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International food trade and world population are growing rapidly. National legislation has been enacted and implemented in many countries to assure good quality and safe foods to meet increased demand. No country is fully self-sufficient in domestic food production to meet population demands, and all require some food imports. Current international food trade agreements call for free and fair food trade between all countries, developed and developing. National food legislation and food production, processing and marketing systems have evolved in most countries to ensure better quality and safer foods. At the international level the work of the FAO/ WHO Codex Alimentarius Commission (Codex) and the World Trade Organization Agreements on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS) and on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) and related Uruguay Round agreements have been agreed to by over 140 countries with the aim to promoting the free and fair trade of good quality and safe foods between all countries. The SPS and TBT agreements rely on science-based Codex standards, guidelines, and recommendations as benchmarks for judging international food trade disputes. A number of non-tariff barriers to trade, often related to agricultural subsidies and other food trade payments in developed countries, continue to give rise to complaints to WTO. They also continue to prevent free and fair trade, particularly for developing countries in international food trade. A number of these non-tariff barriers to trade are briefly examined, along with other domestic and international food trade problems, and recommendations for improvements are made.  相似文献   

俄罗斯自2011年12月加入世界贸易组织后, 其各项法规政策正逐步与国际接轨, 这必将更有利于中国扩大对俄罗斯的食品出口贸易, 为我国食品的出口贸易提供一个更加广阔的市场。本文对2007?2011年中俄两国的食品进出口贸易情况进行了简要分析, 并对欧盟和我国对俄罗斯的食品通报情况进行了阐述, 这将有助于我国正视中俄两国贸易现状, 为对俄食品出口贸易提供借鉴, 促进中俄贸易正常发展。  相似文献   

Trade in food and food ingredients among the nations of the world is rapidly expanding and, with this expansion, new supply chain partners, from globally disparate geographic regions, are being enrolled. Food and food ingredients are progressively sourced more from lesser developed nations. Food safety incidents in the USA and Canada show a high unfavorable correlation between illness outbreaks and imported foods. In the USA, for example, foodborne disease outbreaks caused by imported food appeared to rise in 2009 and 2010, and nearly half of the outbreaks, associated with imported food, implicated foods imported from areas which previously had not been associated with outbreaks. Projecting supply chains into new geographical regions raises serious questions about the capacity of the new supply chain partners to provide the requisite regulatory framework and sufficiently robust public health measures for ensuring the safety of the foods and foodstuffs offered for international trade. The laws, regulation and legislation among the many nations participating in the global food trade are, at best, inconsistent. These inconsistencies frequently give rise to trade disputes and cause large quantities of food to be at risk of destruction on the often dubious pretext that they are not safe. Food safety is often viewed through a political or normative lens. Often as not, this lens has been wrought absent scientific precision. Harmonization of food safety legislation around sound scientific principles, as advocated by the US Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA), would ultimately promote trade and likely provide for incremental improvement in public health. Among the priority roles of most national governments are the advancement of commerce and trade, preservation of public health and ensuring domestic tranquility. Achieving these priorities is fundamental to creating and preserving the wealth of nations. Countries such as the Netherlands, Canada, Germany, Japan and the USA, for example, have very stable governments, are leaders in trade and commerce and enjoy high standards of public health. It is not by accident or coincidence that these nations are also among the world's wealthiest. Attainment of national priorities, especially those related to promoting trade in foodstuffs and also in preserving public health (food safety), would benefit greatly from international efforts in harmonizing food safety regulations and legislation. © 2013 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

