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We take a new approach to interactive visualization and feature detection of large scalar, vector, and multifield computational fluid dynamics data sets that is also well suited for meshless CFD methods. Radial basis functions (RBFs) are used to procedurally encode both scattered and irregular gridded scalar data sets. The RBF encoding creates a complete, unified, functional representation of the scalar field throughout 3D space, independent of the underlying data topology, and eliminates the need for the original data grid during visualization. The capability of commodity PC graphics hardware to accelerate the reconstruction and rendering and to perform feature detection from this functional representation is a powerful tool for visualizing procedurally encoded volumes. Our RBF encoding and GPU-accelerated reconstruction, feature detection, and visualization tool provides a flexible system for visually exploring and analyzing large, structured, scattered, and unstructured scalar, vector, and multifield data sets at interactive rates on desktop PCs.  相似文献   

Sets of multiple scalar fields can be used to model many types of variation in data, such as uncertainty in measurements and simulations or time‐dependent behavior of scalar quantities. Many structural properties of such fields can be explained by dependencies between different points in the scalar field. Although these dependencies can be of arbitrary complexity, correlation, i.e., the linear dependency, already provides significant structural information. Existing methods for correlation analysis are usually limited to positive correlation, handle only local dependencies, or use combinatorial approximations to this continuous problem. We present a new approach for computing and visualizing correlated regions in sets of 2‐dimensional scalar fields. This paper describes the following three main contributions: (i) An algorithm for hierarchical correlation clustering resulting in a dendrogram, (ii) a generalization of topological landscapes for dendrogram visualization, and (iii) a new method for incorporating negative correlation values in the clustering and visualization. All steps are designed to preserve the special properties of correlation coefficients. The results are visualized in two linked views, one showing the cluster hierarchy as 2D landscape and the other providing a spatial context in the scalar field's domain. Different coloring and texturing schemes coupled with interactive selection support an exploratory data analysis.  相似文献   

Understanding fluid flow data, especially vortices, is still a challenging task. Sophisticated visualization tools help to gain insight. In this paper, we present a novel approach for the interactive comparison of scalar fields using isosurfaces, and its application to fluid flow datasets. Features in two scalar fields are defined by largest contour segmentation after topological simplification. These features are matched using a volumetric similarity measure based on spatial overlap of individual features. The relationships defined by this similarity measure are ranked and presented in a thumbnail gallery of feature pairs and a graph representation showing all relationships between individual contours. Additionally, linked views of the contour trees are provided to ease navigation. The main render view shows the selected features overlapping each other. Thus, by displaying individual features and their relationships in a structured fashion, we enable exploratory visualization of correlations between similar structures in two scalar fields. We demonstrate the utility of our approach by applying it to a number of complex fluid flow datasets, where the emphasis is put on the comparison of vortex related scalar quantities.  相似文献   

We describe a novel technique for the simultaneous visualization of multiple scalar fields, e.g. representing the members of an ensemble, based on their contour trees. Using tree alignments, a graph-theoretic concept similar to edit distance mappings, we identify commonalities across multiple contour trees and leverage these to obtain a layout that can represent all trees simultaneously in an easy-to-interpret, minimally-cluttered manner. We describe a heuristic algorithm to compute tree alignments for a given similarity metric, and give an algorithm to compute a joint layout of the resulting aligned contour trees. We apply our approach to the visualization of scalar field ensembles, discuss basic visualization and interaction possibilities, and demonstrate results on several analytic and real-world examples.  相似文献   

Crease surfaces describe extremal structures of 3D scalar fields. We present a new region-growing-based approach to the meshless extraction of adaptive nonmanifold valley and ridge surfaces that overcomes limitations of previous approaches by decoupling point seeding and triangulation of the surface. Our method is capable of extracting valley surface skeletons as connected minimum structures. As our algorithm is inherently mesh-free and curvature adaptive, it is suitable for surface construction in fields with an arbitrary neighborhood structure. As an application for insightful visualization with valley surfaces, we choose a low frequency acoustics simulation. We use our valley surface construction approach to visualize the resulting complex-valued scalar pressure field for arbitrary frequencies to identify regions of sound cancellation. This provides an expressive visualization of the topology of wave node and antinode structures in simulated acoustics.  相似文献   

A long-standing problem in the field of visualization is the ability to display many overlaid data sets. Researchers have developed successful techniques that show multiple 3D fields by layering sparse similar glyphs. My colleagues and I at the University of North Carolina have investigated this problem for a number of years. Our driving application has been the display of data sets from scanned-probe and scanned-electron microscopes, which led us to concentrate on the display of multiple scalar fields. Although several of our first approaches were initially successful, they failed to scale to more than three or four data sets. So that others will not be tempted to follow the same course, I begin by presenting the argument for, preliminary successes with, and reasons for the eventual downfall of our initial approach. I then describe the key concept that enables successful techniques.  相似文献   

