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A simple and rapid method for the identification of genetically modified (GM) papaya, derived from Line 55-1, was developed by modifying the Japanese official PCR method. Genomic DNA was directly extracted from the fresh fruit without the lyophilization step, using a commercial silica-based kit. To develop a duplex PCR method which simultaneously detects the GM papaya-specific gene and the intrinsic papain gene, the papain 2-5'/3' (amplicon size; 184 bp) primer pair for the detection of the papain gene was newly designed within the region of the products (211 bp) amplified using the papain 1-5'/-3' primer pair adopted in the Japanese official PCR method. To detect the GM papaya-specific gene, the primer pair Nos C-5'/CaM N-3' described in the Japanese official method was used. The DNA sequences of the GM papaya gene and the intrinsic papain gene were co-amplified using the PCR method in a single tube. The developed duplex PCR method allows the simultaneous detection of the products by means of agarose gel electrophoresis or microchip electrophoresis. The proposed method for GM papaya identification is simple and rapid.  相似文献   

对深圳市场转基因番木瓜进行筛查和品系鉴定,为评估市售转基因番木瓜的食用安全风险奠定基础,为政府监管提供依据。方法 在深圳市场随机抽取转基因番木瓜57份,采用实时荧光PCR法,运用大部分转基因植物共有的CaMV35S启动子和NOS终止子进行转基因成分筛查,对筛查出的阳性样品运用各品系特异性的引物探针进行品系鉴定。结果 57份番木瓜样品中,转基因阳性率为91.2%,其中, GMYK16-0-1品系占96.1%,华农1号品系占3.9%,未检出其他品系转基因番木瓜;超市和农产品批发市场的转基因番木瓜阳性率存在明显差异;所有转基因番木瓜均无转基因相关标识。结论 九成以上市售转基因番木瓜为未经我国农业部批准种植的转基因品系,建议政府相关部门加强对转基因番木瓜的监管。  相似文献   

A method using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was designed for the detection of genetically modified maize CBH351, which has not authorized as safe for use in foods and feeds in Japan yet. We analyzed a recombinant DNA (r-DNA) sequence introduced into CBH351 maize and designed specific primer pairs to amplify a segment including part of the r-DNA. The PCR products obtained by using the designed primer pairs are specific for CBH351 and should prevent false positive results caused by other maizes and other main cereal crops. The r-DNA introduced into CBH351 could be detected from maize samples containing 0.05-0.1% CBH351 maize. This sensitivity is theoretically equivalent to a level of several genome copies and so this technique is a very efficient means to detect CBH351 maize.  相似文献   

Detection of genetically modified soybean DNA in refined vegetable oils   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this study, four different protocols were tested for their ability to extract DNA from blended refined vegetable oils: the in-house prepared Wizard and CTAB methods and the methods based on the use of the commercial kits Wizard® Magnetic DNA purification system for food and Nucleospin® for food. The performance of the extraction protocols was determined by end-point polymerase chain reaction (PCR) targeting the soybean lectin gene with primers suitable for the amplification of small fragments and confirmed by real-time PCR with specific hydrolysis probes. From the tested protocols, the Nucleospin method was the only one able to produce amplifiable DNA from refined vegetable oils. To verify the presence of Roundup Ready® (RR) soybean, event-specific primers were used for end-point PCR assays. The amplification of trace amounts of RR soybean by real-time PCR confirmed the label statements of two samples. The results highlight the importance of the DNA extraction protocol and the critical choice of PCR primers on processed food matrices, such as refined oils. Considering the few reports and difficulties pointed out in the literature to obtain amplifiable DNA from refined vegetable oils, the present results can be a step forward in the traceability of refined oils regarding authenticity issues and genetically modified organism detection.  相似文献   

A detection method using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was developed to detect genetically modified (GM) potato (NewLeaf Y potato; NL-Y), of which the mandatory assessment has not yet been completed in Japan. The potato sucrose synthase gene was used as an internal control. We designed a primer pair to specifically detect NL-Y without false-positive results in processed potato foods infected with the potato virus Y (PVY). The DNA introduced into NL-Y using the primer pair could be detected from potato powder samples containing 0.05% NL-Y. In addition, we designed primer pairs for recognizing the CryIIIA gene to detect the NewLeaf potato (NL), NewLeaf Plus potato (NL-P) and NL-Y and for recognizing p-FMV in order to detect NL-P and NL-Y. The proposed method was applied to the detection of NL-Y in 26 processed potato foods and NL-Y was not detected in any samples.  相似文献   

