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Historically there have been a number of different hypotheses and empirical models developed in an attempt to describe the nature of fracturing above longwall panels in underground coal mining. The motivation for such models varies, ranging from understanding the impact of mining on surface subsidence,to back-analysis of caving behaviour in the immediate roof behind the longwall face. One of the most critical motivating factors that is taking on increased importance in many coalfields, is the need for better understanding, and hence prediction of the impact of mining on overlying strata, particularly strata units acting as aquifers for different groundwater horizons. This paper reviews some of the major prediction models in the context of observed behaviour of strata displacement and fracturing above longwall panels in the southern coalfields of New South Wales, south of Sydney. The paper discusses the parameter often referred to as ‘‘height of fracturing" in terms of the critical parameters that influence it, and the relevance and appropriateness of this terminology in the context of overlying sub-surface subsidence and groundwater impact. The paper proposes an alternative terminology for this parameter that better reflects what it is and how it is used. The paper also addresses the potential role of major bedding shear planes mobilised by mining and their potential influence on overlying subsidence and groundwater interference.  相似文献   

Longwall mining continues to remain the most efficient method for underground coal recovery. A key aspect in achieving safe and productive longwall mining is to ensure that the shearer is always correctly positioned within the coal seam. At present, this machine positioning task is the role of longwall personnel who must simultaneously monitor the longwall coal face and the shearer’s cutting drum position to infer the geological trends of the coal seam. This is a labour intensive task which has negative impacts on the consistency and quality of coal production. As a solution to this problem, this paper presents a sensing method to automatically track geological coal seam features on the longwall face, known as marker bands, using thermal infrared imaging. These non-visible marker bands are geological features that link strongly to the horizontal trends present in layered coal seams. Tracking these line-like features allows the generation of a vertical datum that can be used to maintain the shearer in a position for optimal coal extraction. Details on the theory of thermal infrared imaging are given, as well as practical aspects associated with machine-based implementation underground. The feature detection and tracking tasks are given with real measurements to demonstrate the efficacy of the approach. The outcome is important as it represents a new selective mining capability to help address a long-standing limitation in longwall mining operations.  相似文献   

Thirty years ago, the analysis of longwall pillar stability(ALPS) inaugurated a new era in coal pillar design.ALPS was the first empirical pillar design technique to consider the abutment loads that arise from full extraction, and the first to be calibrated using an extensive database of longwall mining case histories.ALPS was followed by the analysis of retreat mining stability(ARMPS) and the analysis of multiple seam stability(AMSS). These methods incorporated other innovations, including the coal mine roof rating(CMRR), the Mark-Bieniawski pillar strength formula, and the pressure arch loading model. They also built upon ever larger case history databases and employed more sophisticated statistical methods.Today, these empirical methods are used in nearly every underground coal mine in the US. However,the piecemeal manner in which these methods have evolved resulted in some weaknesses. For example,in certain situations, it may not be obvious which program is the best to use. Other times the results from the different programs are not entirely consistent with each other. The programs have also not been updated for several years, and some changes were necessary to keep pace with new developments in mining practice. The analysis of coal pillar stability(ACPS) now integrates all three of the older software packages into a single pillar design framework. ACPS also incorporates the latest research findings in the field of pillar design, including an expanded multiple seam case history data base and a new method to evaluate room and pillar panels containing multiple rows of pillars left in place during pillar recovery.ACPS also includes updated guidance and warnings for users and features upgraded help files and graphics.  相似文献   

Ultra-thick steep coal seam mining will inevitably lead to the increase of greater and violent ground subsidence and deformation. A subsidence control method by inversely-inclined slicing and upward mining is proposed in this paper. By this method, the sequence of collapse of overlying strata and the direction of propagation of strata movement are changed, the extent of roof-side deformation thereby is lessened, and boundary angle of roof-side subsidence is reduced by 5°–10°. The mechanism of this mining method for control of strata movement has been evidenced by numerical simulation and experiments with similarity materials. A subsidence prediction model based on the variation of mining influence propagation angle can be used to evaluate the surface movement and deformation of the mining method. The application of the method in No.3 Mine in Yaojie mining area has yielded the expected result.  相似文献   

