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为进一步揭示葡萄枝条不同节位冬芽花芽分化和激素含量的变化规律,以9年生‘阳光玫瑰’葡萄为试材,在不同时期对1~7节位冬芽进行采样,通过徒手切片观察冬芽内部发育情况,计算出不同节位的花芽率;利用酶联免疫法对4种植物激素:吲哚乙酸(IAA)、脱落酸(ABA)、细胞分裂素(CTK)、赤霉素(GA3)含量进行测定,并计算ABA/GA3、CTK/GA3和(IAA+GA3+CTK)/ABA的比值。结果表明,在生理分化后期,第1节位花芽率为80%,第2~6节位冬芽花芽率均能达到100%;在整个生理分化时期,第1~3节位冬芽IAA、ABA、CTK含量整体较高,且第2、3节位GA3含量较低;在分化前期,第2、3节位冬芽的CTK/GA3、ABA/GA3比值整体较高,且第1~3节位(IAA+GA3+CTK)/ABA比值较低,说明第2、3节位冬芽的分化质量好且花芽率高。综上,在天津双街地区‘阳光玫瑰’葡萄冬剪建议保留3个冬芽,这也为‘阳光玫瑰’葡萄激素调控冬...  相似文献   

藤稔和巨峰葡萄叶片光合能力与果实发育关系的初报陈志辉,陈履荣,温陟良(浙江农业大学园艺系杭州310029)藤稔葡萄以其特大的果粒,优美的品质而闻名。藤稔葡萄虽属巨峰系,但与巨峰葡萄有着不同的特性。由于其栽培历史短,多数地区对藤稔葡萄的丰产、大粒、优质...  相似文献   

树相和栽培日本的火山灰地带的土壤耕作层深,所种植的巨峰和先峰等四倍体品种生长极其旺盛,主蔓年平均生长量约三米,易落花落果并发生无籽果,产量非常不稳定。在10公亩(约1.5亩)土地上仅可值十年生左右葡萄2株或1株,就可布满棚架。种植如此生长迅速的品种,如用 X 型整枝,成令树主蔓的先端交差伸长很不舒展,并造成整形修剪等栽培管理上许多不便。因此,密植是个大问题。藤稔与巨峰先峰等品种不同,它不会徒长,枝梢成熟度好,因此该品种栽培要求与  相似文献   

藤稔葡萄不同砧木嫁接育苗试验初报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
试验观察了12个砧木品种的藤稔嫁接苗,认为圣乔治和红瑞宝适宜作藤稔葡萄品种的砧木;采用硬枝接硬枝的方法是快速繁育藤稔类难生品种优质壮苗的有效途径。  相似文献   

藤稔葡萄果实大小表现的调查报告   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
藤稔葡萄果实大小表现的调查报告杨治元(浙江海盐县农科所,314300)藤稔葡萄品种于1986年由日本引进我国后,由于它的种种优良性状,特别是巨大的果粒特性,受到了我国葡萄种植者和消费者的极大喜爱。目前,从全国各地的栽培试验报导中,均认为其栽培上和商品...  相似文献   

藤稔葡萄产量,品质的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
藤稔葡萄产量、品质的影响徐永江,徐思新(浙江省慈溪市农林局315300)1材料和方法1.1供试材料。1993年高枝嫁接的藤枪葡萄。1.2试验地情况。试验在本市横河镇建山村胡煜明承包的葡萄园进行。葡萄园行株距为2×1m。1994年初结果,篱架,设施栽培...  相似文献   

碱性土壤藤稔葡萄嫁接在不同砧木上的表现   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在碱性土壤上,把藤稔嫁接在少毛变叶葡萄LDP-191、Ln33和巨峰砧木上,以藤稔自根苗为对照,研究了伤流产生和持续的时间、伤流总量和伤流成分,并在黄化发生期间调查黄化程度和测定叶绿素含量。成熟后对藤稔嫁接在3个砧木上的生产表现进行了对比。结果表明,藤稔嫁接在少毛变叶葡萄LDP-191、Ln33上经济性状和生理活性均优于自根藤稔和巨峰砧木;自根藤稔又优于巨峰砧木,表明在碱性土壤上,以少毛变叶葡萄LDP-191、Ln33做藤稔砧木要比以巨峰做藤稔砧木更为适宜。  相似文献   

