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Fatty acid esters of 3-monochloropropanediol (3-MCPD) and glycidol are processing contaminants found in a wide range of edible oils. While both 3 MCPD and glycidol have toxicological properties that at present has concerns for food safety, the published occurrence data are limited. Occurrence information is presented for the concentrations of 3-MCPD and glycidyl esters in 116 retail and/or industrial edible oils and fats using LC-MS/MS analysis of intact esters. The concentrations for bound 3-MCPD ranged from below the limit of quantitation (<LOQ) to 0.09 mg kg?1 (ppm) in 22 unrefined oils and from 0.005 to 7.2 mg kg?1 (ppm) in 94 refined oils. The concentrations for bound glycidol ranged from <LOQ to 0.03 mg kg?1 (ppm) in unrefined oil samples and from <LOQ to 10.5 mg kg?1 (ppm) in processed oil samples. The highest concentrations for both 3-MCPD and glycidol were seen in refined palm oil and palm olein samples. Palm olein samples also contained a higher percentage of 3-MCPD in mono-ester form than any other type of oil.  相似文献   

采用气相色谱-串联质谱法成功建立婴幼儿配方奶粉(以下简称婴配)中氯丙醇酯(chloropropanols esters,MCPDE)和缩水甘油酯(glycidyl esters,GE)的测定方法。对提取条件进行优化,单因素试验结果表明,婴配称取量为1.50 g、氨水用量为3.0 mL,脂肪在105 ℃条件下干燥1 h时,测定结果较为可靠。在此条件下,MCPDE、GE的检出限分别为5、10 μg/kg(以脂肪计),在100~2 000 μg/kg内与峰面积比值呈线性关系,相关系数R为0.999。以婴配样品YL-34中提取的脂肪为基质,在含量为100、400、1 000 μg/kg下进行加标实验,以奶粉计对应含量分别为20.5、82.0、205 μg/kg,回收率为81.5%~114%,相对标准偏差在2.6%~10%(n=6)之间。采用此法参加FAPAS国际能力验证,结果满意。结果表明,建立的方法较好地满足了婴配样品中MCPDE和GE的定量,因此被指定为国家食品安全风险监测工作手册方法。  相似文献   

建立检测婴幼儿配方乳粉中3-氯丙醇酯和缩水甘油酯的气相色谱-串联质谱法,测定不同市售婴幼儿配方乳粉中3-氯丙醇酯和缩水甘油酯的含量,掌握婴幼儿配方乳粉中酯类污染情况并进行安全风险评估。采用正己烷提取婴幼儿配方乳粉中的3-氯丙醇酯和缩水甘油酯,经过水解、苯基硼酸衍生、气相色谱-串联质谱法测定,内标法定量。结果表明,3-氯丙醇酯和缩水甘油酯总量在0.040 0~4.00μg/m L、3-氯丙醇酯含量在0.020 0~2.00μg/m L的范围内线性良好,相关系数R2>0.999,检出限均为10.0μg/kg,定量限均为25.0μg/kg。在25.0、100、300μg/kg添加水平下,平均回收率在95.0%~98.1%之间。该方法准确率高、回收率好,可用于婴幼儿配方乳粉中的3-氯丙醇酯和缩水甘油酯的检测。150份市售婴幼儿配方乳粉样品中,3-氯丙醇酯检出率为12.7%,含量为ND~52.4μg/kg,平均检出值为29.8μg/kg。缩水甘油酯检出率为6.67%,含量为ND~40.1μg/kg,平均检出值为31.9μg/kg。3-氯丙醇酯的平均暴露水平为0.33~...  相似文献   


