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This paper extends the notion of absolute stability to include the parameter variations of the linear part of the system. A simple analytic procedure is proposed to calculate the regions of absolute stability in the parameter space. then, a parallelepiped of maximum volume is embedded in the region to interpret its boundaries and obtain readily the information about parameter variations which do not affect the system stability.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to establish whether electronic response systems (clickers) influence student metacognition in large lecture settings more than low-technology polling devices. In this first part of a two part mixed methods study inquiry was made into whether student metacognition was influenced and how metacognition was influenced. This quasi-experimental study was performed with students from three sections of the same undergraduate educational psychology course taught by the same instructor. Participants totaled 198: 33 in the summer section, 87 in the fall experimental (clickers) group, and 78 in the fall (paddles) comparison group. Because metacognition is associated with higher academic outcomes, we hypothesized that the response device which elicited higher levels of metacognition would also demonstrate higher performance outcomes. While results from the study indicate that metacognitive processes are influenced more so by paddles than by clickers, clicker use produced significantly higher performance outcomes. Results of this study support recent research findings indicating that higher performance outcomes result when clicker use is combined with instructional strategies; furthermore, findings suggest metacognition from clicker use was a more productive influence on the learning process.  相似文献   

Machine Intelligence Research - In industry, it is becoming common to detect and recognize industrial workpieces using deep learning methods. In this field, the lack of datasets is a big problem,...  相似文献   

This paper presents an improvement of Herbrand's theorem.We propose a method for specifying a sub- universe of the Herbrand universe of a clause set S for each argument of predicate symbols and function symbols in S. We prove that a clause set S is unsatisfiable if and only if there is a finite unsatisfiable set of ground instances of clauses of S that are derived by only instantiating each variable,which appears as an argument of predicate symbols or function symbols,in S over its corresponding argument's sub-universe of the Herbrand universe of S.Because such sub-universes are usually smaller(sometimes considerably)than the Herbrand universe of S,the number of ground instances may decrease considerably in many cases.We present an algorithm for automatically deriving the sub-universes for arguments in a given clause set,and show the correctness of our improvement.Moreover,we introduce an application of our approach to model generation theorem proving for non-range-restricted problems,show the range-restriction transformation algorithm based on our improvement and provide examples on benchmark problems to demonstrate the power of our approach.  相似文献   

95年的夏天和秋初,Java引起了人们对计算机工业,尤其与Internet和多媒体有关的计算机工业的浓厚兴趣,Java也成了我们关注的热点。近来笔者有幸走访了推出Java的Sun Microsystem公司的有关人士,询问了一些有关Java的问题,现摘录如下:  相似文献   

This paper presents an improvement of Herbrand's theorem. We propose a method for specifying a subuniverse of the Herbrand universe of a clause set S for each argument of predicate symbols and function symbols in S. We prove that a clause set S is unsatisfiable if and only if there is a finite unsatisfiable set of ground instances of clauses of S that are derived by only instantiating each variable, which appears as an argument of predicate symbols or function symbols, in S over its corresponding argument's sub-universe of the Herbrand universe of S. Because such sub-universes are usually smaller (sometimes considerably) than the Herbrand universe of S, the number of ground instances may decrease considerably in many cases. We present an algorithm for automatically deriving the sub-universes for arguments in a given clause set, and show the correctness of our improvement. Moreover, we introduce an application of our approach to model generation theorem proving for non-range-restricted problems, show the range-restriction transformation algorithm based on our improvement and provide examples on benchmark problems to demonstrate the power of our approach.  相似文献   

The logics of “bringing-it-about” have been part of a prominent tradition for the formalization of individual and institutional agency. They are the logics to talk about what states of affairs an acting entity brings about while abstracting away from the means of action. Elgesem’s proposal analyzes the agency of individual agents as the goal-directed manifestation of an individual ability. It has become an authoritative modern reference. The first contribution of this paper is to extend Elgesem’s logic of individual agency and ability to coalitions. We present a general theory and later propose several possible specializations. As a second contribution, we offer algorithms to reason with the logics of bringing-it-about and we analyze their computational complexity.  相似文献   

现如今,上网就可能“中彩”:一会是修改IE标题、一会是禁用主页更改,要不就是不断涌出的让你尴尬的网页和广告,这些似乎已经见怪不怪了,解决起来也还容易;但当有一天IE空白页“about:blank”遭遇“searchfor”绑架后(见图1),你会意识到,麻烦来了。  相似文献   

