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Previous experimental work shows that velocity ratio is the principal independent variable to determine the flow behavior of coaxial jets. This study focusing on the effect of velocity ratio on the flow characteristics such as the velocity and kinetic energy profiles, centerline velocity decaying, flow growing and entraining of the jet, presents a detailed numerical simulation of a coaxial jet with a secondary parallel moving stream. It is found that radial profiles of the mean velocity component u depending on the velocity ratio show good similarity in the fully developed zone. Compared with available experimental data, the results show that the use of standard κ-ε model leads to good agreement between the numerical results and experimental data. 相似文献
The steady gas-particle flow in risers under variant operating conditions was predicted based on a k-ε-kp-εp-Θ two-fluid model, which describes the dense turbulent gas-particle flow by the Eulerian method, considering the turbulence of both gas and particles as well as the particles' collisional effects. Much information on the macro flow behavior in risers, such as the profiles of local particle axial velocity, solids volume fraction, and solids mass flux in different operating regimes was obtained, and the predicted results show satisfactory agreement with experimental data. Further analysis of the predictions gives the comprehension of flow characteristics on the macro scale. 相似文献
The steady gas-particle flow in risers under variant operating conditions was predicted based on a k-?-kp-?p-Θ two-fluid model, which describes the dense turbulent gas-particle flow by the Eulerian method, considering the turbulence of both gas and particles as well as the particles' collisional effects. Much information on the macro flow behavior in risers, such as the profiles of local particle axial velocity, solids volume fraction, and solids mass flux in different operating regimes was obtained, and the predicted results show satisfactory agreement with experimental data. Further analysis of the predictions gives the comprehension of flow characteristics on the macro scale. 相似文献
The steady gas-particle flow in risers under variant operating conditions was simulated using a k-ε-kp-εp-Θ two-fluid model, which describes the dense turbulent gas-particle flow. The particle temperature Θ, the scale of the fluctuant energy of particles in micro scale, and the particle turbulent energy kp that describes the particle fluctuation in meso scale can be predicted by the numerical simulation. Further investigation shows that different flow parameters influence the particle fluctuation in different ways and that solid volume fraction significantly affects the particle fluctuation and particle dispersion behavior. 相似文献
The steady gas-particle flow in risers under variant operating conditions was simulated using a k-?-kp-?p-Θ two-fluid model, which describes the dense turbulent gas-particle flow. The particle temperature Θ, the scale of the fluctuant energy of particles in micro scale, and the particle turbulent energy kp that describes the particle fluctuation in meso scale can be predicted by the numerical simulation. Further investigation shows that different flow parameters influence the particle fluctuation in different ways and that solid volume fraction significantly affects the particle fluctuation and particle dispersion behavior. 相似文献
K. LUO J. R. FAN H. H. JIN K. F. CEN Y. Q. Zheng 《Chemical Engineering Communications》2013,200(7):909-931
In order to provide references for the study of jets from combustor and associated industrial applications, direct numerical simulation was employed to study a three-dimensional temporally evolving plane mixing layer laden with particles in the upper region initially. The coherent structures in the mixing layer between two parallel streams were simulated using a pseudo-spectral method. Particles with different Stokes numbers were traced using the Lagrangian approach based on one-way coupling between the continuous and the dispersed phases. Both the large-scale vortex structures and the particle dispersion patterns with different Stokes numbers were investigated. The results clearly showed that particle dispersion is closely related to the large-scale organized structures and the three-dimensionality. Particles with Stokes number of the order of unity were found to have the largest concentration on the outer edges of the large-scale vortex structures, and the variation of particle concentration along the spanwise direction increased with the development of the three-dimensionality, which was mainly due to the presence of the streamwise large-scale structures. When the counter-rotating “rib” large-scale vortices paired, part of the particles were thrown out from the high concentration area in the upper region to the lower region of the mixing layer and finally developed into a “mushroom” pattern of the particle distribution along the spanwise direction. 相似文献
K. Luo J. R. Fan H. H. Jin K. F. Cen Y. Q. Zheng 《Chemical Engineering Communications》2004,191(7):909-931
In order to provide references for the study of jets from combustor and associated industrial applications, direct numerical simulation was employed to study a three-dimensional temporally evolving plane mixing layer laden with particles in the upper region initially. The coherent structures in the mixing layer between two parallel streams were simulated using a pseudo-spectral method. Particles with different Stokes numbers were traced using the Lagrangian approach based on one-way coupling between the continuous and the dispersed phases. Both the large-scale vortex structures and the particle dispersion patterns with different Stokes numbers were investigated. The results clearly showed that particle dispersion is closely related to the large-scale organized structures and the three-dimensionality. Particles with Stokes number of the order of unity were found to have the largest concentration on the outer edges of the large-scale vortex structures, and the variation of particle concentration along the spanwise direction increased with the development of the three-dimensionality, which was mainly due to the presence of the streamwise large-scale structures. When the counter-rotating “rib” large-scale vortices paired, part of the particles were thrown out from the high concentration area in the upper region to the lower region of the mixing layer and finally developed into a “mushroom” pattern of the particle distribution along the spanwise direction. 相似文献