Fatty acid esters of 3-monochloropropane-1,2-diol (3-MCPD) and glycidol are potentially carcinogenic and/or genotoxic processing contaminants that are formed during the process of edible oil refining. Because of their toxicological properties, the presence of these compounds in refined oils and foods containing these oils, particularly infant formula, poses a potential food safety concern. For this reason, recent research efforts have focussed on the development of methods for the analysis of MCPD and glycidyl esters in infant formula in order to estimate levels of exposure. This work presents occurrence data for 3-MCPD and glycidyl esters in 222 infant formulas purchased in the United States between December 2017 and January 2019. The results of this study show a wide range of contaminant concentrations across four different manufacturers, with average bound 3-MCPD concentrations ranging from 0.035 µg g?1 to 0.63 µg g?1 and average bound glycidol concentrations ranging from 0.019 µg g?1 to 0.22 µg g?1. The data suggest that manufacturers B and C source palm oil produced with mitigation measures, leading to reduced amounts of 3-MCPD and glycidyl esters in their infant formulas. Additionally, comparison with a previously published study in our laboratory of the occurrence of 3-MCPD and glycidyl esters in infant formula purchased in the U.S. between 2013 and 2016 revealed that, since 2016, contaminant concentrations have decreased in products produced by manufacturers A, B, and C, while contaminant amounts in formulas from manufacturer D have slightly increased.  相似文献   

The refining of vegetable oils leads to the formation of 2‐ and 3‐monochloropropane‐1,2‐diol esters (2‐ and 3‐MCPD‐E), and glycidyl esters (Gly‐E). A literature review was performed aiming to provide up‐to‐date knowledge on mitigation strategies during oil refining that can reduce the formation of these three processing contaminants. The review used the database Scopus and covered the period from 2009 to 2017. Most of the 18 papers dealt with palm oil and two papers with vegetable oil. Most studies focused on 3‐MCPD‐E, some on Gly‐E, and none on 2‐MCPD‐E. Water degumming was able to reduce the concentrations of 3‐MCPD‐E by 84% and Gly‐E by 26%. Neutralization of the oil reduced concentrations of 3‐MCPD‐E by 81% and Gly‐E by 84%. Bleaching with synthetic magnesium silicate reduced the 3‐MCPD‐E concentration by 67%. For the deodorization step, several mitigation strategies, such as double‐deodorization, the addition of various antioxidants, or a longer deodorization time, can reduce the formations of 3‐MCPD‐E by 82% and Gly‐E by 78%. Postrefining mitigation, including the use of absorbents, enzymes, or rebleaching of the oil, has also been reported to produce desirable contaminant reduction. Postrefining treatment with calcinated zeolite was able to reduce the 3‐MCPD‐E concentration by 19% and the Gly‐E concentration by 77%. Applying combined mitigation strategies to multiple steps of oil refining is likely crucial in order to adequately reduce levels of 3‐MCPD‐E and Gly‐E.  相似文献   


Fatty acid esters of 3-monochloropropanediol (3-MCPD), 2-MCPD and glycidol (Gly) are food-processing contaminants that cause concerns about possible adverse health effects. The present study evaluates the contamination levels of the three ester classes in 130 samples of foodstuffs marketed in Italy covering 10 food categories, namely margarines, oils, roasted coffee, breakfast cereals, salted crackers, cookies, infant biscuits, rusks, breads and potato crisps. The analytical method employed is a so-called indirect method that entails MCPD/glycidol cleavage from their esterified forms, cleanup, derivatisation and GC-MS analysis. The MCPDs and glycidol concentrations (from esters) were found to be equal or a little higher than the levels reported in previous studies conducted in other European countries and described in the literature. 3-MCPD was the predominant compound in all foodstuffs analysed with the exception for rusks where Gly levels were slightly higher. Considering the sum of MCPD and Gly esters, the most contaminated foodstuffs were seed oils, followed by margarines and cookies, whereas roasted coffee, bread, rusks, cornflakes and infant biscuits were less contaminated with MCPDs and Gly concentrations often below LOQ or LOD values. Refined olive oil, potato chips and salted crackers showed contamination levels intermediate between the two above groups. The results of this study also confirm that the use of palm oil as an ingredient or frying medium is an important cause of increase of the levels of MCPD and Gly esters, especially in salted crackers, rusks and potato crisps. Finally, the Italian intake of 3-MCPD due to the various foods analysed has been calculated and related to TDI. The MoE for Gly was also estimated.  相似文献   

