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薇菜方便风味食品生产工艺的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究以开发薇菜的系列方便风味食品为宗旨,以薇菜干为原料系统研究了包括复水条件、品质提丌、风味调制以及与产品保存等相适应的工艺和配套条件。为薇菜的增值和产品向多元化、系列化方向发展奠定了基础。  相似文献   

An apparatus was developed to quantify the degree of bumping due to the explosion of food particulates during microwave heating. The apparatus consisted of a sound recording device, a digital storage oscilloscope, and an electric filter. Degree of bumping for a product was defined by integration of the magnitude of an explosion over time of bumping. The sound spectrum of explosion was analyzed by Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) analysis. Frequency of bumping was usually in the range 1.6 kHz to 8 kHz. The character of microwave bumping varied according to localized microwave superheating effects, product formulations, and prior heat treatment of the food.  相似文献   

食品工业中的新型杀菌技术   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文对食品工业中的新型杀菌技术,如高压脉冲电场、超声波、通电杀菌、高压杀菌、远红外线杀菌、脉冲强光杀菌等的机理、优点及应用进行了综合分析介绍,指出这些新型杀菌技术开发利用前景广阔,应进行深层次的研究,以促进食品工业的发展。  相似文献   

Pregelatinized corn starch solutions (8% solids) were mixed with 500 ppm each of 1-hexanol, 1-decanol and D-limonene, and subjected to three treatments: control or null treatment, addition of 4%β-cyclodextrin, and addition of 4% sucrose. Samples were frozen at ?15°C, ?60°C or ?198°C, and freeze-dried at a microwave power of 10W and a cavity pressure of 1 or 2 torr. Results showed that sample composition was significant in both drying rate and volatile retention. Samples containing β-cyclodextrin had higher levels of volatile retention than other treatments, probably due to inclusion complex formation and shorter drying times. In general, samples frozen at ?15°C had higher levels of volatile retention. Freeze-drying of samples at 1 torr resulted in higher final moisture contents than at 2 torr, but no appreciable differences in volatiles.  相似文献   

Astringency, a tactile sensation felt in the mouth after exposure to various foods, is poorly understood. Our objective was to investigate the mechanism of astringency by determining if it was related to a loss of saliva's ability to lubricate mouth surfaces. We used 2 complementary approaches: (1) instrumentally determining if astringents decrease salivary lubricity and (2) determining if human subjects could perceive these changes. Instrumentally measured friction of saliva-tannin mixtures was greater than that of saliva-water mixtures, but these differences were not detectable by human subjects. Adding alum or acid to saliva did not increase friction measured either instrumentally or by human subjects rubbing the mixture between their thumb and fingers. Thus a loss of salivary lubricity is likely not a central mechanism of astringency. Practical Applications: If astringency's mechanism can be elucidated, food producers will gain knowledge that will enable them to manufacture, alter, or treat the food in a way to retain its healthful attributes while minimizing the astringency. This knowledge will also benefit sensory scientists interested in the intensity perceptions of the sensations and will allow them to devise improved methods for the assessment of the attribute.  相似文献   

瑞典爱克林(Ecolean)公司创立于1996年,总部设于瑞典的赫尔辛格堡(Helsingborg),是全球开发、制造及销售新一代环保包装的先行者,其产品主要面向食品工业,销售网络遍布全球35个国家和地区。1999年爱克林公司在天津建立独资企业,主要生产液态食品的环保包装。  相似文献   

随着科技的发展,工作、生活压力的与日俱增,视疲劳已成为困扰大部分人群的普遍症状,人们的保健意识也随之增强,对缓解视疲劳功能食品的需求也会越来越旺盛。本文就视疲劳的产生机制、缓解视疲劳功能食品的功效成分及其功能食品的研发现状进行综述,以期为缓解视疲劳功能食品的开发提供新思路和科学依据。  相似文献   

As a new development technique microwave technology has applied widely in areas of food processing.This article summarized the principles and characteristics of microwave technology and applications of microwave processing technology in meat products, cereals, fruits and vegetables processing.Some problems existed in microwave applications were analyzed.The development trend of microwave processing technology in food industry was put forward.  相似文献   

热加工食品中呋喃的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
从当前备受关注的食品安全问题出发,较为全面地介绍了热加工食品中污染物呋喃的发现呋喃的毒理学。以及其形成途径和检测方法等方面的研究进展,并对上述研究进展进行了简要的分析和评述。  相似文献   