Surface subsidence is a typical ground movement due to longwall mining, which causes a series of environmental problems and hazards. In China, intensive coal extractions are commonly operated under dense-populated coalfields, which exacerbates the negative subsequences resulted from surface settlement. Therefore, effective approaches to control the ground subsidence are in urgent need for the Chinese coal mining industry. This paper presents a newly developed subsidence control technology: isolated overburden grout injection, including the theory, technique and applications. Relevant procedures such as injection system design, grouting material selection, borehole layout, grout take estimation and injection process design are proposed. The applicability of this technology has been demonstrated through physical modelling, field measurements, and case studies. Since 2009, the technology has been successfully applied to 14 longwall areas in 9 Chinese coal mines. The ultimate surface subsidence factors vary from 0.10 to 0.15. This method has a great potential to be popularized and performed where longwall mining are implemented under villages and ground infrastructures.  相似文献   

Effective surrounding rock control is a prerequisite for realizing safe mining in underground coal mines.In the past three decades, longwall top-coal caving mining(LTCC) and single pass large height longwall mining(SPLL) found expanded usage in extracting thick coal seams in China. The two mining methods lead to large void space left behind the working face, which increases the difficulty in ground control.Longwall face failure is a common problem in both LTCC and SPLL mining. Such failure is conventionally attributed to low strength and high fracture intensity of the coal seam. However, the stiffness of main components included in the surrounding rock system also greatly influences longwall face stability.Correspondingly, surrounding rock system is developed for LTCC and SPLL faces in this paper. The conditions for simultaneous balance of roof structure and longwall face are put forward by taking the stiffness of coal seam, roof strata and hydraulic support into account. The safety factor of the longwall face is defined as the ratio between the ultimate bearing capacity and actual load imposed on the coal wall.The influences provided by coal strength, coal stiffness, roof stiffness, and hydraulic support stiffness,as well as the movement of roof structure are analyzed. Finally, the key elements dominating longwall face stability are identified for improving surrounding rock control effectiveness in LTCC and SPLL faces.  相似文献   

The case study describes longwall coal seam A in a hard coal mine, where longwall coal face stability loss and periodic roof fall occurrences had been registered. The authors have attempted to explain the situation based on in-situ measurements and observations of the longwall working as well as numerical simulation. The calculations included several parameters, such as powered roof support geometry in the form of the canopy ratio, which is a factor that influences load distribution along the canopy.Numerical simulations were realized based on a rock mass model representing realistic mining and geological conditions at a depth of 600 m below surface for coal seam A. Numerical model assumptions are described, while the obtained results were compared with the in-situ measurements. The conclusions drawn from this work can complement engineering knowledge utilized at the stage of powered roof support construction and selection in order to improve both personnel safety and longwall working stability,and to achieve better extraction.  相似文献   

This paper highlights the role of automation technologies for improving the safety, productivity, and environmental sustainability of underground coal mining processes. This is accomplished by reviewing the impact that the introduction of automation technology has made through the longwall shearer automation research program of Longwall Automation Steering Committee (LASC). This result has been achieved through close integration of sensing, processing, and control technologies into the longwall mining process. Key to the success of the automation solution has been the development of new sensing methods to accurately measure the location of longwall equipment and the spatial configuration of coal seam geology. The relevance of system interoperability and open communications standards for facilitating effective automation is also discussed. Importantly, the insights gained through the longwall automation development process are now leading to new technology transfer activity to benefit other underground mining processes.  相似文献   

Coal bursts are typically associated with highly stressed coal.Most bursts occur during retreat mining(longwall mining or pillar recovery) in highly stressed locations like the tailgate corner of the longwall panel.Others are associated with multiple seam interactions.However, a small but significant percentage of coal bursts have occurred during development or in outby locations unaffected by active mining.Most development bursts have been relatively small, but some have been highly destructive.No theory of coal bursts can be complete if it does not account for this type of event.This paper focusses on the development mining coal burst experience in the US, putting it into the context of the entire US coal burst database.The first documented development coal burst occurred almost exactly 100 years ago during slope drivage at the Sunnyside Mine in Utah.Sunnyside subsequently had a long history of bursts, mainly during retreat mining but also during development.Several Colorado mines have also experienced multiple development bursts.Many, but by no means all, of the development bursts in these western US coalfields have been associated with known faults.In the Central Appalachian coalfields, most development bursts have occurred in multiple seam situations.In some of these cases, however, there was no retreat mining in either seam.The paper closes with some lessons from this history, with implications for preventing such events in the future.  相似文献   

在文献[1]的基础上,本文建立了以煤层为基础,以老顶的挠曲变形压力为载荷的直接顶的弹性基础梁模型。求解模型并分析影响因素,从理论上阐明了在煤层巷道中捕捉到老顶破断扰动信息的可能性及其原因,并且指出,通过观测巷道支架载荷较之通过观测巷道顶板下沉速度获得扰动信息的方法具有更为广泛的适用性。本文的研究结果可供利用顶板扰动进行矿压监测预报时参考。  相似文献   

