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目前提出的弹药检测虚拟训练系统接收检测信号接收率较低,检测虚拟训练成功率较低。基于3D虚拟现实技术设计一种新的弹药检测虚拟训练系统,硬件由主控操作机、检测总线接口以及资源测试器组成,软件部分在3D虚拟现实技术下构建虚拟空间,在开放式软件结构构建的基础上进行检测指标划分,对用户界面的文件进行整改,按照弹药检测的指标数据提升整改的方向正确性,选用自检公式对检测的信息进行系统自检,依据检测到的问题的发生形式判断下一次问题发生的触发机制,由此避免下一次问题的产生,从而实现软件流程。实验结果表明,基于3D虚拟现实技术的弹药检测虚拟训练系统能有效提高信号接收率,增强虚拟训练接收成功率,具有较强的应用性。  相似文献   

为了提高教练的指导效率和丰富羽毛球教学与训练的方法,基于虚拟现实技术和KINECT,开发了一套羽毛球辅助训练系统。该系统利用虚拟现实技术,通过3DS MAX工具进行训练场地的虚拟化建模,搭配Cry Engine引擎技术渲染训练场地场景。KINECT被用来识别这些动作以及使用者的位置变化,并将识别结果通过蓝牙模块传输至VR眼镜内,使VR眼镜内的虚拟环境做出图像、声音等相应的改变,以实现虚拟环境下的人机互动。测试表明,本系统能够准确地实现训练场景的虚拟化,对使用者的各个动作的识别率较高,提高了训练者的学习效率。  相似文献   

介绍了虚拟现实技术的国内外研究现状,以及仿真技术与虚拟现实技术结合使用的发展趋势.为了更好地履行反恐使命,适应形势的发展,有必要提高反恐教学训练质量,创新反恐行动教学训练手段.将仿真技术和虚拟现实技术应用于路边炸弹的虚拟及仿真,能使反恐受训者不受时间、空间、经费和器材的限制,利用各种3D虚拟模型任意组装不同起爆方式下的路边炸弹,拓展其想象空间和创新思维,使之对路边炸弹的结构组成、工作原理及爆炸效应等有深刻理解.  相似文献   

虚拟现实教学手段在煤矿特种工培训中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了目前煤矿特种工安全培训质量差的2个主要原因,指出培训手段的落后是导致煤矿特种工培训效果不佳的主要原因;分析了用传统虚拟现实技术开发的培训教学软件的缺陷,介绍了基于三维地理信息系统的虚拟现实技术开发平台的特点;分析了基于3DGIS虚拟现实特种工培训软件的优势。该虚拟现实教学手段为改善煤矿特种工安全培训质量提供了新思路。  相似文献   

针对传统煤矿安全培训手段单一、效果不理想的问题,提出了基于虚拟现实技术的煤矿安全培训系统。该系统应用虚拟现实开发软件3DS MAX和Virtools DEV来完成设备建模、场景构建和交互式系统的开发,实现了煤矿风险预控、事故案例再现和事故应急救援的仿真。应用结果表明,该系统通过三维仿真和交互形式可有效提高煤矿安全培训的针对性和实施效果,达到提高安全意识、减少安全事故的目的。  相似文献   

介绍了一种基于力和力矩控制原理的新型力传感器装置——六维鼠标。它采用并联机构作为机械主体,用新型柔性铰链代替传统的运动铰链连接而成。具有精度高、体积小等优点。在系统分析其工作原理的基础上,给出了基于该六维鼠标的虚拟现实系统的建立方法和并联平台的仿真实例。  相似文献   

Earthquake emergencies require a variety of behavioral responses in order to ensure the safety of occupants, which is different from simply exiting a building in fire emergencies. This makes it more complex to train building occupants in order to acquire skills that align to best practices for immediate earthquake response and post-earthquake evacuation. In recent years, Immersive Virtual Reality (IVR) and Serious Games (SGs) have become popular as training tools for earthquake emergencies. IVR SGs have been introduced to train individuals for specific building layouts or settings with fixed training objectives. However, the lack of flexibility in existing IVR SGs makes it challenging to have widespread uptake as trainees require different training objectives, pedagogical strategies, context, and content. As a result, the effectiveness of IVR SGs training is jeopardized if the customization ability is limited. To overcome this limitation, this paper presents a customization framework for IVR SGs suited to earthquake emergency training, using the concept of adaptive game-based learning. Trainees can receive training in context by customizing virtual environments, storylines, and teaching methods. A case study was undertaken to validate the proposed framework. Results showed the potential to carry out the customization process with ease, to generate a customized training experience, and to deliver the customized training for optimum learning.  相似文献   

