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The most complete proteome of human lenses has been compiled using 2-D LC-MS/MS analysis of foetal, aged normal and advanced nuclear cataract lenses. A total of 231 proteins were identified across all lens groups, including 112 proteins that have not been reported previously. Proteins were grouped according to their PANTHER molecular function classification in order to facilitate comparisons. Previously unreported N-terminal acetylation was detected in a number of proteins, with the majority being associated with the prior removal of a methionine residue. This pattern of proteolysis may indicate that methionine aminopeptidase activity is present in human lenses. Acetylation is likely to aid in the stability of proteins that are present in the lens for many decades. Protein sequences were also used to interrogate the three human lens cDNA libraries publicly available. Surprisingly, 84 proteins we identified were not present in the cDNA libraries.  相似文献   

We report the identification of 2294 peptides/proteins in whole saliva in the mass range between 700 and 16 000 Da by LC‐MS and MS/MS using a MALDI‐TOF/TOF mass spectrometer. Most of the identified peptides/proteins are originated from cellular debris or plasma components while only 26% (n = 607) correspond to salivary peptides/proteins species. In spite of the presence of the major salivary peptides in all samples from the six subjects analyzed, each individual presents a different pattern of fragments, many deriving from the same protein sequence. All our data, in particular the large number of fragments found, suggest high proteolytic activity insight the oral cavity. The analysis of samples by gelatin zymography showed that all saliva donors displayed multiple proteolytic bands, two identified as cathepsin D and G by MS. Analysis of the cleavage site distribution on the main peptide sequences based on contingency tables shows that the predominant cleavages occur between Gln‐Gly or Tyr‐Gly. These cleavages are largely associated with proline‐rich proteins peptides and with histatin 1 and P‐B peptide, respectively. However, depending on the peptide class, different cleavage hits were observed suggesting the presence of a set of proteases acting in different ways according to different peptide sequences. Comparing the number of cleavages involving all residues, it is possible to observe that 44% (±10%) of the observed cleavages in histatin, statherin and P‐B peptide in all individuals may be explained by cathepsin D, suggesting a major role for this enzyme in oral cavity proteolysis.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to characterize the proteome of normal and malignant colonic tissue. We previously studied the colon proteome using 2‐DE and MALDI‐MS and identified 734 proteins (Roeßler, M., Rollinger, W., Palme S., Hagmann, M.‐L., et al.., Clin. Cancer Res. 2005, 11, 6550–6557). Here we report the identification of additional colon proteins from the same set of tissue samples using a complementary nano‐flow 2‐D‐LC‐ESI‐MS. In total, 484 proteins were identified in colon. Of these, 252 had also been identified by the 2‐DE/MALDI‐MS approach, whereas 232 proteins were unique to the 2‐D‐LC‐ESI‐MS analysis. Comparing protein expression in neoplastic and normal colon tissue indicated elevated expression of several proteins in colorectal cancer, among them the well established tumor marker carcinoembryonic antigen, as well as calnexin, 40S ribosomal protein S15a, serpin H1, and S100A12. Overexpression of these proteins was confirmed by immunoblotting. Serum levels of S100A12 were determined by ELISA and were found to be strongly elevated in colorectal cancer patients compared to healthy individuals. We conclude, that 2‐D‐LC‐ESI‐MS is a powerful approach to identify and compare protein profiles of tissue samples, that it is complementary to 2‐DE/MALDI‐MS approaches and has the potential to identify novel biomarkers.  相似文献   

Urine is a human specimen that is easily obtained non-invasively for clinical diagnosis. We attempted to enhance the resolution of current human urine proteomes and construct a comprehensive reference database for advanced studies, such as the discovery of biomarkers for renal diseases. Multi-dimensional LC-MS/MS was coupled with de novo sequencing and database matching. The proposed approach improved the identification of not only the proteins, but also the post-translational sites of urinary proteins. We identified 165, 200 and 259 unique gene products in the urine proteomes from males, females and pregnant women, respectively. When all of the results were combined and the redundancies removed, a total of 1095 distinct peptides were identified. Of these, 1016 peptides were associated with 334 unique gene products. In this study, over 100 gene products, including some disease-related proteins, were detected in urine for the first time by proteomic approaches. Various proteins with novel post-translational hydroxylation were identified using the MASCOT program and de novo sequencing. All proteins with peptide information were summarized into a comprehensive urine protein database. We believe that this comprehensive urine proteome database will assist in the identification of urinary proteins/polypeptides whose spectra are difficult to interpret in the discovery of urinary biomarkers.  相似文献   