Mine or longwall panel layout is a 3D structure with highly non-uniform stress distribution. Recognition of such fact will facilitate underground problem identification/investigation and solving by numerical modeling through proper model construction. Due to its versatility, numerical modeling is the most popular method for ground control design and problem solving. However numerical modeling results require highly experienced professionals to interpret its validity/applicability to actual mining operations due to complicated mining and geological conditions. Underground ground control monitoring is routinely performed to predict roof behavior such as weighting and weighting interval without matching observation of face mining condition while the mining pressures are being monitored, resulting in unrealistic interpretation of the obtained data on mining pressure. The importance of ground control pressure monitoring and simultaneous observation of mining and geological conditions is illustrated by an example of shield leg pressure monitoring and interpretation in an U.S. longwall coal mine: it was found that the roof strata act like a plate, not an individual block of the size of a shield dimension, as commonly assumed by all researchers and shield capacity is not a fixed property for a longwall panel or a mine or a coal seam. A new mechanism on the interaction between shield's hydraulic leg pressure and roof strata for shield loading is proposed.  相似文献   

While the fully-mechanized longwall mining technology was employed in a shallow seam under a room mining goaf and overlained by thin bedrock and thick loose sands, the roadway pillars in the abandoned room mining goaf were in a stress-concentrated state, which may cause abnormal roof weighting, violent ground pressure behaviours, even roof fall and hydraulic support crushed(HSC) accidents. In this case,longwall mining safety and efficiency were seriously challenged. Based on the HSC accidents occurred during the longwall mining of 3-1-2 seam, which locates under the intersection zone of roadway pillars in the room mining goaf of 3-1-1 seam, this paper employed ground rock mechanics to analyse the overlying strata structure movement rules and presented the main influence factors and determination methods for the hydraulic support working resistance. The FLAC3 D software was used to simulate the overlying strata stress and plastic zone distribution characteristics. Field observation was implemented to contrastively analyse the hydraulic support working resistance distribution rules under the roadway pillars in strike direction, normal room mining goaf, roadway pillars in dip direction and intersection zone of roadway pillars. The results indicate that the key strata break along with rotations and reactions of the coal pillars deliver a larger concentrated load to the hydraulic support under intersection zone of roadway pillars than other conditions. The ‘‘overburden strata-key strata-roadway pillars-immediate roof" integrated load has exceeded the yield load that leads to HSC accidents. Findings in HSC mechanism provide a reasonable basis for shallow seam mining, and have important significance for the implementation of safe and efficient mining.  相似文献   

多煤层采区岩层移动相似材料的模拟研究   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
通过对平顶山煤业集团公司八矿多煤层采区同采条件下,下部煤层开采对上部煤层开采影响的相似材料模拟试验结果的分析,得出了下组煤层开采时上覆岩层的移动及变形规律、有关岩层移动参数、上组煤层巷道变形预计方法及采动影响的时空关系  相似文献   

Many states rely upon the Pennsylvania 1957 Gas Well Pillar Study to evaluate the coal barrier surrounding gas wells. The study included 77 gas well failure cases that occurred in the Pittsburgh and Freeport coal seams over a 25-year span. At the time, coal was mined using the room-and-pillar mining method with full or partial pillar recovery, and square or rectangle pillars surrounding the gas wells were left to protect the wells. The study provided guidelines for pillar sizes under different overburden depths up to213 m(700 ft). The 1957 study has also been used to determine gas well pillar sizes in longwall mines since longwall mining began in the 1970 s. The original study was developed for room-and-pillar mining and could be applied to gas wells in longwall chain pillars under shallow cover. However, under deep cover, severe deformations in gas wells have occurred in longwall chain pillars. Presently, with a better understanding of coal pillar mechanics, new insight into subsidence movements induced by retreat mining, and advances in numerical modeling, it has become both critically important and feasible to evaluate the adequacy of the 1957 study for longwall gas well pillars. In this paper, the data from the 1957 study is analyzed from a new perspective by considering various factors, including overburden depth, failure location, failure time, pillar safety factor(SF), and floor pressure. The pillar SF and floor pressure are calculated by considering abutment pressure induced by full pillar recovery. A statistical analysis is performed to find correlations between various factors and helps identify the most significant factors for the stability of gas wells influenced by retreat mining. Through analyzing the data from the 1957 study, the guidelines for gas well pillars in the 1957 study are evaluated for their adequacy for roomand-pillar mining and their applicability to longwall mining. Numerical modeling is used to model the stability of gas wells by quantifying the mining-induced stresses in gas well casings. Results of this study indicate that the guidelines in the 1957 study may be appropriate for pillars protecting conventional gas wells in both room-and-pillar mining and longwall mining under overburden depths up to 213 m(700 ft),but may not be sufficient for protective pillars under deep cover. The current evaluation of the 1957 study provides not only insights about potential gas well failures caused by retreat mining but also implications for what critical considerations should be taken into account to protect gas wells in longwall mining.  相似文献   