夏黑葡萄不同节段硬枝扦插成苗的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
扦插繁殖是葡萄最主要的育苗方式,用枝条直插建园是近年来葡萄大面积栽培的主要方式之一。本试验以夏黑葡萄为试材,研究不同节位的插条以及采集时期对葡萄扦插育苗效果的影响。结果表明,两者均对扦插的成活与生长有一定的影响,中部节位插条成活后生长速度比上、下部节位快,而冬季插条采集时期越晚,扦插苗生长越好。本研究为葡萄苗木繁育中硬枝插条的选用提供了一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

笔者在藤稔葡萄实验园,自1994年以来采取因雨制宜,对症用药与杀灭病原菌、果穗套袋相结合的防病措施,连续7年控制住各种病害,黑痘病基本没有发生,灰霉病、炭疽病、白腐病、霜霉病没有造成损失,连年实现丰产、优质,获得较好经济效益。每666.7m2商品果产量稳定在1512~1733kg,果粒平均重15g左右,产值随市场价格下降而减少,但仍能有较高的收益。1994年每千克售价9.13元,产值15185元,1996年售价6.52元,产值10260元,1999年为最低,售价3.82元,产值6623元,2000年售价4.60元,产值8090元。7年平均产值10331元。1 葡萄各物候期雨量…  相似文献   

自动质谱图解卷积和鉴定系统(AMDIS)是美国标准化委员会推出的一款辅助气质数据定性分析的软件,利用该软件可有效的克服GC-MS定性分析中基质效应和共洗脱效应的干扰,增加解谱的准确性和可靠性.本研究将GC-MS检测技术和AMDIS辅助解谱相结合,从雷司令葡萄果实中鉴定出15种降异戊二烯类物质,他们多数以游离态形式存在,在果实发育早期或转色前期含量最高;此外还检测到4种结合态该类化合物.在成熟果实中,β-大马士酮和β -紫罗兰酮含量远高于其感觉阈值,呈现煤油味的TDN也略高于其阈值.该研究为AMDIS技术在果实香气成分分析中的推广应用提供了参考.  相似文献   

Polyphenols extracted from the seeds of Vitis vinifera L. cv. Shiraz berries were monitored during berry development. Initially seeds were green, plump and had pliable seed coats, but beginning at veraison the seeds browned in colour, became desiccated and the seed coats hardened. Isolated polyphenols consisted of flavan-3-of monomers ((+)-catechin, (-)-epicatechin and (-)-epicatechin-3-O-gallate) and procyanidins. The procyanidins were maximal in the 3 weeks prior to veraison, increasing little during this period. The amounts of flavan-3-ol monomers increased 5-fold during this same period of time, indicating that the procyanidins and the flavan-3-ol monomers accumulate at different stages. Beginning at veraison, amounts of all polyphenols declined and changed in composition. The decrease in amount followed second-order kinetics. Polyphenol changes after veraison could be explained by oxidation and therefore, electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy was used to follow the potential development of radical species in the developing seeds. Spectra consistent with a phenoxyl radical were observed in the developing seeds. The concentration of radicals remained low until veraison but then increased, reaching a maximum three weeks later, declining slowly thereafter. Changes in radical intensity together with other documented changes in the seed are consistent with an oxidative event occurring during fruit ripening.  相似文献   