随着生活水平的提高和人们健康意识的增强,人们会更加注意摄入低糖低热的食品,无糖食品逐渐得到尤其女士、肥胖人士等人群喜爱。无蔗糖蜜饯不采用传统蜜饯糖渍加工工艺,不添加蔗糖,是一种新兴健康高品质的蜜饯食品。由于不含蔗糖,满足了人们特别是特殊人群对无糖蜜饯产品的需求,逐渐得到国际市场上消费者的喜爱。随着环保、健康意识的不断增强,国外"绿色技术性贸易壁垒"越来越严格,如日本的"肯定列表制度"对于蜜饯等食品的农残要求达到近乎苛求的地步,美国、欧盟等发达国家对于农药限量等食品安全限量的要求同样日趋严格,我国出口蜜饯产品因为农药残留、添加剂等食品安全不达标而被退货的例子屡见不鲜,已成为制约出口的重大质量隐患。本文通过对无蔗糖芒果蜜饯国内外食品安全标准限量比对,分析出主要贸易国家限量与我国标准的差异,指导我国出口生产企业及时作出应对措施,提升产品质量安全水平,生产出符合国际标准的无蔗糖芒果蜜饯,提高我国无蔗糖芒果蜜饯的竞争力,促进企业经济效益和社会效益增长。  相似文献   

不断调整的国内外经济政策,不仅对我国利用国际市场资源带来挑战,还可能通过价格传导的形式影响国内粮食价格,甚至粮食生产。在广泛搜集影响粮食价格波动相关因素的基础上,采用主成分分析和时变参数因子增强向量自回归模型(TVP-FAVAR)相结合的方法,分析了供求因素、金融及能源因素以及全球经济政策不稳定性对我国粮食价格的影响。主要研究发现如下:全球经济政策不确定性对国内粮食价格有显著的负向冲击;不同种类粮食价格对不确定性冲击的响应是有差异的。针对模型结果,提出如下政策建议:在中美贸易战愈演愈烈的今天,面对来自国际市场的不确定性冲击,政策制定者应该采取组合策略平抑国际市场的冲击;政策制定者应针对不同粮食品种实施有差别的价格政策和调节手段;加强粮食市场信息监测系统建设,提高根据价格监测信息准确解读市场行情的能力,制定多样化价格调整政策来抵消外部市场的不确定性冲击;我国可以通过与更多具有粮食出口潜力的国家实施更多的贸易自由协定,为国民寻求更加稳定的外部供给渠道,减缓主要国家贸易政策不稳定性带来的不利影响。  相似文献   

目的通过对国内外食品安全国家标准的对比,及时跟踪国际食品法典委员会和国际标准的迚展,缩小我国与发达国家和国际食品法典标准的差距。方法基于文献计量学的斱法从标准数量、标龄、发布年代、采标率、采标一致性程度、采标及时性等多个斱面,将英、德、法、俄、美5个国家食品领域的现行标准与我国现行标准迚行对比分析。结果我国食品标准的技术领域主要分布在食品综合、香料和调料、食品添加剂、食品实验和分析的一般斱法以及预包装食品和精制食品等斱面,我国食品标准的国际标准采标率相对较低。结论建议加强乳和乳制品、与食品接触的物品与材料、感官分析等标准研制,有敁实施强制性食品安全标准,保障食品安全。  相似文献   

随着"一带一路"在沿线国家间的有序推进,中国食品贸易量在迅速扩大,而其中的食品贸易争端也随之逐渐凸显。由于中国食品安全保障的法制机制建立时间较晚,食品安全标准不够统一且无法与国际标准接轨,中国食品贸易因此屡遭技术性贸易壁垒。对此,应在进一步完善国内食品安全保障的法律体系基础上,调整国内食品安全标准以回应国际要求,并从主导建立涵盖"一带一路"沿线国家在内的统一食品安全质量标准、掌握食品安全保障区域规则制定的话语权,以及落实法律机制的具体实施途径等维度,对中国食品贸易争端解决的法律机制进行构建。  相似文献   

本文通过对欧盟食品标签标准的主要法规、立法程序和立法原则进行介绍、将其与国际食品法典和中国食品标签标准比较,得出欧盟食品标签标准比国际食品法典(Codex)和中国的标准复杂、完备的结论。进而结合国际贸易中技术性贸易壁垒的背景,指出在欧盟等国家复杂详尽的食品标签标准背后是这些国家的标准对本国消费者的更好保护和对中国出口食品产业的技术优势。  相似文献   

欧盟、国际食品法典和中国食品标签标准比较研究(Ⅰ)   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文通过对欧盟食品标签标准的主要法规、立法程序和立法原则进行介绍、将其与国际食品法典和中国食品标签标准比较,得出欧盟食品标签标准比国际食品法典(Codex)和中国的标准复杂、完备的结论。进而结合国际贸易中技术性贸易壁垒的背景,指出在欧盟等国家复杂详尽的食品标签标准背后是这些国家的标准对本国消费者的更好保护和对中国出口食品产业的技术优势。  相似文献   

