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Growing concern about a lack of rental housing affordable to low-income Australian households has prompted consideration of possible policy interventions. This paper estimates the potential housing market impacts of a tax credit targeted on rental housing affordable to low-income Australian households. The study finds that existing landlords in low-income rental housing benefit from a one-third or more reduction in their effective tax burdens. If these tax benefits are passed on in the form of lower market rents, it is estimated that the percentage of households paying more than 30 per cent of gross income in rents falls from 26 to 21 per cent. This impact would be larger but for eligible households in receipt of demand-side subsidies in the form of rent assistance. As a consequence, many low-income households receive only part of the low income housing tax credit benefits that are passed on into lower market rents. Moreover, higher income tenants occupy some of the cheaper rental housing targeted by tax credits, and this weakens the policy rationale for such supply-side measures. The paper advocates the adoption of headleasing arrangements to increase the share of benefits received by low-income tenants.  相似文献   

城市不同收入家庭住房支付能力研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
住房支付能力度量方法分为比率法和剩余收入法.基于我国住房供应体系,构建了剩余收入法方法论框架,定义了住房支付能力、首付款支付能力、还款(或租金)支付能力等概念.并以2005年我国城市不同收入家庭为实例进行了分析,得出如下结论:低收入到中等收入家庭住房供应不足;低收入家庭对经济波动极为敏感,购房风险大于高收入家庭;低收入以下家庭住房保障有收入扶持和住房补贴两种方式;贷款期限延长,可支付购房家庭比例增加;降低住房面积可缓解我国城市土地开发压力,增加住房覆盖面,提高家庭住房支付能力.本文构建的剩余收入法方法论框架可用于研究不同城市不同收入家庭住房支付能力.  相似文献   

加拿大多伦多市低收入者住房保障政策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
徐雯 《住宅科技》2006,(1):57-62
加拿大多伦多市具有较多的低收入者,加拿大为解决这些居民的住房问题,制定了一系列住房保障政策。文章详述了加拿大多伦多市的几种建房援助计划,以供我国政府解决低收入者的住房问题提供参考。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the recent evolution, at a time of turmoil within global financial markets, of Australia's housing system and considers the effectiveness of housing assistance responses formulated to assist lo- income Australians. Following the Global Financial Crisis (GFC), housing was recast in the public and political consciousness and received substantial policy attention. In this era of rapidly declining housing affordability as well as threats to the supply of housing finance, the Australian Government renewed its approach to housing assistance. The paper examines housing assistance in Australia and assesses individual outcomes in terms of a ‘wellbeing dividend’. It draws upon on a survey of 1700 low-income households to examine individual outcomes for health and wellbeing across three of Australia's major forms of housing assistance. The research clearly shows that while housing assistance makes a positive contribution to wellbeing, not all forms of assistance are equal.  相似文献   

An increasing number of older Australians are dependent on the private rental market for their accommodation. Through the use of semi-structured in-depth interviews, the life circumstances of older renters (65 plus) in both public housing and private rented accommodation in Sydney are explored and compared. Using Amartya Sen's concepts of capabilities and functionings, the study illustrates that due mainly to lower accommodation costs and greater security of tenure, the public housing tenants interviewed had far greater capability to live a life they valued. In contrast, most interviewees in the private rental market were struggling financially and were extremely anxious about their security of tenure. Their capacity to control their present and their future was very limited.  相似文献   

金静静 《住宅科技》2013,(10):28-29
确保保障性安居工程质量,关乎政府形象,关系群众切身利益。上海市保障性住房建设工程质量公约组织充分发挥企业自律、行业管理、政府监管、社会监督的作用,在保障性安居工程质量管理中,发挥着积极的作用。重点介绍质量公约组织的作用和意义,以供探讨与参考。  相似文献   

中低收入家庭住房解决途径研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
从中低收入家庭住房难的现状出发,界定了中低收入家庭的内涵,提出了中低收入家庭的划分方法,并以北京市为例进行了人群定位。在评析国外中低收入家庭住房解决途径的基础上,总结了其不同历史时期的政策演变规律对我国的启示。最后,基于对中低收入家庭住房的性质等根本性问题的剖析,提出了解决中低收入家庭住房问题的途径和建议,为相关部门制定政策、调整规划提供参考。  相似文献   

用可负担能力指数分析我国城镇居民购房负担能力   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
结合我国最近7年房地产市场实际情况,借鉴国外所用的可负担能力指数理论来验证全国以及北京和上海1998~2004年房价,得出当前我国商品住宅总体上处于可负担水平;北京的房价如此高使得指数一直低于可负担水平但可负担指数在逐渐提高;上海的房价最近两年上涨太快使得指数剧烈下降,由2002 年的可负担下降到2003年和2004年的不可负担水平最后给出相应分析。  相似文献   

此次我们研究的主要人群是城市的中低收入群体:包括城市的下岗,失业,无业人员,以及刚毕业的大学生,以及进城务工的农民工,还有退休职工和老年群体。针对不同人群和收入情况,实施不同的住房供应体系,希望城市中低收入特别是最低收入群体能够进一步得到住房保障。  相似文献   

王薇 《住宅科技》2007,27(3):15-19
文章主要从住区规划和建筑设计的角度,阐述了中低收入者住宅节能的必要性、研究策略及技术措施,旨在为今后的经济适用房设计和建设提供有效和简易经济的节能措施。  相似文献   

