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An approximate method is presented for the analysis of asymmetrical core structures in tall buildings subjected to torsion. The folded plate approach is used, in which the core is considered as an assembly of vertical panels rigidly connected along their edges, the influence of openings in any of the panels being included by the use of the continuum technique. A closed form of solution is achieved by assuming that the core twists about a fixed vertical axis of rotation. Solutions are given for a wide range of cross-sectional forms, including multi-cell and multi-bay structures, subjected to standard load systems. 相似文献
核心型钢混凝土组合结构体系应用前瞻 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
主要介绍了核心型钢混凝土组合结构体系在高层住宅建筑中的应用前景和性能优势,分析了核心型钢混凝土组合结构体系在国内外的研究现状,并探讨了核心型钢混凝土组合结构目前存在的主要问题.对21个不同配钢形式的核心型钢混凝土柱试件进行截面非线性分析.分析结果表明,各种形式核心配钢均能有效提高柱截面在较高轴压比下的曲率延性系数.介绍了2个核心型钢混凝土组合结构工程实例.在综合分析基础上,提出了核心型钢混凝土组合结构体系的抗震设计建议和深入研究思路. 相似文献
香港特别行政区是世界人口最稠密的城市之一。这里山多平地少,发展集中在沿岸的平地上。由于人口稠密及空间有限,历来因经济效益及土地需求压力下,可用作区绿化的地方变得十分罕有,但从改善市区环境及提升生活质量的角度来看, 相似文献
准确计算节点核心区剪力设计值是节点核心区抗剪设计的关键。GB 50010-2010《混凝土结构设计规范》(简称《混凝土规范》)和GB 50011-2010《建筑抗震设计规范》(简称《抗震规范》)中给出了不同的节点核心区水平剪力计算公式。基于受力平衡条件,对这两部规范中的节点核心区水平剪力计算公式进行讨论,并给出改进建议。结果表明:《混凝土规范》中对不同位置节点受剪计算应采取不同的计算公式,但顶层节点公式未考虑单侧柱端剪力对节点核心区水平剪力的贡献,而《抗震规范》中的建议公式可考虑这一贡献。《混凝土规范》和《抗震规范》中的公式均采用梁端弯矩之和等于柱端弯矩之和的假定,主要适用于节点核心区几何尺寸远小于梁跨或柱高的情况。建议公式中考虑了单侧柱端剪力对节点核心区水平剪力的贡献,其适用范围更大。 相似文献
This paper presents a method of analysis, based on Vlasov's thin-walled beam theory in conjunction with the continuum approach, for investigating the elasto-plastic behaviour of perforated core structures subjected to torsional loading. A closed section analogy is utilized in the analysis. It is assumed that the plastic hinges form at the ends of the lintel beams and the lintel beams will fail prior to any yielding of the walls when the limiting rotational ductility is reached. The analysis enables the behaviour of a perforated core structure to be traced from working load to ultimate condition. 相似文献
提起江南城市镇江,人们自然而然就会联想起“白娘子水漫金山”、“甘露寺刘备招亲”等脍炙人口的典故。但人们也许还不知道,这座拥有三千多年历史的文化名城,从建制到如今,在方圆不足100平方公里的城区内,于东、西、南、北、中不同的地理方位巍峨矗立着五座风格迥异、内涵深邃的木、铁、砖、石及钢筋混凝土架构的宝塔,不能不说相当罕见,这也在中国建塔史上颇具特色、享有盛誉,它们不仅充分体现了劳动人民的聪明智慧,更为镇江这座古老而又年轻的城市增添了迷人的风采。一、金山慈寿塔二、北固山铁塔慈寿塔又名金山塔,塔高30米,屹立于被层层楼阁庙宇包裹的金山之巅,颇为秀丽挺拔,是镇江城的标志性建筑之一。该塔始建于齐梁时期,宋朝改为双塔,一塔名曰“荐慈”,一塔名曰“荐寿”,后不知何故双双倒坍。清光绪年间重建现塔,据说适逢慈禧六十寿辰,两江总督刘坤一为谄媚“老佛爷”,取名慈寿塔。塔为砖木结构,八面七级,内有旋式木梯,外有栏杆相倚,若游人登塔凭栏眺望,面面有景可赏,层层风光无限,江天市廛,尽收眼底。宋代政治家王安石的《金山》写道:数重楼枕层层石,四壁窗开面面风。忽见鸟飞平地上,始惊身在半空中。清代诗人马如龙也有诗云:纵观万里都无碍,渺视乾坤眼界遥... 相似文献
《Construction and Building Materials》2007,21(1):19-28
Glass-fiber reinforced concrete (GRC) is a material made of a cementitious matrix composed of cement, sand, water and admixtures, in which short length glass fibers are dispersed. It has been widely used in the construction industry for non-structural elements, like façade panels, piping and channels. In this paper, the results of a research project are presented where this material was applied to the fabrication of structural elements, namely 30 m high telecommunication towers. Here, the lightness and tensile strength advantages of the GRC were associated with carbon and stainless steel reinforcement, leading to an innovative material with high durability. 相似文献
冷却塔供冷技术的原理及分析 总被引:15,自引:3,他引:15
介绍了冷却塔供冷的原理、系统形式和国外实例,分析供冷温度和系统设备的选择、不地地理气候条件、建筑负荷特点等影响塔供冷经济性的因素,展望了这一技术在中国的应用前景。 相似文献
L. Kollr 《Engineering Structures》1985,7(4):263-267
This paper reports on reticulated steel cooling towers 120m high, designed in Hungary, and erected in the Soviet Union and in Iran. Structural details and construction methods are presented, and the special reasons for choosing a steel structure are elucidated. It is also shown how steel structure can be used to build cooling towers of even larger dimensions. 相似文献
预制构件建筑在荷兰的流行意味着这个国家使用了很多重型塔式起重机。Will North将荷兰市场与其周边国家的市场做了比较后.介绍了一座获奖建筑施工中预制构件的优点。 相似文献
Where direct use of water for thermal power plant cooling is possible without harm to benthic organisms, cooling towers are contra-indicated. Where stream flow is inadequate for direct cooling and cooling towers are necessary, they can effect a significant quality improvement in polluted water. Organisms which gain access to and colonize the tower ponds appear to be instrumental in reducing the rate of accumulation of humus sludge. 相似文献
As a result of a research and development programme into the civil engineering of cooling towers launched in 1978 by Electricité de France, very high cooling towers were built at Golfech and Chooz, in France, using column supports. This paper discusses the evolution of this new type of support from classical diagonal supports, presents some of the results of design calculations and survey measurements taken during construction of the shell and analyses the behaviour of the structure. 相似文献
介绍了参与北京草莓产业核心区加工及物流中心方案的设计创作过程,指出工业建筑与民用建筑在设计上存在差异,工业建筑在设计上满足自身的工艺需要是立足点,工业建筑的设计应努力做到内部空间、外部形式与工艺需要的完美结合。 相似文献
预应力轻骨料混凝土空心板结构试验研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
通过预应力轻骨料混凝土空心板结构试验 ,按照《轻骨料混凝土结构设计规程》JGJ1 2 - 99进行分析研究 ,提出有关预应力轻骨料混凝土空心板标准图的几点设计经验 ,以供推广应用新型建材参考 相似文献
认为在回收利用某些民用空调及工业制冷的排热时,使用封闭式冷却塔比传统的使用开敞式冷却塔加热交换器或空调器更经济,而且运行操作更简便易行。比较了几种形式冷却塔的特点并简述了其热交换原理、结构和应用条件。 相似文献