Food toxicology (FT) is an old science whose origins may go back to primitive humans. However, due to major environmental damage, daily market launches of new food products, and the analytical ability to detect ever smaller quantities of toxicants in foods, FT is also an ever‐growing science with an enormous task ahead. With respect to trace elements, current research trends can be encompassed under the headings of detection, control, and toxicological evaluation. Under the heading detection, quality, sensitivity, speed, automation, and specificity for each food type are the characteristics currently sought when developing new methodologies. Under control, there is a great need for constant monitoring, on an international level, of the levels of trace elements present in foods; and for development and application of new methodologies to guarantee product and process safety. Under toxicological evaluation, information about the bioavailability of trace elements and consequently studies of the chemical species present in foods have top priority. The work still outstanding in the study of trace element FT is immense, because it is necessary to achieve a profound understanding of the toxicological characteristics of food products in relation to trace elements; to give information to food manufacturers that they can use to adapt their production so that it meets the requirements of international legislation and demands for quality and innocuousness on the part of the market and consumers; and to develop standards regulating the maximum content of trace elements, according to the content of the various species.  相似文献   

The Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) Agreement under the World Trade Organisation (WTO) provides the right to member countries trading in food commodities to take measures to protect plant, animal and human health. However, these measures cannot be arbitrary, but should be based on scientific risk assessments performed according to international standards. The agreement also requires countries to adopt international standards such as those developed by the Codex Alimentarius Commission for food safety and by the World Animal Health Organization (OIE) for animal health. Scientific risk assessments required for development of food safety standards are performed by FAO/WHO. Some examples of food safety standards set by the Codex Alimentarius Commission based on risk assessments are microbiological criteria for Listeria monocytogenes in ready to eat foods and Guidelines for control of pathogenic Vibrio spp in sea foods.  相似文献   

面对国内国际双循环的新格局,跨境贸易在构建适应国内国际双循环的产业体系和空间布局方面起着举足轻重的作用。该文以进口葡萄酒技术性贸易壁垒为研究对象,对比分析中澳两国在标签要求、卫生质量检验、进口管制程序上的差异,借鉴澳大利亚在国际贸易中的技术性贸易措施,为规范中国进口葡萄酒市场、加快产业建设提出可行性建议。  相似文献   

The harmonization of national food standards in South America has been undertaken by Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay within the Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR). Since food is among the most important commodities traded internationally, the harmonization of national food standards has been considered a priority. MERCOSUR countries have different laws governing food that are based, among other things, on historical, cultural and economic factors. Some regulations are complex and contain many controls while others are less developed and lack basic requirements. As a consequence, from the inception of preparing a common legislation through its adoption by the member countries, a long and difficult task has been foreseen. Although not immediately apparent, the difficulty in achieving consensus within MERCOSUR is not unlike that experience by the members of the European Union. Currently, food harmonization within MERCOSUR has been reached for issues where technical standards may represent serious trade barriers. These decisions have been based on Codex limentarius Commission guidelines and recommendations as well as on the European Union experience. This article will briefly discuss the current status of the MERCOSUR harmonization process with focus on issues related to food safety. A historical background of MERCOSUR and its institutional structure are included. © 2013 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

进口食品注册已成为保护国内消费者健康、调节进出口食品贸易的一种技术贸易措施。我国目前对四类进口食品实施了注册管理,随着注册工作的持续推进,单一化的注册管理模式已经不能满足工作需要。本文讨论了国内外注册管理模式特点,总结出我国进口食品注册管理工作中存在的问题,并通过研究借鉴国外一些先进的注册管理经验,提出了针对不同产品类别和不同风险等级,由政府部门、社会第三方认证机构、进口商、供应商、生产企业等多方参与、齐抓共治的多元化注册监管新模式。  相似文献   

