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Ultrafine particles and other hazardous materials are emitted during 3D printing, but the effect of temperature on such particles has not been studied systematically. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of temperature on the emission rate of particulate matter during fused deposition modeling (FDM) three-dimensional (3D) printing using different filament types. The number concentration of particles was measured with direct-reading instruments in an exposure chamber at various temperatures while using four filament materials during 3D printing. The temperature was increased from 185 to 290°C in 15°C increments, while incorporating the manufacturer-recommended operating conditions. The emission rate increased gradually as the temperature increased for all filament types, and temperature was the key factor affecting the emission rate after filament type. For all filaments, at the lowest operating temperature, the emission rate was 107-109 particles/min, whereas the emission rate at the highest temperature was about 1011 particles/min, that is, 100-10 000 times higher than the emission rate at the lowest temperature. To reduce particle emissions from 3D printing, we recommend printing at the lowest temperature possible or using low-emission materials.  相似文献   

3D printers are increasingly run at home. Nanoparticle emissions from those printers have been reported, which raises the question whether adverse health effects from ultrafine particles (UFP) can be elicited by 3D printers. We exposed 26 healthy adults in a single‐blinded, randomized, cross‐over design to emissions of a desktop 3D printer using fused deposition modeling (FDM) for 1 hour (high UFP‐emitting acrylonitrile butadiene styrene [ABS] vs low‐emitting polylactic acid [PLA]). Before and after exposures, cytokines (IL‐1β, IL‐6, TNF‐α, INF‐γ) and ECP in nasal secretions, exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO), urinary 8‐isoprostaglandin F (8‐iso PGF), and self‐reported symptoms were assessed. The exposures had no significant differential effect on 8‐iso PGF and nasal biomarkers. However, there was a difference (P < .05) in the time course of FeNO, with higher levels after ABS exposure. Moreover, indisposition and odor nuisance were increased for ABS exposure. These data suggest that 1 hour of exposure to 3D printer emissions had no acute effect on inflammatory markers in nasal secretions and urine. The slight relative increase in FeNO after ABS printing compared to PLA might be due to eosinophilic inflammation from inhaled UFP particles. This possibility should be investigated in further studies using additional biomarkers and longer observation periods.  相似文献   

The knowledge of exposure to the airborne particle emitted from three‐dimensional (3D) printing activities is becoming a crucial issue due to the relevant spreading of such devices in recent years. To this end, a low‐cost desktop 3D printer based on fused deposition modeling (FDM) principle was used. Particle number, alveolar‐deposited surface area, and mass concentrations were measured continuously during printing processes to evaluate particle emission rates (ERs) and factors. Particle number distribution measurements were also performed to characterize the size of the emitted particles. Ten different materials and different extrusion temperatures were considered in the survey. Results showed that all the investigated materials emit particles in the ultrafine range (with a mode in the 10–30‐nm range), whereas no emission of super‐micron particles was detected for all the materials under investigation. The emission was affected strongly by the extrusion temperature. In fact, the ERs increase as the extrusion temperature increases. Emission rates up to 1×1012 particles min?1 were calculated. Such high ERs were estimated to cause large alveolar surface area dose in workers when 3D activities run. In fact, a 40‐min‐long 3D printing was found to cause doses up to 200 mm2.  相似文献   

近年来,3D打印技术的应用备受关注,将3D打印技术引入建筑行业具有重要意义,并已成为研究热点之一.本文简述了国内外3D打印混凝土技术的进展,探讨了3D打印混凝土应满足的基本要求及其面临的问题,提出了3D打印石灰石粉混凝土的研究方向,为未来3D打印混凝土性能的优化及3D打印建筑技术发展提供参考.  相似文献   

3D打印技术在建筑领域的研究与应用逐渐成为世界范围内的热点研究课题之一,建筑3D打印材料的研究与开发是3D打印技术在建筑领域应用的重点和难点.本文回顾了3D打印技术的发展历程,在总结国内外建筑3D打印技术的基础上,重点介绍了建筑3D打印材料的研究状况和进展,并对目前建筑3D打印材料的应用和问题进行了概括,对建筑3D打印...  相似文献   