The viscosity of Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluid foods was determined by analyzing flow characteristics of corn syrup, tomato sauce and pear puree using a continuous lift apparatus. Assuming steady state and film thickness constant with time, the experimental sample viscosities were found by recording film thickness, belt speed and fluid density and applying the power law model. Film thicknesses increased with belt speed. Consistency coefficients from 38 to 134 were obtained. The experimental power law values were reproducible and agreed with those obtained by conventional viscometer.  相似文献   

应用真空糖渍和真空低温干燥技术对新鲜木瓜进行加工,研制具有天然水果色、香、味的木瓜方便食品.该产品色泽鲜亮透明,果片饱满,酸甜适中,味道鲜美,具有浓郁的典型的木瓜风味,且含有大量的Vc等营养物质和独特的保健功能.  相似文献   

以蒸汽为热源的液态食品传导加热过程中,为了达到杀菌和灭菌的要求,通常存在热量损失严重、管路结焦等问题,而微波凭借其不需要传热介质的介电加热方式,具有从根本上解决此类问题的优势.本研究通过构建多物理场耦合仿真模型,对连续化微波加热设备内部电场分布进行数值解析,探究体积流量、输入功率及微波频率等运行参数对处理过程中流体热响...  相似文献   

Edible insects are expected to become an important nutrient source for animals and humans in the Western world in the near future. However, before insects can be put on the market, the safety of their use for feed and food is warranted. This literature study was prepared to provide an overview of the actual knowledge of possible food safety hazards, including chemical, microbiological, and allergenic agents and prions, to human and animal health upon the use of insects for food and feed, and to highlight data gaps and suggest the way forward. From the data available, heavy metals of concern are cadmium in black soldier fly and arsenic in yellow mealworm larvae. Investigated mycotoxins do not seem to accumulate. Residues of pesticides, veterinary drugs, and hormones, as well as dioxins and PCBs, are sometimes found in insects. Contamination of insects with pathogens to human health is a consequence of a combination of the substrates used and the farming and processing steps applied. Insects harbor a wide variety of microorganisms, and some human pathogenic bacteria may be present. In addition, insects may harbor and transmit parasites. There is no evidence so far insects may harbor pathogenic viruses or prions, but they may act as vectors. Insects and insect‐derived products may have allergenic potential. In this review, evidence on some safety aspects is displayed, and data gaps are identified. Recommendations are given for future research to fill the most relevant data gaps.  相似文献   

微波技术在粮油食品中应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
该文介绍微波加热技术原理、特点及其在粮油食品工业中应用。  相似文献   

高场强超声波技术在食品蛋白质加工中的应用研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡昊  胡坦  许琦  王腾  王可兴  徐晓云  潘思轶 《食品科学》2015,36(15):260-265
食品中的蛋白质不仅能为人类提供必需营养,在食品加工中也起着重要作用。高场强超声波技术作为一种新兴技术,在未来食品蛋白质加工中的应用具有巨大潜力。本文综述近10 年国际上以高场强超声波为手段对食品蛋白质进行改性的研究,从高场强超声波作用基本原理,高场强超声波对蛋白质结构、凝胶性、粒径、溶液黏度、溶解性、浊度、乳化性和起泡性的影响以及对蛋白质反应、蛋白质提取和对蛋白质感官品质的影响多个方面分别进行阐述。  相似文献   

本文对以谷、豆类基础的婴儿食品的营养配方与制作工艺进行了研究,并对婴儿食品的资源开发、制作为工艺提出了见解。  相似文献   

特殊医学用途配方食品作为一类特殊的配方食品,在疾病患者的营养管理中起着提供营养和减缓疾病的作用。本文介绍了特殊医学用途配方食品在我国的发展及相关标准,并按照疾病的种类对特殊医学用途配方食品进行了分类阐述,介绍了特殊医学用途配方食品在各个疾病领域的应用及配方依据;对我国特殊医学用途配方食品行业所存在的供不应求、加工技术落后等问题进行了分析和探讨,为我国特殊医学用途配方食品的发展提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

罗永康  江焱 《肉类研究》2006,20(6):33-35
本文首先简单地介绍了乳糖的生产工艺、产品组成及产品特性.对乳糖在水产品中应用时,在保持产品的色泽、改善产品质地和风味、延长产品保质期等方面的作用进行了分析.指出了乳糖对改善鱿鱼丝风味、降低水分活度、延长产品保质期等方面有较好的作用.  相似文献   

本文首先简单地介绍了乳糖的生产工艺、产品组成及产品特性。对乳糖在水产品中应用时,在保持产品的色泽、改善产品质地和风味、延长产品保质期等方面的作用进行了分析。指出了乳糖对改善鱿鱼丝风味、降低水分活度、延长产品保质期等方面有较好的作用。  相似文献   

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