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This paper presents a new algorithm based on integrating the use of genetic algorithms and tabu search methods to solve the unit commitment problem. The proposed algorithm, which is mainly based on genetic algorithms incorporates tabu search method to generate new population members in the reproduction phase of the genetic algorithm. In the proposed algorithm, genetic algorithm solution is coded as a mix between binary and decimal representation. A fitness function is constructed from the total operating cost of the generating units without penalty terms. In the tabu search part of the algorithm, a simple short term memory procedure is used to counter the danger of entrapment at a local optimum by preventing cycling of solutions, and the premature convergence of the genetic algorithm. A significant improvement of the proposed algorithm results, over those obtained by either genetic algorithm or tabu search, has been achieved. Numerical examples also showed the superiority of the proposed algorithm compared with two classical methods in the literature.  相似文献   

This article presents a solution model for the unit commitment problem (UCP) using fuzzy logic to address uncertainties in the problem. Hybrid tabu search (TS), particle swarm optimization (PSO) and sequential quadratic programming (SQP) technique (hybrid TS–PSO–SQP) is used to schedule the generating units based on the fuzzy logic decisions. The fitness function for the hybrid TS–PSO–SQP is formulated by combining the objective function of UCP and a penalty calculated from the fuzzy logic decisions. Fuzzy decisions are made based on the statistics of the load demand error and spinning reserve maintained at each hour. TS are used to solve the combinatorial sub-problem of the UCP. An improved random perturbation scheme and a simple method for generating initial feasible commitment schedule are proposed for the TS method. The non-linear programming sub-problem of the UCP is solved using the hybrid PSO–SQP technique. Simulation results on a practical Neyveli Thermal Power Station system (NTPS) in India and several example systems validate, the presented UCP model is reasonable by ensuring quality solution with sufficient level of spinning reserve throughout the scheduling horizon for secure operation of the system.  相似文献   

A genetic algorithm solution to the unit commitment problem   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
This paper presents a genetic algorithm (GA) solution to the unit commitment problem. GAs are general purpose optimization techniques based on principles inspired from the biological evolution using metaphors of mechanisms such as natural selection, genetic recombination and survival of the fittest. A simple GA algorithm implementation using the standard crossover and mutation operators could locate near optimal solutions but in most cases failed to converge to the optimal solution. However, using the varying quality function technique and adding problem specific operators, satisfactory solutions to the unit commitment problem were obtained. Test results for power systems of up to 100 units and comparisons with results obtained using Lagrangian relaxation and dynamic programming are also reported  相似文献   

This paper presents a Hybrid Chaos Search (CS) immune algorithm (IA)/genetic algorithm (GA) and Fuzzy System (FS) method (CIGAFS) for solving short-term thermal generating unit commitment (UC) problems. The UC problem involves determining the start-up and shutdown schedules for generating units to meet the forecasted demand at the minimum cost. The commitment schedule must satisfy other constraints such as the generating limits per unit, reserve and individual units. First, we combined the IA and GA, then we added the chaos search and the fuzzy system approach. This hybrid system was then used to solve the UC problems. Numerical simulations were carried out using three cases: 10, 20 and 30 thermal unit power systems over a 24 h period. The produced schedule was compared with several other methods, such as dynamic programming (DP), Lagrangian relaxation (LR), Standard genetic algorithm (SGA), traditional simulated annealing (TSA), and Traditional Tabu Search (TTS). A comparison with an IGA combined with the Chaos Search and FS was carried out. The results show that the Chaos Search and FS all make substantial contributions to the IGA. The result demonstrated the accuracy of the proposed CIGAFS approach.  相似文献   

