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A desktop magnetic resonance imaging system.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Modern magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) systems consist of several complex, high cost subsystems. The cost and complexity of these systems often makes them impractical for use as routine laboratory instruments, limiting their use to hospitals and dedicated laboratories. However, advances in the consumer electronics industry have led to the widespread availability of inexpensive radio-frequency integrated circuits with exceptional abilities. We have developed a small, low-cost MR system derived from these new components. When combined with inexpensive desktop magnets, this type of MR scanner has the promise of becoming standard laboratory equipment for both research and education. This paper describes the development of a prototype desktop MR scanner utilizing a 0.21 T permanent magnet with an imaging region of approximately 2 cm diameter. The system uses commercially available components where possible and is programmed in LabVIEW software. Results from 3D data sets of resolution phantoms and fixed, newborn mice demonstrate the capability of this system to obtain useful images from a system constructed for approximately $13,500.  相似文献   

OBJECT: A selective-excitation radiofrequency (RF) pulse that uses hard pulses composed of a sequence of composite pulses with positive and negative phases (P/N pulse) is proposed herein. Because the amplitude of the RF signal is unchanged during the excitation, RF amplification can be accomplished using a nonlinear RF power amplifier (i.e., class C or D type). MATERIALS AND METHODS: In this article, Fourier series have been first used to analyze the equivalence between the proposed P/N pulse and the conventional soft pulse on selective excitation. Subsequently, computer simulations based on density-matrix theory are used to compare the excitation profiles of both the soft and the P/N pulses. RESULTS: The excitation profiles of the P/N pulses have been measured experimentally through a home-built 0.3-T magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) system. In addition, several slices of images have been obtained as proofs by using the multislice two-dimensional spin echo sequence through replacement of the conventional soft pulse by the proposed P/N pulse. CONCLUSION: Because the perfect selectivity of the proposed P/N pulse, it can be used for imaging studies to improve the efficiency of amplification at the lowest cost.  相似文献   

A powerful graphical pulse sequence programming tool has been designed for creating magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) applications. It allows rapid development of pulse sequences in graphical mode (allowing for the visualization of sequences), and consists of three modules which include a graphical sequence editor, a parameter management module and a sequence compiler. Its key features are ease to use, flexibility and hardware independence. When graphic elements are combined with a certain text expressions, the graphical pulse sequence programming is as flexible as text-based programming tool. In addition, a hardware-independent design is implemented by using the strategy of two step compilations. To demonstrate the flexibility and the capability of this graphical sequence programming tool, a multi-slice fast spin echo experiment is performed on our home-made 0.3 T permanent magnet MRI system  相似文献   

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has traditionally been used exclusively in a role for patient diagnosis. However, it is unlikely that this role is sufficient for its continued prominence in medical imaging. Instead, the more ambitious role in diagnosis and also therapy intervention will occur as demand for minimally invasive procedures increases. Fortunately, with recent improvement in technical specifications and creative pulse sequence design, MRI systems can now provide high quality near-real-time images that facilitate a variety of image-guided procedures, many based around delivery via catheters. While X-ray opacity is not available as a means for detecting the progression of the catheter in MRI systems today, a variety of novel hardware devices have been designed and used for MRI catheter tracking. This report provides a brief review of some fundamental methods for catheter tracking in MRI. Submitted at the ISMRM Hardware Workshop held 23–25 February 2001 in Cleveland, OH, USA.  相似文献   

