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This paper presents experiences and lessons learned during the introduction of Building Information Models (BIM) in construction engineering project management courses. We illustratively show that the introduction of BIM-based project management tools helped the teachers of two courses to develop more realistic project-based class assignments that supported students with learning how to apply different formal project management methods to real-world project management problems. In particular, we show that the introduction of BIM allows educators to design a class project that allowed the use of more realistic cases that better simulate real-world project conditions, helped students to learn how different project management methods integrate with each other, integrate change management tasks in a class assignment, and learn how to optimize project plans.  相似文献   

陈开辉 《福建建筑》2014,(12):61-63
总承包项目管理是项目开工至竣工交付使用及保修的全过程服务。其管理是系统工程,项目实施涉及面广、相关方多、费用大。通过已实施项目所涉及问题,论述总承包商如何把控项目合同和项目实施的关键要素,促进项目在公平、公正、风险合理分配下开展。  相似文献   

我国建筑行业的状况分析 建筑业是国民经济重要的生产部门,与宏观经济形势关联十分密切。中国改革开放20多年来,建筑业作为国民经济赖以发展的基础性先导产业,一直处于支柱地位。从经济发展的大环境看,据国家统计局资料,改革开放以来,国内生产总值从1978年的3624亿元增加到2002年的102398亿元,按可比价格计算,  相似文献   

曲鲁丰 《山西建筑》2014,(9):249-250
紧紧围绕市政工程项目中成本管理的相关内容,介绍了当前市政工程项目成本管理的现状,然后分析了影响市政工程项目成本管理的一些主要因素,根据实际情况提出了一些合理化的建议。  相似文献   

位于人民大会堂西侧的中国国家大剧院,投资达30亿元人民币,建设历时5年多,被誉为当代中国文化象征,日前已向公众亮相。而它像“巨蛋”的外形,倍加引起人们的关注。该大剧院的设计者是法国人安德鲁。剧院在设计中采用了先进的消防设施。  相似文献   

The appraisal of environmentally sensitive projects should address several issues: the political dimension of natural-resource projects, the measurement of environmental impacts, and the use of cost-benefit and multi-criteria appraisal techniques. This article describes two applications of sustainability-oriented project appraisal: the appraisal of the Forestry and Environmental Protection Project in Colombia and a scenario analysis for Lake Burullus in Egypt.This study was sponsored by the Economic Research Foundation (Ecozoek), which is part of the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO).  相似文献   

从一起百货仓库火灾事例入手,详细介绍了此类火灾事故的现场勘察和认定方法,总结了此次火灾事故的教训,提醒业主要切实加强仓库消防安全管理,落实消防安全责任制,切实提高群众消防安全意识,杜绝此类火灾事故的发生。  相似文献   

《Journal of Urbanism》2013,6(2):133-147
Given that few studies have investigated the effects of implementing city logistics measures, this paper focuses on actions implemented in the inner area of Rome in the last 10 years in order to improve both livability and freight distribution, providing insights into the effectiveness of such measures. The analysis covers the famous inner area of the city where the main tourist monuments are located and includes several pedestrianized shopping streets. Evaluation is based on data collected in 1999 and 2008 consisting of traffic counts and interviews with retailers and truck drivers. The implemented measures provided effective in abating through-traffic, in reducing the share of transport on own-account and in increasing the use of less polluting vehicles. Further, the increase in the number of stops per tour, in the average quantity delivered and hence in the average loading factor was revealed. Although all these changes improved the freight transport within the city, some critical issues remain and further measures have to be implemented.  相似文献   

加入WTO后,我国建设市场全面对外开放并与国际市场接轨,同时国内建筑施工企业加速“走出去”的步伐,开拓国际工程总承包市场,而我国目前工程建设的管理水平和管理模式还与国际先进水平相差较大,对国际惯例的适应性和符合性还有待加强,这就需要学习先进的管理经验,提高自己的管理水平。现结合我国公司在泰国的项目案例,总结国际工程项目管理的经验教训,希望能为我国建筑施工企业发展境外业务提供借鉴。  相似文献   

李品 《山西建筑》2014,(16):273-274
结合坪山新区基本农田改造工程实例,对政府投资应急工程管理模式进行了归纳总结,分析了该管理模式的优缺点,并提出了有针对性的完善措施,为今后类似工程的建设管理提供了参考借鉴。  相似文献   

总结了国内石膏板生产线的设计现状、要求、发展,提出了生产线系统节能;重视配料设计;提高控制水平;注重工程细节改进;引进、消化国外先进技术等方面是当务之急。  相似文献   

