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分析了目前网络广告投放领域存在的不足。使用能够体现网站间共同用户数量的用户迁徙网络作为平台,研究广告投放的网站选择策略。通过分析传统的网络广告投放问题的数学模型,发现其本质为0-1背包问题。通过实验比较,解决0-1背包问题常用的贪心算法和蚁群算法不能解决的广告受众重叠的问题;而使用用户迁徙网络的广告投放方法,在预算一定的情况下,达到广告的受众最多,广告投放的效果最优,是广告投放的最佳策略。  相似文献   

时下,"中国元素"正在盛行,但是作为最纯粹的中国符号—"中国元素",在应用上还比较"泛化",并没有形成一股特色鲜明的主流趋势,以促发其奔涌向前,推进其进程,扩大其影响。因此,如何更好地利用这一设计符号服务于广告创意,是有一定现实意义的。本文从广告符号学角度出发,对中国元素符号在本土化广告中的运用进行了相关解析,旨在推动"中国创造"这一理念,进而为本土化的广告发展起到一定促进作用。  相似文献   

本文通过对地铁广告的含义、环境特征、受众结构等方面进行分析,阐述了公益广告在地铁广告中相对"沉默"的现状;通过对公益广告的社会功能和文化价值的分析,结合地铁广告的文化传承性,更好地协调公益广告-受众-环境和社会之间的关系,从而提出建议来促进公益广告的投放、发展规划;形成受众接受度高的广告形式,实现"艺术性"和"功能性"的统一。  相似文献   

基于转化的互联网广告方式根据用户在浏览广告后的购买等行为对广告效果进行衡量,极大利用了互联网广告的独特优势,成为了未来互联网广告发展的趋势。该文介绍了基于转化的互联网广告的运行方式,分析了其行业应用,进一步地总结了该领域的当前研究成果,包括基于转化的竞价机制设计、转化率预测、基于转化的广告排序等。最后在此基础上,分析了存在的问题并展望未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

We consider a market with a finite number of segments and assume that several advertising channels are available, with different diffusion spectra and efficiencies. The problem of the choice of an advertising channel to direct the pre-launch campaign for a new product is analyzed in two steps. First, an optimal control problem is solved explicitly in order to determine the optimal advertising policy for each channel. Then a maximum profit channel is chosen. In a simulation example we consider the choice of a newspaper among six available and analyze the relations among the firm target market and the advertising channels environment which induce the optimal decision.  相似文献   

The Internet is full of unwanted traffic, from junk mail, to advertising and scams that pose as social media, to fake "clicks" on ads, to denial-of-service attacks against online services. Each type causes problems in one way or another, and network operators have to work hard to identify and eliminate unwanted traffic. This issue examines the overall problem, and presents a selection of research into mitigation.  相似文献   

Worldwide growth of the online community continues to push the popularity of internet marketing. Fueled by this trend, the online advertising industry is experiencing unprecedented revenue growth. One of the most important drivers of this revenue is banner advertising, which has long been a staple of the online advertising industry. Previous research has introduced quantitative models and solution approaches for the challenging basic scheduling optimization problem. We extend this work by incorporating the most common and popular trend in the in the industry, online advertisement targeting. In addition, motivated by the NP-hard nature of the resulting problem, we propose and test several heuristic and metaheuristic based solution techniques for the proposed problem.  相似文献   

The paper considers a problem of how to minimize advertising costs to sell seats for a particular event, for instance, a sports game, a rock concert or a ballet performance. We take into consideration a word-of-mouth effect, which means that people buying a ticket tell their friends about it, so that advertising is unnecessary to inform those people.The problem is one of optimal control and the number of seats sold and the advertising effort of the organizers are the state and control variables, respectively. We show that, besides being dependent on the cost and revenue parameters, the optimal advertising policy is also affected by the length of the planning period and the relation between the number of seats and the total number of potential attendees.  相似文献   

陈东彦  于浍 《控制与决策》2016,31(4):759-763
研究产品信誉受广告投入水平影响的供应链合作广告问题,建立具有广告投入水平抑制作用的产品信誉动态模型.通过哈密顿-雅可比-贝尔曼方程分别得到制造商和零售商在分散决策和集中决策下的最优广告策略以及在分散决策下制造商的最优合作广告参与率,比较发现,集中决策下制造商和零售商的最优广告投入水平高于分散决策下的相应值.设计了双边补贴策略来协调供应链.数值仿真实验验证了所得结论的正确性.  相似文献   

In this paper a solution is presented to an important marketing problem : the timing of advertising expenditure. Using a differential equation to model the relationship between the sales and advertising rates and using profit as a criterion, a synthesis of the optimal dynamic advertising policy as a function of the current sales level and length of the campaign is derived. In addition, using profit as a criterion, the profitability under an optimal dynamic advertising policy is compared with the profits obtained using an optimal static policy. It is shown that a significant increase in profits can result from employing the optimal dynamic policy.  相似文献   