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with navigating techniques based on consecutive breath-holds demand a level of respiratory control that is often beyond the capability of patients with lung disease. The objectives of this investigation were to develop and evaluate a navigating technique for lung MRI that does not rely on patient cooperation. Navigating techniques were implemented at 0.5 T using conventional imaging techniques of short echo-time and imaging during normal breathing in the diastolic phase of the cardiac cycle. A column of spins, orthogonal to the diaphragm, was excited both immediately before and after the imaging segment. These signals were processed in real time to provide the position of the lung-diaphragm interface. An imaging segment was considered correctly acquired only when the interface position was within the acceptance window both before and after the acquisition of the segment. A distribution of lung-diaphragm interface positions obtained during normal respiration was employed to define the acceptance window. In the case of multislice techniques, the position of the lung-diaphragm interface immediately before the imaging segment was also employed to decide which phase-encoding step to acquire next, therefore reducting the apparent frequency of the respiratory motion. A distribution of interface position, updated in real time, served as a reference for the allocation of phase-encoding steps according to diaphragm position. The lung images obtained represent a significant advance in image quality, improving further the ability of MR to detect and monitor pulmonary disease. Motion artifacts were reduced, and images reliably demonstrated smaller vessels, which are not normally visible without navigation.  相似文献   

Of the 47 patients with focal cerebral ischemia (FCI), 26 patients had completed stroke, 5 suffered from severe head injury, and 16 patients had anterior circulation aneurysms. Twenty-one stroke patients underwent bypass surgery and all traumatic patients underwent cerebral revascularization by omental graft. Aneurysm patients were surgically treated by neck clipping. In seven of them, aneurysm were occluded by nonferromagnetic (NFM) Ni-Ti alloy clips. In each case, comparative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computerized tomography (CT), and angiography (AG) findings were evaluated both before and after operation. MRI was much more sensitive than CT for detecting the ischemic tissue in all groups of patients. The difference in infarct area appreciated by MRI and CT in stroke patients turned out to be determined by the time between the onset of ictus and examination. MRI was particularly valuable for following up patients with FCI after cerebral revascularization by bypass surgery and omental graft. MRI was capable of replacing both postoperative AG and CT in patients operated on with NFM clips.  相似文献   

4. Conclusions It has been proposed that thickened pericardium is the main cause of the cardiac malfunction in Mulibrey nanism cardiopathy. In contrary, we showed that the pericardial thickness was normal in all our patients. Diastolic 1/3 filling was rapid, but in normal limits when taking into account the young age of our patient population. Although, LV time volume curves did not show remarkable pathologic changes, a restrictive physiology cannot be definitively excluded. LV end diastolic volumes and cardiac output were clearly reduced in our patients. It could be possible that in the course of time the reduced cardiac output affects clinical pattern of heart failure despite of normal systolic function. The reduced LA largest volume and atrial cyclic volume change may partly contribute to the low cardiac output observed in our patients.  相似文献   

Clinical examinations of reptiles are physically limited and therefore usually have to be complemented by other methods. This is especially true for Chelonians. A modern imaging technique like magnetic resonance imaging is well suited for this purpose. Its application and practical experiences with tortoises are presented.  相似文献   

Improving the visibility of interventional devices is of paramount importance if MRI-guided fluoroscopy is to become a reality. Passive visualization is problematic in that the susceptibility-induced artifacts are material- and orientation-dependent. Here a concept is presented for making interventional devices visible. It involves fitting a device with a straight-wire antenna. As the sensitivity of such an antenna is highest for signal sources in the immediate neighborhood, using the antenna for reception gives an outline image. In this manner a guidewire or other interventional device could be made MRI-visible. The image appearance of a straight-wire antenna depends on the orientation of the device with respect to the main magnetic field and imaging plane. This phenomena is discussed theoretically and documented with MR images.  相似文献   

An anatomical study was carried out to determine the extent to which magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) could delineate inner ear structures. Anatomical preparations of human petrous temporal bone were examined and compared with the results of MRI in 20 healthy subjects to see whether the structures of the inner ear could be visualized. Imaging of the subjects was carried out in a 1.0-T MRI scanner (Siemens Magnetom Impact). Two stronglyT 2*-weighted sequences were used: a 3D-PSIF sequence and a 3D-CISS sequence. The 3D data sets were postprocessed using a Maximum Intensity Projection (MIP) program. Our investigations show that it is possible to obtain accurate visualization of structures with a diameter of under 1 mm. In all 20 subjects it was possible to identify both the endolymphatic duct and the endolymphatic sac.  相似文献   

