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基于IC卡的淋浴收费系统是一种新型的公共浴室收费系统,它通过计算用水流量和使用时间来收取费用,使得淋浴计费更为合理,能有效的解决目前公共浴室用水浪费严重的现象,促使人们主动节水,为缓解城市供水短缺压力提供了一种有效解决方法。  相似文献   

“节水淋浴计算机控制系统”由主机 (工控机 )完成发放识别磁卡、浴室状态监视、交费结算、历史数据查询统计等功能。控制系统采用主、从网络系统 ,通过非接触磁卡做为身份识别信息载体。将现场每一个淋浴头设为智能终端 ,用来控制出水阀、水量累积、信息通讯、磁卡识别 ,由使用者持磁卡经识别后洗浴。该系统通过计量每个人的实际用水量来收费 ,可以明显地达到合理用水、节省用水。此系统由北京科日新工控电子技术有限公司近日完成 ,较好地解决了在公共洗浴场所由于每个人用水量的不能量化 ,造成大量的用水浪费的实际问题 ,具有很高的社会价…  相似文献   

为了方便公共浴室的营业管理,设计了一套采用非接触式ID卡技术的浴室收费系统.本文详细的描述了该系统的硬件和软件设计,并且为了满足营业过程中实时数据处理的要求,提出了一种基于散列表的单片机快速查找算法.本系统具有结构简单、操作方便和性价比高的特点,具有良好的应用前景.  相似文献   

美国的Grohe公司研制出了一款叫做“digital shower Grohtherm Wireless”可摇控的沐浴系统。这款无线数字淋浴系统,通过无线技术可以让你在卧室里通过遥控器启动浴室中的淋浴器,并可精确调节水温,流量等,当你走进浴室中,新鲜的热水已经放好等着你去享受了。  相似文献   

浴室水控系统简介目前,许多宾馆、饭店的员工浴室是本单位的用水大户,普遍存在着用水量大、用水频繁、冷热水浪费惊人、相关能源无谓消耗等严重问题。一些无节制用水,用热水洗衣以及外来无关人员用水等现象经常发生。这些不仅给宾馆管理带来了很大难度,也大大增加了单位的成本费用支出。以一个拥有250名员工的宾馆为例,  相似文献   

洗浴,是一种本能,也是一种享受。早在公元前六世纪,希腊就已经有了让清水从悬在高处的大理石圆盘如瀑布般环绕泻下的公共浴室。而后的古罗马人则把浴室建造得如同宫殿般极致奢华。再之后的一千多年,私人浴室是只有贵族等极少数人才享有的特殊待遇。如今,浴室与每个当代人的生活都密不可分。  相似文献   

如果你喜欢躺在浴缸里享受美好的沐浴时光,如果你喜欢在淋浴时随着音乐放声歌唱,那你必须选择一款能在浴室里使用的播放器了。iShower是一个采用先进的蓝牙无线连接技术的音箱,支持200英尺内与5个设备连接。可在  相似文献   

该文设计的淋浴节水控制器,可根据消费者实际的洗浴时间长短计时收费,实现节能节水.采用RC500作为IC卡操作模块.经485接口与微机进行实时通信.采用先扣钱后供水的消费模式.定时收费,费率可通过软件设置.在空闲模式下,控制器显示当前时间;在淋浴过程中,显示消费金额及卡中余额,并可以通过红外传感器,根据需要暂停出水及计费...  相似文献   

公共机房收费管理系统软件的开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公共计算机房传统的管理方式基本上为烦琐的手工模式 ,为此提出了一套基于 C/ S体系结构的适合公共机房管理的计时收费系统软件的设计方案 ,用以取代公共计算机房传统的手工管理模式。并对该系统软件进行了详细的论述  相似文献   

射频识别技术是一种无接触自动识别技术,由于其无接触的特性而应用于诸多领域。现如今传统高速公路收费系统的种种弊端,使得这一系统急需一种更加合理的系统代替之。不停车收费系统是一种当今世界正在努力开发的收费系统,由于引入了射频识别技术和电子交易技术,因此不停车收费系统比传统收费系统更为快捷和安全,而且可以解决了传统收费系统所固有的种种弊端,如:车辆对环境的影响,堵车等问题。不停车收费系统是无人值守系统,其内部系统构造更为复杂。  相似文献   

Residential households have the potential to conserve water, especially in behaviourally influenced end uses such as showering. Visual display monitors detailing shower water consumption parameters provide householders with a better understanding of their water use consumption and serve as a prompt to conserve. This longitudinal study first applied high resolution smart meters to create a registry of shower end use event parameters (i.e. shower duration, flow rate and duration) before and after the introduction of an alarming visual display monitor. The study showed a statistically significant mean reduction of 15.40 L (27%) in shower event volumes shortly after the implementation of the shower monitor. However, two subsequent smart metering reads indicated that shower end use water consumption savings diminished over time and mean showering volumes reverted back to their pre-intervention level after 4 months. That is, the longitudinal study provides empirical evidence that technological devices informing resource consumption may not be effective unless instilled habits or attitudes can be also modified; old habits die hard. Follow-up questionnaire surveys allowed for qualitative interpretations of the behavioural findings, through demographic summaries, residents' perceptions on shower monitor performance and their use of device over time, to name a few.  相似文献   

