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A threshold quantum state sharing scheme is proposed. The dealer uses the quantum-controlled-not operations to expand the d-dimensional quantum state and then uses the entanglement swapping to distribute the state to a random subset of participants. The participants use the single-particle measurements and unitary operations to recover the initial quantum state. In our scheme, the dealer can share different quantum states among different subsets of participants simultaneously. So the scheme will be very flexible in practice.  相似文献   

提出了一种新的基于纠缠交换的可验证量子秘密共享协议,秘密分发者与其他参与者进行一对一的信息交互,对某一参与者等概率进入检测模式或信息模式,直至确定信息发送安全后,再与下一参与者进行信息交互。本协议不仅能够避免外部窃听,又可以防止内部欺骗,从而保证共享信息的正确性和安全性,达到可验证的效果。  相似文献   

We propose a substitute-Bell-state attack strategy for quantum secret sharing schemes without entanglement,as well as a definition of the minimum failure probability of such attack strategy.A quantitative analysis of security degrees corresponding to different unitary operations is also provided,when the secret sharing schemes without entanglement are stricken by substitute-Bell-state attack.As a result,the relation between the selection of unitary operations and the effect of substitute-Bell-state attack i...  相似文献   

文中针对不使用纠缠态的量子秘密共享方案,提出了一种Bell态替换攻击策略,并定量分析了当量子秘密共享方案采用常见的几种酉操作组合时,这种攻击的最小失败概率,从而得到酉操作的选择和Bell态替换攻击效果之间的若干关系.对于量子秘密共享方案的设计和实施中,如何选择酉操作以保证通信安全的问题,文中的工作具有重要的指导作用.  相似文献   

Quantum entanglement plays an essential role in the field of quantum information and quantum computation. In quantum network, a general assumption for many quantum tasks is that the quantum entanglement has been prior shared among participants. Actually, the distribution of entanglement becomes complex in the network environment. We present a theoretical quantum network model with good scalability. Then, three efficient and perfect schemes for the entanglement channel construction are proposed. Some general results for d-level system are also given. Any two communication sites can construct an entanglement channel via Bell states with the assistance of the intermediate sites on their quantum chain. By using the established entanglement channel, n sites can efficiently and perfectly construct an entanglement channel via an n-qudit cat state. More importantly, an entanglement channel via an arbitrary n-qudit state can also be constructed among any n sites, or even among any t sites where 1??? t??? n. The constructed multiparticle entanglement channels have many useful applications in quantum network environment.  相似文献   

可生存性系统是信息安全研究的新方向,具有很强的现实意义.基于免疫原理与秘密共享提出了一种分布式可生存性系统模型.基于免疫原理的阴性选择特性建立规则库实现关键服务与次要服务的有效划分,利用t-out-of-n秘密共享方法实现关键服务层的设计.该分布式可生存性系统模型具有可生存性好.客错性强、可自适应性等优点.  相似文献   

实时系统的面向方面模型   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
基于UML的实时系统面向方面模型,能够把实时关注从系统中分离出来,形成一个独立于系统的时间方面,实现时间方面的并发设计和系统时间特性的统一管理。面向方面编程(AOP)技术允许把设计好的时间方面根据特定需要重新织入系统,组合为实时系统。模型扩展了UML来表达AOP技术和时间概念,并从系统的静态结构模型、动态行为模型和时间方面的织入等几部分建模实时系统。一个电梯控制系统例子充分说明这种设计过程。  相似文献   

We review the criteria for separability and quantum entanglement, both in a bipartite as well as a multipartite setting. We discuss Bell inequalities, entanglement witnesses, entropic inequalities, bound entanglement and several features of multipartite entanglement. We indicate how these criteria bear on the experimental detection of quantum entanglement.  相似文献   