目的 了解上海市市售婴幼儿配方乳粉中氯丙醇酯(MCPDE)和缩水甘油酯(GE)的污染水平,评估婴幼儿膳食暴露风险。方法 利用2020年上海市市售90件婴幼儿配方乳粉中MCPDE和GE的风险监测数据,结合婴幼儿膳食消费量数据,采用点评估法对婴幼儿经婴幼儿配方乳粉的3-MCPDE、2-MCPDE和GE进行膳食暴露评估。结果 上海市市售婴幼儿配方乳粉中3-MCPDE、2-MCPDE和GE的检出率分别为100%、100%和12.2%,含量平均值分别为0.084、0.021和0.005 mg/kg,最大值分别为0.231、0.034和0.031 mg/kg。上海市0~6月龄婴儿每日经婴幼儿配方乳粉摄入3-MCPDE的平均暴露量和P95暴露量分别为1.262和2.166 μg/kg·BW,分别占3-MCPDE每日耐受摄入量(TDI,2 μg/kg·BW)的63.1%和108.3%。6~12、12~36月龄婴幼儿每日经婴幼儿配方乳粉摄入3-MCPDE的平均暴露量和P95暴露量均低于TDI值。不同月龄组婴幼儿每日经婴幼儿配方乳粉摄入2-MCPDE的平均暴露量为0.118~0.319 μg/kg·BW。不同月龄组婴幼儿每日经婴幼儿配方乳粉摄入GE的平均暴露边界比(MOE)和P95 MOE均大于10 000。结论 上海市0~36月龄婴幼儿每日经婴幼儿配方乳粉摄入3-MCPDE和GE的健康风险总体上处于可接受水平。但对于高食物消费量的0~6月龄婴儿,其通过婴幼儿配方乳粉暴露3-MCPDE的健康风险需引起关注。  相似文献   

旨在为减控3-氯丙醇酯(3-MCPDE)和缩水甘油酯(GEs)的污染程度和监测其含量变化奠定基础,建立了一种简便、快捷且能同时对食用油脂中3-MCPDE和GEs定性定量分析的检测方法。采用甲醇钠-甲醇溶液对样品进行碱水解反应12 min,用正己烷脱脂后,再用苯基硼酸(PBA)溶液衍生化20 min,采用乙酸乙酯提取3次,提取液氮吹至干,用少量乙酸乙酯复溶后,作为待测样液,设置质谱电离能量60 eV,进行GC-MS分析。结果表明:建立的方法的平均加标回收率为8870%~92.42%,相对标准偏差(RSD)为2.80%~6.17%,3-MCPDE和GEs分别在40~15 000 μg/kg和 200~15 000 μg/kg较宽的范围内呈现良好线性关系(R2≥0.996 0);该方法准确可靠,与进出口标准(SN/T 5220—2019)的检测结果无显著差异;采用该方法对24份常见市售食用油脂的3-MCPDE和GEs污染情况进行分析发现,3-MCPDE的检出率高达95.83%,平均含量为1 077.7 μg/kg, GEs的检出率为79.17%,平均含量为1 074.8 μg/kg,且棕榈油和米糠油的3-MCPDE含量和GEs含量远高于其他植物油。该方法具有简便、灵敏度和准确度高等优点,可用于食用油脂中3-MCPDE和GEs的同时测定,另外,急需改善棕榈油和米糠油中3-MCPDE和GEs的污染情况。  相似文献   