In grapevines, stomatal aperture decreases after a mid-morning peak during summer days. Afternoon stomatal closure increases in non-irrigated plants as water limitation progresses, which suggests the involvement of abscisic acid (ABA) in the control of stomatal aperture. The objective of this work was to study the seasonal and diurnal time-courses of CO2 assimilation rate, leaf conductance, leaf water potential +, and ABA concentration in xylem sap, leaves, flowers and berries in non-irrigated field-grown Tempranillo grapevines throughout reproductive development. Leaf decreased throughout fruit development because water availability decreased towards the end of the reproductive cycle. CO2 assimilation rate, leaf conductance and xylem ABA concentration also decreased during the course of the growing season. Combining all measurements xylem ABA was either not correlated, or only slightly correlated, with leaf water status + and daily leaf conductance, respectively. This lack of relationship indicates that xylem ABA during fruit ripening had functions other than provision of a non-hydraulic signal. On a seasonal basis, xylem ABA concentration measured in non-irrigated grapevines was well related to berry ABA concentration, especially at the end of fruit development (veraison and harvest).  相似文献   

Effects of nitrogen (N) supply on biomass distribution as well as N effects on NO3"assimilation, were examined in two-year-old graftlings of Vitis vinifera L. cv. Cabernet Sauvignon on five rootstocks. Whole-plant biomass in all graftlings more than doubled with increased N supply in solution from 0.25 to 8 mM. Whole plant biomass was also affected by rootstock genotype, but to a lesser extent than by N supply. Biomass allocation to roots declined with increased N supply for all stock-scion combinations, but the magnitude of that response varied with rootstock genotype. Nitrate reductase activity (NRA) in leaves increased with increased N supply for all stock-scion combinations, whereas root NRA increased only up to 1 mM N supply, dropping markedly with additional N. NRA in leaves was one to two orders of magnitude higher than NRA in roots - a difference that increased steadily with increased N supply. By implication, grapevine leaves have a much higher capacity for NO3-- reduction than do grapevine roots, and any contribution by roots to whole-vine NO3-- assimilation declines even further as NO3-- availability increases.  相似文献   

研究了浸渍酶Lallzyme Ex-V对蛇龙珠葡萄酒酿造过程中(从酒精发酵到橡木桶贮藏12个月)类黄酮动态变化的影响。结果显示,经浸渍酶处理加快了儿茶素、表儿茶素、杨梅素、山奈酚和槲皮素等5种类黄酮化合物在葡萄酒酒精发酵期间的浸提速度,但不影响杨梅素和槲皮素在后续酿造过程中的含量,杨梅素在葡萄酒酒精发酵结束后含量逐步下降,槲皮素在橡木桶陈酿期间含量逐渐增加;酶处理对儿茶素和表儿茶素的影响一直持续到苹-乳发酵的第2周,酶处理酒中儿茶素和表儿茶素的含量高于对照;浸渍酶对山奈酚含量的影响一直持续到橡木桶陈酿3个月,处理酒中的含量高于对照。  相似文献   

Background and Aims: Leaf stomatal density, i.e. number of stomata per unit area of leaf, is a primary determinant of the carbon and water relations of plants. However, little is known about the plasticity of grapevine stomatal density during leaf formation in response to environmental factors. In this study, we determined responses in stomatal density to soil temperature and atmospheric carbon dioxide during leaf development following dormancy to gain further understanding of grapevine carbon and water relations, and adaptation to climate change. Methods and Results: Using potted plants of Vitis vinifera (L.) cv. Chardonnay, we found that a period of soil warming from budbreak reduced stomatal density of concurrently formed leaves, whereas CO2 depletion increased it. Furthermore, stomatal density of concurrently formed leaves was closely and inversely correlated with starch concentration in roots and trunks. Conclusion: We conclude that the stomatal density of grapevine leaves varies greatly in response to soil temperature and atmospheric CO2 concentration. Significance of the Study: This is the first study to show that soil temperature influences stomatal density of plants. It also confirms that stomatal density of grapevines, like many other plants, responds inversely to atmospheric CO2 concentration. Our findings demonstrate that stomatal density must be accounted for in any attempt to predict grapevine adaptation to climate change, and attendant impacts on CO2 assimilation and water use efficiency in viticulture. More fundamentally, they indicate that the carbohydrate reserve status of perennial, deciduous plant species may be an important endogenous determinant of stomatal density.  相似文献   

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