Banzhaf (Genet Program Evol Mach, 2013) raises some interesting points about emergence in the context of genetic programming. However, his central tenet, that genetic programming is an example of top-down emergence, is invalidated by the fact that the evolutionary framework and the system being evolved are two separate structures. Rather, genetic programming is an instance of one emergent system designing a second one. Biological evolution provides a better example of what could be considered top-down emergence.  相似文献   

现如今,上网就可能“中彩”:一会是修改IE标题、一会是禁用主页更改,要不就是不断涌出的让你尴尬的网页和广告,这些似乎已经见怪不怪了,解决起来也还容易;但当有一天IE空白页“about:blank”遭遇“searchfor”绑架后(见图1),你会意识到,麻烦来了。解剖“about:blank”大家都知道,http是一个超文本协议;类似的还有ftp、https等,但少有人知道,其实about在这里也是IE内定的协议。不信,自己在地址栏输入about:blank是不是也能进入空白页,你也能以about:home萧洒地进入主页;或是以about:mozilla来个蓝屏让一旁的人看个目瞪口呆。你甚至可以来…  相似文献   

Reasoning about action is an important aspect of common sense reasoning and planning.It gives rise to three classical problems:the frame problem,the qualification problem and the ramification problem.Existing approaches cannot deal with these problems efficiently.This paper presents a new method which uses the stratified ATMS for reasoning about action to overcome the limitations of these approaches.  相似文献   

In this paper, we generalize the original moment theorem to the problem of existence of a linear operator with minimum norm under some constraint conditions in an abstract normed space. The results are applied to a class of largest controllable set and optimal control problems for distributed parameter systems.  相似文献   

Conway's Lifegame is a trivial and wellknown application of a more general theory called the theory of cellular automata. Complex systems modeling may be based on the theory of cellular automata, originated by John von Neumann. Our approach is to define simple components that we call analog automata. An analog automaton is a finite state automaton where the state is defined in terms of real numbers representing physical quantities such a position, velocity, mass or color. Deterministic state transition function are applied to these automata using information from the state of neighboring automata. In our case, successive generations in the evolution of these cellular automata are mapped onto polygonal meshes in order to build and texture arbitrary surfaces.  相似文献   

The optical measures have often been explained within the conceptual framework provided by Vitruvius: the “true” symmetries are distorted by space. Hence they have to be corrected by optical measures under the “real” conditions of appearance. While scholars have studied the phenomenon of optical measures within a narrowly mathematical framework, the aesthetic implications of Vitruvius’ claim, his ambiguous use of the “truth” and “reality” has hardly been noticed. By situating the phenomenon of architectural proportions within the broader aesthetic discourse on Hellenistic art, this paper shall reveal the paradox of discourse between the optical knowledge and professional power of the architect. Rather than being a means to a quintessential truth or reality, the paper shall demonstrate how indeed optical measures were employed as a means to stylistic ends; that the change in the proportions of temple architecture from the Classical to the Hellenistic age predicates a painterly taste.  相似文献   

For a certain class of configurations of points in space, Eves’ Theorem gives a ratio of products of distances that is invariant under projective transformations, generalizing the cross-ratio for four points on a line. We give a generalization of Eves’ theorem, which applies to a larger class of configurations and gives an invariant with values in a weighted projective space. We also show how the complex version of the invariant can be determined from classically known ratios of products of determinants, while the real version of the invariant can distinguish between configurations that the classical invariants cannot.  相似文献   

The disjunction effect violates Savage’s sure-thing principle: that is, if a is preferred over b regardless of whether relevant outcome x occurs, then a should always be preferred over b [L.J. Savage, The Foundations of Statistics, New York, Wiley, 1954]. We tested “reason-based” and “reluctance-to-think” accounts of the disjunction effect. According to the former account, the disjunction effect occurs when different reasons underlie the preference for a under x versus the preference for a under not x. According to the latter account, the disjunction effect is due to the failure to consider preferences when x is unknown. We tested these accounts by varying the number of reasons underlying choices in the x and not x conditions. Consistent with the reason-based account, when only one reason was available, the disjunction effect was reduced. In addition, we propose a new method of measuring the disjunction effect under different conditions based on the logic proposed by Lambdin and Burdsal (2007) [C. Lambdin, C. Burdsal, The disjunction effect reexamined: relevant methodological issues and the fallacy of unspecified percentage comparisons, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 103 (2007) 268–276].  相似文献   

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