Membrane proteins play important roles in various plasma membrane (PM) activities such as signal transduction and cell recognition. However, a comprehensive proteomic study of membrane proteins remains difficult. Different strategies have been employed to study PM proteome, but little effort has been made to systematically evaluate them. In the present work, liver PM was prepared by subcellular fractionation and an aliquot was washed by sodium carbonate. After evaluation of the PM fraction by electron microscopy and Western blotting, proteins in both original and carbonate washed PM were identified by either 2-DE coupled MALDI-TOF-MS or shotgun strategies. Then protein characteristics such as molecular weight, pI, grand average hydrophobicity, subcellular location, and transmembrane domains were systematically compared. The comparative analysis showed that shotgun strategies were more suitable to identify membrane proteins, while 2-DE-based strategies may serve as a complement. Furthermore, carbonate washing obviously enriched the integral membrane proteins. All the results suggested that the strategy combining carbonate washing and shotgun identification was the optimum strategy to study human liver PM proteome. Using this strategy, 260 high-confidence proteins were identified, wherein 139 were integral membrane proteins which had 1-17 transmembrane domains.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine if differential solubilization of human CNS proteins would increase the total number of proteins that could be visualized using 2-D gel electrophoresis. Hence, proteins were solubilized into Tris, CHAPS and SB3-10 before separation across a pH 4-7 IEF gradient and a 12-14% SDS polyacrylamide gel, which could be achieved with a run-to-run variation of 35% in spot intensity. Because Western blot analyses suggested proteins could be in more than one detergent fraction, we completed a conservative analyses of our 2-D gels assuming spots that appeared on multiple gels at the same molecular weight and pI were the same protein. These analyses show that we had visualized over 3000 unique protein spots across three 2-D gels generated from each sample of human frontal cortex and caudate-putamen. This represented, at worst, a significant increase in the number of spots visualized in the acidic protein spectrum compared to what has been reported in other studies of human CNS. This study, therefore, supports the proposal that the analysis of the human CNS proteome using 2-D gel electrophoresis, combined with appropriate sample preparation, can be used to expand the studies on the pathologies of neurological and psychiatric diseases.  相似文献   

To comprehensively measure global changes in protein expression associated with human hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), comparative proteomic analysis of two cell lines derived from the healthy and carcinoma tissue of a same donor respectively was conducted using quantitative amino acid-coded mass tagging /stable isotope labeling with amino acids in cell culture-based LC-MS/MS approach. Among a total of 501 proteins precisely quantified, the expressions of 128 proteins were significantly altered including 70 proteins up-regulated and 58 down-regulated in HCC cells. According to their previously characterized functions, the differentially expressed proteins were found associated with nine functional categories including glycolysis, stress response, cell communication, cell cycle, apoptosis/death, etc. For example, multiple enzymes involving glycolysis pathway were found differentially regulated in HCC cells, illustrating the critical participation of glycolysis in the HCC transformation. The accuracy of certain differentially expressed proteins identified through the amino acid-coded mass tagging-based quantification was validated in the paired cell lines, and later their pathological correlations were examined in multiple clinical pairs of normal versus tumor tissues from HCC specimen by using a variety of biological approaches including Western blotting and in situ immunoassays. These consistencies suggested that multiple proteins such as HSP27, annexin V, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, nucleolin and elongation factor Tu could be the biomarkers candidates for diagnosis of HCC.  相似文献   

Proteomics has revealed itself as a powerful tool in the identification and determination of proteins and their biological significance. More recently, several groups have taken advantage of the high-throughput nature of proteomics in order to gain a more in-depth understanding of the human brain. In turn, this information has provided researchers with invaluable insight into the potential pathways and mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of several neurodegenerative disorders, e.g., Alzheimer and Parkinson disease. Furthermore, these findings likely will improve methods to diagnose disease and monitor disease progression as well as generate novel targets for therapeutic intervention. Despite these advances, comprehensive understanding of the human brain proteome remains challenging, and requires development of improved sample enrichment, better instrumentation, and innovative analytic techniques. In this review, we will focus on the most recent progress related to identification of proteins in the human brain under normal as well as pathological conditions, mainly Alzheimer and Parkinson disease, their potential application in biomarker discovery, and discuss current advances in protein identification aimed at providing a more comprehensive understanding of the brain.  相似文献   

Proteomics is increasingly being applied to the human plasma proteome to identify biomarkers of disease for use in non‐invasive assays. 2‐D DIGE, simultaneously analysing thousands of protein spots quantitatively and maintaining protein isoform information, is one technique adopted. Sufficient numbers of samples must be analysed to achieve statistical power; however, few reported studies have analysed inherent variability in the plasma proteome by 2‐D DIGE to allow power calculations. This study analysed plasma from 60 healthy volunteers by 2‐D DIGE. Two samples were taken, 7 days apart, allowing estimation of sensitivity of detection of differences in spot intensity between two groups using either a longitudinal (paired) or non‐paired design. Parameters for differences were: two‐fold normalised volume change, α of 0.05 and power of 0.8. Using groups of 20 samples, alterations in 1742 spots could be detected with longitudinal sampling, and in 1206 between non‐paired groups. Interbatch gel variability was small relative to the detection parameters, indicating robustness and reproducibility of 2‐D DIGE for analysing large sample sets. In summary, 20 samples can allow detection of a large number of proteomic alterations by 2‐D DIGE in human plasma, the sensitivity of detecting differences was greatly improved by longitudinal sampling and the technology was robust across batches.  相似文献   

