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RiboGreen is used for concentration measurements of RNA. Upon binding to the RNA, an approximately 1000-fold increase in sensitivity in comparison with the UV absorbance of the free polynucleotide is observed. In the present work, we demonstrate that this dye can penetrate in a time- and temperature-dependent manner the intact viral capsids of human rhinovirus serotypes 2 and 14, where it forms a fluorescent complex with the viral RNA. Capillary electrophoresis with laser-induced fluorescence detection of virus incubated with RiboGreen shows that the electrophoretic mobility of the viruses remained unchanged upon dye-binding. As shown for human rhinovirus serotype 2, its native conformation was conserved, since it still bound a recombinant soluble receptor fragment derived from the very low density lipoprotein receptor. The labeled RNA was released by heat-induced uncoating of the virus, and the RNA-dye complex could be directly detected if degradation was prevented with an RNase inhibitor. This in vitro labeling of viral RNA encased within a protein shell demonstrates the virion's dynamic nature that temporarily allows access of a low-molecular-mass compound to the otherwise protected RNA. It might be of great value for experiments requiring fluorescent viral particles with an unmodified surface, such as investigations of endocytosis and viral uncoating on the single molecule level.  相似文献   

During uncoating of human rhinoviruses, the innermost capsid protein VP4 and the genomic RNA are released from the viral protein shell. This process gives rise to subviral particles that are composed of the remaining three capsid proteins VP1, VP2, and VP3. The process is believed to take place in a sequential manner in that first VP4 is expelled resulting in A-particles sedimenting at 135S followed by the RNA resulting in B-particles sedimenting at 80S. Aiming at ultimately analyzing this process in vivo, we introduced two different fluorophores into the RNA and the viral capsid proteins, respectively. Incubation of the virus with RiboGreen resulted in formation of a RNA-dye complex with lambda(ex)/lambda(em) = 500/525 nm, whereas subsequent derivatization of the viral protein shell in the same sample with AMCA-S introduced a label with lambda(ex)/lambda(em) = 345-350/440-460 nm. In this way, both viral components could be selectively detected via fluorescence in a capillary electrophoresis system. The intact virus delivers two superimposed signals in the electropherogram. Derivatization of the free amino groups of the capsid proteins partially preserved the bioaffinity of the virus toward a synthetic receptor fragment, an artificial recombinant concatemer of repeat number 3 of the very low density lipoprotein receptor. Between 10 and 20% of the infectivity were recovered after labeling when compared to native virus. In addition to analysis of factors influencing the stability of the virus by CE, double-labeled virions might be useful for the investigation of the uncoating process by real-time confocal fluorescence microscopy.  相似文献   

During infection, human rhinoviruses undergo structural rearrangements of their capsid proteins from D-antigenic native virus (sedimenting at 150S upon sucrose density gradient centrifugation) to C-antigenic A-particles (sedimenting at 135S) and B-particles (sedimenting at 80S); the latter remain after release of the viral genomic RNA into the cytosol. Subviral particles with very similar properties can also be produced in vitro upon exposure to elevated temperatures or to low-pH buffers. This paper reports on the successful separation of native virus and 80S B-particles by capillary zone electrophoresis. Separation was carried out in an untreated fused-silica capillary (50 microns i.d., total length 50.0 cm, effective length 41.5 cm) at 20 degrees C and monitored with UV detection. The separation buffer was 100 mmol/L boric acid/borate (pH 8.3) and contained 0.5% sodium deoxycholate, 0.05% SDS, and 0.5% Triton X100R; the detergents were required to prevent viral aggregation and adsorption to the capillary wall. The analytes were identified from their characteristic spectra as determined by fast spectral scanning. Final confirmation was obtained by comparison of electropherograms from samples prior and after immunodeplition with antibodies specifically precipitating D- or C-antigen. The present method enables one to easily monitor and quantify these structural changes and thus to determine the most favorable conditions for complete conversion of native virus to 80S B-particles.  相似文献   

