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卷门导槽的滚压成形轮设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、引言 工厂、商店、仓库等建筑物大门使用的卷门十余年来在我国得到了广泛的应用。导槽是卷门产品中的一个零件,由20优质碳素结构钢冷轧板制成,其作用:一是对卷门的主体——门帘在升降过程中起导向作用;二是卷门呈关闭状态时,作用于门帘上的风载荷或人为载荷通过门帘传递给竖立于门帘两侧的导槽,即导槽对门帘有受力支承作用。所以,导槽件应有一定  相似文献   

扼要地论述了滚压成形的相关理论、变形机理和工艺设计步骤。通过近几年来笔者为工矿企业设计用不锈钢板料滚压成窗框的实例,介绍其设计原理、成形工艺、成形辊轮和滚压成形的特点,以使此特种工艺的加工方法得到推广、应用和发展。  相似文献   

我厂是一家生产卷门有近十年时间的企业,一直生产一种增强型板状帘片(见图1),其原材料为铝质带料(以下简称铝带),宽为125mm,厚为1.1mm,其安装中心距为79mm。一般情况,帘片成形是采用滚压加工,但为了节约成本,提高生产率,我们对帘片结构进行了优化设计工作,根据优化设计后的帘片形状设计了一套滚压成形轮,完成了对原帘片滚压成形机的  相似文献   

黄礼伟 《机械制造》2001,39(6):47-47
在轿车、客车的门框及保险杠上通常要安装密封条,该密封条除了在关门时起密封作用外,还起一定的装饰、吸振和缓冲作用。它在安装过程中除了要求安装牢固不易脱落外,还要求其外表光滑平整、不划伤、不破损。为此我们设计了密封条滚压装置,其构成原理就是专用滚压头和直角低速定扭矩气动扳手的组合。它已成功地应用在 TRANSIT(全顺 )轻型面包车总装线上。 [1]密封条的结构   TRANSIT(全顺 )车前保险杠密封条如图 1a所示,门框密封条的断面形状如图 1b所示。其中内植钢骨架和实心橡胶均具有一定的刚性和硬度。 [2]滚压器结构原理分…  相似文献   

滚压成形的花形图设计丹东东齐公司孙玉先板料在滚压成形机的数组迥转辊轮中通过,逐渐弯曲成形为所需断面形状工件的加工方法叫液压成形。由于滚压成形工艺是应用数组成形辊轮逐渐连续成形,因而较冲压成形方法有如下的不同特点:(1)制件的纵向长度不受台面尺寸的限制...  相似文献   

扼要地论述了滚压成形的相关理论、变形机理和工艺设计步骤。通过近几年来笔者为工矿企业设计用不锈钢板料滚压成窗框的实例 ,介绍其设计原理、成形工艺、成形辊轮和滚压成形的特点 ,以使此特种工艺的加工方法得到推广、应用和发展  相似文献   

图1是轻型汽车对称式深槽轮辋之一。根据其结构特点,目前可用冷滚压成形获得。  相似文献   

短类零件滚压成形机设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
详细介绍了短类零件滚压成形中,辊间距大小,辊轮的设计和斜辊技术,并通过链传动实现下辊轮主动,上辊轮被动,上下辊轮节圆不等的成形方法,该技术不仅适用于短类零件的滚压成形,对其它滚压成形设备的设计也具有很大的参考价值。  相似文献   

恒速成形辊装置设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析了恒定线速度成形辊工作原理的设计思路及其方案的选择,测试了相应设计参数,为今后改型或结构设计提供了依据。  相似文献   

以7Y-950型厢板为例,介绍货厢厢板滚压成形工艺;分析压有过程,阐述在设计“辊花图”时应注意的一些问题,提出辊轮组、辅助成形辊轮组及滚压成形机组的设计方及有关受力计算方法;实际应用德国TOX公司板材冲压连接技术,提高货厢生产的工艺水平,取得显著经济效益。  相似文献   

对热轧板带轧机辊型在线检测技术进行了分析,提出采用光电式传感器构造辊型检测系统,其特点是有较强的抗干扰能力,且结构紧凑,工作可靠.轧辊在线检测与修磨技术可以及时消除各种辊面缺陷,提高产品质量.  相似文献   

以理论分析为基础,结合实践经验论述了设计冷弯型钢轧辊应考虑的因素,介绍了参数选择方法,为合理设计成型轧辊提供了有效的方法。  相似文献   

板形是现代板带材生产的一项重要指标,澄清了板形的定义,提出了板形与内应力以及纤维延伸的关系;介绍了板形的各种量度指标;最后从理论计算,结构形式和控制原理方面详细分析了各种板形仪。  相似文献   

