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We address the problem of the efficient visualization of large irregular volume data sets by exploiting a multiresolution model based on tetrahedral meshes. Multiresolution models, also called Level-Of-Detail (LOD) models, allow encoding the whole data set at a virtually continuous range of different resolutions. We have identified a set of queries for extracting meshes at variable resolution from a multiresolution model, based on field values, domain location, or opacity of the transfer function. Such queries allow trading off between resolution and speed in visualization. We define a new compact data structure for encoding a multiresolution tetrahedral mesh built through edge collapses to support selective refinement efficiently and show that such a structure has a storage cost from 3 to 5.5 times lower than standard data structures used for tetrahedral meshes. The data structures and variable resolution queries have been implemented together with state-of-the art visualization techniques in a system for the interactive visualization of three-dimensional scalar fields defined on tetrahedral meshes. Experimental results show that selective refinement queries can support interactive visualization of large data sets.  相似文献   

Recent advances in algorithms and graphics hardware have opened the possibility to render tetrahedral grids at interactive rates on commodity PCs. This paper extends on this work in that it presents a direct volume rendering method for such grids which supports both current and upcoming graphics hardware architectures, large and deformable grids, as well as different rendering options. At the core of our method is the idea to perform the sampling of tetrahedral elements along the view rays entirely in local barycentric coordinates. Then, sampling requires minimum GPU memory and texture access operations, and it maps efficiently onto a feed-forward pipeline of multiple stages performing computation and geometry construction. We propose to spawn rendered elements from one single vertex. This makes the method amenable to upcoming Direct3D 10 graphics hardware which allows to create geometry on the GPU. By only modifying the algorithm slightly it can be used to render per-pixel iso-surfaces and to perform tetrahedral cell projection. As our method neither requires any pre-processing nor an intermediate grid representation it can efficiently deal with dynamic and large 3D meshes.  相似文献   

Out-of-core streamline visualization on large unstructured meshes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents an out-of-core approach for interactive streamline construction on large unstructured tetrahedral meshes containing millions of elements. The out-of-core algorithm uses an octree to partition and restructure the raw data into subsets stored into disk files for fast data retrieval. A memory management policy tailored to the streamline calculations is used such that, during the streamline construction, only a very small amount of data are brought into the main memory on demand. By carefully scheduling computation and data fetching, the overhead of reading data from the disk is significantly reduced and good memory performance results. This out-of-core algorithm makes possible interactive streamline visualization of large unstructured-grid data sets on a single mid-range workstation with relatively low main-memory capacity: 5-15 megabytes. We also demonstrate that this approach is much more efficient than relying on virtual memory and operating system's paging algorithms  相似文献   

This work presents an entropy stable discontinuous Galerkin (DG) spectral element approximation for systems of non-linear conservation laws with general geometric (h) and polynomial order (p) non-conforming rectangular meshes. The crux of the proofs presented is that the nodal DG method is constructed with the collocated Legendre–Gauss–Lobatto nodes. This choice ensures that the derivative/mass matrix pair is a summation-by-parts (SBP) operator such that entropy stability proofs from the continuous analysis are discretely mimicked. Special attention is given to the coupling between non-conforming elements as we demonstrate that the standard mortar approach for DG methods does not guarantee entropy stability for non-linear problems, which can lead to instabilities. As such, we describe a precise procedure and modify the mortar method to guarantee entropy stability for general non-linear hyperbolic systems on h / p non-conforming meshes. We verify the high-order accuracy and the entropy conservation/stability of fully non-conforming approximation with numerical examples.  相似文献   

We describe a system for interactively rendering isosurfaces of tetrahedral finite-element scalar fields using coherent ray tracing techniques on the CPU. By employing state-of-the art methods in polygonal ray tracing, namely aggressive packet/frustum traversal of a bounding volume hierarchy, we can accomodate large and time-varying unstructured data. In conjunction with this efficiency structure, we introduce a novel technique for intersecting ray packets with tetrahedral primitives. Ray tracing is flexible, allowing for dynamic changes in isovalue and time step, visualization of multiple isosurfaces, shadows, and depth-peeling transparency effects. The resulting system offers the intuitive simplicity of isosurfacing, guaranteed-correct visual results, and ultimately a scalable, dynamic and consistently interactive solution for visualizing unstructured volumes.  相似文献   

