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Repositories of unstructured data types, such as free text, images, audio and video, have been recently emerging in various fields. A general searching approach for such data types is that of similarity search, where the search is for similar objects and similarity is modeled by a metric distance function. In this article we propose a new dynamic paged and balanced access method for similarity search in metric data sets, named CM-tree (Clustered Metric tree). It fully supports dynamic capabilities of insertions and deletions both of single objects and in bulk. Distinctive from other methods, it is especially designed to achieve a structure of tight and low overlapping clusters via its primary construction algorithms (instead of post-processing), yielding significantly improved performance. Several new methods are introduced to achieve this: a strategy for selecting representative objects of nodes, clustering based node split algorithm and criteria for triggering a node split, and an improved sub-tree pruning method used during search. To facilitate these methods the pairwise distances between the objects of a node are maintained within each node. Results from an extensive experimental study show that the CM-tree outperforms the M-tree and the Slim-tree, improving search performance by up to 312% for I/O costs and 303% for CPU costs.  相似文献   

Metric indexing is the state of the art in general distance-based retrieval. Relying on the triangular inequality, metric indexes achieve significant online speed-up beyond a linear scan. Recently, the idea of Ptolemaic indexing was introduced, which substitutes Ptolemy's inequality for the triangular one, potentially yielding higher efficiency for the distances where it applies. In this paper we have adapted several metric indexes to support Ptolemaic indexing, thus establishing a class of Ptolemaic access methods (PtoAM). In particular, we include Ptolemaic Pivot tables, Ptolemaic PM-Trees and the Ptolemaic M-Index. We also show that the most important and promising family of distances suitable for Ptolemaic indexing is the signature quadratic form distance, an adaptive similarity measure which can cope with flexible content representations of multimedia data, among other things. While this distance has shown remarkable qualities regarding the search effectiveness, its high computational complexity underscores the need for efficient search methods. We show that these distances are Ptolemaic metrics and present a study where we apply Ptolemaic indexing methods on real-world image databases, resolving exact queries nearly four times as fast as the state-of-the-art metric solution, and up to three orders of magnitude times as fast as sequential scan.  相似文献   

Metric access methods based on hyperplane partitioning have the advantage, compared to the ball partitioning-based ones, that regions do not overlap. The price is less flexibility for controlling the tree shape, especially in the dynamic scenario, that is, upon insertions and deletions of objects. In this paper we introduce a technique called ghost hyperplanes, which enables fully dynamic data structures based on hyperplane partitioning. We apply the technique to Brin's GNAT static index, obtaining a dynamic variant called EGNAT, which in addition we adapt to secondary memory. We show experimentally that the EGNAT is competitive with the M-tree, the baseline for this scenario. We also apply the ghost hyperplane technique to Voronoi trees, obtaining a competitive dynamic structure for main memory.  相似文献   

Similarity search operations require executing expensive algorithms, and although broadly useful in many new applications, they rely on specific structures not yet supported by commercial DBMS. In this paper we discuss the new Omni-technique, which allows to build a variety of dynamic Metric Access Methods based on a number of selected objects from the dataset, used as global reference objects. We call them as the Omni-family of metric access methods. This technique enables building similarity search operations on top of existing structures, significantly improving their performance, regarding the number of disk access and distance calculations. Additionally, our methods scale up well, exhibiting sub-linear behavior with growing database size.  相似文献   