As a part of the international DECOVALEX III project, and the European BENCHPAR project, the impact of thermal–hydrological–mechanical (THM) couplings on the performance of a bentonite-back-filled nuclear waste repository in near-field crystalline rocks is evaluated in a Bench-Mark Test problem (BMT1) and the results are presented in a series of three companion papers in this issue. This is the third paper with focuses on the effects of THM processes at a repository located in a sparsely fractured rock. Several independent coupled THM analyses presented in this paper show that THM couplings have the most significant impact on the mechanical stress evolution, which is important for repository design, construction and post-closure monitoring considerations. The results show that the stress evolution in the bentonite-back-filled excavations and the surrounding rock depends on the post-closure evolution of both fields of temperature and fluid pressure. It is further shown that the time required to full resaturation may play an important role for the mechanical integrity of the repository drifts. In this sense, the presence of hydraulically conducting fractures in the near-field rock might actually improve the mechanical performance of the repository. Hydraulically conducting fractures in the near-field rocks enhances the water supply to the buffers/back-fills, which promotes a more timely process of resaturation and development of swelling pressures in the back-fill, thus provides timely confining stress and support to the rock walls. In one particular case simulated in this study, it was shown that failure in the drift walls could be prevented if the compressive stresses in back-fill were fully developed within 50 yr, which is when thermally induced rock strain begins to create high differential (failure-prone) stresses in the near-field rocks.  相似文献   

谷河宽 《山西建筑》2003,29(4):216-217
结合新广武至原平段高速公路高边坡整治 ,进一步阐述了高边坡整治工程施工中的锚索、锚杆整治方案和施工方案。对锚杆、边坡整治加固后没发生一处楔形破坏 ,边坡开口后部裂缝填充后 ,没有再开裂现象。  相似文献   

Beginning in 1986, the International Tunnelling Association's Working Group on the Catalogue of Tunnels has produced three volumes summarizing data on tunnel projects throughout the world. The animateur (chairman) of the Working Group describes the tunnel project summaries, their uses to date, and future plans.  相似文献   

TBM tunneling is an ever-increasing challenge for underground construction, and with each new tunnel bored there are unknown elements when boring through the earth. The most extensive Geotechnical Baseline Reports can miss fault lines, water inflows, squeezing ground, rock bursting, and other types of extreme conditions. This paper will draw on the considerable experience within Robbins to analyze successful methods of dealing with the most challenging conditions encountered, with a particular focus on fractured and faulted ground, mixed face tunneling, and tunneling in karst or water-bearing conditions. It will discuss new methods, including Dual Mode or “Crossover” type machines, which can increase the efficiency of excavation in such conditions.  相似文献   

Laboratory pull-out tests were conducted on the following rock bolts and cable bolts:steel rebars,smooth steel bars,fiberglass reinforced polymer threaded bolts,flexible cable bolts,IR5/IN special cable bolts and Mini-cage cable bolts.The diameter of the tested bolts was between 16 mm and 26 mm.The bolts were grouted in a sandstone sample using resin or cement grouts.The tests were conducted under either constant radial stiffness or constant confining pressure boundary conditions applied on the outer surface of the rock sample.In most tests,the rate of displacement was about 0.02 mm/s.The tests were performed using a pull-out bench that allows testing a wide range of parameters.This paper provides an extensive database of laboratory pull-out test results and confirms the influence of the confining pressure and the embedment length on the pull-out response(rock bolts and cable bolts).It also highlights the sensitivity of the results to the operating conditions and to the behavior of the sample as a whole,which cannot be neglected when the test results are used to assess the bolt-grout or the grouterock interface.  相似文献   

The question of how to sustainably manage hillside landscapes as national forests is a global concern, yet strategies for effective policy action remain to be discussed, especially in China where reforestation and nationalisation of barren mountains have ended up causing even more problems. While the existing studies of Chinese national forests mainly focus on general overviews of national policies that omit nuanced and empirically rich information, this paper presents instead a deep case study of the Beijing Western Hills in which occurred the first synthesis of hillside forest management instruments that now form Chinese public policy. The findings suggest that state intervention is indispensable to hillside forest management, but it may become financially unsustainable without private sector involvement. A transition to collaborative governance is necessary to broaden and diversify the range of revenues for and from hillside forests, and it should happen step-by-step so that those newly included in decision-making can get better prepared.  相似文献   

在分析两起典型空难事故的基础上,对空难的灭火救援方法进行了探讨。  相似文献   

严谦 《山西建筑》2011,37(18):115-116
通过对梅观高速扩建工程路线设计的研究,以期能够对现状道路最大限度的利用,并尽可能精确地指引路基路面桥梁施工,在此基础上进一步提高道路安全性能,降低工程投资.  相似文献   

魏庆刚 《山西建筑》2010,36(8):222-223
结合具体工程实例,比较了中日阿尔及利亚高速公路项目管理的差异,以逐步了解日本企业海外项目的管理模式,发现中国公司在海外项目总承包方面的差距,借鉴国外先进经验,以创造更多的利润。  相似文献   

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