Methods of kinetic capillary electrophoresis (KCE) facilitate highly efficient selection of DNA aptamers for protein targets. The inability to detect native proteins at low concentrations in capillary electrophoresis creates, however, a significant obstacle for many important protein targets. Here we suggest that protein labeling with new Chromeo dyes can help to overcome this obstacle. By labeling a number of proteins with Chromeo P503, we show that the labeling procedure enables accurate detection of proteins in CE without significantly affecting their electrophoretic mobility or their ability to bind DNA. Moreover, Chromeo P503 does not appear to label the amino-groups of buffer components to a significant extent, making the labeling procedure compatible with a large number of selection and run buffers. Fluorescent labeling of protein targets with Chromeo dyes empowers selection of aptamers by KCE methods and promises to increase the rate at which aptamers for new targets are being developed and introduced in various applications.  相似文献   

We describe a new technique for performing multicomponent analysis using a combination of capillary electrophoresis (CE) and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS), which we refer to as CE/FCS. FCS is a highly sensitive and rapid optical technique that is often used to perform multicomponent analysis in static solutions based on the different diffusion times of the analyte species through the detection region of a tightly focused laser beam. In CE/FCS, transit times are measured for a mixture of analytes continuously flowing through a microcapillary in the presence of an electric field. Application of an electric field between the inlet and outlet of the capillary alters the transit times, depending on the magnitude and polarity of the applied field and the electrophoretic mobilities of the analytes. Multicomponent analysis is accomplished without the need to perform a chemical separation, due to the different electrophoretic mobilities of the analytes. This technique is particularly applicable to ultradilute solutions of analyte. We have used CE/FCS to analyze subnanomolar aqueous solutions containing mixtures of Rhodamine 6G (R6G) and R6G-labeled deoxycytosine triphosphate nucleotides. Under these conditions, fewer than two molecules were typically present in the detection region at a time. The relative concentrations of the analytes were determined with uncertainties of ~10%. Like diffusional FCS, this technique is highly sensitive and rapid. Concentration detection limits are below 10(-)(11) M, and analysis times are tens of seconds or less. However, CE/FCS does not require the diffusion coefficients of the analytes to be significantly different and can, therefore, be applied to multicomponent analysis of systems that would be difficult or impossible to study by diffusional FCS.  相似文献   

Different preparations of human rhinovirus serotype 2 (HRV2), a common cold virus, were analyzed by capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) in untreated fused-silica capillaries using borate buffer (100 mmol/L, pH 8.3) and sodium dodecyl sulfate (10 mmol/L) as additive to prevent wall adsorption. The electropherograms showed one major peak at 205- and 254-nm detection wavelengths. The identity of the peak as originating from native virus was confirmed by several indirect methods. Heating to 56 degrees C is known to lead to release of the genomic RNA from the viral capsid; this treatment resulted in the disappearance of the major peak and the emergence of a new predominant peak that was identified as RNA by enzymatic digestion. As expected, RNase treatment of the unheated sample remained without effect as the viral genome is inaccessible in the native viral shell. A monoclonal, virus-aggregating antibody was used for immunodepletion of native virus; again, the major peak disappeared upon removal of viral aggregates by centrifugation prior to CZE analysis. In combination, these results allowed for the unambiguous identification of the main peak as native HRV2 and of the minor peaks as contaminants present in various amounts in the different viral preparations. It is demonstrated that CZE allows for an extremely easy and rapid assessment of conformational state and purity of virions in a given viral preparation.  相似文献   

It is desirable to have inexpensive, high-throughput systems that integrate multiple sample analysis processes and procedures, for applications in biology, chemical analysis, drug discovery, and disease screening. In this paper, we demonstrate multilayer polymer microfluidic devices with integrated on-chip labeling and parallel electrophoretic separation of up to eight samples. Microchannels were distributed in two different layers and connected through interlayer through-holes in the middle layer. A single set of electrophoresis reservoirs and one fluorescent label reservoir address parallel analysis units for up to eight samples. Individual proteins and a mixture of cancer biomarkers have been successfully labeled on-chip and separated in parallel with this system. A detection limit of 600 ng/mL was obtained for heat shock protein 90. Our integrated on-chip labeling microdevices show great potential for low-cost, simplified, rapid, and high-throughput analysis.  相似文献   