以d维纠缠交换为技术手段,提出了一个(t, n)门限量子秘密共享方案。该方案执行t次d维纠缠交换,秘密影子聚合于重建者的V_1粒子中。重建者测量该粒子,可重建出共享的秘密。安全性分析可知,提出的方案,能抵抗截获-重发攻击、纠缠-测量攻击、合谋攻击和伪造攻击。性能比较分析表明,相比较于其他现有类似量子秘密共享方案,提出的方案具有更好的灵活性、实用性和普适性。而且总的计算和测量所花费的开销是最低的。  相似文献   

Tripartite remote sharing of any single-qubit operation with two asymmetric three-qubit W states is amply treated. Five schemes are put forward with the W states in five different entanglement structures corresponding to five different distributions of two identical qubit trios in three locations. For all schemes, two features about the security and the agent symmetry are analyzed and confirmed. Moreover, resource consumption, necessary-operation complexity, success probability and efficiency are also worked out and compared mutually. For all schemes, quantum resource consumption and necessary-operation complexity are same. The last scheme needs to cost two additional classical bits than the former four schemes. Nonetheless, the last scheme is deterministic and has the highest efficiency in contrast to the other four probabilistic schemes with lower efficiencies. Through some analyses, it is found that both success probability and intrinsic efficiency of each scheme are completely determined by the corresponding entanglement structure of the two W states. The underlying physics of this feature is revealed. In addition, the implementation feasibility of all the schemes is analyzed and thus confirmed according to the current experimental techniques.  相似文献   

A pair of spins is the most simple quantum system that can exhibit entanglement: a nonclassical property that plays an essential role in quantum information technologies. In this paper, feedback control problems of a symmetric two-spin system conditioned on a continuous measurement are investigated. In order to make some useful formulas in stochastic control theory directly applicable, we first derive a two-dimensional representation of the system. We then prove that a feedback controller stabilizes an entangled state of the two spins almost globally with probability one. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that some entangled states, which correspond to nonequilibrium points of the dynamics, are globally stabilized via feedback in the sense that the mean distance from a target can be reduced to an arbitrarily small value.  相似文献   

Real-time watermarking for streaming video (such as VOD service) requires significant amounts of computing resources. To address this issue, we present a scalable watermarking scheme integrated in a parallel MPEG-2 engine. A content-based block selection algorithm is proposed to efficiently embed the pseudo-random watermark signatures into DCT blocks. Our watermark scheme also provides a robust way to synchronize the watermarked video to the original source at detectors and is very resilient against cumulative and temporal attack.We optimize the parallel watermark engine to achieve real-time watermarking performance. We found that the system throughput could suffer significant degradation when processing high-level MPEG-2 video (such as HDTV) due to inefficient management of memory space. Therefore, we investigated an efficient buffer management scheme consisting of two methods: First we reduced the transmission buffer in slave nodes by frames sharing between frames in the Group-of-Picture (GOP) level. Then we further reduce the buffer space by a dynamic on-demand allocation on the slave side. By solving the memory-shortage bottleneck, the proposed system can support real-time watermarking for multiple high-resolution (up to 1404 × 960) video.  相似文献   

Tavakoli等人利用无偏基的有关循环性质给出了奇素数维上的量子秘密共享方案。针对[9]维上的量子系统给出了相应无偏基,基于这些无偏基的性质构造了相应酉变换,进而构造了一个[(N,N)]门限秘密共享方案,并分析了方案的安全性。  相似文献   

We present two hybrid entanglement concentration protocols based on quantum dots (QDs) and optical microcavity coupled systems. The system is theoretically analyzed and used for photon and electron hybrid entanglement generation. Also, the proposed system can be further used for parity check that allows a quantum nondemolition measurement on the spin parity. By performing parity check process on electron spins, the entangled state can be concentrated into maximally entangled state efficiently.  相似文献   

Based on the von Neumann entropy, we give a computational formalism of the quantum entanglement dynamics in quantum channels, which can be applied to a general finite systems coupled with their environments in quantum channels. The quantum entanglement is invariant in the decoupled local unitary quantum channel, but it is variant in the non-local coupled unitary quantum channel. The numerical investigation for two examples, two-qubit and two-qutrit models, indicates that the quantum entanglement evolution in the quantum non-local coupling channel oscillates with the coupling strength and time, and depends on the quantum entanglement of the initial state. It implies that quantum information loses or gains when the state of systems evolves in the quantum non-local coupling channel.  相似文献   