Current simulation models for the prediction of residual stresses in flat metal rolling utilize heuristic assumptions about the roll-gap entrance and exit velocity distributions. The nature of the velocity distributions which occur in the strip adjoining the roll-gap is investigated. The problem is formulated in terms of velocity perturbations and the resulting nonlinear equations are approximated by a linear set of equations. The method of solution uses either the stress function or its integral to allow mixed boundary conditions of velocities and/or stresses at the elastic boundaries. The resulting semi-infinite problem is solved using a Laplace transform technique. Two examples are provided to illustrate the velocity and stress distribution behaviour in a moving elastic strip.  相似文献   

宋海森  钱岩 《通用机械》2005,(11):40-41
介绍了新疆八一钢铁艘份有限责隆公司彩色钢板厂带钢辊涂机侧压辊装置,设计思路及在辊涂机设备上增设侧压辊装置。  相似文献   

Design solution evaluation for metal forming product development   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
In the current metal forming product development paradigm, the simultaneous and optimal design of product, process and forming system is a non-trivial issue as there are many affecting factors which interact and interplay each other. In the up-front design process, the systematic evaluation and verification of design solution is critical as this could shift the product development paradigm from traditionally trial-and-error and heuristic know-how to more scientific calculation, analysis and simulation. To ensure the efficient and accurate assessment and evaluation of design solution generation, state-of-the-art technologies need to be developed. In this paper, a methodology for systematic evaluation and verification of the simultaneous design of metal forming product, process, and forming system is presented. The factors which affect these designs are first articulated and how they interact and interplay are described. The importance of the systematic evaluation of designs is, thus, figured out. In addition, the role that CAE simulation plays in this process is explained. To evaluate the design, detailed evaluation criteria are developed and how the criteria are used through CAE simulation technology to reveal the behaviors and performances of designs is articulated. Through case studies, the developed technology is illustrated and its efficiency is finally verified.  相似文献   

设计了一种结构紧凑、清洗速度快、清洗质量好的新型金属线材带材在线超声波清洗机.该清洗机从3个方面来提高超声波的清洗效率和清洗质量,即采用绕线装置使被清洗件反复在清洗槽中清洗来增加清洗时间;设置清洗液循环系统及温度控制系统保证清洗液的洁净度和温度;根据污染物的颗粒大小确定超声波频率及功率.清洗机的清洗槽采用垂直布置方式,使之结构紧凑,占地面积小.  相似文献   

对滚子直动从动件盘形凸轮机构中从动件和滚子进行了受力分析,研究了滚子做滚动的力学条件,进而定量地得出了凸轮机构中滚子做滚动的相关参数的合理选择,  相似文献   

A mathematical model for cold rolling and temper rolling process of thin steel strip has been developed using the influence function method. By solving the equations describing roll gap phenomena in a unique procedure and considering more influence factors, the model offers significant improvements in accuracy, robustness and generality of the solution for the thin strip cold and temper rolling conditions. The relationship between the shape of the roll profile and the roll force is also discussed. Calculation results show that any change increasing the roll force may result in or enlarge the central flat region in the deformation zone. Applied to the temper rolling process, the model can well predict not only the rolling load but also the large forward slip. Therefore, the measured forward slip, together with the measured roll force, was used to calibrate the model. The model was installed in the setup computer of a temper rolling mill to make parallel setup calculations. The calculation results show good agreement with the measured data and the validity and precision of the model are proven.  相似文献   

A new method—the stream surface strip element method (SSSEM)—for simulating the three-dimensional deformations of plate and strip rolling process is proposed. The rolling deformation zone is divided into a number of stream surface (curved surface) strip elements along metal flow traces, and the stream surface strip elements are mapped into the corresponding plane strip elements for analysis and computation. The longitudinal distributions of the lateral displacement and the altitudinal displacement of metal are constructed respectively to be a quartic curve and a quadratic curve, the transverse distributions of them are expressed as the third-power spline function, and the altitudinal distributions of them are fitted to be a quadratic curve. Based on the flow theory of plastic mechanics, the three-dimensional deformations and stresses of the deformation zone are analyzed and formulated. Compared with the streamline strip element method, the SSSEM considers the uneven distributions of stresses and deformations along altitudinal direction, and realizes an accurate three-dimensional analysis and computation. The simulation examples indicate that the method and the model of this paper are in accord with facts, and provide a new reliable engineering-computation method for the three-dimensional mechanics simulation of plate and strip rolling process.  相似文献   

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