Q H Wan  X C Le 《Analytical chemistry》1999,71(19):4183-4189
Capillary electrophoresis (CE) combined with molecular recognition for ultrasensitive bioanalytical applications often requires the formation of stable complexes between an analyte and its binding partner. Previous studies of binding interactions using CE involve multiple-step titration experiments and are time-consuming. We describe a simple method based on laser-induced fluorescence polarization (LIFP) detection for CE separation, which allows for on-line monitoring of affinity complex formation. Because fluorescence polarization is sensitive to changes in the rotational diffusion arising from molecular association or dissociation, it is capable of providing information on the formation of affinity complexes prior to or during CE separation. Applications of the CE/LIFP method to three binding systems including vancomycin and its antibody, staphylococcal enterotoxin A and its antibody, and trp operator and trp repressor were demonstrated, representing peptide-protein, protein-protein, and DNA-protein interactions. The affinity complexes were readily distinguished from the unbound molecules on the basis of their fluorescence polarization. The relative increase in fluorescence polarization upon complex formation varied with the molecular size of the binding pairs.  相似文献   

A new method for the quantitative evaluation of molecular interactions that are observed in electrophoresis is described. One component taking part in the interaction is labeled with a fluorescent dye and is subjected to capillary zone electrophoresis with fluorescence detection in the presence or absence of an unlabeled interacting component. Fluorescence signals are collected at constant time intervals, and the electropherograms are converted to represent the fluorescence signal against mobility. After baseline subtraction, the first statistical moment of fluorescence signals on the mobility axis is calculated. This moment represents the average mobility of a labeled component. The change in the mobility moment in the presence and absence of the unlabeled component is used to evaluate the degree of saturation of the binding site of a labeled molecule with an unlabeled molecule. Mixtures of fluorescence-labeled protein (Fab' fragment of antibody or concanavalin A) and its unlabeled interacting partner (alpha(1)-antitrypsin or succinylated ovalbumin, respectively) at various concentrations were injected into a bare-silica capillary, and zone electrophoresis was carried out. The change in the mobility moment of the fluorescence-labeled molecules was used to determine the dissociation constants of the complexes. The determined constants are comparable to those obtained by a well-established method, that is, an analysis based on the peak height of the complex. Since the mobility moment analysis is not affected by the total intensity of the signals, it should be advantageous in analyses in which multiple capillaries are used, in which the injection volume and the sensitivity of detection might be more difficult to control at constant values. The mobility moment analysis also has advantages for the analysis of heterogeneous samples, since the identification of peaks is not necessarily required.  相似文献   

Wu S  Lu JJ  Wang S  Peck KL  Li G  Liu S 《Analytical chemistry》2007,79(20):7727-7733
A novel staining method and the associated fluorescent dye were developed for protein analysis by capillary SDS-PAGE. The method strategy is to synthesize a pseudo-SDS dye and use it to replace some of the SDS in SDS-protein complexes so that the protein can be fluorescently detected. The pseudo-SDS dye consists of a long, straight alkyl chain connected to a negative charged fluorescent head and binds to proteins just as SDS. The number of dye molecules incorporated with a protein depends on the dye concentration relative to SDS in the sample solution, since SDS and dye bind to proteins competitively. In this work, we synthesized a series of pseudo-SDS dyes, and tested their performances for capillary SDS-PAGE. FT-16 (a fluorescein molecule linked with a hexadodecyl group) seemed to be the best among all the dyes tested. Although the numbers of dye molecules bound to proteins (and the fluorescence signals from these protein complexes) were maximized in the absence of SDS, high-quality separations were obtained when co-complexes of SDS-protein-dye were formed. The migration time correlates well with protein size even after some of the SDS in the SDS-protein complexes was replaced by the pseudo-SDS dye. Under optimized experimental conditions and using a laser-induced fluorescence detector, limits of detection of as low as 0.13 ng/mL (bovine serum albumin) and dynamic ranges over 5 orders of magnitude in which fluorescence response is proportional to the square root of analyte concentration were obtained. The method and dye were also tested for separations of real-world samples from E. coli.  相似文献   