A simple multiplexing technique, implemented on a conventional NMR spectrometer is described. It shows that simultaneous acquisition of independent NMR signals with a unique detection chain is possible. Application is performed to proton imaging of objects in two non-interacting antennae. Address for correspondence: Laboratoire de Résonance Magnétique Nucleaire, Batiment 721, Université Claude Bernard Lyon I, 43, Boulevard du 11 Novembre 1918, 69622 Villeurbanne Cedex - France  相似文献   

Cardiac and respiratory motion during the long acquisition times required in 3d magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can lead to excessive image degradation and consequently poor diagnosis and interpretation in the thoracic region. This paper addresses the issue of obtaining good image quality with 3d gradient echo (GE) imaging in the study of the pulmonary vascular system and its diseases. To study the pulmonary vascular system two approaches have been considered. First, a proton density/inflow weighted scan consisting of a syncopated 3d FLASH acquisition is used to provide a 3d pulmonary angiogram. Secondly, aT 1 weighted scan using 3d IR-FLASH (inversion recovery FLASH) helps in determining the presence of pulmonary emboli. Multiple acquisitions and rectangular field of view are utilized to pseudogate to the respiratory period in order to reduce motion artifacts while keeping reasonable imaging times. Technical aspects on data collection during the approach to equilibrium and acquisition strategies in the presence of thoracic motion and its impact on vessel resolution are addressed. The method has proven successful for imaging volunteers and, more recently, in obtaining useful clinical information.  相似文献   

Diffusion-weighted and susceptibility-contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging were used to monitor the development of focal ischemia in cat brain. Diffusion-sensitized imaging was used to assess early ischemic tissue damage which was confirmed for the latest time point (12 h) with postmortem histological analysis.T*2-sensitized FLASH was used to measure the first passage of a bolus of FeO particles. Gamma function fitting of R*2-time curves resulted in 2D maps of relative hemodynamic parameters, including cerebral blood volume and flow. The present data provide indications for cerebral blood flow thresholds for acute as well as for delayed ischemic tissue damage.  相似文献   

Objectives: To characterize artifacts and imaging problems in the presence of conductive grounding pads for RF ablation therapy as well as potential heating problems due to induction of eddy currents in the pads. Strategies for avoidance of those problems are developed. Materials and methods: Underlying principles of interactions between grounding pads and MR imaging are reported. Influential parameters, e.g., orientation in relation to the magnetic field, shape of the grounding pad, sequence type (spin-echo versus gradient echo) and magnetic field strength (0.2 T, 1.5 T, 3 T) were varied in systematic phantom studies. Heating effects due to induced eddy currents were estimated theoretically and measured by infrared imaging in an adapted set-up. Results: MR imaging artifacts are markedly dependent on the orientation and geometrical shape of the grounding pads. Visible signal extinction artifacts were more pronounced using spin-echo techniques than in gradient echo images and increased for higher field strengths. Suitable incisions in the grounding pad reduced eddy currents markedly and minimized image artifacts. Heating problems due to induced eddy currents by the RF transmitted for MR imaging were excluded by phantom measurements. Conclusions: Suitable positioning of the grounding pads and adaptation of their geometry provide clearly reduced artifacts in MR imaging.  相似文献   

Objective/Patients: to investigate the efficacy of standard sequences of a low field system for the detection of osteomyelitis, we tested TlwI pre and post i.v. contrast, T2w and fat suppressed IR sequences. Design: on the basis of clinical and laboratory evidence, pathology reports, and three phase granulocyte scintigraphy, osteomyelitis was diagnosed in 18 of 21 patients with Charcot's joints. A consecutive low and high field magnetic resonance (MR) scan confirmed osteomyelitic bone marrow changes in the same osseous regions. These 18 diabetic patients were then studied on a 0.2 Tesla dedicated MR system (Esaote ArtoScan) using TlwI (SE: relaxation time (TR) 520/echo time (TE) 24: axial and coronal) before and after i.v. application of 0.1 mmol/1 Gd-DTPA/kg BW, T2w imaging (TSE: TR 3500/TE 80 or TR 2000/TE 120: axial), and fat suppressed inversion recovery (IR) imaging (short tau inversion recovery (STIR): TR 3000/TE 30/TI 80 or inversion recovery gradient echo (IRGE)/fat suppressed IRGE (GEFS): TR 1000/TE 16m 80: coronal). Results: the SE Tlw sequence showed a significantly higher contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) before administration of i.v. contrast. The TSE T2w pulse sequence demonstrated bone marrow changes superiorily utilizing a TE of 120 ms (CNR=16.5±2.7 compared to 5.5±2.5 with TE=80 ms). The IRGE showed a higher CNR than the standard STIR (CNR=19.2±2.5 compared to 12.4±2.9). Conclusion: fat suppressed IRGE imaging and longer TE in T2w TSE sequences result in a significantly better, CNR in osteomyelitis. This way, using optimized sequences, low field systems are apt to depict bone marrow changes in the course of osteomyelitis.  相似文献   