We describe a new progressive technique that allows real-time rendering of extremely large tetrahedral meshes. Our approach uses a client-server architecture to incrementally stream portions of the mesh from a server to a client which refines the quality of the approximate rendering until it converges to a full quality rendering. The results of previous steps are re-used in each subsequent refinement, thus leading to an efficient rendering. Our novel approach keeps very little geometry on the client and works by refining a set of rendered images at each step. Our interactive representation of the dataset is efficient, light-weight, and high quality. We present a framework for the exploration of large datasets stored on a remote server with a thin client that is capable of rendering and managing full quality volume visualizations.  相似文献   

The topological complexity of polygonal meshes has a large impact on the performance of various geometric processing algorithms, such as rendering and collision detection algorithms. Several approaches for simplifying topology have been discussed in the literature. These methods operate locally on models, which makes their effect on the topology hard to predict and analyze. Most existing methods tend to exhibit several disturbing artifacts, such as shrinking of the input and splitting of its components. We propose a novel top-down approach for topology simplification that avoids most problems that are common in existing methods. We start with a simple, genus-zero mesh that bounds the input and gradually introduce topologic features by a series of carving operations. This process yields a multiresolution stream of meshes with increasing topologic level of detail. We further present a carving algorithm that is based on constrained Delaunay tetrahedralization. The algorithm first constructs the tetrahedral mesh of the complement of the input with respect to its convex hull. It then proceeds to eliminate tetrahedra in a prioritized manner. We present quality results for two families of meshes that are difficult to simplify by all existing methods known to us: topologically complex meshes and highly clustered meshes.  相似文献   

Important engineering applications use unstructured hexahedral meshes for numerical simulations. Hexahedral cells, when compared to tetrahedral ones, tend to be more numerically stable and to require less mesh refinement. However, volume visualization of unstructured hexahedral meshes is challenging due to the trilinear variation of scalar fields inside the cells. The conventional solution consists in subdividing each hexahedral cell into five or six tetrahedra, approximating a trilinear variation by a nonadaptive piecewise linear function. This results in inaccurate images and increases the memory consumption. In this paper, we present an accurate ray-casting volume rendering algorithm for unstructured hexahedral meshes. In order to capture the trilinear variation along the ray, we propose the use of quadrature integration. A set of computational experiments demonstrates that our proposal produces accurate results, with reduced memory footprint. The entire algorithm is implemented on graphics cards, ensuring competitive performance. We also propose a faster approach that, as the tetrahedron subdivision scheme, also approximates the trilinear variation by a piecewise linear function, but in an adaptive and more accurate way, considering the points of minimum and maximum of the scalar function along the ray.  相似文献   

The interactive deformation and visualization of volumetric objects is still a challenging problem for many application areas. We present a novel integrated system which implements physically-based deformation and volume visualization of tetrahedral meshes on modern graphics hardware by exploiting the last features of vertex and fragment shaders.We achieve fast and stable deformation of tetrahedral meshes by means of a GPU-based implicit solver and present a hardware-based single-pass raycaster for deformed tetrahedral meshes. Thus, direct visualization of the inner structures of the deformed mesh is possible, while keeping the data on the graphics hardware throughout the entire simulation.  相似文献   

We present a methodfor simplifying the meshes produced as solutions to global illumination problems, reducing geometric complexity while retaining the perceived imagefidelity. The method has been applied to produce meshes of linearly, quadratically and cubically colour-interpolated triangles. The goal of our work is to permit interactive rendering of more complex global illumination solutions through the application of simplification algorithms as well as the use of more powerful rendering primitives.  相似文献   