We present a design technique for colors with the purpose of lowering the energy consumption of the display device. Our approach is based on a screen space variant energy model. The result of our design is a set of distinguishable iso-lightness colors guided by perceptual principles. We present two variations of our approach. One is based on a set of discrete user-named (categorical) colors, which are analyzed according to their energy consumption. The second is based on the constrained continuous optimization of color energy in the perceptually uniform CIELAB color space. We quantitatively compare our two approaches with a traditional choice of colors, demonstrating that we typically save approximately 40 percent of the energy. The color sets are applied to examples from the 2D visualization of nominal data and volume rendering of 3D scalar fields.  相似文献   

We present a novel approach for visualizing the positional and geometrical variability of isosurfaces in uncertain 3D scalar fields. Our approach extends recent work by Pöthkow and Hege [ [PH10] ] in that it accounts for correlations in the data to determine more reliable isosurface crossing probabilities. We introduce an incremental update‐scheme that allows integrating the probability computation into front‐to‐back volume ray‐casting efficiently. Our method accounts for homogeneous and anisotropic correlations, and it determines for each sampling interval along a ray the probability of crossing an isosurface for the first time. To visualize the positional and geometrical uncertainty even under viewing directions parallel to the surface normal, we propose a new color mapping scheme based on the approximate spatial deviation of possible surface points from the mean surface. The additional use of saturation enables to distinguish between areas of high and low statistical dependence. Experimental results confirm the effectiveness of our approach for the visualization of uncertainty related to position and shape of convex and concave isosurface structures.  相似文献   

The selection of meaningful lines for 3D line data visualization has been intensively researched in recent years. Most approaches focus on single line fields where one line passes through each domain point. This paper presents a selection approach for sets of line fields which is based on a global optimization of the opacity of candidate lines. For this, existing approaches for single line fields are modified such that significantly larger amounts of line representatives are handled. Furthermore, time coherence is addressed for animations, making this the first approach that solves the line selection problem for 3D time‐dependent flow. We apply our technique to visualize dense sets of pathlines, sets of magnetic field lines, and animated sets of pathlines, streaklines and masslines.  相似文献   

We introduce a multifield comparison measure for scalar fields that helps in studying relations between them. The comparison measure is insensitive to noise in the scalar fields and to noise in their gradients. Further, it can be computed robustly and efficiently. Results from the visual analysis of various data sets from climate science and combustion applications demonstrate the effective use of the measure.  相似文献   

Scientific visualization deals with increasingly complex data consisting of multiple fields. Typical disciplines generating multivariate data are fluid dynamics, structural mechanics, geology, bioengineering, and climate research. Quite often, scientists are interested in the relation between some of these variables. A popular visualization technique for a single scalar field is the extraction and rendering of isosurfaces. With this technique, the domain can be split into two parts, i.e. a volume with higher values and one with lower values than the selected isovalue. Fiber surfaces generalize this concept to two or three scalar variables up to now. This article extends the notion further to potentially any finite number of scalar fields. We generalize the fiber surface extraction algorithm of Raith et al. [RBN∗19] from 3 to d dimensions and demonstrate the technique using two examples from geology and climate research. The first application concerns a generic model of a nuclear waste repository and the second one an atmospheric simulation over central Europe. Both require complex simulations which involve multiple physical processes. In both cases, the new extended fiber surfaces helps us finding regions of interest like the nuclear waste repository or the power supply of a storm due to their characteristic properties.  相似文献   

We present a general high‐performance technique for ray tracing generalized tube primitives. Our technique efficiently supports tube primitives with fixed and varying radii, general acyclic graph structures with bifurcations, and correct transparency with interior surface removal. Such tube primitives are widely used in scientific visualization to represent diffusion tensor imaging tractographies, neuron morphologies, and scalar or vector fields of 3D flow. We implement our approach within the OSPRay ray tracing framework, and evaluate it on a range of interactive visualization use cases of fixed‐ and varying‐radius streamlines, pathlines, complex neuron morphologies, and brain tractographies. Our proposed approach provides interactive, high‐quality rendering, with low memory overhead.  相似文献   

We present our approach for the dense visualization and temporal exploration of moving and deforming shapes from scientific experiments and simulations. Our image space representation is created by convolving a noise texture along shape contours (akin to LIC). Beyond indicating spatial structure via luminosity, we additionally use colour to depict time or classes of shapes via automatically customized maps. This representation summarizes temporal evolution, and provides the basis for interactive user navigation in the spatial and temporal domain in combination with traditional renderings. Our efficient implementation supports the quick and progressive generation of our representation in parallel as well as adaptive temporal splits to reduce overlap. We discuss and demonstrate the utility of our approach using 2D and 3D scalar fields from experiments and simulations.  相似文献   