A method—PA-keyhole—for 2D/3D dynamic magnetic resonance imaging with radial scanning is proposed. PA-keyhole exploits the inherent strong oversampling in the center of k-space, which contains crucial temporal information regarding contrast evolution. The method is based on: (1) a rearrangement of the temporal order of 2D/3D isotropic distributions of trajectories during the scan into subdistributions according to the desired time resolution, (2) a new post-acquisition keyhole approach based on the replacement of the central disk/sphere in k-space using data solely from a subdistribution, and (3) reconstruction of 2D/3D dynamic (time-resolved) images using 2D/3D-gridding with Pipe's approach to the sampling density compensation and 2D/3D-IFFT. The scan time is not increased with respect to a conventional 2D/3D radial scan of the same spatial resolution; in addition, one benefits from the dynamic information. The abilities of PA-keyhole and the sliding window techniques to restore simulated dynamic contrast changes are compared. Results are shown both for 2D and 3D dynamic imaging using experimental data. An application to in-vivo ventilation of rat lungs using hyperpolarized helium is demonstrated. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Adaptational physiology studies how animals cope with their environment, even if this environment is subject to permanent fluctuations such as tidal or seasonal variations. Aquatic organisms are generally more prone to be exposed to osmotic, hypoxic and temperature challenges than terrestrial animals. Some of these challenges are more restraining in an aquatic environment. To date, very few studies have used in vivo magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to uncover the physiological mechanisms that respond to or compensate for these challenges. This paper provides an overview of what has been accomplished thus far by using MRI to study the environmental physiology of fish. It introduces the reader to the use of small teleost fish such as carp (12 cm, 60 g) and eelpout (25 cm, 50 g) as models for such research and to provide new perceptions into the applicability of MRI tools based on new insights into the nature of MRI contrast. Representative MRI studies have made contributions to the identification of the lack of cell volume repair in stenohaline fish during osmotic stress. They have studied the underlying physiological mechanisms of brain anoxia tolerance in fish and have qualified the role of the cardio-circulatory system in setting thermal tolerance windows of fish.  相似文献   