Dzmitry Hlushkou Vladimir Apanasovich Andreas Seidel-Morgenstern 《Chemical Engineering Communications》2013,200(7):826-839
A numerical scheme is presented for simulating electrokinetic microfluidics in systems with arbitrary morphology. This scheme is based on a numerical solution of the coupled Poisson, Nernst–Planck, and Navier–Stokes equations. While traditional finite-difference methods were used to resolve the first two problems, the lattice Boltzmann method was applied to the latter. The developed numerical approach was used for the simulation of electroosmotic flow through a simple cubic array of hard (impermeable, nonconducting) micro-sized spheres. Volumetric electroosmotic flow was studied for dependence on electrical field strength, ζ-potential at the solid-liquid interface, electrical double layer interaction, and numerical grid resolution. Colloid stability and electrokinetics in microfluidic devices with particulate or monolithic fixed-bed elements represent two potential applications of this work. 相似文献
Dzmitry Hlushkou Vladimir Apanasovich Andreas Seidel-Morgenstern Ulrich Tallarek 《Chemical Engineering Communications》2006,193(7):826-839
A numerical scheme is presented for simulating electrokinetic microfluidics in systems with arbitrary morphology. This scheme is based on a numerical solution of the coupled Poisson, Nernst-Planck, and Navier-Stokes equations. While traditional finite-difference methods were used to resolve the first two problems, the lattice Boltzmann method was applied to the latter. The developed numerical approach was used for the simulation of electroosmotic flow through a simple cubic array of hard (impermeable, nonconducting) micro-sized spheres. Volumetric electroosmotic flow was studied for dependence on electrical field strength, ζ-potential at the solid-liquid interface, electrical double layer interaction, and numerical grid resolution. Colloid stability and electrokinetics in microfluidic devices with particulate or monolithic fixed-bed elements represent two potential applications of this work. 相似文献
Laminar flow of solid-liquid suspension has been rarely reported in the literature. In this article, the laminar solid-liquid two-phase flow in a lab-scale stirred tank is measured with digital particle image velocimetry (DPIV) and numerically simulated with the improved inner-outer iterative method. The simulation results show good agreement with the present data. In the range of low solid volume concentration under investigation, solid particles have minor impact on two-phase flow, and the simulated flow fields of both phases are similar to the counterpart of single-phase laminar liquid flow. The comparison of simulation with experiments of single-phase laminar flow shows reasonable agreement. These observations suggest that the numerical method employed in the present study is reliable for analysis of stirred tanks. The influence of impeller off-bottom clearance on velocities is found significant: the lower the impeller, the smaller the radial and axial velocities, and the higher the solid concentration. 相似文献
ABSTRACT A mathematical model for predicting three-dimensional, two-phase flow, heat and mass transfer inside fluidized-bed dryers has been developed. The model consists of the full set of partial-differential equations that describe the conservation of mass, momentum and energy for both phases inside the dryer, and is coupled with correlations concerning interphase momentum-, heat-, and mass-transfer. It is shown that the model can predict the most important engineering aspects of a fluidized-bed dryer including pressure drop, particle holdup, temperature distribution in both phases as well as drying efficiency all over the fluidized-bed. Plug-flow conditions are predicted for the gas phase, while back-mixing is predicted for the particles. The effect of particle mass-flow-rate on fluidized-bed dryer performance is evaluated. It is shown that the lower the particle mass flow-rate, the more intense the horizontal moisture gradients, while the higher the particle rate the more uniform the moisture distribution throughout the bed. 相似文献
提出了底部局部辐射加窑炉内温度场数值分析的控制方程组,分别对平面加热及半圆柱形加热面两种算例进行了数值计算,得了影响烤花烤窑炉内温度场均匀性的主要因素和有加热面发射率,加热面形状,加热面相对位置及窑炉墙体热阻和墙体与外界的换热热阻。 相似文献
主要介绍了RTM工艺树脂充模过程的流动模式、充模过程模拟的流动模型和模拟方法。讨论了不同模拟情况下所需的合理假设、边界条件的设置以及采用的不同数值计算方法。同时,介绍了目前基于数值计算的RTM仿真软件,提出了RTM充模仿真研究的未来发展趋势。 相似文献
The two-dimensional Benard convection process is numerically simulated using a modified Marker and Cell finite difference method where the temperature equation is solved implicitly at every time step. Effects of the initial conditions, end-wall boundary conditions, Rayleigh number, Prandtl number, and aspect ratio on the development of the convection process and steady-state solution have been investigated. It is found that the Benard convection process is an initial value problem in the sense that the steady-state solution depends on the initial perturbation. If small scale perturbations are added in the initial temperatures, flow development and steady-state convergence is quicker. It is also found that when an appropriate aspect ratio is chosen, an infinite horizontal extent Benard system can be successfully and economically simulated using a small computational domain with periodic end-wall boundary conditions. The critical Rayleigh numbers are also predicted which agree closely with other published values. The critical Rayleigh number for infinite horizontal extent system is found to be independent of the fluid Prandtl number. The Row behavior and patterns at higher Rayleigh numbers are also investigated. 相似文献