尽管美国食品总体质量水平较高,但食品安全依旧是公众关注的焦点问题,影响着消费者健康、行业利润以及产品声誉和国际竞争力。因此,美国政府在制定政策时应给予更多的重视。本文在介绍美国食品安全监管环境和国际环境现状的基础上,指出了其在风险责任和市场作用、风险标准和政策目标、风险和成本分布、联邦监管行动的组织以及国际贸易方面所面临的一系列问题,并给出了不同的政策选择。  相似文献   

乳制品质量与安全是一个全球性的重要问题。许多国家纷纷采取立法、行政、司法以及提高检验技术等多种措施,以提高乳及乳制品的质量与安全。近年来,我国进口乳及乳制品的种类和数量与日俱增,但由于国内外法规与标准检测指标差异,导致进口乳制品“安全风险难以发现”、出口乳制品“遭受贸易技术壁垒”事件频发。为维护我国进出口乳制品企业和消费者合法权益,保障乳制品质量安全,亟需明确国内外乳制品法规与标准在检测指标方面的差异,提升检测方法的针对性和准确度。本文对我国乳制品的标准现状、我国与主要贸易国在乳制品质量与安全方面主要检测指标的差异进行了比较分析,指出了中外乳制品法规、检测指标和限量值的不同,并对我国乳制品法规、检测指标及限量值等标准的改进给出了建议,以期为我国全面科学地优化进出口乳及乳制品法规提供参考。  相似文献   

运动营养食品的现状和未来   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据普及运动营养学知识和推动我国运动营养事业的需要,阐述了运动营养食品的最新概念、国外运动营养食品的发展、国内市场前景和急待开发、培育的现状。对国内10多年来已基本成熟的运动营养食品体系作了详尽的阐述,并就近两年来我国运动营养食品行业在产品研制与开发、行业标准制订、运动营养学知识普及和国内外学术交流、运动营养师培训等方面的工作进展作了介绍。这些大好的形势预示了我国运动营养食品市场的美好未来。  相似文献   

婴幼儿食品安全问题由于其高度敏感、影响深远受到各国政府及社会广泛关注。目前我国及国际组织包括国际食品法典委员会、欧盟均对婴幼儿食品中污染物、真菌毒素、微生物等风险因子做出限量规定,但也存在限量指标范围及限量值不统一、发展不均衡的现象。我国婴幼儿食品安全标准近年已取得长足进步,本文在系统调研目前我国及国际组织婴幼儿食品安全标准中风险因子限量现状的基础上,对风险因子限量指标及限量值差异进行深入分析,提出我国婴幼儿食品安全风险因子限量完善的思考建议,以期为我国婴幼儿食品安全标准提升提供参考依据。  相似文献   

董新昕  王强  杨月欣 《食品科学》2009,30(13):273-275
通过研究WTO 食品标签通报情况,分析世界食品标签管理的现状及发展趋势,从而为中国的食品标签管理工作提供技术支持。首先,从通报数量、成员发布情况、通报内容三方面对WTO 成员在2002 年至2007 年间发布的食品标签通报进行统计。然后,对国内外的食品标签通报情况进行分析,并为中国的食品标签管理工作提出建议。结果表明,日本、美国、欧盟及其成员国在食品标签法规标准制修订方面起主角作用,加强食品标签管理是今后的发展趋势,科技进步会拓宽食品标签的管理领域。  相似文献   

近年来, 由于我国与欧盟(European Union, EU)在制定蛋制品中农兽药最大残留限量(maximum residues limits, MRLs)上的不同, 我国出口欧洲的蛋制品中农兽药残留超标及检出违禁药物的食品安全事件频繁报道, 严重阻碍了中国禽蛋出口贸易的发展。为了解我国与欧盟在禽蛋中农兽药残留限量标准方面的差异, 提升中国禽蛋产品在国际市场的竞争力, 本文对欧盟和中国禽蛋中农药和兽药残留的种类和最大残留限量值进行对比分析, 发现目前我国禽蛋农兽药残留限量标准存在种类尚不全面、残留限量指标的严宽程度有待研究等问题。针对我国实际, 本文提出一些完善蛋制品农兽药残留标准体系的思路和对策措施, 为保障食品安全与产品出口提供重要参考依据。  相似文献   

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