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根据动态核极化核磁共振成像技术对回旋振荡管的要求,设计了130 GHz 回旋振荡管的注波互作用电路,基于线性理论对互作用电路进行了研究并选择了合适的工作点,分析了电路的频率调节特性。利用相对论电子回旋脉塞非线性理论对互作用系统进行了模拟和计算,优化了工作参数,计算了磁场及电子注参数对输出功率及效率的影响。最后,用粒子模拟方法进行了模拟并与非线性理论结果进行了比较,两者符合得很好。模拟结果显示,当电压为10 kV、电流为0.3 A、磁场强度由2.34 T 增加到2.41 T 时,输出功率由1310 W 减小到230 W,对应的效率分别为43.6%和7.7%,振荡管的频率可调范围约为2.7 GHz。  相似文献   

宽频太赫兹(THz)技术在国防、科研等领域有着广阔的应用前景,光电导天线是产生宽频THz波的重要手段.分析了低温生长和高温退火对光电导天线材料载流子寿命和电阻率的影响.在生长温度为230℃和250℃,退火温度为475℃的低温生长砷化镓(LTG-GaAs)上制备了领结(BowTie)和偶极子(Dipole)两种电极结构的小孔径光电导天线.实验给出,在250℃生长的LTG-GaAs上制备的光电导天线产生的太赫兹波辐射强度和频谱宽度较好,谱宽达到了3.6 THz,BowTie天线的辐射强度优于Dipole天线.两种形状的光电导天线皆可在10 V的偏置电压下产生太赫兹波辐射.  相似文献   

Continuous-wave (CW) single-frequency terahertz (THz) waves were generated using difference-frequency generation via excitation of phonon–polaritons in GaP. The two pump sources were an external cavity laser diode (LD) and an LD-pumped Nd : YAG laser. The power density of the latter beam was enhanced by using a ytterbium-doped fiber amplifier. The two incident beams were focused to near the wavelength of THz waves. This optical alignment enabled us to generate frequency-tunable CW THz waves in the 0.69–2.74 THz range. With a fixed angle between the pump beams, we obtained a frequency bandwidth as large as 600 GHz.  相似文献   

基于光学方法的太赫兹辐射源   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
孙博  姚建铨 《中国激光》2006,33(10):349-1359
太赫兹波技术在物理、化学、生命科学等基础研究学科,以及医学成像、安全检查、产品检测、空间通信、武器制导等应用学科都具有重要的研究价值和应用前景,而太赫兹辐射源正是太赫兹技术发展的关键部分。概述了基于光学方法产生太赫兹辐射的几种常用方法,着重叙述了利用非线性光学差频技术和基于横向晶格振动光学模受激电磁耦子散射过程的太赫兹参量振荡技术工作原理,以及目前的研究状况,并对这两种方法产生太赫兹波辐射源未来的发展方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

基于非线性光学技术的THz源具有其独特的性能和优点,将基于非线性光学差频原理和光学参量效应,从理论上研究并分析THz波与抽运光、闲频光及相位匹配角之间的关系,得到THz波输出的条件和范围,并设计出宽波段连续可调的THz源。以调QNd∶YAG激光器和光学参量振荡器(OPO)作为抽运源,以GaSe和MgO∶LiNbO3晶体作为差频非线性晶体,根据相位匹配理论及光学参量效应,搭建两套THz波产生系统。其中,基于光学参量效应的THz辐射源有效地产生出THz信号。  相似文献   

We have constructed THz spectrometers using the widely frequency-tunable THz-wave generated from GaP crystal pumped at 1.2 µm region using two Cr:forsterite lasers and compared with that pumped at 1 µm region using a YAG laser and an optical parametric oscillator (OPO). The systems have sufficient resolution for observation of solids and liquids at room temperature. We have measured Terahertz absorption spectra of all 20 kinds of amino acids which form proteins.  相似文献   

