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This study aimed to investigate the potential of moderate hydrothermal (50–80 °C) and acidic (0%–0.35% citric acid) modification of potato pulp (PP) to improve the rheological properties of wheat dough. The results show that hydrothermal treatment (HMT) and citric acid (CA) decreased the swelling power, thickening ability and gelatinisation enthalpy, as well as increased the solubility and gelatinisation temperature, of PP with an increase in temperature and CA addition. Additionally, HMT- (80 °C) and CA- (0.07%–0.35%) modified PP effectively enhanced dough strength against mixing and suppressed retrogradation. The thermochemical parameters of the composite dough were significantly correlated with the swelling power, rapid visco analyser (RVA) viscosity parameters (except setback viscosity) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) parameters (P < 0.05). The results suggest that moderate hydrothermal-acidic treatment is an effective way to overcome dough mixing and retrogradation shortages in potato pulp-based staple production.  相似文献   

通过在小麦粉中添加不同比例的马铃薯全粉,测定其面筋特性、粉质特性、热特性及面条的蒸煮、质构特性和感官评价,并用扫描电镜观察面条微观结构,来探讨马铃薯全粉对小麦粉及面条品质的影响。结果表明:随着马铃薯全粉添加量的增大,混合粉湿面筋含量逐渐减少。面团的形成时间和稳定时间下降,稳定时间从5.1 min下降到0.8 min,弱化度增大。起始温度To、峰值温度TP变化不明显、终止温度TC呈上升趋势,热焓值H呈下降趋势,热焓值从257.56 J/g下降到179.46 J/g,面团的热稳定性下降。面条的干物质损失率、断条率逐渐增大。面条的硬度、弹性随着马铃薯全粉添加量的增加而逐渐减小。扫描电镜观察结果显示,随着马铃薯全粉添加量的增大面条表面变得松散,面筋断裂,淀粉颗粒暴露在面筋网络结构之外。结果得到,当马铃薯全粉添加量在20%以下时,面条具有较好的品质。   相似文献   

Although much research has been conducted on wheat flour dough rheology, the principal focus has been the role of the protein fraction. Starch is the main component of flour and plays a key role in dough dynamic properties, particularly during heating. This study assesses the effect of two different waxy flours, a durum and a bread wheat, and their blends with commercial bakers' flour on dough rheology during heating with a concurrent investigation into baking performance. Both waxy flour blends produced similar effects on dough rheological behaviour despite differences in protein content, acting to delay gelatinisation and reduce storage modulus. The main effects in bread were to increase loaf expansion during baking and reduce loaf firmness. It is postulated these effects are largely water mediated, with the higher swelling ability of the waxy starch granules reducing overall water availability and driving complete gelatinisation to higher temperatures.  相似文献   

The enzymatic treatment of wheat flours is an interesting alternative for improving their functional properties. Since enzymes with different biochemical activities could induce synergistic effects on dough behaviour or product quality, the individual and combined use of a wide range of enzymes (transglutaminase, glucose oxidase, laccase, α-amylase, pentosanase and protease) applied nowadays in bread-making processes were investigated. The blend of enzymes resulted in an improvement in the rheological behaviour of doughs and the quality of the final product. The simultaneous presence of transglutaminase (TG) and glucose oxidase (GO), as well as TG and protease (PROT) led to a synergistic effect on alveograph parameters. Polysaccharide-degrading enzymes exercised a significant effect on rheology only when used in combination with other enzymes, mainly affecting consistograph parameters. Analysis of bread-making data revealed significant interactions between TG and all the other enzymes except laccase (LAC). Significant synergistic effect on bread quality was observed by the combined use of GO and LAC, GO and pentosanase (PP), amylase (AMYL) and LAC, AMYL and PROT, and PP and PROT. Bread quality parameters showed greater correlations with alveograph parameters than with consistograph properties of dough. Tenacity (P) and extensibility (L) proved to be acceptable predictors of the height/width ratio of loaves. The duration of the alveograph test enhanced the prediction of bread quality parameters. Conversely, none of the rheological properties studied showed a high correlation with the specific volume of loaves.  相似文献   