The rapid dissemination of residential water end-use (e.g. shower, clothes washer, etc.) consumption data to the customer via a web-enabled portal interface is becoming feasible through the advent of high resolution smart metering technologies. However, in order to achieve this paradigm shift in residential customer water use feedback, an automated approach for disaggregating complex water flow trace signatures into a registry of end-use event categories needs to be developed. This outcome is achieved by applying a hybrid combination of gradient vector filtering, Hidden Markov Model (HMM) and Dynamic Time Warping Algorithm (DTW) techniques on an existing residential water end-use database of 252 households located in South-east Queensland, Australia having high resolution water meters (0.0139 L/pulse), remote data transfer loggers (5 s logging) and completed household water appliance audits. The approach enables both single independent events (e.g. shower event) and combined events (i.e. several overlapping single events) to be disaggregated from flow data into a comprehensive end-use event registry. Complex blind source separation of concurrently occurring water end use events (e.g. shower and toilet flush occurring in same time period) is the primary focus of this present study. Validation of the developed model is achieved through an examination of 50 independent combined events.  相似文献   

采用数模混合可编程芯片AFS600,通过配置其嵌入的8051软核和内置资源构造了最小控制系统;完成了太阳能热水器的控制系统设计,实现了温度、水位等参数的采集、处理和控制等功能;采用增量式PID控制算法实现了淋浴水温的自动控制,使水温保持在设定温度的上下2℃范围内。  相似文献   

为了解决学生管理系统的安全性和效率问题,分析了已有系统的不足,提出了一个安全高效的学生综合管理系统的解决方案。该方案利用C/S结构安全中间件,进行SQL Server 2000安全设置弥补TDS(TabularData Stream)协议漏洞、与已有数据库系统数据共享等方法,保证了管理系统的可用性和有效性,克服了已有系统存在的安全性不高、效率低下的不足。基于PowerBuilder的前端和SQL SERVER 2000的后台的系统运行结果表明,该方案可行有效。  相似文献   

Bottom-up urban water demand forecasting based on empirical data for individual water end uses or micro-components (e.g., toilet, shower, etc.) for different households of varying characteristics is undoubtedly superior to top-down estimates originating from bulk water metres that are currently performed. Residential water end-use studies partially enabled by modern smart metering technologies such as those used in the South East Queensland Residential End Use Study (SEQREUS) provide the opportunity to align disaggregated water end-use demand for households with an extensive database covering household demographic, socio-economic and water appliance stock efficiency information. Artificial neural networks (ANNs) provide the ideal technique for aligning these databases to extract the key determinants for each water end-use category, with the view to building a residential water end-use demand forecasting model. Three conventional ANNs were used: two feed-forward back propagation networks and one radial basis function network. A sigmoid activation hidden layer and linear activation output layer produced the most accurate forecasting models. The end-use forecasting models had R2 values of 0.33, 0.37, 0.60, 0.57, 0.57, 0.21 and 0.41 for toilet, tap, shower, clothes washer, dishwasher, bath and total internal demand, respectively. All of the forecasting models except the bath demand were able to reproduce the means and medians of the frequency distributions of the training and validation sets. This study concludes with an application of the developed forecasting model for predicting the water savings derived from a citywide implementation of a residential water appliance retrofit program (i.e., retrofitting with efficient toilets, clothes washers and shower heads).  相似文献   

一种基于部署穿越服务器的私网穿越方案   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
私网穿越是在目前公网地址短缺情况下普遍存在的问题,文章在分析了当前流行的解决方案的基础上,提出了一种基于部署穿越服务器的解决方案,不需要对现有NAT和已有网络设备进行升级和改造,文中重点描述了实现原理和工作机制,并给出了详细的信令流程。  相似文献   

当前北京地区水资源短缺与过度开采问题比较严重,为解决这一难题,开发建设北京市南水北调某干渠自动输水系统。按照不同的业务需求设计,自动输水系统可分为监控、视频安防、水质监测、安全监测、通信及计算机网络等 5 个子系统,采用监控系统对压力和水量等参量进行采集、传输、存储,借助视频安防系统将图像采集及存储,利用通信及计算机网络系统确保信息传递的通达性和安全性,通过水质和安全监测系统确保供水安全,最终建立集动态监测、监控预警、远程控制、实时掌控为一体的联动输水系统。自动输水系统的建设,可实现北京市较为合理的水资源配置,加速地下水逐步置换,也进一步缓解水资源短缺与过度开采问题。  相似文献   

本文提出一种应用于网络化公共广播系统的串口网桥,为公共广播系统的控制主机和广播终端之间提供了透明数据传输服务,使得能将传统公共广播系统终端应用于网络化公共广播系统中,为实现传统公共广播系统向网络化公共广播系统的升级提供了一种有效的解决方案。该串口网桥的硬件设计基于高集成度的网络单片机MC9S12NE64,配合基于嵌入式TCP/IP协议栈OpenTCP的软件,具有结构简洁,体积小,功耗低,效率高和灵活性强的优点。  相似文献   

本文提出一种应用于网络化公共广播系统的串口网桥,为公共广播系统的控制主机和广播终端之间提供了透明数据传输服务。使得能将传统公共广播系统终端应用于网络化公共广播系统中,为实现传统公共广播系统向网络化公共广播系统的升级提供了一种有效的解决方案。该串口网桥的硬件设计基于高集成度的网络单片机MC9S12NE64,配合基于嵌入式TCP/IP协议栈OpenTCP的软件,具有结构简洁,体积小,功耗低,效率高和灵活性强的优点。  相似文献   

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