A new scheme of optical rectification of femtosecond laser pulses in a periodically poled lithium niobate crystal, which generates high energy and linewidth tunable multicycle terahertz (THz) pulses, is analyzed. The developed simple theoretical model allows investigating the generated THz spectrum and its dependence on spot size of the pump beam. It is shown that the transformation of THz radiation from narrowband to broadband is possible by simply reducing the pump beam size. The temporal waveform and energy of the multicycle THz pulses were calculated as well. It is shown that THz energy is inversely proportional to the pump beam size r y , whereas energy spectral density is independent of r y . The efficiency of optical-to-THz energy conversion for pump pulse energy of 1?mJ is estimated to be 0.8?×?10?4. The possibility of tuning the generation frequency by changing the direction of the pump beam propagation is analyzed.  相似文献   

Spectroscopic analysis using the Terahertz frequencies between 0.1-15 THz (3–500?cm?1) has been underutilised by the biochemistry community but is starting to yield some scientifically interesting information. Analysis of structures from simple molecules like N-methylacetamide, to polyamides, peptides and relatively complex proteins provides different types of information dependant on the molecular size. The absorbance spectrum of small molecules is dominated by individual modes and specific hydrogen bonds, peptide spectra have peaks associated with secondary structure, while protein spectra are dominated by ensembles of hydrogen bonds and/or collective modes. Protein dynamics has been studied using Terahertz spectroscopy using proteins like bacteriorhodopsin, illustrating a potential application where this approach can provide complementary global dynamics information to the current nuclear magnetic resonance and fluorescence-based techniques. Analysis of higher-order protein structures like polyomavirus virus-like particles generate quite different spectra compared to their constituent parts. The presence of an extended hydration layer around proteins, first postulated to explain data generated using p-germanium spectroscopy may present a particularly interesting opportunity to better understand protein’s complex interaction with water and small solutes in an aqueous environment. The practical aspects of Terahertz spectroscopy including sample handling, the use of molecular dynamics simulation and orthogonal experiment design are also discussed.  相似文献   

王翠玲  徐世林 《红外》2013,34(11):31-36
基于腔相位匹配的方法,研究了GaAs微片状晶体构成的光学微腔光参量振荡产生太赫兹波的条件与参数设计.计算了腔相位匹配下GaAs晶体的最优化腔长,通过调节GaAs晶体的温度研究了太赫兹波的输出情况,模拟了不同波长下最低的能量阈值.结果表明,在完全相位匹配很难实现的情况下,采用腔相位匹配能很容易地实现大范围的太赫兹波调谐输出.结果为小型化光学太赫兹源的实验与理论研究提供了参考.  相似文献   

基于太赫兹光谱技术的爆炸物类危险品检测   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
太赫兹(THz)光谱技术识别爆炸物类危险品是一种极具竞争力的新型安检方法。总结了不同研究机构的爆炸物指纹谱数据,建立了可供参考的数据库;讨论了棉布、塑料、皮革、涤纶和硬纸板等常见材料覆盖下隐蔽爆炸物的检测状况;介绍了远距离探测爆炸物的最新研究进展。最后,分析了实战场景中应用THz光谱技术检测爆炸物需要面临的混合爆炸物、复杂环境条件和远距离探测等主要问题,并对未来的发展趋势作了展望。  相似文献   

介绍太赫兹返波振荡器的发展,重点对340 GHz返波振荡器的设计、模拟和微细加工等研究工作进行了详细介绍。采用平行流电子枪、均匀永磁聚焦系统和折叠波导慢波结构来实现340 GHz返波振荡器,计算和模拟结果表明,当调谐电压14 kV~16.2 kV,工作电流8 mA时,在337 GHz~347 GHz的频率范围内可得到10 mW输出功率。高频结构加工采用UV LIGA技术,已经加工出高频结构样品,并对真空环境应用做了研究,以保证较小的表面粗糙度,减小高频率情况下的射频损耗。  相似文献   