黄会娜 《中国油脂》2021,46(7):92-98
从不同油脂加工厂采集3个工艺软水样品进行氯离子含量测定,并分别进行油脂精炼,研究软水中氯离子含量对精炼油脂中氯离子、3-氯丙醇酯(3-MCPD酯)和缩水甘油酯(GEs)含量的影响。在油脂浸出生产中采用盐水进行混合油沉降除粕末处理,考察其对浸出毛油中氯离子含量的影响。结果表明:3个工艺软水中氯离子含量为0.746~1 091.205 mg/kg,差异显著;脱胶油和碱炼油中氯离子含量与所用软水中氯离子含量直接相关,碱炼油经水洗后氯离子含量与所用软水中氯离子含量的相关系数为0.996 2;软水中氯离子含量决定了碱炼脱酸和碱炼油水洗过程氯离子的迁移方向和迁移量,氯离子含量低的1号软水碱炼油和水洗油中氯离子含量降低率分别为13.43%和9.33%,氯离子含量高的3号软水碱炼油和水洗油中氯离子含量升高量分别为毛油中含量的0.873倍和3.756倍。脱臭油中3-MCPD酯含量与精炼所用软水中氯离子含量呈正相关,相关系数为0.999 9,采用氯离子含量高的软水对油脂进行精炼,脱臭油中3-MCPD酯含量(16946 mg/kg)约是氯离子含量低的软水精炼后脱臭油中3-MCPD酯含量(2.369 mg/kg)的7倍。GEs含量未显示随所用软水中氯离子含量增加而升高的趋势。采用盐水进行混合油沉降除粕末处理再经蒸发脱溶会造成浸出毛油中氯离子含量升高2.13倍, GEs含量升高1.69倍,3-MCPD酯从未检出升高至0.262 mg/kg。  相似文献   

以大豆油为原料,研究了吸附剂种类、添加量对大豆油中3-氯丙醇酯的脱除效果和吸附剂种类、吸附剂添加量、吸附温度、吸附时间对大豆油中缩水甘油酯的脱除效果。结果表明:不同吸附剂对大豆油中3-氯丙醇酯的脱除效果依次为H-1号活性炭活性白土 H-2号活性炭普通活性炭凹凸棒土,所有吸附剂对3-氯丙醇酯的脱除率均较低,脱除效果相对较好的H-1号活性炭的脱除率仅达到34. 42%(添加量为油质量0. 5%),3-氯丙醇酯含量从1. 107 mg/kg下降至0. 726 mg/kg;对缩水甘油酯的脱除效果依次为H-1号活性炭 H-2号活性炭普通活性炭活性白土凹凸棒土,在添加量为2%时,前3种吸附剂对缩水甘油酯的脱除率均达到80%以上,H-1号活性炭的脱除率达到90%以上。在H-1号活性炭添加量3%、吸附时间40 min、吸附温度100℃的优化条件下,大豆油中缩水甘油酯的脱除率为95. 59%,含量从初始的2. 810 mg/kg降低至0. 124 mg/kg,可以有效脱除大豆油中的缩水甘油酯。  相似文献   

以橄榄甘油二酯油为原料,制作苏打饼干,考察甘油二酯(diglycerides,DAG)含量、烘焙温度、盐添加量、烘焙时间对饼干中3-氯丙醇酯(3-monochloropropane-1,2-diol esters,3-MCPDE)和缩水甘油酯(glycidyl esters,GE)及饼干硬度和黏度的影响。结果表明,苏打饼干中3-MCPDE和GE的最高含量分别为1.05 mg/kg和0.37 mg/kg,且烘焙过程中3-MCPDE含量与烘焙温度和盐添加量呈正相关,在170℃以上时GE含量随烘焙温度升高而增加。但烘焙时间和DAG质量分数对3-MCPDE和GE的产生无显著影响(P>0.05)。综上,橄榄甘油二酯油应用于烘焙苏打饼干具有良好的安全性和改善产品质构的效果,同时控制烘焙温度和盐添加量能在一定程度降低苏打饼干中3-MCPDE和GE的含量。  相似文献   