Multiresolution representation and visualization of volume data   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A system to represent and visualize scalar volume data at multiple resolution is presented. The system is built on a multiresolution model based on tetrahedral meshes with scattered vertices that can be obtained from any initial dataset. The model is built off-line through data simplification techniques, and stored in a compact data structure that supports fast on-line access. The system supports interactive visualization of a representation at an arbitrary level of resolution through isosurface and projective methods. The user can interactively adapt the quality of visualization to requirements of a specific application task and to the performance of a specific hardware platform. Representations at different resolutions can be used together to further enhance interaction and performance through progressive and multiresolution rendering  相似文献   

Volume data these days is usually massive in terms of its topology, multiple fields, or temporal component. With the gap between compute and memory performance widening, the memory subsystem becomes the primary bottleneck for scientific volume visualization. Simple, structured, regular representations are often infeasible because the buses and interconnects involved need to accommodate the data required for interactive rendering. In this state-of-the-art report, we review works focusing on large-scale volume rendering beyond those typical structured and regular grid representations. We focus primarily on hierarchical and adaptive mesh refinement representations, unstructured meshes, and compressed representations that gained recent popularity. We review works that approach this kind of data using strategies such as out-of-core rendering, massive parallelism, and other strategies to cope with the sheer size of the ever-increasing volume of data produced by today's supercomputers and acquisition devices. We emphasize the data management side of large-scale volume rendering systems and also include a review of tools that support the various volume data types discussed.  相似文献   

大规模复杂场景交互绘制技术综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大规模复杂场景的快速绘制是虚拟现实、实时仿真和三维交互设计等许多重要应用的底层支撑技术,也是诸多研究领域面临的一个基本问题.随着近几年三维扫描和建模技术的飞速发展,三维场景的规模和复杂度不断增大,大规模复杂场景的交互绘制受到了国内外研究者越来越多的重视并取得了一系列研究成果.首先简要回顾了大规模复杂场景交互绘制的研究进展情况;然后通过对其中涉及的主要关键技术进行总结分析,并对国内外典型的绘制系统进行比较和分类,阐述了大规模复杂场景交互绘制的主要研究内容,给出了大规模复杂场景交互绘制系统所应包含的基本组成部分和一般框架;最后对今后的发展方向做出了展望.  相似文献   

This paper discusses 3D visualization and interactive exploration of large relational data sets through the integration of several well-chosen multidimensional data visualization techniques and for the purpose of visual data mining and exploratory data analysis. The basic idea is to combine the techniques of grand tour, direct volume rendering, and data aggregation in databases to deal with both the high dimensionality of data and a large number of relational records. Each technique has been enhanced or modified for this application. Specifically, positions of data clusters are used to decide the path of a grand tour. This cluster-guided tour makes intercluster-distance-preserving projections in which data clusters are displayed as separate as possible. A tetrahedral mapping method applied to cluster centroids helps in choosing interesting cluster-guided projections. Multidimensional footprint splatting is used to directly render large relational data sets. This approach abandons the rendering techniques that enhance 3D realism and focuses on how to efficiently produce real-time explanatory images that give comprehensive insights into global features such as data clusters and holes. Examples are given where the techniques are applied to large (more than a million records) relational data sets.  相似文献   

Streaming simplification of tetrahedral meshes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Unstructured tetrahedral meshes are commonly used in scientific computing to represent scalar, vector, and tensor fields in three dimensions. Visualization of these meshes can be difficult to perform interactively due to their size and complexity. By reducing the size of the data, we can accomplish real-time visualization necessary for scientific analysis. We propose a two-step approach for streaming simplification of large tetrahedral meshes. Our algorithm arranges the data on disk in a streaming, I/O-efficient format that allows coherent access to the tetrahedral cells. A quadric-based simplification is sequentially performed on small portions of the mesh in-core. Our output is a coherent streaming mesh which facilitates future processing. Our technique is fast, produces high quality approximations, and operates out-of-core to process meshes too large for main memory  相似文献   