近年来,3D打印技术的快速发展,带动了其在建筑领域的研究及实践。新的建造技术是对传统技术的挑战和补充,同时促使了建筑设计、材料研发、计算机编程、机械设计等多方面的创新。本文通过一些3D打印建筑应用案例及设计的研究,分析本技术的特点,对3D打印建筑的发展进行展望。  相似文献   

3D打印技术的关键在于打印材料的性能,要求其具有良好的流动性、可塑性、挤出性、建造性且凝结时间可调,从而实现可连续打印、无坍塌;同时,还要求其硬化后具有较高的力学性能,以保证打印构建能承受自重及抵抗外力冲击。本文针对混凝土打印材料的性能及评价方法进行总结和分析,为混凝土3D打印技术的后续研究提供参考,并指出混凝土3D打印技术存在的挑战和未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

3D打印技术是一种增材制造、快速成型技术,应用于建筑结构具有建造速度快、建造成本低、无模化施工和建筑垃圾少等优势.本文针对建筑结构的3D打印建造,介绍了三种适用的打印工艺,讨论了3D打印水泥基材料工作性能、力学性能与耐久性能的研究现状,对3D打印配筋增强构件的研究进展做了总结分析,对目前3D打印在建筑领域应用面临的问题...  相似文献   

3D打印技术是一种热门的新兴技术,与传统技术相比,其更加系统,也更加便捷,已经在很多行业和领域得到应用.本文综合相关研究成果,阐述了混凝土3D打印技术的材料与工艺研究、3D打印混凝土的性能试验方法研究及混凝土3D打印技术的应用研究,并分析了3D打印技术现阶段存在的问题与不足,对混凝土3D打印技术的研究方向进行了展望.  相似文献   

无模快速成型使3D打印水泥基材料具有十分广阔的发展前景,打印材料的性能测试是3D打印技术的重要一环.在不同水灰比和胶砂比下,采用输送试验、稠度试验和可挤出率对3D打印水泥基材料的可挤出性进行表征.结果表明:输送长度与可挤出性呈正相关;当稠度在4 cm以上时,砂浆具有良好的可挤出性;稠度损失至无法满足可挤出性的时间均在2...  相似文献   

Recently, 3D concrete printing (3DCP) technology starts entering the market from factories and laboratories, contributing to the creation of new construction methods and architectural forms. However, since the technologies of most 3DCP institutions are independently developed, there is a lack of consensus in terms of construction methods and development approaches in the industry. In this paper, based on 42 3DCP architectural works completed in last five years, a quantitative analysis was made to evaluate the impacts of the fabrication system on 3DCP building forms. The paper introduced three criteria, including Workspace Index, Geometric Complexity Index, and Tectonic Prospect Index, analyzing and answering the discussions about “adopting in-situ printing or prefabrication”, “using gantry printers or robotic arms” from the perspective of architectural form. By analyzing specific construction methods and design strategies in these projects, the research summarized three development trends, “mobile equipment, algorithmic structure, and intelligent construction”, which will affect the future development of 3DCP building forms. Finally, the paper discussed the advantages, limitations, and potential of four different 3DCP fabrication systems, expecting to point out the directions to further optimize each system and realize more diverse 3DCP buildings.  相似文献   

总结了两层办公室项目的原位3D打印施工关键技术.设计开发了具有模块化、高精度、多功能等技术特点大型建筑3D打印机;开发了适合现场3D打印施工的专用添加剂,现场搅拌制备出性能优良的、适合现场施工的3D打印混凝土;提出了一种打印建筑竖向钢筋笼放置和连接方法,解决了打印混凝土结构构造柱根部节点与基础连接的施工难题;通过材料技...  相似文献   