The formation of toxic compounds, potentially carcinogenic, during food processing has been considered an important food safety issue. Among them, particular attention has been given to 3-monochloropropane-1,2-diol esters (3-MCPDE), 2-monochloropropane-1,3-diol esters (2-MCPDE) and glycidyl esters (GE), which can be formed during vegetable oil refining, especially palm oil. These substances may pose a health risk to humans due to their toxicity and carcinogenicity. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of washing bleached palm oil (BPO) with different solvents, and evaluate the reduction of 3-MCPDE, 2-MCPDE and GE as well as assess the quality parameters of the final product. For this purpose, we used two types of washing with different solvents. A single washing was carried out in one step and a double washing in two steps using a solvent gradient. Single washing had a limited reduction in the levels of 3-MCPDE and 2-MCPDE and resulted in an increased level of GE, whereas double washing slightly reduced 3-MCPDE and 2-MCPDE and resulted in a significant reduction of GE levels. The reduction achieved in this study was up to 17.1% for 3-MCPDE, 56.4% for 2-MCPDE and 76.9% for GE levels. The reduction of 3-MCPDE and 2-MCPDE might be due to the removal of part of the ethanol-soluble chlorinated precursors from the oil which suggests that highly lipophilic forms of these substances are present in BPO. The substantial reduction on GE levels might be associated with the removal of the precursors present in the oil such as diacylglycerols. Thus, the washing treatment could be used as a supplementary strategy to reduce processing contaminants from palm oil, especially GEs.  相似文献   

氯丙醇酯类污染物主要形成于植物油精炼过程的脱臭工序,在食品加工过程中其含量也可能会变化。不同种类的油脂中污染物含量水平不同,不同工艺生产的同种油脂中污染水平也有较大差异,通过改善生产工艺可在较大程度上减少该污染物的含量。精炼植物油是婴配食品中脂肪的重要来源,在迚行产品配方设计时,不仅应考虑使其脂肪及脂肪酸在含量与结构上与母乳匹配,还应考虑可能引入的氯丙醇酯类污染物含量水平,尽可能从源头上减少此类污染物的带入。本文通过介绍氯丙醇酯的形成机制、婴配食品中脂肪来源及生产工艺及氯丙醇酯类污染物的主要类型,以确定该污染物的来源,幵提出可采取的延缓措施,从而帮助生产企业从理论和实践水平上控制此类污染物的暴露水平。  相似文献   

目的 建立婴幼儿配方乳粉及原料中 15 种邻苯二甲酸酯的气相色谱-质谱检测方法。 方法 样品经乙腈提取后, 用 GC-MS 检测。采用外标法进行定量分析。结果 15 种邻苯二甲酸酯的线性范围除了邻苯二甲酸二异壬酯为 0.01~1 mg/L, 其余均为 0.001~1 mg/L, 相关系数大于 0.99。方法检出限(S/N=3)为 0.006~0.2 mg/kg, 定量限(S/N=10)为 0.02~0.7 mg/kg。 在奶粉基质中 3 个加标水平的平均回收率在 88.6%~117.2%, 相对标准偏差为 1.0%~9.3%。结论 本方法操作简单、精确、快速、廉价、稳定, 适用于奶粉中邻苯二甲酸酯类化合物的检测分析。  相似文献   

缩水甘油酯(GEs)和3-氯丙醇酯(3-MCPDE)是植物油精炼过程中产生的主要污染物之一。GEs和3-MCPDE伴随食用油摄入人体后,经脂肪酶水解产生的缩水甘油和3-氯丙醇具有肾脏毒性和遗传毒性。植物油中GEs和3-MCPDE主要产生于油脂精炼脱臭工段,脱臭温度、脱臭时间对GEs和3-MCPDE的生成影响巨大。从油脂精炼加工过程中GEs和3-MCPDE的形成及脱除等方面进行了综述,指出脱色和脱臭工段可促进GEs和3-MCPDE的生成,当前可通过抑制及脱除其前体物质、优化植物油脱臭条件、脱除精炼油中的GEs及3-MCPDE等方式降低植物油中GEs和3-MCPDE含量。酶制剂具有安全、无污染等优点,通过酶法酯交换降低待脱臭油脂中的甘油二酯和甘油单酯,进而减少脱臭过程中GEs及3-MCPDE的生成是降低GEs和3-MCPDE的发展趋势。  相似文献   