Searching in a dataset for elements that are similar to a given query element is a core problem in applications that manage complex data, and has been aided by metric access methods (MAMs). A growing number of applications require indices that must be built faster and repeatedly, also providing faster response for similarity queries. The increase in the main memory capacity and its lowering costs also motivate using memory-based MAMs. In this paper, we propose the Onion-tree, a new and robust dynamic memory-based MAM that slices the metric space into disjoint subspaces to provide quick indexing of complex data. It introduces three major characteristics: (i) a partitioning method that controls the number of disjoint subspaces generated at each node; (ii) a replacement technique that can change the leaf node pivots in insertion operations; and (iii) range and k-NN extended query algorithms to support the new partitioning method, including a new visit order of the subspaces in k-NN queries. Performance tests with both real-world and synthetic datasets showed that the Onion-tree is very compact. Comparisons of the Onion-tree with the MM-tree and a memory-based version of the Slim-tree showed that the Onion-tree was always faster to build the index. The experiments also showed that the Onion-tree significantly improved range and k-NN query processing performance and was the most efficient MAM, followed by the MM-tree, which in turn outperformed the Slim-tree in almost all the tests.  相似文献   

Metric search is concerned with the efficient evaluation of queries in metric spaces. In general, a large space of objects is arranged in such a way that, when a further object is presented as a query, those objects most similar to the query can be efficiently found. Most mechanisms rely upon the triangle inequality property of the metric governing the space. The triangle inequality property is equivalent to a finite embedding property, which states that any three points of the space can be isometrically embedded in two-dimensional Euclidean space. In this paper, we examine a class of semimetric space which is finitely four-embeddable in three-dimensional Euclidean space. In mathematics this property has been extensively studied and is generally known as the four-point property. All spaces with the four-point property are metric spaces, but they also have some stronger geometric guarantees. We coin the term supermetric1space as, in terms of metric search, they are significantly more tractable. Supermetric spaces include all those governed by Euclidean, Cosine,2 Jensen–Shannon and Triangular distances, and are thus commonly used within many domains. In previous work we have given a generic mathematical basis for the supermetric property and shown how it can improve indexing performance for a given exact search structure. Here we present a full investigation into its use within a variety of different hyperplane partition indexing structures, and go on to show some more of its flexibility by examining a search structure whose partition and exclusion conditions are tailored, at each node, to suit the individual reference points and data set present there. Among the results given, we show a new best performance for exact search using a well-known benchmark.  相似文献   

This work focus on fast nearest neighbor (NN) search algorithms that can work in any metric space (not just the Euclidean distance) and where the distance computation is very time consuming. One of the most well known methods in this field is the AESA algorithm, used as baseline for performance measurement for over twenty years. The AESA works in two steps that repeats: first it searches a promising candidate to NN and computes its distance (approximation step), next it eliminates all the unsuitable NN candidates in view of the new information acquired in the previous calculation (elimination step).This work introduces the PiAESA algorithm. This algorithm improves the performance of the AESA algorithm by splitting the approximation criterion: on the first iterations, when there is not enough information to find good NN candidates, it uses a list of pivots (objects in the database) to obtain a cheap approximation of the distance function. Once a good approximation is obtained it switches to the AESA usual behavior. As the pivot list is built in preprocessing time, the run time of PiAESA is almost the same than the AESA one.In this work, we report experiments comparing with some competing methods. Our empirical results show that this new approach obtains a significant reduction of distance computations with no execution time penalty.  相似文献   

Similarity searching in metric spaces has a vast number of applications in several fields like multimedia databases, text retrieval, computational biology, and pattern recognition. In this context, one of the most important similarity queries is the k nearest neighbor (k-NN) search. The standard best-first k-NN algorithm uses a lower bound on the distance to prune objects during the search. Although optimal in several aspects, the disadvantage of this method is that its space requirements for the priority queue that stores unprocessed clusters can be linear in the database size. Most of the optimizations used in spatial access methods (for example, pruning using MinMaxDist) cannot be applied in metric spaces, due to the lack of geometric properties. We propose a new k-NN algorithm that uses distance estimators, aiming to reduce the storage requirements of the search algorithm. The method stays optimal, yet it can significantly prune the priority queue without altering the output of the query. Experimental results with synthetic and real datasets confirm the reduction in storage space of our proposed algorithm, showing savings of up to 80% of the original space requirement.
Gonzalo NavarroEmail:

Benjamin Bustos   is an assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Chile. He is also a researcher at the Millennium Nucleus Center for Web Research. His research interests are similarity searching and multimedia information retrieval. He has a doctoral degree in natural sciences from the University of Konstanz, Germany. Contact him at bebustos@dcc.uchile.cl. Gonzalo Navarro   earned his PhD in Computer Science at the University of Chile in 1998, where he is now Full Professor. His research interests include similarity searching, text databases, compression, and algorithms and data structures in general. He has coauthored a book on string matching and around 200 international papers. He has (co)chaired international conferences SPIRE 2001, SCCC 2004, SPIRE 2005, SIGIR Posters 2005, IFIP TCS 2006, and ENC 2007 Scalable Pattern Recognition track; and belongs to the Editorial Board of Information Retrieval Journal. He is currently Head of the Department of Computer Science at University of Chile, and Head of the Millenium Nucleus Center for Web Research, the largest Chilean project in Computer Science research.   相似文献   

In multimedia information retrieval, multimedia data are represented as vectors in high-dimensional space. To search these vectors efficiently, a variety of indexing methods have been proposed. However, the performance of these indexing methods degrades dramatically with increasing dimensionality, which is known as the dimensionality curse. To resolve the dimensionality curse, dimensionality reduction methods have been proposed. They map feature vectors in high-dimensional space into vectors in low-dimensional space before the data are indexed. This paper proposes a novel method for dimensionality reduction based on a function that approximates the Euclidean distance based on the norm and angle components of a vector. First, we identify the causes of, and discuss basic solutions to, errors in angle approximation during the approximation of the Euclidean distance. Then, this paper propose a new method for dimensionality reduction that extracts a set of subvectors from a feature vector and maintains only the norm and the approximated angle for every subvector. The selection of a good reference vector is crucial for accurate approximation of the angle component. We present criteria for being a good reference vector, and propose a method that chooses a good reference vector. Also, we define a novel distance function using the norm and angle components, and formally prove that the distance function consistently lower-bounds the Euclidean distance. This implies information retrieval with this function does not incur any false dismissals. Finally, the superiority of the proposed approach is verified via extensive experiments with synthetic and real-life data sets.
Byung-Uk ChoiEmail:

Similarity search aims to find all objects similar to a query object. Typically, some base similarity measures for the different properties of the objects are defined, and light-weight similarity indexes for these measures are built. A query plan specifies which similarity indexes to use with which similarity thresholds and how to combine the results. Previous work creates only a single, static query plan to be used by all queries. In contrast, our approach creates a new plan for each query.  相似文献   

Proximity searches become very difficult on “high dimensional” metric spaces, that is, those whose histogram of distances has a large mean and/or a small variance. This so-called “curse of dimensionality”, well known in vector spaces, is also observed in metric spaces. The search complexity grows sharply with the dimension and with the search radius. We present a general probabilistic framework applicable to any search algorithm and whose net effect is to reduce the search radius. The higher the dimension, the more effective the technique. We illustrate empirically its practical performance on a particular class of algorithms, where large improvements in the search time are obtained at the cost of a very small error probability.  相似文献   

The state of the art of searching for non-text data (e.g., images) is to use extracted metadata annotations or text, which might be available as a related information. However, supporting real content-based audiovisual search, based on similarity search on features, is significantly more expensive than searching for text. Moreover, such search exhibits linear scalability with respect to the dataset size, so parallel query execution is needed.In this paper, we present a Distributed Incremental Nearest Neighbor algorithm (DINN) for finding closest objects in an incremental fashion over data distributed among computer nodes, each able to perform its local Incremental Nearest Neighbor (local-INN) algorithm. We prove that our algorithm is optimum with respect to both the number of involved nodes and the number of local-INN invocations. An implementation of our DINN algorithm, on a real P2P system called MCAN, was used for conducting an extensive experimental evaluation on a real-life dataset.The proposed algorithm is being used in two running projects: SAPIR and NeP4B.  相似文献   