An approach to solving the unit commitment (UC) problem is presented based on a matrix real-coded genetic algorithm (MRCGA) with new repairing mechanism and window mutation. The MRCGA chromosome consists of a real number matrix representing the generation schedule. Using the proposed coding, the MRCGA can solve the UC problem through genetic operations and avoid coping with a suboptimal economic dispatch (ED) problem. The new repairing mechanism guarantees that the generation schedule satisfies system and unit constraints. The window mutation improves the MRCGA searching performance. Numerical results show an improvement in the solution cost compared with the results obtained from other algorithms.  相似文献   

This paper presents a harmony search algorithm (HSA) to solve unit commitment (UC) problem. HSA was conceptualized using the musical process of searching for a perfect state of harmony, just as the optimization process seeks to find a global solution that is determined by an objective function. HSA can be used to optimize a non-convex optimization problem with both continuous and discrete variables. In this paper it is shown that HSA, as a heuristic optimization algorithm, may solve power system scheduling problem in a better fashion in comparison with the other evolutionary search algorithm that are implemented in such complicated issue. Two case studies are conducted to facilitate the effectiveness of the proposed method. One is a conventional 10-unit test system and its multiples while the other is a 26-unit system, both of which are with a 24-h scheduling horizon. Comparison of the obtained results with other approaches addressed in the literature shows the effectiveness and fastness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

This paper presents a hybrid chaos search (CS), immune algorithm (IA)/genetic algorithm (GA), and fuzzy system (FS) method (CIGAFS) for solving short-term thermal generating unit commitment (UC) problems. The UC problem involves determining the start-up and shut-down schedules for generating units to meet the forecasted demand at the minimum cost. The commitment schedule must satisfy other constraints such as the generating limits per unit, reserve, and individual units. First, we combined the IA and GA, then we added the CS and the FS approach. This hybrid system was then used to solve the UC problems. Numerical simulations were carried out using three cases: 10, 20, and 30 thermal unit power systems over a 24 h period. The produced schedule was compared with several other methods, such as dynamic programming (DP), Lagrangian relaxation (LR), standard genetic algorithm (SGA), traditional simulated annealing (TSA), and traditional Tabu search (TTS). A comparison with an immune genetic algorithm (IGA) combined with the CS and FS was carried out. The results show that the CS and FS all make substantial contributions to the IGA. The result demonstrated the accuracy of the proposed CIGAFS approach.  相似文献   

机组组合优化问题是一个大规模、多约束、非线性的混合整数规划问题,因此求解非常困难.粒子群优化(PSO)算法是一类随机全局优化技术,它通过粒子间的相互作用发现复杂搜索空间中的最优区域.PSO算法的优势在于操作简单,可调参数少易于实现而又功能强大.该文采用二进制粒子群优化方法解决机组状态组合问题,用遗传算法结合启发式技术解决经济分配问题,并对最小开停机时间及启停费用进行了处理,使得运算速度大大加快.方法的可行性在10台机组系统中检验.模拟结果表明文章所提出的算法具有收敛速度快及解的质量高等优点.  相似文献   

提出了一种新颖的基于搜索+调整的两阶段萤火虫算法求解机组组合问题。算法将机组组合求解流程分解为具有离散变量和连续变量的两个优化问题,通过二进制编码的萤火虫算法求解含离散变量的机组启停主问题,利用改进的实数编码萤火虫算法解决连续变量的负荷经济分配子问题,采用调整策略校核和修复约束,实现主子问题的交替迭代求解。算法通过启发式的约束调整策略,以及两种编码方式实现了离散变量和连续变量的分解优化,提高了机组组合问题求解的效率和精度。通过对6个不同规模算例的计算及与其他经典算法的对比,验证了所提算法的有效性和优越性。  相似文献   

机组组合优化问题是一个大规模、多约束、非线性的混合整数规划问题,因此求解非常困难。粒子群优化(PSO)算法是一类随机全局优化技术,它通过粒子间的相互作用发现复杂搜索空间中的最优区域。PSO算法的优势在于操作简单,可调参数少易于实现而又功能强大。该文采用二进制粒子群优化方法解决机组状态组合问题,用遗传算法结合启发式技术解决经济分配问题,并对最小开停机时间及启停费用进行了处理,使得运算速度大大加快。方法的可行性在10台机组系统中检验。模拟结果表明文章所提出的算法具有收敛速度快及解的质量高等优点。  相似文献   