Astronomers have long been challenged to test theories of observable phenomena at great distances from Earth. One such area of active research is the study of fast, collimated jets of ionized matter, or plasma, formed near massive black holes at the centers of distant galaxies. Our group is involved in magnetohydrodynamic simulations that track the time and space evolution of the full 3D velocity and magnetic vector fields, plus fundamental scalar fields such as density and pressure. To accomplish the complex visualization of these jets, we developed FieldVis, a simulation tool that focuses primarily on representing 3D vector and scalar fields. Examining data from a sample 3D magnetohydrodynamic fluid simulation graphically illustrates the usefulness of our visualization package. Through our work, we found that streaklines with varying surface properties such as texture and color are the most effective way to extract information from our data. The techniques we used are not specific to astrophysical problems and can extend to other sets of vector and scalar fields. In the future, we plan to use FieldVis to visualize tangled magnetic fields in simulated galaxy clusters, as well as velocity and magnetic structures produced by intermittent jets  相似文献   

We present topological spines--a new visual representation that preserves the topological and geometric structure of a scalar field. This representation encodes the spatial relationships of the extrema of a scalar field together with the local volume and nesting structure of the surrounding contours. Unlike other topological representations, such as contour trees, our approach preserves the local geometric structure of the scalar field, including structural cycles that are useful for exposing symmetries in the data. To obtain this representation, we describe a novel mechanism based on the extraction of extremum graphs--sparse subsets of the Morse-Smale complex that retain the important structural information without the clutter and occlusion problems that arise from visualizing the entire complex directly. Extremum graphs form a natural multiresolution structure that allows the user to suppress noise and enhance topological features via the specification of a persistence range. Applications of our approach include the visualization of 3D scalar fields without occlusion artifacts, and the exploratory analysis of high-dimensional functions.  相似文献   

Many different direct volume rendering methods have been developed to visualize 3D scalar fields on uniform rectilinear grids. However, little work has been done on rendering simultaneously various properties of the same 3D region measured with different registration devices or at different instants of time. The demand for this type of visualization is rapidly increasing in scientific applications such as medicine in which the visual integration of multiple modalities allows a better comprehension of the anatomy and a perception of its relationships with activity. This paper presents different strategies of direct multimodal volume rendering (DMVR). It is restricted to voxel models with a known 3D rigid alignment transformation. The paper evaluates at which steps of the rendering pipeline the data fusion must be realized in order to accomplish the desired visual integration and to provide fast re‐renders when some fusion parameters are modified. In addition, it analyses how existing monomodal visualization algorithms can be extended to multiple datasets and it compares their efficiency and their computational cost. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Direct Numerical Simulations of premixed combustion produce terabytes of raw data, which are prohibitively large to be stored, and have to be analyzed and visualized. A simultaneous and integrated treatment of data storage, data analysis and data visualization is required. For this, we introduce a sparse representation tailored to DNS data which can directly be used for both analysis and visualization. The method is based on the observation that most information is located in narrow‐band regions where the chemical reactions take place, but these regions are not well defined. An approach for the visual investigation of feature surfaces of the scalar fields involved in the simulation is shown as a possible application. We demonstrate our approach on multiple real datasets.  相似文献   

Uncertainty is ubiquitous in science, engineering and medicine. Drawing conclusions from uncertain data is the normal case, not an exception. While the field of statistical graphics is well established, only a few 2D and 3D visualization and feature extraction methods have been devised that consider uncertainty. We present mathematical formulations for uncertain equivalents of isocontours based on standard probability theory and statistics and employ them in interactive visualization methods. As input data, we consider discretized uncertain scalar fields and model these as random fields. To create a continuous representation suitable for visualization we introduce interpolated probability density functions. Furthermore, we introduce numerical condition as a general means in feature-based visualization. The condition number-which potentially diverges in the isocontour problem-describes how errors in the input data are amplified in feature computation. We show how the average numerical condition of isocontours aids the selection of thresholds that correspond to robust isocontours. Additionally, we introduce the isocontour density and the level crossing probability field; these two measures for the spatial distribution of uncertain isocontours are directly based on the probabilistic model of the input data. Finally, we adapt interactive visualization methods to evaluate and display these measures and apply them to 2D and 3D data sets.  相似文献   

Identifying symmetry in scalar fields is a recent area of research in scientific visualization and computer graphics communities. Symmetry detection techniques based on abstract representations of the scalar field use only limited geometric information in their analysis. Hence they may not be suited for applications that study the geometric properties of the regions in the domain. On the other hand, methods that accumulate local evidence of symmetry through a voting procedure have been successfully used for detecting geometric symmetry in shapes. We extend such a technique to scalar fields and use it to detect geometrically symmetric regions in synthetic as well as real-world datasets. Identifying symmetry in the scalar field can significantly improve visualization and interactive exploration of the data. We demonstrate different applications of the symmetry detection method to scientific visualization: query-based exploration of scalar fields, linked selection in symmetric regions for interactive visualization, and classification of geometrically symmetric regions and its application to anomaly detection.  相似文献   

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