A simple capillary electrophoresis method was developed for the analysis of four β-blockers (atenolol, metoprolol, pindolol, and propranolol) in pharmaceutical preparations. The method was validated regarding accuracy, precision, linearity, and detection/quantification limits, and the obtained values were in accordance to those reported in the literature. The method was applied to the determination of the drugs in commercial tablet preparations and proved to be fast and reliable for the quantitative analysis of the β-blockers.  相似文献   

Since the successful completion of the Human Genome Project, increasing concern is being directed toward the polymorphic aspect of the genome and its clinical relevance. A form of single-strand DNA-conformation polymorphism analysis (SSCP) employing nondenaturing slab-gel electrophoresis (SGE) is applicable to the genetic diagnosis of bladder cancer from urine samples. To bring this technique into routine clinical practice, the use of capillary electrophoresis (CE) is naturally favorable in terms of speed and automation. However, the resolving power of SSCP, a prerequisite basis for reliability required in diagnostics, remains as a challenge for CE systems. We thus focused on this topic and conducted studies on CE instruments equipped with a single capillary or an array of multiple capillaries, using the resolution (Rs) as a quantitative scale for the resolving power. Polymer concentration and buffer are shown to be the decisive parameters. High Rs values of >2.5 are achieved for representative SNPs markers under the optimized conditions, without sacrificing such intrinsic advantages of CE over SGE as the 10-fold quicker migration time and operation that is reproducible, continuous, and automatic. The strategies presented broaden the limits of CE in both the current and related applications.  相似文献   

A method for the determination of underivatized amino acids based on capillary electrophoresis coupled to electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (CE-ESI-MS) is described. To analyze free amino acids simultaneously a low acidic pH condition was used to confer positive charge on whole amino acids. The choice of the electrolyte and its concentration influenced resolution and peak shape of the amino acids, and 1 M formic acid was selected as the optimal electrolyte. Meanwhile, the sheath liquid composition had a significant effect on sensitivity and the highest sensitivity was obtained when 5 mM ammonium acetate in 50% (v/v) methanol-water was used. Protonated amino acids were roughly separated by CE and selectively detected by a quadrupole mass spectrometer with a sheath flow electrospray ionization interface. Under the optimized conditions, 19 free amino acids normally found in proteins and several physiological amino acids were well determined in less than 17 min. The detection limits for basic amino acids were between 0.3 and 1.1 mumol/L and for acidic and low molecular weight amino acids were less than 6.0 mumol/L with pressure injection of 50 mbar for 3 s (3 nL) at a signal-to-noise ratio of 3. This method is simple, rapid, and selective compared with conventional techniques and could be readily applied to the analysis of free amino acids in soy sauce.  相似文献   

We report a method for the assay of proteins at concentrations lower than 10(-)(10) M with as little as 200 amol of protein. High sensitivity is accomplished by derivatizing the ε-amino group of the protein's lysine residues with the fluorogenic dye 5-furoylquinoline-3-carboxaldehyde and use of a sheath flow cuvette fluorescence detector. Most proteins have a large number of lysine residues; therefore, a large number of fluorescent molecules can be attached to each protein molecule. In general, precolumn labeling improves sensitivity but degrades resolution due to the inhomogeneity of the reaction products from multiple labeling. However, we demonstrate that, through careful manipulation of the separation and reaction conditions, high sensitivity can be obtained without excessive loss in separation efficiency. Over 190?000 theoretical plates are obtained for fluorescently labeled ovalbumin.  相似文献   

Tissue proteins from human squamous cell lung carcinomas (SQCLC) and small cell lung carcinomas (SCLC) were separated in 0.01% hydroxypylmethyl cellulose (HPMC) linear polymer sieving solutions in the inlet portion of the capillary and next to the outlet of the capillary, followed by capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) in 40 mM phosphate buffer, pH 2.5. A proper HPMC concentration could cause a molecular sieving effect through the formation of an entangled polymer network. The migration time of the analyte in this matrix depended on the size and electrophoretic mobility of the analyte, the mesh size, and the electric field strength. In the CZE separation, the electroosmotic flow and the charge-to-size ratio of the analyte were important parameters. HPMC concentration and zone length were examined to optimize the separation. Applying this partial-filling technique to the separation of water-soluble proteins from human lung tissues, we found a greatly improved resolution and increased peak intensity. The capillary electrophoresis patterns of normal, SQCLC, and SCLC were obtained and compared for their molecular classifications.  相似文献   