Scientific workflows have become a valuable tool for large-scale data processing and analysis. This has led to the creation of specialized online repositories to facilitate workflow sharing and reuse. Over time, these repositories have grown to sizes that call for advanced methods to support workflow discovery, in particular for similarity search. Effective similarity search requires both high quality algorithms for the comparison of scientific workflows and efficient strategies for indexing, searching, and ranking of search results. Yet, the graph structure of scientific workflows poses severe challenges to each of these steps. Here, we present a complete system for effective and efficient similarity search in scientific workflow repositories, based on the Layer Decomposition approach to scientific workflow comparison. Layer Decomposition specifically accounts for the directed dataflow underlying scientific workflows and, compared to other state-of-the-art methods, delivers best results for similarity search at comparably low runtimes. Stacking Layer Decomposition with even faster, structure-agnostic approaches allows us to use proven, off-the-shelf tools for workflow indexing to further reduce runtimes and scale similarity search to sizes of current repositories.  相似文献   

Indexing high-dimensional data for main-memory similarity search   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
As RAM gets cheaper and larger, in-memory processing of data becomes increasingly affordable. In this paper, we propose a novel index structure, the CSR+-tree, to support efficient high-dimensional similarity search in main memory. We introduce quantized bounding spheres (QBSs) that approximate bounding spheres (BSs) or data points. We analyze the respective pros and cons of both QBSs and the previously proposed quantized bounding rectangles (QBRs), and take the best of both worlds by carefully incorporating both of them into the CSR+-tree. We further propose a novel distance computation scheme that eliminates the need for decompressing QBSs or QBRs, which results in significant cost savings. We present an extensive experimental evaluation and analysis of the CSR+-tree, and compare its performance against that of other representative indexes in the literature. Our results show that the CSR+-tree consistently outperforms other index structures.  相似文献   

Databases are getting more and more important for storing complex objects from scientific, engineering, or multimedia applications. Examples for such data are chemical compounds, CAD drawings, or XML data. The efficient search for similar objects in such databases is a key feature. However, the general problem of many similarity measures for complex objects is their computational complexity, which makes them unusable for large databases. In this paper, we combine and extend the two techniques of metric index structures and multi-step query processing to improve the performance of range query processing. The efficiency of our methods is demonstrated in extensive experiments on real-world data including graphs, trees, and vector sets.  相似文献   

The Harmony Search (HS) is a metaheuristic algorithm, which is inspired from the composition of music harmonies. The functionality and flexibility of HS contribute to the development of successful methodologies for different kind of scientific problems. The aim of this paper is to propose a variant of the classic HS algorithm in order to provide competitive solutions for the Team Orienteering Problem (TOP). We introduce the Similarity Hybrid Harmony Search (SHHS) algorithm as an alternative and innovative optimization method. The SHHS follows the standard procedure of HS with some modifications and includes a new strategy called “similarity process”. Two versions of the proposed method have been developed, the static version with predefined values for the parameters of the method and the dynamic one with dynamic adjustment of the parameters. The SHHS algorithm is applied to the known benchmark instances of TOP. The dynamic of the algorithm is tested through a complete solution analysis which gives the superiority of the dynamic version compared to the static one. The results of both versions of the proposed algorithm indicate the positive performance against other effective and robust optimization algorithms from the literature.  相似文献   

We propose a family of very efficient hierarchical indexing schemes for ungapped, score matrix-based similarity search in large datasets of short (4–12 amino acid) protein fragments. This type of similarity search has importance in both providing a building block to more complex algorithms and for possible use in direct biological investigations where datasets are of the order of 60 million objects. Our scheme is based on the internal geometry of the amino acid alphabet and performs exceptionally well, for example outputting 100 nearest neighbours to any possible fragment of length 10 after scanning on average less than 1% of the entire dataset.  相似文献   

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