Coronary artery imaging is an important investigation for the management of coronary artery disease. Alternative noninvasive imaging would be useful, but the small caliber and tortuosity of the coronary vessels and cardiac and respiratory motion create formidable imaging problems. We first studied 21 normal subjects and 5 with coronary artery disease established by X-ray contrast angiography, of whom 2 had undergone bypass grafting. Of these, 22 were imaged successfully. Identification of the artery was possible for the left main stem, left anterior descending, right coronary, and left circumflex arteries respectively in 95%, 91%, 95%, and 76%. The arterial diameter at the origin could be measured in 77%, 77%, 81%, and 63%. The mean ±SD arterial diameter in each case (4.8±0.8, 3.7±0.5, 3.9±0.9, and 2.9±0.6 mm) was not significantly different from reference values (allp=ns). The mean length of artery visualized was 10.4±5.2,46.7±22.8,53.7±27.9, and 26.3±17.5 mm. In 12 normal males, the total coronary area was 30.9±9.2 mm2 and the ratio compared with body surface area was 16.4±4.4 mm2 m–2 (bothp=ns compared with reference values). In seven patients, with X-ray contrast coronary angiography, the proximal arterial diameter measured by magnetic resonance was 3.9±1.1 mm, and by X-ray contrast angiography 3.7±1.0 mm (p=ns). We then studied 17 patients with angina. Imaging of just the relevant artery was performed and analysis was blinded to the X-ray angiography results. Stenosis was identified on the magnetic resonance (MR) images by localized reduction in vessel signal intensity. Stenosis location by MR was assessed by measurement of its distance from a reference vessel, with correlation to the X-ray findings. X-ray coronary angiography showed 23 stenoses of which 15 (65%) were correctly located by blind assessment of the MR images. Of the eight remaining stenoses, a further 5 (63%) were correctly located on the MR images after retrospective comparison (overall sensitivity 87%). There were three lesions thought to represent stenosis by MR, which on review of the X-ray angiogram proved to be a minor stenosis <50% (two cases) or a tortuous vessel (one case). Greater signal loss was seen in the more severe stenoses. The stenosis length by MRI was greater than by X-ray (8.4 versus 5.1 mm,p<0.001). The overestimation of stenosis length may be due to turbulence.  相似文献   

This study investigates the use of real-time acquisition in cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for measurements of left ventricular dimensions in comparison with conventional gradient echo acquisition. Thirty-one subjects with a variety of left ventricular morphologies to represent a typical clinical population were studied. Short-axis data sets of the left ventricle (LV) were acquired using a conventional turbo-gradient echo and an ultrafast hybrid gradient echo/echo planar sequence with acquisition in real-time. End-diastolic volume (EDV), end-systolic volume (ESV), ejection fraction (EF) and left ventricular mass (LV mass) were measured. The agreement between the two acquisitions and interobserver, intraobserver and interstudy variabilities were determined. The bias between the two methods was 5.86 ml for EDV, 0.23 ml for ESV and 0.94% for EF. LV mass measurements were significantly lower with the real-time method (mean bias 14.38 g). This is likely to be the result of lower spatial resolution and chemical shift artefacts with the real-time method. Interobserver, intraobserver and interstudy variabilities were low for all parameters. In conclusion, real time acquisition in MRI can provide accurate and reproducible measurements of LV dimensions in subjects with normal as well as abnormal LV morphologies, but LV mass measurements were lower than with conventional gradient echo imaging. Presented in abstract form at the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine meeting in Denver, Colorado in April 2000.  相似文献   

Fast SE imaging provides considerable measure time reduction, high signal-to-noise ratios as well as similar contrast behavior compared to conventional SE sequences. Besides TR and TEeff, echo train length (ETL), interecho time , and-space trajectory determine image contrast and image quality in fast SE sequences. True proton density contrast (CSF hypointense) and not too strong T2 contrast are essential requirements in routine brain MRI. A Turbo SE sequence with very short echo train length (ETL=3), short TEeff and short interecho time (17 ms), and TR=2000 ms was selected for proton density contrast; a Turbo SE sequence with ETL=7, TEeff=90 ms, =22 ms, and TR=3250 ms was selected for T2-weighted images. Using both single-echo Turbo SE sequences yielded 50% measure time reduction compared to the conventional SE technique. Conventional SE and optimized Turbo SE sequences were compared in 150 patients resulting in very similar signal and contrast behavior. Furthermore, reduced flow artifacts in proton density—and especially in T2-weighted Turbo SE images—and better contrast of high-intensity lesions in proton density-weighted Turbo SE images were found. Slightly reduced edge sharpness—mainly in T2-weighted Turbo SE images—did not reduce diagnostic reliability. Differences between conventional and Turbo SE images concerning image contrast and quality are explained regarding special features of fast SE technique.Address for correspondence: Institut für Röntgendiagnostik, Klinikum der Universität Regensburg, Franz-Josef-Strauß-Allee 11, 93042 Regensburg, Germany. Additional reprints of this chapter may be obtained from the Reprints Department, Chapman & Hall, One Venn Plaza, New York, NY 10119.  相似文献   

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