This study explores the role of housing expenses and subsidies with respect to income distribution in Flanders (the northern part of Belgium) and the Netherlands in 2005–2006. It analyses income poverty and inequality by comparing equivalent disposable income before and after housing expenses with a relative poverty threshold and the Gini coefficient. Poverty and income inequality increase in both ‘countries’ when equivalent disposable income is corrected for housing expenses. Furthermore, the relative position of outright owners and social tenants regarding poverty improves. Housing subsidies play a (partly) different role in Flanders and the Netherlands. The implicit social rent subsidy in Flanders and the explicit housing allowance in the Netherlands serve the same goal; however, they both redistribute income relatively strongly in favour of low-income tenants. The tax relief system on the other hand increases income inequality in society, in both Flanders and the Netherlands, whereas our comparative analysis suggests that tax relief does not have a moderating effect on net housing expenses.  相似文献   

The proportion of public housing is very low in Norway. Low-income groups must therefore enter the private rental market in order to rent a dwelling. This paper focuses on tenancy conditions in the private rental market in two cities, Oslo and Trondheim, for recipients of social assistance. The analysis offers valuable insight into overall differences between social assistance recipients and other tenants. In particular, it is demonstrated that recipients of social assistance are predominantly found in the most expensive segment of the private rental market. However, within this segment the analysis is not conclusive with respect to differences in rental fees. Furthermore, in Oslo the tenancy conditions of social assistance recipients differ somewhat from the general rental market in that short-term contracts are used more often while this is not the case in Trondheim. In Oslo private landlords generally have information that the tenants receive social assistance, while they generally do not have such information in Trondheim.  相似文献   

我国中低收入家庭住房政策改革诌见   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过文献分析法、比较研究法,总结和分析了具有代表性的欧美国家的中低收入家庭住房保障体系,其主要形式为:供给补贴、需求补贴、控租金、建立租赁市场、建立金融支撑体系。我国当前应通过租赁市场、税收杠杆、贷款保险及中介服务体系的建立和公积金改革来加快中低收入人群住房保障体制的建设和发展。  相似文献   

房价收入比的计算及应用研究——基于江苏省的实证分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
简要回顾了近年国内学者对房价收入比所做的研究,剖析了房价收入比的宏观与微观意义,分析了国际、国内房价收入比的计算方法,研究了国内房价收入比计算存在的问题,并重新设计了房价收入比的计算方法及其合理区间的计算公式.并以江苏省为例,分析了近年来江苏省整体的房价收入比以及不同收入群体的房价收入比.  相似文献   

针对房价收入比指标衡量商品住宅价格与居民收入水平关系的不足,提出了住房单价月收入比的概念,阐述了该指标的优点与应用,并以南京为例进行了实证分析,指出该指标最适用于对不同收入群体的住房支付能力进行分类研究,以优化配置住房政策及住房金融资源。并建议将房价月收入比纳入各个城市房地产指标体系,从而探讨了我国房地产指标体系的新思路。  相似文献   

宋博通 《城市规划学刊》2002,(4):65-68,73
本文对美国低收入阶层住房政策的演化过程作了介绍 ,分析了其中三种典型住房政策的实施效果。在把握我国国情的基础上 ,借鉴美国住房政策演化过程的经验教训 ,为建立我国弱势人群住房政策提出了建议。  相似文献   

Problem, research strategy, and findings: Housing policies of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) emphasize the spatial dispersal of housing assistance to promote fair housing objectives. The Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program, the nation's largest affordable housing subsidy program, is not administered by HUD and therefore is not closely monitored for compliance with dispersal objectives. Using spatial point pattern analyses, I identify the geographic extent of LIHTC property clustering, characterize the local clustering of individual properties and explore the determinants of local clustering within the nation's largest metropolitan areas. In most metropolitan areas, LIHTC properties are more highly clustered than multifamily housing units, although the extent of clustering differs by metropolitan area. Clustered LIHTC properties tend to be located in more densely developed central-city locations that have higher poverty rates and higher minority concentrations.

Takeaway for practice: To encourage more affordable housing construction within areas that offer greater economic and social opportunities to LHTC residents, policymakers should 1) provide incentives to locate LIHTC properties within high-opportunity areas, 2) eliminate current incentives to cluster housing in areas with inherently higher poverty and minority concentrations (Qualified Census Tracts and Difficult Development Areas), and 3) enhance coordination between HUD and the Department of the Treasury to implement federal fair housing goals.  相似文献   

This paper illustrates the relationship between government assistance (housing subsidies and/or welfare payments) and housing outcomes, using qualitative methods and a sample of 25 extremely low-income, homeless women at an emergency shelter in Central Los Angeles. The paper seeks to illustrate three specific patterns (identified within the larger literature) to this complex and multifaceted relationship: (1) that the presence of housing subsidies promotes the most positive outcomes overall, such as stability and independence; (2) that, in the absence of housing subsidies, the predictability and amount of welfare become critical in promoting positive housing outcomes; and (3) housing outcomes are least positive for those lacking both housing subsidies and welfare payments. Results largely conformed to these expectations, although less so for the last pattern.  相似文献   

公共住宅从本质上来说不是一个单纯的建筑问题,它是一个国家或社会为保障低收入家庭的最基本的居住条件而建立的一套社会福利制度。香港的公屋制度缘起于20世纪50年代初人口急剧增长、城市住房极度短缺以及社会贫穷问题日益激化的大环境。这些极端的条件激发建筑师的创造力,产生不平凡的设计。文章以香港早期的公屋发展为考察对象,以经济适用原则为基本线索,梳理香港公屋在场地策略、居住单元以及交通流线三个方面的设计特点。  相似文献   

近年高层住宅中因大量使用落地窗、低窗台所带来的安全问题被广泛关注,本文在梳理与落地窗、低窗台防护高度、强度、防火间距及材料做法相关规范的基础上对高层住宅的防护措施进行了研究,并提出了适宜的解决方案.  相似文献   

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