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Robin A. Felder Dr. Keith Rose Dr. Denis Hochstrasser 《Journal of The Association for Laboratory Automation》2001,6(4):62
Proteomics is an emerging scientific discipline focused on the study of the entire differential output of proteins by cells including protein expression, structure, diversity, function, and interaction with other proteins and biomolecules. One speaks of “the” human genome, but there are many proteomes, as the protein output depends on many factors such as tissue or biofluid, age, disease, nutritional status, and even time of day or night! Advances in studies of protein structure have already led to the rational design of novel pharmaceuticals thus paving the way for a revolutionary new way of designing successful new medications. Proteins have been studied for many years by biochemists. However, the principal difference in the old and new biochemistry of proteins is the high-throughput, parallel thinking that is now applied to the study of proteins. JALA has selected a leading proteomics company, GeneProt for an exposé on the exciting business opportunities in this rapidly emerging field. 相似文献
现代企业的核心竞争力往往是由企业所拥有的人力资源决定,而在软件开发这样的行业当中,人才的作用更是显得关键.人力资源管理是软件企业管理的核心工作.将人员合理的分配的各个开发团队中,在各个开发团队之间进行人员的协调是保证软件项目顺利完工的前提条件.如何充分发挥“人“的作用,对于项目的成败起着至关重要的作用. 相似文献
现代企业的核心竞争力往往是由企业所拥有的人力资源决定,而在软件开发这样的行业当中,人才的作用更是显得关键。人力资源管理是软件企业管理的核心工作,将人员合理的分配的各个开发团队中,在各个开发团队之间进行人员的协调是保证软件项目顺利完工的前提条件。如何充分发挥“人”的作用,对于项目的成败起着至关重要的作用。 相似文献
F R Rysavy M J Bishop G P Gibbs G W Williams 《Computer applications in the biosciences》1992,8(2):149-154
This paper presents an overview of computing and networking facilities developed by the Medical Research Council to provide online computing support to the Human Genome Mapping Project (HGMP) in the UK. The facility is connected to a number of other computing facilities in various centres of genetics and molecular biology research excellence, either directly via high-speed links or through national and international wide-area networks. The paper describes the design and implementation of the current system, a 'client/server' network of Sun, IBM, DEC and Apple servers, gateways and workstations. A short outline of online computing services currently delivered by this system to the UK human genetics research community is also provided. More information about the services and their availability could be obtained by a direct approach to the UK HGMP-RC. 相似文献
金琎 《自动化技术与应用》2021,40(11):168-172
为了解决公司多项目人力资源的调度与优化问题,本文提出一种将公司项目质量最优问题转换成公司全部项目配置人力资源技能水平最优问题的优化方法,在对多项目人力资源调度的问题进行描述的基础上,通过考虑员工技术水平与工时系数,建立公司全部项目的人力资源最优化模型,利用本文所提出的方式对建立的优化模型进行寻优,达到既定迭代次数后结束迭代,从而实现最优化人力资源配置,减少项目周期,提高公司竞争力,可以有效缓解因资源受限导致的人力资源冲突问题. 相似文献
De Franceschi L Bosello S Scambi C Biasi D De Santis M Caramaschi P Peluso G La Verde V Bambara LM Ferraccioli G 《Proteomics. Clinical applications》2011,5(1-2):78-89
Autoimmune-rheumatological diseases are worldwide distributed disorders and represent a complex array of illnesses characterized by autoreactivity (reactivity against self-antigens) of T-B lymphocytes and by the synthesis of autoantibodies crucial for diagnosis (biomarkers). Yet, the effects of the autoimmune chronic inflammation on the infiltrated tissues and organs generally lead to profound tissue and organ damage with loss of function (i.e., lung, kidney, joints, exocrine glands). Although progresses have been made on the knowledge of these disorders, much still remains to be investigated on their pathogenesis and identification of new biomarkers useful in clinical practice. The rationale of using proteomics in autoimmune-rheumatological diseases has been the unmet need to collect, from biological fluids that are easily obtainable, a summary of the final biochemical events that represent the effects of the interplay between immune cells, mesenchymal cells and endothelial cells. Proteomic analysis of these fluids shows encouraging results and in this review, we addressed four major autoimmune-rheumatological diseases investigated through proteomic techniques and provide evidence-based data on the highlights obtained in systemic sclerosis, primary and secondary Sjogren's syndrome, systemic lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid arthritis. 相似文献
数字人体-人体形态和机能计算机仿真百年计划 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
数字人是在信息时代兴起的跨学科新兴科技领域。是利用计算机技术对人体的形态和机能的仿真。数字人研究分为三个级别:微观(分子、基因、细胞)、中观(组织、器官)、宏观(全身)。数字人研究始于美国国立医学图书馆支持的可视人项目(1991年立项)。2001年美国科学家联盟提出数字人计划,得到国立卫生院承认,美国众议院要求各个政府部门使用数字人概念。我国数字人研究从2001年开始得到863立项,已经取得2个全身断面数字化实验数据集。2002年人类基因组计划提出者DeLiee教授提出为期100年的虚拟人计划建议。基因组研究和数字人研究找到结合点。未来将成为数字人研究的底层。该文回顾了数字人最新研究进展和成果。 相似文献
Robb Ware 《Information Systems Management》1991,8(1):79-83
For an easy solution to the complex problem of IS projects that are delivered late and over budget, IS managers sometimes purchase project management software. Although such software can provide some benefits, it is not a cure-all for the ills of poorly developed and badly managed projects. 相似文献