利用计算机进行交通虚拟现实是当今研究交通问题的一种重要手段。交通虚拟现实技术是在经验研究和数学方法的基础上,利用现代系统工程和计算机虚拟现实技术成果发展起来的新的交通研究方法。由于虚拟现实技术可有效地体现交通系统中交通运行的复杂过程,可按试验要求实现交通状况的再现,大大降低了现场调查的工作量,现己成为分析各种交通流、检验各种拟定交通设施、交通控制方案的有力工具。  相似文献   

The main objective of this study was to examine the effectiveness of immersive virtual reality (VR) as a medium for delivering laboratory safety training. We specifically compare an immersive VR simulation, a desktop VR simulation, and a conventional safety manual. The sample included 105 first year undergraduate engineering students (56 females).  We include five types of learning outcomes including post‐test enjoyment ratings; pre‐ to post‐test changes in intrinsic motivation and self‐efficacy; a post‐test multiple choice retention test; and two behavioral transfer tests. Results indicated that the groups did not differ on the immediate retention test, suggesting that all three media were equivalent in conveying the basic knowledge. However, significant differences were observed favoring the immersive VR group compared to the text group on the two transfer tests involving the solving problems in a physical lab setting (d = 0.54, d = 0.57), as well as enjoyment (d = 1.44) and increases in intrinsic motivation (d = 0.69) and self‐efficacy (d = 0.60). The desktop VR group scored significantly higher than the text group on one transfer test (d = 0.63) but not the other (d= 0.11), as well as enjoyment (d =1.11) and intrinsic motivation (d =0.83).  相似文献   

The simulation training system based on VR technology has been applied in clinical medicine due to its immersive interactive experience, economy, and safety. In response to the limitation that most medical surgery training systems can only achieve single user operations, a hybrid synchronous model based multi-user collaborative framework design is proposed to meet the needs of collaborative training in virtual reality teaching processes. Based on the characteristics of frame synchronization and state synchronization, the synchronization method has been improved. Based on frame synchronization, specific state synchronization is used on interactive events to improve the consistency of operation details and real-time action. On this basis, a system prototype has been implemented using Unity 3D, and compared with traditional schemes, analysis shows that it has faster response speed for disconnected reconnection and more stable interaction state.  相似文献   

虚拟现实中动画和碰撞的层次细节技术研究及应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄俊莲  吕博学 《计算机应用》2006,26(11):2730-2732
研究了动画和碰撞处理中的层次细节技术,提出了动画层次细节二叉树、碰撞层次细节控制矩阵等多种有效的应用解决方法。实验结果表明这些方法应用在存在大量动画和撞碰处理的虚拟三维场景中有效地提高了渲染实时性。  相似文献   

A desktop VR prototype for industrial training applications   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Q. H. Wang  J. R. Li 《Virtual Reality》2004,7(3-4):187-197
The recent advances in computer graphics has spurred interest from both academics and industries in virtual reality (VR) enabled training applications. This paper presents a desktop VR prototype for industrial training applications. It is designed and implemented as a general shell by providing the data interface to import both the virtual environment models and specific domain knowledge. The geometric models of the virtual environment are constructed using feature-based modelling and assembly function by external CAD tools, and then transferred into the prototype through a conversion module. A hierarchical structure is proposed to partition and organise these imported virtual environment models. Based on this structure, a visibility culling approach is developed for fast rendering and user interaction. The case study has demonstrated the functionality of the proposed prototype system by applying it to a maintenance training application for a refinery bump system, which, in general, has a large number of polygons and a certain depth complexity. Significant speedup in both context rendering and response to user manipulations has been achieved to provide the user with a fast system response within the desktop virtual environment. Compared with the immersive VR system, the proposed system has offered an affordable and portable training media for industrial applications.The work was done in Nanyang Technological University.  相似文献   

虚拟实验应用日益广泛,而支持虚拟实验的相关技术成为了研究热点。分析了虚拟化学实验及其在未来虚拟现实技术上的发展趋势,综述了U-nity3D技术、增强现实技术和Kinect体感交互技术的理论基础以及在虚拟化学实验中的应用与发展,以虚拟技术融合的方法为导向,仿真化学实验的实时环境,使虚拟实验简单化、直观化。展望了虚实融合技术在虚拟实验领域的应用前景。虚实融合技术有利于推动虚拟化学实验朝智能化发展,是虚拟实验改革的一个新起点。  相似文献   