Genetically modified (GM) papaya has not yet been approved for importation into, or cultivation in the European Union (EU) and Japan. A DNA extraction method using the Qiagen DNeasy Plant Mini Kit (PM method) and a method using a buffer containing cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB method) have been adopted as the official Japanese methods for detecting GM foods. However, the amounts of DNA extracted from papaya by these methods are very low. Therefore, we investigated an extraction method to obtain a high yield of DNA from raw or freeze-dried fresh papaya using the Promega Wizard DNA Clean-Up Resin System (WCR). The incubation for the extraction was carried out at 58 degrees C without proteinase K for 15 min. The extract was applied to a mini-column, then the column was washed with 80% isopropyl alcohol, and genomic DNA adsorbed on the column was eluted with TE buffer. The WCR method gave a higher yield of genomic DNA, and was simpler and faster than the PM method or CTAB method. In addition, it could be used to extract genomic DNA from fresh papaya at various stages of ripeness. Based on these results, we propose that the present method using WCR is the most practical and useful way to extract genomic DNA for the purpose of detecting GM papaya.  相似文献   

转基因棉在全球范围内的种植量已有很大程度的增加,同时对有机棉的需求也在不断增长。所谓“有机”,就是禁止基因工程。随之而来的是不可忽视的污染和冒牌问题。针对于这些问题介绍了一项关于转基因棉纤维检测的十分可靠灵敏的分析程序。  相似文献   

In this article, the different DNA amplification techniques that are being used for detecting genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in foods are examined. This study intends to provide an updated overview (including works published till June 2002) on the principal applications of such techniques together with their main advantages and drawbacks in GMO detection in foods. Some relevant facts on sampling, DNA isolation, and DNA amplification methods are discussed. Moreover; these analytical protocols are discuissed from a quantitative point of view, including the newest investigations on multiplex detection of GMOs in foods and validation of methods.  相似文献   

Detection of genetically modified organisms obtained from food samples   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Genetially modified organisms (GMOs) were explored in food samples obtained from November 2000 to March 2003 in the Tokyo area by using PCR and real-time PCR techniques. The existence of Roundup Ready Soybean (RRS) was surveyed in processed foods derived from soybeans, such as tofu, boiled soybean, kinako, nama-age, abura-age, natto, miso, soymilk and yuba. RRS was detected in 3 of 37 tofu, 2 of 3 nama-age, 2 of 3 yuba and 3 of 3 abura-age samples. The CBH351 in 70 processed corn foods, NewLeaf Plus and NewLeaf Y in 50 processed potato foods, and 55-1 papaya in 16 papayas were surveyed. These GMOs were not detected among the samples. Qualitative and quantitative analyses of RRS and genetically modified (GM) corn were performed in soybean, corn and semi-processed corn products such as corn meal, corn flour and corn grits. RRS was detected in 42 of 178 soybean samples, and the amount of RRS in RRS-positive samples was determined. The content was in the range of 0.1-1.4% in identity-preserved soybeans (non-GMO), and 49.8-78.8% in non-segregated soybeans. On the other hand, GM corns were detected in 8 of 26 samples. The amount of GM corn in GM corn-positive samples was in the range of 0.1-2.0%.  相似文献   

目的建立了一种快速检测进出口食品中转基因成分的方法。方法本实验采用DNA提取试剂盒对薯格中的DNA进行快速提取,接着用实时荧光PCR方法对其进行转基因成分和品系的鉴定。结果通过对食品标签进行初筛,发现其标识成分中含有未标明的转基因成分。进一步对所含转基因成分的品系进行鉴定,确定薯格的外包裹玉米粉中含有多种转基因成分,包括转基因玉米TC1507、NK603、MON810、59122、MON89034等5个品系。结论本文方法可以用于加工食品中转基因玉米成分及品系的定性检测,也可以作为常规PCR定性方法的确证试验方法。  相似文献   

A quantitative real-time multiplex polymerase chain reaction method was applied to the detection and quantification of MON863 and MON810 in stacked genetically modified maize MON 810xMON 863. The limit of detection was approximately 0,1%. The accuracy of the quantification, measured as bias from the accepted value and the relative repeatability standard deviation, which measures the intra-laboratory variability, were within 25% at each GM-level. A method verification has demonstrated that the MON 863 and the MON810 methods can be equally applied in quantification of the respective events in stacked MON810xMON 863.  相似文献   

A histochemical assay for detecting genetically modified (GM) papaya (derived from Line 55-1) is described. GM papaya, currently undergoing a safety assessment in Japan, was developed using a construct that included a beta-glucuronidase (GUS) reporter gene linked to a virus coat protein (CP) gene. Histochemical assay was used to visualize the blue GUS reaction product from transgenic seed embryos. Twelve embryos per fruit were extracted from the papaya seeds using a surgical knife. The embryos were incubated with the substrate 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-beta-D-glucuronide (X-Gluc) in a 96-well microtiter plate for 10-15 hours at 37 degrees C. Seventy-five percent of GM papaya embryos should turn blue theoretically. The histochemical assay results were completely consistent with those from a qualitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method developed by this laboratory. Furthermore, the method was validated in a five-laboratory study. The method for detection of GM papaya is rapid and simple, and does not require use of specialized equipment.  相似文献   