3D建筑打印作为新兴的极具发展潜力的建筑构筑技术,可应用在工业、民居等领域.为验证、推广3D建筑打印技术,结合工程实例,本文介绍3D打印建筑的结构方案设计、现场施工流程以及对3D打印技术的处理措施.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the technical aspects of using 3D printing to fabricate small model geogrids for geotechnical experiments, with the aim of scaling their geometry and tensile behavior under operational conditions, say up to 5% strain. Specifically, we successfully fabricated model geogrids with one-hundredth of the tensile strength of prototypes, which is desirable for 1:10 model tests under 1-g condition. We also successfully fabricated another one with tensile strength close to one-tenth of prototypes, which is desirable for 1:10 model tests under 10-g condition in centrifuges. Therefore, by using 3D-printed model geogrids with properly scaled dimensions and tensile behavior, it is possible to achieve the two scaling laws simultaneously in reinforced-soil model tests, making the small-scale model tests more representative of field conditions.  相似文献   

3D打印试样的力学性能具有各向异性,其抗压强度与抗折强度的测试方法与传统混凝土相似,但需经过加工与切割,这会造成3D打印试件的变化。在3D打印力学性能中,层间强度最差,大多数试验采用与劈裂强度相似的方法进行测量。由于需加入增稠剂等来调节原材料的流动性,这会影响3D打印试样的力学性能。3D打印接触空气的面积较大,容易造成收缩开裂,可通过加入纤维等来减少收缩。在实际工程中,也可以通过预埋支架等来提高3D打印试样的力学性能。  相似文献   

地质聚合物是一种以铝硅酸盐为原料与碱激发剂反应而成的绿色建筑材料,将该材料应用于增材制造(3D打印)中有助于环境的可持续发展.本文介绍了挤出成型地质聚合物砂浆的研究进展,着重比较了3D打印样品与铸模成型地质聚合物样品的力学性能,此外,简述了粉煤灰基地质聚合物水泥在大型建筑构件增材制造中的应用潜力,及其在金属矿和高价值矿...  相似文献   

磷酸盐水泥在3D打印技术中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为一种新兴技术,3D打印技术的出现得到各个行业的关注。近几年,一些学者开始探索3D打印技术在传统建筑行业中的应用。建筑行业一直是高能耗、高排放行业,3D打印技术的推广,必将减少能源资源的消耗和环境负荷。磷酸盐水泥具有快硬、早强、粘结强度高和良好的生物相容性等特点十分切合3D打印技术对于打印基材的需求。基于磷酸盐水泥技术性能研究,分析了磷酸盐水泥在3D打印基材中的应用技术特性,并对其所面临的问题进行了分析。  相似文献   

以聚羧酸减水剂对3D打印砂浆性能的影响为目标,选定和保持流动度基本不变,调整减水剂掺量和用水量,研究减水剂掺量对3D打印砂浆性能的影响。结果表明,随着减水剂掺量的增大,用水量降低,流动度经时损失降低,堆叠性降低,打印性能先变好后变差,强度增加,且性能变化较大或发生转折时的掺量与最大减水率对应的掺量有关。3D打印砂浆的减水剂最佳掺量不同于普通混凝土,综合考虑宜选中低掺量。  相似文献   

研究了聚合物、矿物掺和料、骨料等对3D打印建筑砂浆的可挤出性、出料连续性、堆积性能以及层间衔接性能的影响.结果表明:不掺聚合物或乳胶粉(FX)、塑化剂(KHC)单掺及两者复掺时3D打印建筑砂浆的挤出性较差,掺加保塑剂(HMC)有利于打印砂浆的挤出,HMC与FX复掺可进一步改善打印砂浆的挤出性能.掺加复合矿物掺和料,采用...  相似文献   

3D打印技术是一种以建模软件为基础,通过使用粘合材料来进行三维打印的技术.本文对3D打印技术的分类和应用进行了介绍,总结了3D打印技术在道路工程上的应用现状,包括道路修复、道路材料和道路施工三个方面,并对未来的研究方向进行了展望.  相似文献   

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