A novel model of distributed knowledge recommender system is proposed to facilitate knowledge sharing among collaborative team members. Different from traditional recommender systems in the client-server architecture, our model is oriented to the peer-to-peer (P2P) environment without the centralized control. Among the P2P network of collaborative team members, each peer is deployed with one distributed knowledge recommender, which can supply proper knowledge resources to peers who may need them. This paper investigates the key techniques for implementing the distributed knowledge recommender model. Moreover, a series of simulation-based experiments are conducted by using the data from a real-world collaborative team in an enterprise. The experimental results validate the efficiency of the proposed model. This research paves the way for developing platforms that can share and manage large-scale distributed knowledge resources. This study also provides a new framework for simulating and studying individual or organizational behaviors of knowledge sharing in a collaborative team.  相似文献   

We investigate a novel quantum secret sharing (QSS) based on the Chinese remainder theory (CRT) in multi-dimensional Hilbert space with the orbital angular momentum (OAM) entanglement analysis. The secret is divided and then allotted to two or more participants who prepare pairs of photons in the OAM-entanglement states. The initial secret can be restored jointly by legal participants via the OAM-entanglement analysis on the corresponding photons. Its security is guaranteed from the OAM entanglement of photons that are established through the spin angular momentum (SAM) entanglement analysis performed on the generated SAM-based OAM hybrid entanglement photons. It provides an alternative technique for the QSS while producing the OAM entanglement photons in the combined multi-dimensional OAM Hilbert space, where the CRT is conducted properly for sharing the conventional secret among legal participants.  相似文献   

Real-time traffic information collection and data fusion is one of the most important tasks in the advanced traffic management system (ATMS), and sharing traffic information to users is an essential part of the advance traveler information system (ATIS) among the intelligent transportation systems (ITS). Traditionally, sensor-based schemes or probing-vehicle based schemes have been used for collecting traffic information, but the coverage, cost, and real-time issues have remained unsolved. In this paper, a wiki-like collaborative real-time traffic information collection, fusion and sharing framework is proposed, which includes user-centric traffic event reacting mechanism, and automatic agent-centric traffic information aggregating scheme. Smart traffic agents (STA) developed for various front-end devices have the location-aware two-way real-time traffic exchange capability, and built-in event-reporting mechanism to allow users to report the real-time traffic events around their locations. In addition to collecting traffic information, the framework also integrates heterogeneous external real-time traffic information data sources and internal historical traffic information database to predict real-time traffic status by knowledge base system technique.  相似文献   

In this study, the spin-momentum correlation of one massive spin- ${\frac{1}{2}}$ and spin-1 particle states, which are made based on the projection of a relativistic spin operator into timelike direction is investigated. It is shown that by using Non-Linear entanglement witnesses (NLEWs), the effect of Lorentz transformation would decrease both the amount and the region of entanglement.  相似文献   

This paper studies leadership dynamics in the development of a knowledge sharing system. We apply the concept of distributed leadership, examining how leadership roles are distributed across different individuals in the organisation during developing and implementing a knowledge sharing system. The results of a case study demonstrate that the leadership was fulfilled by the interdependent and emergent roles played by several individuals: the spearheading and coordinating roles of a knowledgeable and persistent project leader, the supporting and steering roles carried by a group of perceptive and collaboration-inclined executives, and the knowledge sharing and momentum driving roles performed by knowledge champions. Each of these leadership influences was indispensable. None of the leaders could have accomplished this task individually, without the active involvement of the other types of leaders. This research makes its contribution to the understanding of the emergence and dynamics of distributed leadership in the information system environment, and demonstrates the importance of a full awareness of distributed leadership as tasks are carried out in developing a knowledge sharing system.  相似文献   

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