in functional properties of natural Cheddar cheeses during ripening. Kendall's partial correlation analysis indicated that pH 4.6 SN/TN was more significantly correlated with changes in hardness and TDmax. For processed cheeses manufactured from natural Cheddar cheeses with different ripening times, the soluble Ca content did not show significant difference, and the trends of changes in hardness, meltability, G'T=70, and TDmax were similar to those of natural Cheddar cheeses. Kendall's partial correlation analysis suggested that only pH 4.6 SN/TN was significantly correlated with the changes in functional properties of processed cheeses.  相似文献   

The objective of our work was to develop and evaluate the performance of a rapid method for measuring fat, protein, moisture, and salt content of Cheddar cheese using a combination mid-infrared (MIR) transmittance analysis and an in-line conductivity sensor in an MIR milk analyzer. Cheddar cheese was blended with a dissolving solution containing pentasodium triphosphate and disodium metasilicate to achieve a uniform, particle-free dispersion of cheese, which had a fat and protein content similar to milk and could be analyzed using a MIR transmittance milk analyzer. Annatto-colored Cheddar cheese samples (34) from one cheese factory were analyzed using reference chemistry methods for fat (Mojonnier ether extraction), crude protein (Kjeldahl), moisture (oven-drying total solids), and salt (Volhard silver nitrate titration). The same 34 cheese samples were also dissolved using the cheese dissolver solution, and then run through the MIR and used for calibration. The reference testing for fat and crude protein was done on the cheese after dispersion in the dissolver solution. Validation was done using a total of 36 annatto-colored Cheddar cheese samples from 4 cheese factories. The 36 validation cheese samples were also analyzed using near-infrared spectroscopy for fat, moisture, and the coulometric method for salt in each factory where they were produced. The validation cheeses were also tested using the same chemical reference methods that were used for analysis of the calibration samples. Standard error of prediction (SEP) values for moisture and fat on the near-infrared spectroscopy were 0.30 and 0.45, respectively, whereas the MIR produced SEP values of 0.28 and 0.23 for moisture (mean 36.82%) and fat (mean 34.0%), respectively. The MIR also out-performed the coulometric method for salt determination with SEP values of 0.036 and 0.139 at a mean level of salt of 1.8%, respectively. The MIR had an SEP value of 0.19 for estimation at a mean level of 24.0% crude protein, which suggests that MIR could be an easy and effective way for cheese producers to measure protein to determine protein recovery in cheese making.  相似文献   

High Pressure (HP) treatment of milk prior to cheese-making was shown to increase the yield of cheese due to increased protein and moisture retention in cheese. Cheeses were made with raw milk or milk treated with high temperature short-time (HTST) pasteurization, and HP treatments at two levels (483 and 676 MPa) at 10 °C, 483 MPa HP at 30 °C, and 483 MPa HP at 40 °C. Cheese yield, total solids, protein, fat and salt contents were evaluated, and fat and protein recovery indices were calculated. Cheeses from HP treatments of 676 MPa at 10 °C and 483 MPa at 30 °C exhibited wet yields of 11.40% and 11.54%, respectively. Protein recovery was 79.9% for HP treatment of 676 MPa at 10 °C. The use of slightly higher pressurization temperatures increased moisture retention in cheese. Visco-elasticity of cheeses was determined by dynamic oscillatory testing and a creep-recovery test. Rheological parameters such as loss (G″) and storage (G′) moduli were dependent on oscillation frequency. At high (173 rad/s) and low (2.75 rad/s) angular frequencies, cheeses made from milk treated at 483 MPa at 10 °C behaved more solid-like than other treatments. Creep tests indicated that cheeses from milk treated with 483 MPa HP at 10 °C showed the smallest instantaneous compliance (Jo), confirming the more solid-like behavior of cheese from the 483 MPa at 10 °C treatment compared to the behavior of cheeses from other treatments. Cheeses made with pasteurized milk were more deformable, exhibited less solid-like behavior than cheeses made with HP treated milk, as shown by the Jo value. With more research into bacteriological implications, HP treatment of raw milk can augment Cheddar cheese yield with better curd formation properties.  相似文献   

Full fat, milled-curd Cheddar cheeses (2 kg) were manufactured with 0.0 (control), 0.1, 1.0, or 10.0 μmol of pepstatin (a potent competitive inhibitor of chymosin) added per liter of curds/whey mixture at the start of cooking to obtain residual chymosin levels that were 100, 89, 55, and 16% of the activity in the control cheese, respectively. The cheeses were ripened at 8°C for 180 d. There were no significant differences in the pH values of the cheeses; however, the moisture content of the cheeses decreased with increasing level of pepstatin addition. The levels of pH 4.6-soluble nitrogen in the 3 cheeses with added pepstatin were significantly lower than that of the control cheese at 1 d and throughout ripening. Densitometric analysis of urea-PAGE electro-phoretograms of the pH 4.6-insoluble fractions of the cheese made with 10.0 μmol/L of pepstatin showed complete inhibition of hydrolysis of αS1-casein (CN) at Phe23-Phe24 at all stages of ripening. The level of insoluble calcium in each of 4 cheeses decreased significantly during the first 21 d of ripening, irrespective of the level of pepstatin addition. Concurrently, there was a significant reduction in hardness in each of the 4 cheeses during the first 21 d of ripening. The softening of texture was more highly correlated with the level of insoluble calcium than with the level of intact αS1-CN in each of the 4 cheeses early in ripening. It is concluded that hydrolysis of αS1-CN at Phe23-Phe24 is not a prerequisite for softening of Cheddar cheese during the early stages of ripening. We propose that this softening of texture is principally due to the partial solubilization of colloidal calcium phosphate associated with the para-CN matrix of the curd.  相似文献   