A multiresolution representation for massive meshes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We present a new external memory multiresolution surface representation for massive polygonal meshes. Previous methods for building such data structures have relied on resampled surface data or employed memory intensive construction algorithms that do not scale well. Our proposed representation combines efficient access to sampled surface data with access to the original surface. The construction algorithm for the surface representation exhibits memory requirements that are insensitive to the size of the input mesh, allowing it to process meshes containing hundreds of millions of polygons. The multiresolution nature of the surface representation has allowed us to develop efficient algorithms for view-dependent rendering, approximate collision detection, and adaptive simplification of massive meshes. The empirical performance of these algorithms demonstrates that the underlying data structure is a powerful and flexible tool for operating on massive geometric data.  相似文献   

We present an end-to-end pipeline for the export of 3D scenes from content creation tools to a real-time rendering engine in an embeddable web-page, including a novel system for compression/decompression of textured polygonal meshes. We show that the compression/decompression outperforms the best state-of-the-art non-progressive alternative, especially as bandwidth increases, showing that web-specific techniques should consider the whole user pipeline. Our pipeline also includes progressivity, which is paramount for a good interactive user experience, and permits full user interaction with lower resolution versions of the 3D scenes, while progressively higher resolution data is downloaded. Finally, we discuss how our method may be used in the future to facilitate the transfer of animated meshes.  相似文献   

The issue of mesh quality for unstructured triangular and tetrahedral meshes is considered. The theoretical background to finite element methods is used to understand the basis of present-day geometrical mesh quality indicators. A survey of more recent research in the development of finite element methods describes work on anisotropic meshing algorithms, and on providing good error estimates that reveal the relationship between the error and both the mesh and the solution gradients. The reality of solving complex three-dimensional problems is that such indicators are presently not available for many problems of interest. A simple tetrahedral mesh quality measure using both geometrical and solution information is described. Some of the issues in mesh quality for unstructured tetrahedral meshes are illustrated by means of two simple examples.  相似文献   

Molecular visualization is an important tool for analysing the results of biochemical simulations. With modern GPU ray casting approaches, it is only possible to render several million of atoms interactively unless advanced acceleration methods are employed. Whole‐cell simulations consist of at least several billion atoms even for simplified cell models. However, many instances of only a few different proteins occur in the intracellular environment, which can be exploited to fit the data into the graphics memory. For each protein species, one model is stored and rendered once per instance. The proposed method exploits recent algorithmic advances for particle rendering and the repetitive nature of intracellular proteins to visualize dynamic results from mesoscopic simulations of cellular transport processes. We present two out‐of‐core optimizations for the interactive visualization of data sets composed of billions of atoms as well as details on the data preparation and the employed rendering techniques. Furthermore, we apply advanced shading methods to improve the image quality including methods to enhance depth and shape perception besides non‐photorealistic rendering methods. We also show that the method can be used to render scenes that are composed of triangulated instances, not only implicit surfaces.  相似文献   

Multi-resolution techniques are required for rendering large volumetric datasets exceeding the size of the graphics card's memory or even the main memory. The cut through the multi-resolution volume representation is defined by selection criteria based on error metrics. For GPU-based volume rendering, this cut has to fit into the graphics card's memory and needs to be continuously updated due to the interaction with the volume such as changing the area of interest, the transfer function or the viewpoint. We introduce a greedy cut update algorithm based on split-and-collapse operations for updating the cut on a frame-to-frame basis. This approach is guided by a global data-based metric based on the distortion of classified voxel data, and it takes into account a limited download budget for transferring data from main memory into the graphics card to avoid large frame rate variations. Our out-of-core support for handling very large volumes also makes use of split-and-collapse operations to generate an extended cut in the main memory. Finally, we introduce an optimal polynomial-time cut update algorithm, which maximizes the error reduction between consecutive frames. This algorithm is used to verify how close to the optimum our greedy split-and-collapse algorithm performs.  相似文献   

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