为拓宽百合的应用渠道,提高面包的营养价值,研究了百合粉添加量(0%,5%,10%,15%,20%)对面团的微观结构、糊化特性、流变学特性以及面包品质的影响。结果表明:随着百合粉添加量增大,混合粉的持油性先降低后增加,持水性显著增加(P<0.05)。添加了百合粉后,面团的糊化温度升高,回生值和峰值黏度下降,面团的弹性模量和黏性模量均呈上升趋势。百合粉的添加,破坏了面筋蛋白原本均匀致密的微观结构;使面包的硬度显著增大(P<0.05),弹性、内聚性、胶黏性、咀嚼性、回复性、比容和感官评分显著降低(P<0.05);改变了小麦面团的特性和面包的品质,在小麦粉中添加5%~10%的百合粉,能保证面包较高的感官品质。  相似文献   

综述了近年来对紫薯—小麦混合粉加工特性的研究,总结了紫薯粉对小麦面团在粉质、质构、拉伸、动态流变等流变特性影响的变化规律,重点对糊化、老化两个热力学特性影响的变化规律进行总结,在此基础上,分析了当前紫薯—小麦混合粉研究中存在的问题,并对其未来的研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

目的 探究干热处理小麦粉对面团品质及流变学特性的影响。方法 将小麦粉分别在80、100、120、140℃温度下干热处理1.0 h,对不同干热处理小麦粉制得面团的湿面筋含量、面筋指数、粉质特性、麦谷蛋白溶胀指数、巯基和二硫键含量、动态流变学特性、微观结构、蛋白间分子作用力进行测定。结果 与未处理组相比,80、100和120℃干热处理湿面筋含量升高2.65%、3.56%和2.21%,140℃干热处理湿面筋含量降低32.07%, 100℃和120℃干热处理,面筋指数升高5.88和1.47, 100℃干热处理1.0 h可以使湿面筋含量和面筋指数达到最大值;面团的形成时间从3.5 min增加至6.0 min,稳定时间从5.0 min增加至7.0 min;面团的拉伸力和麦谷蛋白溶胀指数也呈现出相同的变化趋势。随着干热处理温度的升高,小麦粉中游离巯基含量降低,二硫键含量在100℃处理1.0h时达到最大值9.55μmol/g。此外,小麦粉100℃干热处理提高了面团的黏弹性,面团中的高聚物含量增加;面团中面筋蛋白网络结构形成的更加均匀;面团中蛋白质的共价键和非共价键作用力增强。结论 干热处理小麦粉提升了...  相似文献   

The effect of high hydrostatic pressure (HHP, 100–400 MPa) for 20 min at 25 °C to sweet potato flour (SPF) on dough properties and characteristics of sweet potato‐wheat bread was investigated. The particle size of SPF after HHP was decreased significantly. The obvious rupture was observed in granules of SPF after HHP at 300 and 400 MPa by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). After HHP, significant differences on endothermic peak temperatures (TP) of SPF were observed by differential scanning calorimetric (DSC), of which the enthalpy change (ΔH) had a slight increase, expect that at 200 MPa. Gas retention of dough with SPF after HHP increased markedly from 1199 (0.1 MPa) to 1246 ml (100 MPa). Specific loaf volume of bread with SPF at 400 MPa was increased significantly, while the hardness and chewiness were reduced. Thus, SPF treated with HHP at 400 MPa could be potentially used in wheat bread production.  相似文献   

为提高马铃薯的利用率,丰富主食面包的种类,选取5个不同品种的马铃薯样品,蒸熟后制成马铃薯泥,按30%的比例添加到面包粉中制作面包。通过分析混合面团的粉质、拉伸特性及发酵性能,研究添加马铃薯泥对混合面团流变学特性的影响;通过对马铃薯泥面包进行感官评价和仪器分析,探索添加马铃薯泥对面包品质的影响。结果表明,添加马铃薯泥后,混合面团筋力减弱,加工性能略有下降,但具有良好的持气能力和产气能力,发酵性能良好;添加马铃薯泥后所制面包体积变大,且不易老化,其中加入5号马铃薯样品的面包感官评价总分最高,面包切片亮度高于对照样品,且粗气孔体积得到改善。综合考虑面包的感官和物理特性,添加5号马铃薯样品做出的面包品质最好。  相似文献   