合理的时隙分配可保证数据链战术消息的时效性,提升数据链网络运行效率。现有单一优化的时隙分配算法全局寻优能力低、运算量大、运行效率低。本文基于最小均匀时隙方差模型,提出了一种遗传禁忌搜索的时隙分配算法。该算法充分利用遗传和禁忌搜索两种典型智能优化算法的优势,采用遗传变异操作构造多样性的邻域,使获得全局最优时隙解的概率增强;使用禁忌搜索算法在局部进行搜索,加快收敛速度。采用精度提升率、稳定性和时间开销等指标对算法的精度、稳定性和运行效率进行了验证,结果表明:算法相比单一的遗传和禁忌算法,在保持较高稳定性和运行效率的同时,时隙分配精度有明显提升。当空闲时隙数量为500和1000时,相对遗传时隙分配算法,精度分别提升了6%和9%。  相似文献   

Unit commitment involves the scheduling of generators in a power system in order to meet the requirements of a given load profile. An analysis of the basis for combining the genetic algorithm (GA) and Lagrangian relaxation (LR) methods for the unit commitment problem is presented. It is shown that a robust unit commitment algorithm can be obtained by combining the global search property of the genetic algorithm with the ability of the Lagrangian decomposition technique to handle all kinds of constraints such as pollution, unit ramping and transmission security.  相似文献   

We describe a new model for the hydro unit commitment and loading (HUCL) problem that has been developed to be used as a support tool for day-ahead operation in the Brazilian system. The objective is to determine the optimal unit commitment and generation schedules for cascaded plants with multiple units and a head-dependent hydropower model. In this paper, we propose a new mathematical model for the hydropower function where the mechanical and electrical losses in the turbine-generator are included. We model the HUCL problem as a nonlinear mixed 0–1 programming problem and solve it with a strategy that includes a two-phase approach based on dual decomposition. The computational tool allows the model to effectively schedule hydro units for the problem in the Brazilian regulatory framework. Application of the approach is demonstrated by determining a 24-time step HUCL schedule for four cascaded plants with 4170 MW of installed capacity.  相似文献   

This paper presents a multiple tabu search (MTS) algorithm to solve the economic dispatch (ED) problem by taking valve-point effects into consideration. The practical ED problem with valve-point effects is represented as a non-smooth optimization problem with equality and inequality constraints that make the problem of finding the global or near global optimum difficult. The proposed MTS algorithm is the sequential execution of individual tabu search (TS) algorithm simultaneously by only one personal microcomputer. The MTS algorithm introduces additional techniques for improvement of search process, such as initialization, adaptive searches, multiple searches, replacing and restarting process. To show its effectiveness, the MTS is applied to test two studied systems consisting of 13 and 40 power generating units with valve-point effects. The optimized results by MTS are compared with those of conventional approaches, such as simulated annealing (SA), genetic algorithm (GA), TS algorithm and particle swarm optimization (PSO). Studied results confirm that the proposed MTS approach is capable of obtaining higher quality solution efficiently and lowest computational time.  相似文献   

针对传统PL(Priority List)方法采用单一排序指标,即平均满负荷费用AFLC(Average Full-Load Cost)不能全面反映机组优先顺序的不足,提出一种扩展优先顺序法EPL(Extended Priority List)解决机组组合问题。在分析PL方法特点的基础上,定义μ-Load Cost反映机组在不同出力范围内的经济指标,形成不同μ值的机组组合的邻域,而后定义机组的效用系数UUR(Unit Utilization Ratio)优化机组的优先顺序。此外,引入参数控制机组组合邻域的规模并采取策略对机组组合进行调整使其满足所有约束,从而提高计算效率。最后采用26机组、38机组以及45机组24时段等3个系统的测试结果来验证该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