Reinforced by the fast growth of electronic commerce, even during the current global economic downturn, intermediated online targeted advertising (IOTA) has emerged as a promising electronic business model empowered by the Web 2.0 principle. IOTA maximizes the profit of online targeted advertising services by displaying the proper banner contents to certain types of Web users in real time in order to increase the click-through rate (CTR). However, due to severe competition in the online advertising market, the principles and algorithms of IOTA remain highly confidential. This paper is intended to unveil the nature of IOTA. We propose an IOTA service system framework and present its implementation scheme. Specifically, we address the advertisement allocation problem, using an advertisement ranking mechanism and considering the ads impression quota and the time-of-day (TOD) effect. Simulation results show that advertisement ranking in a subset of clusters that actively estimates the quota situation is feasible and efficient.  相似文献   

广告媒体的变革随着消费者的改变而改变,甚至超前于消费者的需求。户外互动广告媒体以其独有的特色呈现在大众面前。文章从户外互动广告媒体的含义、设计、特点、功能等几个方面来对户外互动广告媒体的发展进行研究,以其为更好发展提供理论依据。  相似文献   

移动应用广告是互联网广告市场中一种主动的广告形式,它能够分析用户的兴趣爱好,并投其所好,精准投放广告,从而提高用户体验,为广告平台与广告主带来巨大的收益.因此,预测移动应用广告的转化率已成为一个非常重要的研究方向.本文以逻辑回归和两个梯度提升树模型为基础,使用堆叠和平均的集成思想,提出了两种集成模型--SXL和BLLX模型,解决了传统预测模型能力有限,无法精准预测转化率的问题.在腾讯2017社交广告比赛的数据集上的实验结果表明,SXL和BLLX两种模型能够有效地提高广告转化率的预测结果.  相似文献   

于浍  陈东彦  黄春丽 《控制与决策》2018,33(10):1871-1878
研究考虑延时效应和记忆效应的供应链广告策略问题,建立泛函微分方程以刻画广告延时和记忆双重效应对产品品牌信誉变化的影响,运用微分对策理论给出制造商和零售商在分散式决策和集中式决策下的最优广告投入水平、广告排期以及相应的产品品牌信誉,并对不同决策机制下供应链成员的均衡策略进行比较分析.研究表明:集中式决策能激励制造商和零售商的广告投入; 延时效应与记忆效应分别影响供应链成员广告时序策略与广告排期策略的制定,同时,还会影响供应链决策机制的选择.  相似文献   

基于微分对策的供应链合作广告决策研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
张庶萍  张世英 《控制与决策》2006,21(2):153-0157
针对供应链系统中制造商和零售商的合作广告计划问题,利用微分对策构建动态模型.分别研究制造商和零售商在合作和非合作条件下的广告策略.运用动态规划原理。分别得出静态反馈Nash均衡和反馈Stackelberg均衡,将两种均衡策略加以比较,结果显示合作广告计划是供应链系统中的一种协调和激励机制,可以提高两个渠道成员以及整个供应链系统的利润。  相似文献   

在现代信息社会中,科学技术的发展衍生出"网络"这一新媒体,它与传统信息媒介相互碰撞、互为补充,其中网络广告作为一种新兴设计门类已经成为当今流行的广告手段。本文通过分析网络广告的视觉传达方式及其创新的视觉表现形式和它独特的审美特征,阐述了它结合尖端科学技术所产生的视觉传达新特点。  相似文献   

针对网络广告的特点,提出了一个基于混合定价策略的网络广告资源配置优化模型,将其建模为一个约束优化问题,最大化网站的总收益。通过罚函数法进行约束处理,提出一种改进的粒子群算法进行求解。仿真结果表明了该算法的有效性。  相似文献   

在信息膨胀的今天,人们生活在众多广告所包围的环境中,如何让消费者对一则广告过目不忘?如何让消费者对其广告感兴趣并有所期待?我们试图通过遗忘与记忆的原理来分析。我们发现,往往是有故事情节的广告更能被人们所记牢。因此,为我们的广告创造一定的场景、并赋予其故事性,加大其矛盾冲突,制造抓人眼球的悬疑,使广告的受众对其产生兴趣。从而更好的吸引消费者、强化消费者对其广告的认知并记忆。  相似文献   

Online advertising continues to be a significant source of income for many Internet-based organizations. Recent indications of improved economic growth are having an impact on advertisement revenue, with the estimated online advertising revenue in the United States for the fourth quarter of 2003 totaling a record of $2.2 billion. A substantial portion of this income comes from banner advertisements, and efficient scheduling of these advertisements could result in a considerable increase in profits. The problem of scheduling banner advertisements has been observed to be intractable via traditional optimization techniques and has received only limited attention in the literature. In addition, all past attempts to address this problem have been based on an "all-or-nothing" framework, where a customer specifies the exact number of copies of the ad to be displayed over the planning horizon, if it is selected for display by the provider of the advertisement space. This paper extends it to a more realistic setting, where the customer is allowed to specify a set of acceptable display frequencies. The Lagrangian decomposition-based solution approaches presented in this paper are observed to provide good schedules in a reasonable period of time.  相似文献   

无时间、地点限制反复刺激是报纸媒介系列广告的主要特点。因此,报纸媒介系列性广告在形成方式上具有其特有的时间性与空间性特点;而在广告的表现方式上则通常运用同类并列型、层次递进型、悬念升级型三种系列性设计方式来表现广告主题。  相似文献   

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