将经挤压改性的荞麦粉超微处理,将不同比例物理改性粉回添后制成面团和面条。利用混合实验仪、动态流变仪和扫描电子显微镜研究其添加量对面团热机械学、拉伸和流变特性及微结构的影响,结合全荞麦面条蒸煮、质构特性和感官评定结果,研究其对面条品质的影响。结果发现,随添加量的增加,面团的吸水率递增,形成时间先递减后递增,稳定时间和拉伸阻力先递增后递减,峰值扭矩和回生值均递减。其中添加量为5%和10%的面团结构紧实且连续均匀,孔洞较小,黏弹性较高。加工后的面条吸水率、蒸煮损失和断条率随添加量的增加先降低后上升,硬度、弹性和咀嚼度变化趋势相反,蒸煮时间逐渐降低。添加量为5%时,面条具有最好的蒸煮和质构特性和感官评定值。  相似文献   

在小麦粉中添加不同比例马铃薯全粉,测定其粉质特性、糊化特性及其挂面的烹煮和质构品质,探讨马铃薯全粉对小麦粉及其挂面品质的影响。结果表明:随着马铃薯全粉添加量的增加,马铃薯小麦混合粉的峰值黏度、谷值黏度、衰减值、最终黏度和回生值均降低;面团形成时间、稳定时间、弱化度先降低后升高,吸水率呈线性增加;马铃薯挂面的烹调损失率变大,最佳烹煮时间变长,硬度和弹性逐渐减小。当马铃薯全粉添加量≤20%时,所制作的挂面品质较好。马铃薯全粉的添加量、马铃薯小麦混合粉的粉质特性、糊化特性与马铃薯挂面的品质特性有显著的相关性。  相似文献   

采用Mixolab酶流变分析仪和流变发酵仪研究了低聚木糖对面团热机械特性和对冷冻面团发酵流变特性的影响,结果表明低聚木糖有强化面筋、增加面团耐揉性和耐蒸煮性的作用。引入低聚木糖会使流变发酵仪中的气体释放曲线和面团发展曲线的最大高度以及面团的持气率较空白组有不同程度的提高。  相似文献   

Blends of refined wheat flour (RWF) with colocasia (CF), sweet potato (SPF) and water chestnut (WCF) flours respectively at replacement level of 25 g/100 g were assessed for their suitability for noodles making. All the native flours as well as their blends with RWF exhibited restricted swelling behavior. Incorporation of SPF or CF into RWF decreased the peak viscosity of flour blends. Noodles prepared from respective flour blends of SPF and CF with RWF showed lower cooking time, higher cooked weight, higher water uptake and higher gruel solid loss in comparison to control sample (RWF noodles). Among blend flours noodles, RWF and SPF blend noodles were rated superior for their organoleptic/eating characteristics of slipperiness, firmness, appearance but undesirable high value of tooth packing. Noodle with acceptable quality characteristics and decreased level of gluten, which may prove beneficial for celiac persons, can be developed using RWF blends with non-conventional flours like colocasia, sweet potato and water chestnut.  相似文献   

Isomaltodextrin (IMD) is a novel highly branched α-glucan ingredient that has potential applications in foods as a promising source of dietary fibre. In this study, we assessed the incorporation of IMD in baked products and its effect on dough rheology and physico-textural characteristics of wheat breads. IMD was added to wheat flour to reach the US FDA level of ‘good’ source of fibre (10% IMD). Use of the straight-dough method with IMD and regular dough mixing time (8 min) resulted in less elastic doughs and resulting breads displayed lower cohesiveness, springiness and chewiness compared to the control bread. A modified straight-dough method, with longer mixing time (36 min) and adjusted water level (70%), and a sponge-and-dough method were used to allow gluten structure to more fully hydrate and develop. With IMD addition, the modified straight-dough (36 min dough mixing time) and sponge-and-dough methods yielded enhanced dough elasticity compared to the original straight-dough method. Breadmaking methods were identified (improved straight-dough and sponge-and-dough) whereby IMD could be added at a 'good source' of fibre level with loaf appearance and texture similar to breads without IMD.  相似文献   