太赫兹波参量振荡器研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
基于参量振荡技术的太赫兹波源是得到可调谐太赫兹波的重要器件,它在安全检查、生物传感、医学诊断、半导体器件检测和质量控制等领域具有重要的应用。从非线性晶体材料特性、谐振腔结构、太赫兹波耦合输出方式、频率调谐方式和线宽控制方法等方面总结了国内外太赫兹参量振荡技术的实验与理论研究情况。对级联太赫兹波参量振荡过程在连续、脉冲和超短脉冲运转方式的研究现状进行了回顾。基于太赫兹参量振荡技术研究现状提出其未来的一些研究方向。随着光纤激光器等技术的发展和周期性极化晶体等材料性能的进一步提高,太赫兹参量振荡器将朝着更加高效化、小型化、实用化、易于操作携带的方向发展,并在其应用领域发挥越来越重要的作用。  相似文献   

We design an electrically controllable terahertz wave attenuator by using graphene. We show that terahertz wave can be confined and propagate on S-shaped graphene waveguide with little radiation losses, and the confined terahertz wave is further manipulated and controlled via external applied voltage bias. The simulated results show that, when chemical potential changes from 0.03 into 0.05 eV, the extinction ratio of the terahertz wave attenuator can be tuned from 1.28 to 39.42 dB. Besides the simplicity, this novel terahertz wave attenuator has advantages of small size (24?×?30 μm2), a low insertion loss, and good controllability. It has a potential application for forthcoming planar terahertz wave integrated circuit fields.  相似文献   

太赫兹行波管(TWT)级联倍频器基于行波管非线性互作用后电子注中的谐波电流,利用行波管和级联谐波系统组成的倍频器获得电磁波倍频放大。以 W 波段行波管二倍频器为例,对器件的正确性和可行性进行验证。利用微波管模拟器套装(MTSS)软件对设计的倍频器进行三维非线性互作用模拟,结果显示,级联了二次谐波系统的 W 波段行波管倍频器与其他工作在140 GHz~220 GHz 波段的小型太赫兹辐射源相比较,具有优越的性能:谐波输出功率在8 GHz 范围内大于2 W,转换增益大于37 dB。利用 CST公司的粒子工作室软件进行三维粒子注波互作用模拟,结果显示,太赫兹行波管级联倍频器作为潜在的太赫兹源具有高功率、宽频带和高实用化的特点。  相似文献   

Optoelectronic techniques for generation and detection of terahertz (THz) signals have been reviewed. The operation principles of THz photomixer sources and THz parametric sources have been studied and recent developments in these areas have been presented. The performances of developed THz optoelectronic sources have been discussed and compared.   相似文献   

近年来,毫米波已逐渐成为5G/6G移动通信、卫星通信、下一代无线互联网、智慧交通、制导、射电天文等重大工程应用领域的核心支撑技术,太赫兹也逐渐成为研究热点。毫米波太赫兹集成电路(芯片)又是推动各种毫米波太赫兹应用系统快速演进的关键。文章对毫米波太赫兹技术的一些重要应用领域和毫米波太赫兹集成电路的研究进展及相关工艺进行了简要综述,分析了不同工艺下芯片的性能特点及其合适的应用场景。  相似文献   

The terahertz (THz) regime, generally considered to be 0.3-10 THz, is rich with emerging possibilities in sensing, imaging and wireless communications. Since it is non-ionizing and can exploit endogenous contrast mechanisms, it has particular potential for biological applications. These range from screening persons for concealed weapons to advanced biomedical diagnostics at the sub-cellular level. Supporting these applications are electronic techniques for generating, detecting and managing THz "light," including broadband antennas and scanning probes.  相似文献   

The networks-on-chip (NoC) communication has an increasingly larger impact on the system power consumption and performance. Emerging technologies, like surface wave, are believed to have lower transmission latency and power consumption over the conventional wireless NoC. Therefore, this paper studies how to optimize the network performance and power consumption by giving the packet-switching fabric and traffic pattern of each application. Compared with the conventional method of wire-linked, which adds wireless transceivers by using the genetic algorithm (GA), the proposed maximal declining sorting algorithm (MDSA) can effectively reduce time consumption by as much as 20.4% to 35.6%. We also evaluate the power consumption and configuration time to prove the effective of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

太赫兹辐射产生技术进展   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5  
分别就光学技术和电子学技术产生太赫兹波的方法,介绍其产生原理、研发现状和最新进展,重点介绍了光电导、光整流、参量振荡器和太赫兹量子级联激光器.  相似文献   

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