In this study, a novel method of fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC) anion exchange chromatography was developed for isolation of DNA from processed genetically modified (GM) oils. Four kinds of different GM edible oil had been chosen as model sample. Salmon DNA was used as the control sample to determine the pH values and NaCl in mobile phase buffer. Applying pH 8 and NaCl gradient 0.5–2 m were chosen for the DNA isolation. The quality and purity of isolated DNA were tested with agarose gel electrophoresis, scanned with UV absorbance spectra and amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The result indicated that the quantity of DNA isolated by FPLC was suitable for further PCR analyses. Furthermore, it is more effective and less time‐consuming in comparison with cetyltrimethylammonium bromide method and High Pure GMO Sample Preparation Kit method.  相似文献   

Genetically modified rice varieties developed in China are close to approval for agricultural cultivation and production. However, so far no method has been reported for specific detection of transgenic varieties of this crop. In the present study, rice seeds assumed to consist of field-tested Bt rice (‘Anti-pest Shanyou 63’ and ‘Anti-pest Jinyou 63’) were used as reference material to determine transgenic DNA sequences. The transition between the cryIA(b) and cryIA(c) fusion gene and the nopaline synthase terminator (nos) sequence was used to develop a construct-specific real-time PCR based detection method. This Bt rice specific detection system was combined with a recently published quantitative real-time PCR method for the rice-specific (Oryza sativa L.) reference gene gos9. The complete PCR assay for detection of transgenic Bt rice was in-house validated and the limit of quantification was found to be below 0.1% Bt rice relative to the rice content. Application of the PCR assay should allow more precise detection of transgenic rice varieties in imported food products which are so far not approved in the EU.  相似文献   

This paper is the first part of a serial study investigating a quantification model freed from endogenous reference gene for genetically modified (GM) content by real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The serial study involves two parts: (1) quantitative determination of GM DNA in haplo-species plant samples; (2) quantitative determination of GM DNA in multi-species plant samples. The paper describes a methodology to quantify the GM content in a DNA extract using on one hand real-time PCR to determine the amount of GM targets present and on the other hand absorbance reading at 260 nm to measure the total DNA present in sample. The ratio of both values is expressed as GM percentage. The most prominent dominance of the novel model is that the direct quantitative relation between the initial amount of target template in real-time PCR reaction (X 0) and the content of GM DNA in tested material (X SD) is established. Theoretical analysis indicates that the developed quantitative model relieved from the dependence on endogenous reference genes is suitable to quantify the GM content in haplo-species plant sample, in addition, it has the applicability in the quantitative detection of GM content in multi-species GM plant sample. A trail, in which 75 haplo-species GM plant samples were involved, was conducted to validate the suitability of the novel quantification model. The bias varied from 0.00 to 24.00% except a tested sample with lower level of GM content, and the precision expressed as coefficient of variation (CV) was from 2.81 to 25.00%. The limit of quantitation (LOQ) of the quantitative assay was as low as 0.1%. Compared with the previous papers and the performance requirements raised by European Network of GMO Laboratories (ENGL) for analytical methods of GMO testing, the results demonstrated that the established quantification model is a suitable alternative to the more traditional endogenous reference assay in the quantification of GM content in haplo-species plant sample.  相似文献   

This review examines the various detection strategies for genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in food products. It begins with a brief discussion of the issues related to the technology especially the risks and public concerns. An introduction to the biological aspects of the major GMOs then follows. The bulk of the review is concerned with the different approaches toward detection: (a) PCR-based methods such as real-time, duplex and multiplex, (b) the use of biosensors and microarrays, (c) the presence of commercially available kits, and (d) other methods such as electrophoresis and wavelength-dispersive X-ray fluorescence. Each of these methods is critically discussed and various applications are described.  相似文献   

Seven lines of genetically modified (GM) maize have been authorized in Japan as foods and feeds imported from the USA. We improved a multiplex PCR method described in the previous report in order to distinguish the five lines of GM maize. Genomic DNA was extracted from GM maize with a silica spin column kit, which could reduce experimental time and improve safety in the laboratory and potentially in the environment. We sequenced recombinant DNA (r-DNA) introduced into GM maize, and re-designed new primer pairs to increase the specificity of PCR to distinguish five lines of GM maize by multiplex PCR. A primer pair for the maize intrinsic zein gene (Ze1) was also designed to confirm the presence of amplifiable maize DNA. The lengths of PCR products using these six primer pairs were different. The Ze1 and the r-DNAs from the five lines of GM maize were qualitatively detected in one tube. The specific PCR bands were distinguishable from each other on the basis of the expected length. The r-DNA could be detected from maize samples containing 0.5% of each of the five lines of GM maize. The sensitivity would be acceptable to secure the verification of non-GMO materials and to monitor the reliability of the labeling system.  相似文献   

食用大豆油中转基因成分的检测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
食用油脂中转基因成分的检测是当前食品检验工作的一个主要方面。针对食用油脂中DNA含量极低、DNA序列片段短、破坏严重的特点,建立了食用油脂中DNA提取方法,通过实时荧光PCR可检测出大豆内源基因(Lectin)以及外源抗除草剂基因EPSPS,为食用油脂进行核酸类生物性检测提供了一种简捷有效的方法。  相似文献   

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