Using a combination of capillary electrophoresis (CE) and patterned fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (patterned FCS), we have developed a new technique for performing electrophoretic analysis independently of the initial length of injected analyte plugs. In t histechnique, which is abbreviated as CE/patterned FCS, fluorescent analyte molecules dispersed continuously in a capillary migrate through a stationary interference pattern created by two intersecting excitation laser beams, and their fluorescence emission is monitored. We prove theoretically that the power spectrum of fluctuations in the fluorescence intensity gives a virtual electropherogram. The profile of the electropherogram and the number of theoretical plates are in general obtained by using analytical methods. Characterizing the capillary length within the excitation beams as the effective length, we compare CE/ patterned FCS with conventional CE. Numerical simulations on capillary gel electrophoresis of DNA predict that the optimized CE/patterned FCS is superior to conventional CE when the effective length is shorter than 1 cm. The experimental feasibility of this technique is demonstrated in the fluorometry of TOTO-1-stained DNA. For an effective length of 740 microm, a maximum number of plates of 7400, and a resolution of 1.0 were obtained with a one-component injection of pUC18 DNA and a two-component injection of pUC 18 DNA and lambda DNA, respectively.  相似文献   

Han F  Huynh BH  Shi H  Lin B  Ma Y 《Analytical chemistry》1999,71(7):1265-1269
Pteridines are a class of compounds excreted in urine, the levels of which are found to elevate significantly in tumor-related diseases. For the first time, we have developed a method, based on high-performance capillary electrophoresis (HPCE) and laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) detection, to monitor the pteridine levels in urine. HPCE provides better separation than high-performance liquid chromatography and the LIF detector enables us to detect minute amounts of pteridines in body fluid. Eight different pteridine derivatives were well separated in 0.1 M Tris-0.1 M borate-2 mM EDTA buffer (pH 8.75) using a 60-cm fused-silica capillary (50-micron i.d., 35-cm effective length), six of which were detected and characterized in urine samples from normal persons and different cancer patients. The detection limits of these pteridines are under 1 x 10(-10) M. The levels of neopterin, pterine, xanthopterin, and pterin-6-carboxylic acid were found to be significantly elevated in urine excreted by cancer patents, while the level of isoxanthopterin dropped in these patients. No significant change of biopterin level was found between healthy individuals and cancer patients. This method can be used in clinical laboratories either for cancer monitoring or for precancer screening.  相似文献   

Instrumentation for high-throughput analysis of single cells by capillary electrophoresis is described. A flow-based interface that uses electroosmotic flow (EOF) provides continuous injection of intact cells through an introduction capillary into a cell lysis junction and migration of the resulting cell lysate through a separation capillary for analysis. Specifically, two capillaries were coupled together with 5-mm-long Teflon tubing to create a approximately 5-microm gap, and the junction was immersed in a buffer reservoir. High voltage was applied across both capillaries so that cells were continuously pumped into the first capillary by EOF. Individual cells were lysed on-column at the junction without detergents, presumably owing to mechanical disruption caused by a dramatic change in flow properties at the gap. After each cell was lysed at the junction, the major proteins hemoglobin and carbonic anhydrase were separated by capillary electrophoresis and the resultant analyte zones were detected by laser-induced native fluorescence using 275-nm excitation. The detection limits of hemoglobin and carbonic anhydrase were 37 and 1.6 amol, respectively, which correlate well with the literature. The instrumentation was evaluated with intact red blood cells. The averaged time for complete analysis (i.e., continuous injection, lysis, separation, and detection) of one human erythrocyte was less than 4 min with this capillary-based setup. Moreover, this instrumentation simplifies the introduction of individual, intact cells without the use of a microscope.  相似文献   

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