The unit commitment problem (UCP) is a nonlinear mixed-integer optimization problem encountered in power systems, in which some power generating units are to be scheduled in such a way that the forecasted demand is met at minimum production cost over a time horizon. Due to the inadequacy of deterministic methods in handling large-size instances of the UCP, various metaheuristics are being considered as alternative algorithms to realistic power systems, among which differential evolution (DE) is one of the widely investigated metaheuristics. However, DE is usually applied for solving the integer part of the UCP, along with some other schemes for the real part of the problem. In this paper a binary-real-coded DE is proposed as a complete solution technique of the UCP. Some repairing mechanisms are also incorporated in the DE for speeding up its search process. In the computational experiment carried out with power systems up to 100 units over 24-h time horizon, available in the literature, the performance of the proposed DE is found quite satisfactory in comparison with the previously reported results.  相似文献   

适合于机组组合问题的扩展优先顺序法   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
针对传统PL(Priority List)方法采用单一排序指标,即平均满负荷费用AFLC(Average Full-Load Cost)不能全面反映机组优先顺序的不足,提出一种扩展优先顺序法EPL(Extended Priority List)解决机组组合问题.在分析PL方法特点的基础上,定义μ-Load Cost反映机组在不同出力范围内的经济指标,形成不同μ值的机组组合的邻域,而后定义机组的效用系数UUR(Unit Utilization Ratio)优化机组的优先顺序.此外,引入参数控制机组组合邻域的规模并采取策略对机组组合进行调整使其满足所有约束,从而提高计算效率.最后采用26机组、38机组以及45机组24时段等3个系统的测试结果来验证该方法的有效性.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a genetic algorithm (GA) in conjunction with constraint handling techniques to solve the thermal unit commitment problem. To deal effectively with the constraints of the problem and prune the search space of the GA in advance, the difficult minimum up- and down-time constraints are embedded in the binary strings that are coded to represent the on-off states of the generating units. The other constraints are handled by integrating penalty factors into the cost function within an enhanced economic dispatch program. The proposed GA approach has been tested on a practical Taiwan Power (Taipower) thermal system over a 24-hour period for different utility factors and GA control parameters. Test results reveal that the features of easy implementation, fast convergence, and a highly near-optimal solution in solving the UC problem can be achieved by the proposed GA approach.  相似文献   

The thermal unit commitment (UC) problem is a large-scale mixed integer quadratic programming (MIQP), which is difficult to solve efficiently, especially for large-scale instances. This paper presents a projected reformulation for UC problem. After projecting the power output of unit onto [0,1], a novel MIQP reformulation, denoted as P-MIQP, can be formed. The obtained P-MIQP is tighter than traditional MIQP formulation of UC problem. And the reduced problem of P-MIQP, which is eventually solved by solvers such as CPLEX, is compacter than that of traditional MIQP. In addition, two mixed integer linear programming (MILP) formulations can be obtained from traditional MIQP and our P-MIQP of UC by replacing the quadratic terms in the objective functions with a sequence of piece-wise perspective-cuts. Projected MILP is also tighter and compacter than the traditional MILP due to the same reason of MIQP. The simulation results for realistic instances that range in size from 10 to 200 units over a scheduling period of 24 h show that the projected reformulation yields tight and compact mixed integer programming UC formulations, which are competitive with currently traditional ones.  相似文献   

The topic of unit commitment has been and continues to be of interest to many researchers and to many utilities. Much of the past research has utilized integer programming, dynamic programming, linear programming, gradient directed search, and heuristic techniques. This research combines both linear programming and dynamic programming to solve the unit commitment problem as a decision analysis problem. The result provides most of the advantages of linear programming and dynamic programming with less stringent requirements on the pre-solution information needed for unit transition sequences.  相似文献   

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