通过对平顶山煤业集团公司八矿多煤层采区同采条件下,下部煤层开采对上部煤层开采影响的相似材料模拟试验结果的分析,得出了下组煤层开采时上覆岩层的移动及变形规律、有关岩层移动参数、上组煤层巷道变形预计方法及采动影响的时空关系.  相似文献   

本文依据误差理论,系统地分析了水平煤层半无限开采时概率积分法、威布尔分布法和样条概率积分法的参数误差对下沉预计结果精度的影响,弄清了预计结果精度的分布规律,评述了它们的优缺点,并指出了改进措施。本文的研究结果对开采沉陷观测站设计、开采沉陷参数及计算模型的识别具有指导意义。  相似文献   

This paper explores the ongoing development and implementation of longwall automation technology to achieve greater levels of underground coal mining performance. The primary driver behind the research and development effort is to increase the safety, productivity and efficiency of longwall mining operations to enhance the underlying mining business. A brief review of major longwall automation challenges is given followed by a review of the insights and benefits associated with the LASC longwall shearer automation solution. Areas of technical challenge in sensing, decision support, autonomy and human interaction are then highlighted, with specific attention given to remote operating centres, proximity detection and systems-level architectures in order to motivate further automation system development.The vision for a fully integrated coal mining ecosystem is discussed with the goal of delivering a highperformance, zero-exposure and environmentally coherent mining operations.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a comprehensive study conducted by CONSOL Energy, Marcellus Shale Coalition, and Pennsylvania Coal Association to evaluate the effects of longwall-induced subsurface deformations on the mechanical integrity of shale gas wells drilled over a longwall abutment pillar.The primary objective is to demonstrate that a properly constructed gas well in a standard longwall abutment pillar can maintain mechanical integrity during and after mining operations. A study site was selected over a southwestern Pennsylvania coal mine, which extracts 457-m-wide longwall faces under about 183 m of cover. Four test wells and four monitoring wells were drilled and installed over a 38-m by84-m centers abutment pillar. In addition to the test wells and monitoring wells, surface subsidence measurements and underground coal pillar pressure measurements were conducted as the 457-m-wide longwall panels on the south and north sides of the abutment pillar were mined by. To evaluate the resulting coal protection casing profile and lateral displacement, three separate 60-arm caliper surveys were conducted. This research represents a very important step and initiative to utilize the knowledge and science obtained from mining research to improve miner and public safety as well as the safety and health of the oil and gas industries.  相似文献   

Mathematical modeling of surface deformations caused by underground mining operation is commonly carried out with use of empirical, numerical or stochastic models. One of the most frequently applied model for prediction of ground deformation in many countries is Knothe model. The model developed by Knothe belongs to the stochastic methods and is based on the influence function. In China a prediction method named Probability Integration Method(PIF) was established by Liu Baochen and Liao Guohua based on the stochastic medium theory. Modified version of that model allows to predict ground movements caused by mining operation in extremely complex technical and geological conditions. That model is commonly applied for coal, metal ore and salt deposits. The article presents several modifications of the mathematical model used in China and Poland. This model is very widespread in the world, therefore the generalizations proposed in the article can be implemented for the purposes of prediction surface deformations for various types of deposits in many countries. The presented generalizations were then tested on specific examples of coal mining, copper ore mining and rock salt deposit. The obtained results indicate high efficiency of methods based on the influence function in complex geological and mining conditions.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to study the behavior of a low thick and low depth coal seam and the overburden rock mass. The mining method is room and pillar in retreat and partial pillar recovery. The excavation method is conventional drill and blast because of the small production. The partial pillar recovery is about 30% of the previous pillar size, 7 m × 7 m. The roof displacement was monitored during retreat operation; the surface movement was also monitored. The effect of the blasting vibration on the final pillar strength had been considered. Due to blasting, the pillar reduced about 20%. The consequence is more pillar deformation and roof vertical displacement. The pillar retreat and ground movement were simulated in a three-dimensional numerical model. This model was created to predict the surface subsidence and compare to the subsidence measured. This study showed that the remaining pillar and low seam reduce the subsidence that was predicted with conventional methods.  相似文献   

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