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《Microwave Theory and Techniques》1977,25(12):981-984
A design method of GaAs MESFET oscillator using large-signal S-parameters has been discussed. Together with the measurement results of the dependence of Iarge-signall S-parameters on power levels and bias conditions, computer analysis of the equivalent circuit for MESFET'S has qualitatively clarified the large signal properties of MESFET'S. On the basis of these findings, S-parameters have been designed for the MESFET oscillator over the frequency range of 6-10 GHz, which has resulted in power output of 45 mW at 10 GHz with 19-percent efficiency, and 350 mW at 6.5 GHz with 26-percent efficiency, respectively. Good agreements between predicted and obtained performances of MIC positive feedback oscillator have been ascertained, verifying the validity of the design method using large-signal S-parameters. 相似文献
《Microwave Theory and Techniques》1978,26(6):417-420
In this paper, large-signal S-parameters are reviewed, and transistors of Class-C are employed. Problems are encountered in obtaining large-signal parameters S/sub 12/ and S/sub 21/. A novel method is concisely developed based on theory presented herein. The acquired S-parameters are applied to amplifier design accordingly. The predicted and measured output power are compared, and suitable conclusions are duly recorded. 相似文献
《Microwave Theory and Techniques》1985,33(2):129-135
A simple and efficient method of GaAs FET amplifier analysis is presented. The FET is represented by its circuit-type nonlinear dynamic model taking into account the device's main nonlinear effects including gate-drain voltage breakdown. An identification procedure for extraction of the model parameters is described in detail and examples are given. The calculation of the amplifier response to a single-input harmonic signal is performed using the piecewise harmonic balance technique. As this technique is rather time-consuming in its original form, the optimization routine used to solve the network equations was replaced by the Newton-Raphson algorithm. Characteristics calculated with the use of the proposed method are compared with experimental data taken for a microwave amplifier using a 2SK273 GaAs FET unit. Good agreement at 9.5 GHz over wide ranges of bias voltage and input power levels are observed. 相似文献
多倍频程功率放大器具有显著的优点,同轴电缆阻抗变换器能实现射频功率放大器有效的宽带匹配。在给出同轴电缆阻抗变换器方案设计的基础上,详细介绍了其基本原理以及1∶1和1∶4同轴变换器的具体结构及等效电路。针对工程需要,以同轴电缆阻抗变换器为宽带匹配网络的核心,设计了一款超宽带匹配功率放大器,经软件仿真优化及测试验证,阻抗匹配准确,测试结果达到了技术指标要求。 相似文献
在未来通信系统发展中,多波段多模式的射频功率放大器具有很大的应用前景。在众多解决方案中,利用可重构器件实现的可重构多波段射频功率放大器最具优势。利用PIN二极管的单向导电性,提出了基于PIN二极管开关的可重构多波段功放的设计思路。介绍了可重构器件的仿真设计,并进行了实际测试。在1 750 MHz、2 100 MHz和2 600 MHz频点设计了可重构多波段功放电路,并做了仿真测试。为验证仿真设计的准确性,完成了实际电路板制作和功放的调试工作。实验测试结果表明,提出的设计方法可行并达到了设计指标,对今后的研究工作具有重要的指导意义。 相似文献
提出了一种新型的双频阻抗变换器结构,该阻抗变换器采用T 型与装型结构相结合的方式,经理论推导和仿真优化,设计的双频阻抗变换器可实现任意两个频率上的任意两个不同复数阻抗到实数阻抗的变换。采用双频偏置电路,实现了在两个工作频率下的扼流,最终设计了一款可同时应用于TD-LTE 和GSM 网络的双波段射频功率放大器。相比于其它的多模多频带功率放大器,该双频阻抗变换器理论推导过程简单,容易实现,并可实现68%以上的功率附加效率,同时具有高输出增益和高平坦度的特点,整体电路结构简单。 相似文献
通过分析并发双波段阻抗变换网络,设计了双波段延时线以及双波段四分之一波长阻抗变换网络。在传统Doherty功率放大器基础上,运用双波段阻抗变换网络,设计了一款并发双波段Doherty。为了验证该并发结构的可行性,采用CREE公司的GaN功放管,设计了一款工作在2.1GHz以及2.5GHz频带的Doherty功率放大器,并实现了双频带内输出功率回退6dB时漏极效率大于33%,输出功率大于41.5dBm,且合路增益10dB左右。测试结果表明,并发双波段Doherty功放将更适合现代通信对多模多波段的要求。 相似文献
This paper provides novel analytic expressions and methodology for predicting the large-signal gain of RF power MOSFETs. The expressions are derived from a model that includes input and output matching impedances, source inductance, and gate resistance. Using the load line concept superimposed on a nonlinear current generator, this paper demonstrates reasonably accurate predictions of gain and gain compression point 相似文献
为满足人们高速通信的需求,多载波、宽带已经成为新的发展方向,这对功率器件和放大器需要提出新的要求。文中基于改进后CMOS工艺模块,针对GSM基站频段,通过对RF LDMOS版图的优化,制备了实际的RF LDMOS芯片,使用负载牵引系统测出器件在940MHz时P3dB压缩点输出功率52.6dBm,效率72%。并使用负载牵引系统测量出的数据制作了一款工作于920~960MHz的高效率功率放大器,通过对匹配电路地优化,P1dB压缩点达到52.7dBm,P1dB压缩点效率为65%,在功率回退8dB时效率为32.8%,线性增益18dB。 相似文献
一种新的大信号射频功率器件建模方法 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
对小信号网络分析而言,单一的S参数已足够描述器件的特性.但对大信号网络分析而言,则需要更多的数学工具来描述器件的特性.本文采用了一个新的适用于描述大信号非线性特性的描述函数——非线性散射函数.利用非线性散射函数可以完成对大信号射频功率器件的精确建模. 相似文献
采用六级VMMK-2503高线性度增益方块级联,插入增益均衡与带通滤波模块,设计了一款小型化线性射频放大器,在5.8~8 GHz频带内,其小信号增益达70 dB,增益平坦度小于±1 dB,输入输出驻波比等技术指标优良。由于VMMK-2503采用晶片级封装技术与内匹配设计,电路设计简单,缩短了研发周期,降低了设计成本,提高了技术指标,有利于射频电路的小型化与集成化,放大器电路尺寸仅为92 mm×9 mm×1.2 mm。并对其进行了模块电磁兼容设计,以提高组件稳定性,最终满足用户要求,已成功用于某型号瞬时测频接收机中。 相似文献
提出了一种新型的低噪声放大器,在输入管的栅极加入一个电容,使放大器的噪声性能与增益都得到明显的改善。该电路基于Chartered 0.18μm CMOS工艺设计,工作频率为2.4GHz。仿真表明,在电流消耗为300μA的条件下,提出的低噪声放大器具有更好的噪声系数与增益,分别比传统的电感源极衰减低噪声放大器改善1.9 dB与5.3 dB。 相似文献