The virtual image distance in an augmented reality (AR) or virtual reality (VR) device is an important factor in determining its performance. In this paper, a method for measuring the virtual image distance and its uniformity is proposed. The setup for measurement consists of a two-dimensional spatial sensor array on the translational stage and a pinhole array plate placed in front of the AR or VR device. As the distance between the pinhole plate and the two-dimensional spatial sensor array were changed, the positions of the rays through each pinhole were measured by a two-dimensional spatial sensor array. The ray trajectories through each pinhole were obtained by fitting these positions to straight lines. The relative distances between these ray trajectories were calculated with respect to the distance from the pinhole plate. This method is effective for measuring the uniformity, such as the azimuthal dependence of the virtual image distance or the dependence of the virtual image distance on the distance from the optical axis of the VR lens.  相似文献   

ERT-VR: an immersive virtual reality system for emergency rescue training   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Virtual reality technology offers a cost effective means to train emergency rescuers, which is an urgent task on account of the increasing terrorist acctivities. An immersive virtual reality system called ERT-VR is introduced. In ERT-VR, the display system based on stereoscopic projectors is used to train the emergency rescue commanders. The members of the operational teams use head-mounted display as the display system. The 3D scenario creator is the most important unit in ERT-VR. Instructors assign a specific training scenario to the trainees by using the scenario creator. Trainees take on the role of the characters in the training scenario and control their actions and ultimately the scenario outcomes. All the actions are recorded into the database system and can be replayed anytime. The potential of each trainee is evaluated by an expert system.  相似文献   

计算机和信息技术对世界各地农业和农村发展发挥着重要的作用.虚拟农业技术将农业科学和信息技术、虚拟现实技术相结合,开辟了农业信息技术研究和应用的新途径.在给出了虚拟农业概念的基础上,分析了虚拟农业的组成、应用范围和发展方向.针对虚拟农业的一个典型应用--虚拟农作物,研究了虚拟农作物系统的结构,并采用植物三维重建法建立了虚拟农作物模型.  相似文献   

Yan Jin 《Digital Creativity》2019,30(2):107-126
With recent breakthroughs in VR devices, new potential of CAD as a design tool is anticipated. Based on the influence of design tools in ideation, we compared the problem-solving styles of WIMP (Windows, Icons, Menus, Pointer) and VRE (Virtual Reality Environment) for an apartment flat design task. Function-Behaviour-Structure ontology analysis revealed that WIMP was problem-driven with clear divisions between problem analysis and solution building, while VRE was predominantly solution-driven with frequent modifications of solutions. Such procedural characteristics led to uneven outcomes wherein spatial efficiency was better in WIMP while arrangement was more diversified in VRE. When the key factor was high manipulability of user interface in VRE, the result suggests that higher usability does not always produce desired outcomes. Time for problem analysis and a match between the tool and given problem must be taken into account.  相似文献   

虚拟工厂现实场景系统平台设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着现代化工业不断发展,模拟过程工业真实环境,并在此基础上进行地理信息显示与空间分析等成为当前的研究热点。构建基于虚拟现实(VR)和地理信息系统的(GIS)的虚拟工厂现实场景系统是进行工业生产仿真的一条有效途径,为此,设计开发一个三维的、可维护性强并具有一定扩展性的虚拟工厂现实场景系统具有重要的实用价值。本文通过数据准备、数据生成、系统扩展及客户端设计,实现了虚拟工厂现实场景系统开发过程。通过应用分析与对比,结果表明,该平台化系统具有更高的可扩展性且开发成本低,为虚拟工厂现实场景系统平台设计提供了一个良好的、可扩展的开发途径。  相似文献   

介绍了常用的虚拟现实开发系统,在集成这些系统特点的基础上,开发了一个与背景应用相适应,同时具有一定开放性的适应于教育应用的虚拟现实引擎VRE.VRE包含一系列可视化的控件,不需要开发者编写程序,就可以快速制作出与其它资源有机融合的虚拟现实应用.就针对虚拟现实中如何进行立体显示、场景回放路径插值、纹理贴图等关键技术,给出了相应的解决方案.  相似文献   

文章以虚拟现实 ( VR)系统为核心 ,综合利用全数字摄影测量系统、地理信息系统 ( GIS)和网络技术等 ,研究快速建立虚拟城市的技术和方法。通过这个方法 ,将虚拟现实作为一个开放系统和一门实用技术 ,为城市信息化提供一种可交互操作、集成化和人机和谐的方法  相似文献   

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