Analysis of Cheddar cheese flavor using trained sensory and grading panels is expensive and time consuming. A rapid and simple solvent extraction procedure in combination with Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy was developed for classifying Cheddar cheese based on flavor quality. Fifteen Cheddar cheese samples from 2 commercial production plants were ground into powders using liquid nitrogen. The water-soluble compounds from the cheese powder, without interfering compounds such as fat and protein, were extracted using water, chloroform, and ethanol. Aliquots (10 μL) of the extract were placed on a zinc selenide crystal, vacuum dried, and scanned in the mid-infrared region (4,000 to 700 cm−1). The infrared spectra were analyzed by soft independent modeling of class analogy (SIMCA) for pattern recognition. Sensory flavor quality of these cheeses was determined by trained quality assurance personnel in the production facilities. The SIMCA models provided 3-dimensional classification plots in which all the 15 cheese samples formed well-separated clusters. The orientation of the clusters in 3-dimensional space correlated well with their cheese flavor characteristics (fermented, unclean, low flavor, sour, good Cheddar, and so on). The discrimination of the samples in the SIMCA plot was mainly due to organic acids, fatty acids and their esters, and amino acids (1,450 to 1,350 and 1,200 to 990 cm−1), which are known to contribute significantly to cheese flavor. The total analysis time, including the sample preparation time, was less than 20 min per sample. This technique can be a rapid, inexpensive, and simple tool to the cheese industry for predicting the flavor quality of cheese.  相似文献   

Buffalo milk Cheddar cheese samples of different ages were analysed for compositional attributes (CA), ripening indices (RI) and Instron Textural Profile (ITP). All samples were compositionally alike, except for pH and salt-in-moisture (SM) contents. RI showed significant variations. CA and RI showed highly significant correlations within themselves and with each other, except for moisture with pH, SM with moisture, MNFS, Fat and FDM and Fat with MNFS. The ITPs of cheeses showed significant variations and had highly significant intercorrelations indicating their interdependence. CA (except moisture and MNFS) and RI showed a highly significant correlationship with ITPs. Moisture content showed a highly significant correlationship with all ITPs, except cohesiveness and springiness, where it was significant. MNFS content showed significant correlations only with hardness and brittleness. Stepwise regression analysis revealed that MI was the most predominant factor influencing cheese texture, followed by pH, SM, FDM and TVFA. Knowing Ca and RI, the textural properties of cheeses can be forecast through mathematical equations. Similarly the age of cheese can also be predicted if RI and/or textural properties are known.  相似文献   

The pH of cheese is an important attribute that influences its quality. Substantial changes in cheese pH are often observed during ripening. A combined effect of calcium, phosphorus, residual lactose, and salt-to-moisture ratio (S/M) of the cheese on the changes in cheese pH during ripening was investigated. Eight cheeses with 2 levels of Ca and P (0.67 and 0.47% vs. 0.53 and 0.39%, respectively), lactose at pressing (2.4 vs. 0.78%), and S/M (6.4 vs. 4.8%) were manufactured. All the cheeses were salted at a pH of 5.4, pressed for 5 h, and then ripened at 6 to 8°C. The pH of the salted curds before pressing and the cheeses during 48 wk of ripening was measured. Also, cheeses were analyzed for water-soluble Ca and P, organic P, and bound inorganic P during ripening. Changes in organic acids’ concentration and shifts in the distribution of Ca and P between different forms were studied in relation to changes in pH. Cheeses with low S/M exhibited a larger increase in acid production during ripening compared with high S/M cheeses. Cheeses with the highest concentration of bound inorganic P exhibited the highest pH, whereas cheeses with the lowest concentration of bound inorganic P exhibited the lowest pH among the 8 treatments. Although conversion of lactose to short-chain, water-soluble organic acids decreased cheese pH, bound inorganic phosphate buffered the changes in cheese pH. Production of acid in excess of the buffering capacity (which was the case in low Ca and P and low S/M treatments) led to a low pH, whereas solubilization of bound inorganic P in excess to acid production (which was the case in high Ca and P and high S/M treatments) led to an increase in pH. However, for cheeses with high Ca and P and low S/M, changes in cheese pH were influenced by the level of residual lactose. Hence, pH changes in Cheddar cheese can be modulated by a concomitant control on the amount and state of Ca and P, level of residual lactose, and S/M of the cheese.  相似文献   

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