The rheological and baking properties of flaxseed/wheat composite flours were studied. Flaxseed flour was used to replace 50, 100, 150 and 200 g kg?1 of wheat flour in bread. Farinographic studies showed that water absorption, dough development time and mixing tolerance index increased as the amount of flaxseed flour increased, while dough stability decreased at 100, 150 and 200 g kg?1 of flaxseed flour substitution. The extensographic energy of dough also decreased at 150 and 200 g kg?1 flaxseed levels. The addition of increasing amounts of flaxseed flour caused a decrease in extensibility. Doughs containing 100, 150 and 200 g kg?1 flaxseed flour showed resistance to extension comparable to that of control dough. The specific volume of flaxseed flour breads was similar to that of control bread. Crust L, a, b values of breads with flaxseed flour were lower than those of control bread. Breads with flaxseed flour gave lower crumb L and b values and higher a values than control bread. The sensory properties showed that an acceptable bread could be produced using flaxseed flour up to a level of 200 g kg?1. Copyright © 2007 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

针对马铃薯主食化品种适用性问题,选取5个品质差异较大的马铃薯样品,蒸熟制成泥后与小麦粉搭配,制作马铃薯馒头。对马铃薯馒头分别进行了感官评价和仪器分析,探究了马铃薯对面团品质的影响规律。结果表明,添加30%马铃薯泥的混合面团筋力减弱,加工性能略有下降,但具有良好的持气能力和产气能力,发酵性能良好;不同品种的马铃薯对混合面团的流变学特性及所制作的马铃薯馒头的品质影响存在较大差异,其中马铃薯1和马铃薯5较适合用于加工馒头。  相似文献   

This study aims to analyse the influence of heat-treated wheat germ on dough properties and cracker quality. Different substitution levels of wheat flour were evaluated (0%, 10%, 20% and 30%). Dough rheological properties and stress relaxation behaviour were determined. Chemical characteristics, baking performance, texture, water activity and sensory analyses were performed on crackers. Wheat germ weakened the dough structure. The following mechanisms were suggested to explain this weakening effect: the addition of wheat germ diluted gluten; flour components and germ competed for water and decreased the water availability for gluten formation; and germ particles physically disrupted the continuity of the gluten network. Nevertheless, good quality crackers were obtained and their nutritional value was improved, with remarkable increments in protein, fibre and mineral contents. Also, high acceptance in sensory evaluation was recorded at substitution levels of 20% and 30% of germ, compared to control sample (0%).  相似文献   

在三种不同筋力梯度的中筋面粉中分别添加不同比例的食盐并制作面条,测试了食盐对面粉的糊化特性和熟面条品质的影响,探讨了食盐含量与面粉糊化特性及面条品质间的相关性。结果表明:添加食盐对面粉的糊化特性和面条的质构和蒸煮特性均产生了一定的影响。食盐比例与面粉的初始糊化温度、面条的硬度、粘附性、胶黏性和蒸煮吸水率均呈极显著正相关,与面粉崩解值和面条的干物质失落率呈显著负相关,与面条的最佳蒸煮时间呈极显著负相关,与其他指标间的相关性不显著。综合上述结果得出食盐的添加量为面粉质量的0.75%时,面条整体品质水平最好。   相似文献   

目的:研究添加燕麦粉对马铃薯—燕麦复合面团特性的影响,确定适宜的燕麦粉和马铃薯配比。方法:选取了5种不同比例的燕麦粉(15%,20%,25%,30%,35%),对燕麦—马铃薯复合面团的色差、微观结构、质构特性、流变特性、糊化特性进行测定,并进行感官评价。结果:随着燕麦粉添加量的增加,复合面团的颜色逐渐变红变暗;复合面团内部微观结构越来越紧密;硬度逐渐增加;动态频率扫描过程中不同添加量复合面团弹性模量、黏性模量先上升、后下降、再上升,损耗因子先上升后下降。复合面团的起始糊化温度、峰值糊化温度、终止糊化温度先减小再增大。感官评定显示:燕麦粉添加量在20%~25%范围内,总体得分均比对其他添加量的复合面团要高,更易被消费者接受。结论:制备马铃薯—燕麦复合面团时,燕麦粉适宜添加量为20%~25%。  相似文献   

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