An integrated MS-based proteomic approach is described that combines MALDI-MS and LC-MS with artificial neural networks for the identification of protein and peptide biomarkers associated with recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH) administration. Serum from exercised males administered with rhGH or placebo was analysed using ELISA to determine insulin-like growth factor-I concentrations. Diluted serum from rhGH- and placebo-treated subjects was analysed for protein biomarkers by MALDI-MS, whereas LC-MS was used to analyse tryptically digested ACN-depleted serum extracts for peptide biomarkers. Ion intensities and m/z values were used as inputs to artificial neural networks to classify samples into rhGH- and placebo-treated groups. Six protein ions (MALDI-MS) correctly classified 96% of samples into their respective groups, with a sensitivity of 91% (20 of 22 rhGH treated) and specificity of 100% (24 of 24 controls). Six peptide ions (LC-MS) were also identified and correctly classified 93% of samples with a sensitivity of 90% (19 of 21 rhGH treated) and a specificity of 95% (20 of 21 controls). The peptide biomarker ion with the highest significance was sequenced using LC-MS/MS and database searching and found to be associated with leucine-rich α-2-glycoprotein.  相似文献   

The clinical fertility tests, available in the market, fail to define the exact cause of male infertility in almost half of the cases and point toward a crucial need of developing better ways of infertility investigations. The protein biomarkers may help us toward better understanding of unknown cases of male infertility that, in turn, can guide us to find better therapeutic solutions. Many clinical attempts have been made to identify biomarkers of male infertility in sperm proteome but only few studies have targeted seminal plasma. Human seminal plasma is a rich source of proteins that are essentially required for development of sperm and successful fertilization. This viewpoint article highlights the importance of human seminal plasma proteome in reproductive physiology and suggests that differential proteomics integrated with functional analysis may help us in searching potential biomarkers of male infertility.  相似文献   

We have used a macroscopic discharge cell to study the space and time evolution of the plasma in geometry similar to real matrix and coplanar PDP cells with a scaling factor of around 100 (dimensions 100 times larger, pressure 100 times smaller, i.e., 1‐cm gap length, 5‐torr pressure). Discharges in pure neon and in a xenon‐neon mixture with 10% xenon have been investigated. The measurements have been compared with results from a two‐dimensional fluid model of the discharge.  相似文献   

Given that communication network bandwidth remains at a premium, the design of multiparty mediated systems is a problem of conveying the least redundant information first. We investigated the redundancy of gaze direction in relation to typical full-motion visual cues in performing a triadic abstract office communication task. The results of the experiment indicate that the use of still-video does not necessarily have a negative impact on task performance. Gaze directional cues may provide extra regulative information, but with regard to task performance in small, well-organized groups this information seems to be largely redundant.  相似文献   

The human epidermal growth factor receptor type 2 (HER‐2/neu) oncoprotein is overexpressed in about 30% of breast cancers and associates with metastatic phenotypes of breast tumours. Dissecting the HER‐2/neu‐modulated molecules in cancer will be helpful in elucidating the underlying molecular mechanisms of HER‐2/neu‐driven tumourigenesis. We investigated the differential proteome profiles between microdissected HER‐2/neu‐positive and ‐negative tumours and unambiguously identified 21 proteins with diverse biological functions by peptide sequencing and NCBInr database interrogation. Six proteins were up‐regulated whereas 15 were down‐regulated in the HER‐2/neu‐positive tumours. Differential expressions of heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein H1 (hnRNP H1), 78 kDa glucose‐regulated protein (GRP78/Bip) and Raf‐1 kinase inhibitor protein (RKIP), which have not been previously reported as being linked to HER‐2/neu signalling, were further verified. Immunohistochemical staining on tissue microarray sections demonstrated a positive correlation of hnRNP H1 (p = 0.008) and negative correlations of GRP78 and RKIP (p = 0.018 and 0.013, respectively) with HER‐2/neu. Heregulin α1 enhanced hnRNP H1, but reduced GRP78 and RKIP expression in BT474 cells in a dose‐dependent manner, providing evidence of crosstalk between HER‐2/neu signalling and these modulators. Our studies have identified novel modulators that are likely to be intricately involved in HER‐2/neu‐driven tumour proliferation, invasion and metastasis.  相似文献   

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