研究了12种共计74批次市售食用油中3-氯丙醇酯(3-MCPDE)和缩水甘油酯(GE)污染情况,及脱臭条件对二者生成的影响,以及吸附剂和分子蒸馏对二者脱除的影响。结果发现,12种食用油中3-MCPDE和GE的检出率为100%,其中3-MCPDE含量范围为0. 234~12. 212mg/kg,GE含量范围为0. 196~10. 891 mg/kg,米糠油中3-MCPDE和GE含量最高,其次为棕榈液油。脱臭温度对3-MCPDE和GE的影响显著,3-MCPDE和GE大量生成的脱臭温度分别为大于220℃和大于200℃,并且随着脱臭时间的延长3-MCPDE和GE含量增加。GE可以通过活性炭、活性白土、硅胶和凹凸棒土等吸附剂吸附脱除,脱除率可达96%以上。3-MCPDE难以通过吸附剂吸附的方式脱除。分子蒸馏可同时脱除3-MCPDE和GE,蒸馏温度230℃时3-MCPDE和GE脱除率分别达到88%和94%。  相似文献   

氯丙醇酯类污染物对人体具有潜在的危害,目前已被发现普遍存在于精炼植物油、含油脂性食品及动物乳汁及母乳中,其中精炼植物油尤其是精炼棕榈油中的污染水平较高。婴配食品中脂肪的主要来源是精炼植物油及动物脂肪,对于以婴配食品为主要食物来源的婴儿来说,此类污染物的暴露水平较高可能造成潜在的健康危害。目前婴配食品中氯丙醇酯类污染物的研究数据有限,且国内外相关法律法规不足,造成监管及生产环节关注有限。本文以婴配食品为关注点,综合介绍了国内外婴配食品中的氯丙醇酯污染状况及暴露危害、相关法律法规,并简要介绍了婴配食品中常用的氯丙醇酯检测方法,以帮助监管机构、生产企业及检测机构全面了解行业氯丙醇酯污染现状并及时做出改善。  相似文献   

为探究吸附法脱除精炼油脂中3-氯丙醇酯(3-MCPDE)和缩水甘油酯(GEs)的效果,以精炼棕榈油为原料,采用3种类型吸附剂(活性炭、活性白土、凹凸棒土)对其中的3-MCPDE和GEs进行吸附脱除,测定不同吸附剂的3-MCPDE和GEs脱除率,对吸附剂进行表征,分析其固有特性与脱除率的相关性,并研究了酸碱改性方法对吸附剂吸附脱除3-MCPDE和GEs效果的影响。结果表明:3种吸附剂及其酸碱改性后均未对3-MCPDE起到有效吸附脱除效果,而不同吸附剂对GEs表现出了不同的吸附脱除效果;9种活性炭(添加量1%)对GEs的脱除率为6.50%~98.57%,其中有2种活性炭可以有效地将GEs控制在1.00 mg/kg以内;9种活性白土(添加量0.1%)对GEs的脱除率为11.56%~83.72%;3种凹凸棒土(添加量0.5%)对GEs的脱除率为40.86%~6964%,脱除效果均不理想;相关性分析表明,GEs脱除率与活性炭的pH呈极显著负相关(p<0.01),与活性炭比表面积、介孔面积和介孔容积均呈显著正相关(p<0.05),与活性白土的pH、平均孔径呈极显著负相关(p<0.01),与活性白土的活性度呈显著正相关(p<0.05);酸改性有利于活性炭和活性白土对GEs吸附脱除,而碱改性不利于其对GEs吸附脱除。实际生产中可选择低pH、孔隙发达的活性炭或低pH、活性度高、孔隙发达的活性白土,另外可进行适当的酸改性,以达到较好脱除油脂中GEs的目的。  相似文献   

缩水甘油酯(GEs)痕量存在于精炼食用油中。食用油中缩水甘油酯检测方法主要包括间接检测法和直接检测法。间接检测法即将缩水甘油酯通过酯交换反应,解离出缩水甘油,再通过衍生化后进行GC-MS测定。直接检测法在不破坏缩水甘油酯结构的基础上,先经过或不经过样品净化步骤直接测定。对食用油中缩水甘油酯检测方法的样品处理过程、仪器条件、结果进行综述,并对检测方法的优缺点进行分析。  相似文献   

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